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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. I wouldn’t be shocked if WDV was out this year. They’ve done almost nothing with him so I didn’t get why they brought him back in 2017. The show seems to love Franco though so I would be surprised he’s out unless RH chooses to leave.
  2. Unless they de-aged BL from her last return, I’d put her at early to mid 30s since she was supposed to be the same age as Lucas and Maxie. But they have her acting extremely immature so maybe she’s supposed to be younger now. Brooke and Chase might be interesting since the Chase/Willow/Sasha/Michael quad is boring. Michael is a dud and everyone in the group is “good” so there isn’t anything there for me. They probably should have left Sasha as a schemer. Inserting Brooke might be a interesting change, especially if they still plan on doing anything with Michael and Willow. Chase doesn’t have a lot of other options if him and Willow split
  3. Julian has never been my favorite character and I only like this scenes with Ava these days. I can’t get into him and BL even if the actors have chemistry because I could only see it being played for Ned and Olivia’s reactions, not a lasting relationship. The show has no problem with making Julian the town punching bag (which is only set to get worse when the baby Wiley secret comes out) and they seem to want to make BL happen right now so a relationship with him seems like a weird direction to take. I think it’s more of an issue with the show that they don’t really have anyone else to pair her with at this time unless they start splitting some couples up or add some more 20 and 30 something actors.
  4. He definitely was and Alexis always called him her therapist but I think they changed that later on. He prescribed Brad anxiety medication and when he found Alexis after she almost got run over, he sounded like a doctor when he was talking to the EMTs.
  5. I really wish that they would just make Ned the ELQ CEO again and be done with it. At least he was believable in the role and he isn't mayor anymore so he has the time. Even if WK is barely on the show, I'm not sure it matters since there hasn't been an ELQ-related storyline since RC left. We've had 5 years of Michael as CEO and if people still aren't buying it, I don't think it's ever going to happen.
  6. I could see that because her reaction when she found out Jake was Jason’s was insane. She was more jealous of that than finding out Alexis and Sam were pregnant with Sonny’s kid and she was actually with Sonny both times.
  7. I hope they do retcon it because CD seems so awkward around Wiley. If Michael does end up with him, he’s obviously just going to end up offscreen with Avery and Donna anyway. The only issue is that I think Chase was the only other possibility for the father and I don’t want him saddled with Nelle forever
  8. I guess that mindset makes sense when you and those around you have never seriously had to pay for their crimes. The only one who sort of has is Michael and that was only because of the adults in his life trying to cover it up. The worst part is that they passed that way of thinking onto Josslyn. When Cameron got sentenced community service, she made a comment about how he should have called Diane to represent him because she gets Sonny off no matter what he does.
  9. I have a feeling that the current writers aren’t remotely interested in writing for Sonny and Carly hence why we’re seeing them shoehorned into storylines that they don’t belong in and acting like smug assholes. Sonny can’t even be bothered to be nice to Carly most of the time. I know he’s an ass but I don’t think he’s ever as rude to his SOs like he is with Carly when he’s still dating them. That side is usually doesn’t come out until things are ending or over.
  10. I’m another one who doesn’t want to see Sonny in more mob stories. That storyline was played out and a lot of his enemies (Lorenzo, Jerry, the Zaccharahs) were a lot more charismatic and interesting than Sonny and Jason. Also, I never bought anyone being intimidated by Sonny. If he gets another enemy, it’ll just be more of Sonny being a hypocrite because he’s somehow a mobster that doesn’t deal with anything bad like drugs or guns. Unless they ever plan to acknowledge that Sonny and Jason are not the good guys, I’m not interested.
  11. Sonny and Alexis was one of the few times I didn’t mind someone hiding paternity or keeping a child away from their parent because Alexis was wearing some pretty big blinders before she got pregnant when it came to Sonny. It was would have been nice if came to the realization before helping Sonny get Michael but it was refreshing that she realized that it would be dangerous to have a kid in Sonny’s life before something bad happened to her. Plus, after the paternity was revealed, she constantly had to listen to people telling her she was being paranoid and that Sonny would never let anything happen to his kids even after things happened to them.
  12. They honestly could have skipped them since we got a reprieve from Jason and Sam that episode but if they were insistent on including Sonny and Carly, they could have found another reason for them to be at GH because I don't buy that Gail would have invited them no matter how much money Sonny donates to the hospital. Although that episode also included Julian even though he never met Gail just so Alexis would have someone to share scenes with.
  13. I would assume not because a background check is required to obtain a PI license. Not that it would matter anyway because I doubt Sam met the qualifications to ever become a P.I. in the first place.
  14. I want to like BL because I wanted more focus on the Qs but something about her rubs me the wrong way so far. I feel like all of her scenes have her arguing or being rude to someone. I’m hoping something changes now that Tracy is on but if this continues, her character might be a wash to me.
  15. Scenes like that are why I never feel any sympathy for Carly when Sonny treats her like crap. As much as LW’s Carly is a bully towards most of the other characters on the show, she is Sonny’s biggest enabler and will make excuses for him until the day he dies. If he did get Jax deported again and Joss gets upset or angry, we all know that Carly will side with Sonny and tell Joss that she has to get over it and forgive him. We already saw that happen with Michael when he went against Sonny a few years ago and I don’t even think her and Sonny were together at the time.
  16. I have mixed feelings if they go down that road again. LW and IR at least have chemistry and Carly is somewhat more tolerable around Jax but Jax always came off as so pathetic in that pairing. He was never allowed to call her out until the divorce and custody battle so I don’t think things would be different this time around
  17. Interesting. She recently renewed her contract so I wonder if they reduced her minimums.
  18. Finn is far from my favorite character but I’ll pick my battles and just be glad that Sonny, Carly, Jason, and Sam were missing from the preview.
  19. I would love to see BL getting involved with ELQ. It’s been awhile since we had Qs fight over the position and I hate that they made Michael the CEO. It seemed to come out of nowhere and it wasn’t that long after he was begging Sonny to join the family business because he wasn’t going to be able to have a real career anyway being an ex-con. I feel like they just did it because Tracy and AJ got relegated to being the family screw ups and Ned was either not on the show or barely used. The only time I was ok with it was during the time he turned his back on Sonny and Carly. Since we’re never going to get that again, I don’t have any use for him.
  20. Granted I haven’t seen any recent pictures of him but he shared a scene with Joss sometime last year and he looked so much younger than her that I didn’t realize that the actors were only 2 years apart IRL. It took me out of the scene for a bit because she was asking Spencer for advice and she looked like his babysitter, not a friend. I think it would be a waste to have him on canvas and not aged up to the age of the other teens since it limits his storylines to just his family.
  21. Giving a spouse stocks with voting rights seems like it could be a problem down the line. Ned and Olivia have only been together for 4 years (married for fewer) and she’s what, his 6th wife? I even think there was a breakup somewhere in there when she decided to move back to Port Charles with Leo. It’s not the same as Monica who has been a part of the family for decades. I guess it could be more for Leo since he couldn’t legally adopt him which would have made him eligible for his own stocks considering the ridiculous way they handle the ELQ stocks.
  22. I wonder if they are setting up either having Lucas keep Wiley or some kind of joint custody arrangement with Lucas and Michael. I saw anvils with Michael being overwhelmed with Wiley and work (not that they’ll ever convince me that Michael is super busy running ELQ). It just seemed weird to mention that unless it’s leading anywhere since most of the soap kids are usually offscreen with their nannies or family members anyway.
  23. I’ve noticed this too. The characters might be slightly younger than the actresses playing them but they were teens 15 years ago so they should be in the early 30s by now. A few years ago, I remember people talking about them seeming so aimless. Before Lulu became a reporter overnight and Maxie started working at Crimson, we saw no career or other ambitions from them. These were 2 characters who aren’t trust fund kids and were involved with cops so they obviously didn’t marry rich. It was strange that we saw no references to them working. They actually might have been more mature a decade ago than they are now. I wonder if the show lacking a YA set since FV took over contributed to this. The cast has leaned more heavily towards the 40+ actors and actresses since then which meant that there weren’t many contract actresses on canvas that were younger than them. I can’t remember another time on the show where 30 something women who have been in long term relationships and have multiple children would be this infantilized. Slightly off topic but I see a similar trend with Kristina and Michael still being treated like teens despite being in their mid to late 20s. Molly and TJ seem to have been spared since they are mostly offscreen but Kristina and Michael’s families are still overly involved in their lives. Their situation is a little different than Maxie and Lulu’s though because I think that’s happened because the show has refused to let the younger generation take over and lead their own storylines.
  24. Griffin’s ties to the show were shaky since Duke was already dead by the time he came on canvas. They should have made him Anna’s son instead of Peter. Making him another Sonny ass kisser was annoying so I wasn’t sorry to see him go
  25. I still can’t believe that they gave Joss and Sonny a good relationship after he did that. He’s the reason that she couldn’t have both of her parents in her life full time. No one really is allowed to hate him, are they?
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