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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. I don’t see the big fallout from this Chase/Finn SL. We barely know Finn’s dad and stepmother so I’m not sure who cares about their POV. Finn has admitted to keeping his father and Chase at an arm’s length for decades because of this affair so he’s already not looking too good. Also, he’s a doctor and really should have known that there was a possibility he was the father so he chose to ignore it. The main drama would come from Chase and while I think he’s cute, he struggles with emotional moments.
  2. I could see that. Conveniently ignoring that Carly should have no rights to Avery if Sonny is dead. Last I heard, Ava still had her parental rights even if Sonny had primary custody. Carly hasn’t adopted Avery and has no rights as a stepparent.
  3. Yeah that was during that period where she got weirdly jealous over Julian and Alexis and would stare them down in public and show up to their house uninvited. Not sure what they were going for there since it was never shown that Olivia had any feelings for him before that.
  4. Julian did bank his marrow later on. Danny had a health scare about a year after he was sick which turned out to be a false alarm but during that time, Alexis convinced him to do it. Sam is aware
  5. My UO is that I don’t think LW is a actress that always brings it. She’s one-note and completely unable to generate sympathy. Carly hasn’t ever been a good person but the previous actresses in this role were able to bring more layers into their performance. LW reads flat to me. I think MB and SBu frequently phone it in but when they give a strong performance, I can appreciate it.
  6. The dog tags aren’t new but I’m not sure why Julian wears them. Maybe they belong to the actor? A few people were posting old Julian scenes/gifs on Twitter and he was wearing them in some old sex scene with Alexis
  7. Seeing EM now, I don’t think she can pull off playing a more interesting character so it’s a wash to me but I did use to hope for it. Especially since she had plenty of reason to hate Sonny because of him being the reason she didn’t have a full time dad.
  8. I don’t get the writing for Josslyn. The show seems to want to make her happen but at the same time, the girl is 18 and parrots all of Sonny and Carly’s opinion about everything and everyone. Michael and Morgan at least went back and forth. I just feel like I’m missing something because they are writing her as boring and kind of clueless and I don’t think that’s their intention.
  9. Maybe because it’s a temp recast and Lucas is permanent? They announced the Sam temp recast too. Not sure if they did for Brook Lynn
  10. The show hasn’t attempted to do a realistic portrayal of PIs in years when you look at Sam’s attempts. They think it means playing dress up and lying to break into places.
  11. I’m trying to figure out Tracy’s thought process. Getting Alexis out of town so she wouldn’t spill about the ONS made perfect sense but what does setting her up for a DUI do?
  12. I recall Jason trying to leave the mob twice. Once after Robin was targeted and once for baby Michael aka the only kid he’s ever sacrificed for. I guess he kinda did in 2005 too but he had amnesia so that didn’t count. He wasn’t as enmeshed with Carly and Sonny those times as he is now
  13. They took a sledgehammer to jasam today. Color me surprised since I thought that was going to be a temporary separation. Tracy scheming against Alexis is so confusing. Why is she wasting her time with this when she could be scheming against Valentin to try to get ELQ back? Like Alexis said, she has no desire to let anyone know the truth and it’s just cheating, not a capital offense. Carly’s made a bunch of comments since Thanksgiving or so that have been very pointed to me. The show normally tries to act likes she’s the mother of the year but she’s basically been admitting that she isn’t putting her kids first and they’ll deal. I just wonder if it’s intentional. Would love it if it was but never know when I see things differently than how the writers want me to. Danny was planned. They discussed having a kid and Sam even had a surgery correcting whatever was causing her fertility problems. It was just when she actually found out she was pregnant that the issue with Franco and who the father was came into play.
  14. They never will because they want to continue to allow Sonny to be on his high horse about the rival mobsters and whatever they are dealing in. It’s always been dumb. Sonny doesn’t touch drugs, guns, his casinos are legit, etc. The only thing mobster-y I recall being confirmed about him is that he shakes down small businesses for protection money, which is really gross. Coleman mentioned it years ago and so did someone else (Ned maybe?). Anyway, his need to launder money means he brings in illegal money doing something.
  15. I’m betting just more scenes of Sam talking/scolding her mom for drinking until they rush her and Jason back together. How they’ll do that without making her look like a terrible mother, I don’t know. From yesterday and today’s dialogue, they’ve established the danger, which she might have accepted but her kids didn’t, and that Jason is an absent father. They aren’t going to have him leave the mob and choose his family over Carly, Sonny and their kids.
  16. I’d be shocked if Olivia cares. She’s always been a Sonny worshipper and was cheerleading Jason during her last conversation with Julian. Despite wanted to raise Dante away from the mob, she’s beyond hope.
  17. That scenes was... yikes. They wanted Carly to play wise mob moll to Sam’s clueless one but made her sound so heartless. It’s true that she doesn’t care about the risks to her children but the show has been trying to pretend like Carly’s a good mother for years so I wonder why they actually had her say that.
  18. I think having Julian deliver the bomb was just another way of giving Sonny/Jason a pass for their mob activity. It makes Julian the big evil in this instead of Cyrus. Cyrus could have had any of his men do this but if he did, they would have to acknowledge Sason antagonized him and they were supposed to “take care” of him but didn’t. It’s annoying how they are always protected in some way. Wonder if Jason being the true target will even get mentioned
  19. I don’t know if that applies given Julian was a recast. They did add a whole backstory to tie him to Alexis and Sam but they used his history early on with Duke/Anna, made Lucas his son, etc
  20. I don’t think it’s that they couldn’t, especially on a show where Sonny, Jason, and Franco are in long term pairings. They just weren’t interested in it. I think RC was the only HW interested in writing for Julian. Things really went off the rails for his character after Ron was fired.
  21. I thought the same. Kristina is too connected to the canvas to be conspicuously missing from certain events. They wrote her off 2 or 3 times before by saying she moved out of state. All they have to say is she left again and that’s why she’s not around.
  22. Sam’s reasoning for excluding Kristina from the intervention was interesting considering that she’s been less than delicate when dealing with Alexis. I’m wondering how she thinks she’s coming off. Side-note, I find Kristina to be an immature brat most of the time but it annoys me that they write her relationship with Alexis the way that they do. They got along fine when she was a kid and a teen for the most part. Their issues were typical parent/child ones. Teen Kristina’s issues were mostly with Sonny, not Alexis. There was a big shift in those relationship dynamics when LA returned to the role a few years back but it never made sense to me. I have a feeling it just happened because Sonny’s kids aren’t allowed to hate him or get angry at him anymore so Kristina’s relationship with her mother has to suffer.
  23. It’s strange since Alexis has already lashed out at Sam twice when she tried to get her to stop drinking. She should expect it. I don’t see how an intervention would work. Sam was already keeping her kids away from Alexis and that didn’t stop her from drinking and Sam was already “done” with her at the MC. She hasn’t been seeking Sam out, or anyone really. Cutting Alexis off is just giving her what she wants.
  24. Whew these writers really hate Julian. They simultaneously write him as a coward and villain.
  25. I saw a spoiler with Brad and Britt for next week. Something about her catching Brad having a nightmare
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