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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. Pretty much. They basically went the most boring way they could possibly do it. And Michael, the actual father, had to sacrifice the least given his reaction and how passive he’s been through this whole situation.
  2. So we’re supposed to buy Michael and Sasha as some great love story? Michael was more upset at Chase hurting Willow than he was about sleeping with his girlfriend.
  3. I agree. The show should have already made Sasha more of a bad girl. A con artist trying to get money from Nina or latching onto Michael once she found out he was a CEO. If they haven’t done that yet, we won’t get her intentionally trying to steal Chase. If they end up together, it’s going to be for a lame reason like being sad about Michael and Willow hooking up after they basically pushed them into that situation. This show is determined on going the least soapy route for every storyline.
  4. As this Wiley story drags on, it just becomes more and more obvious how unnecessary Sasha is in this storyline. Her motivations don’t make any sense and I don’t care about her with Michael so I don’t really feel anything for her in this situation. A Willow/Michael/Chase/Nelle would have been more interesting. Not necessarily as pairings but the interactions. Chase and Nelle have history and this quad needs someone who isn’t so bland.
  5. I’m actually a little shocked that they aren’t sacrificing Chase and Sasha for Michael. We’ve seen that done multiple times for Jason to avoid making him look like the bad guy when he was the other man. Makes me wonder what their long term plan is for Chase.
  6. I could actually see it going Nelle’s way. If it was anyone else, I’d say it’s a done deal but the show is strangely in love with her and now they are tying her to Nina who they are also inexplicably in love with. After those “Carly” episodes became more about Nelle, I think the tides are turning. I might be wrong but I just have a hunch.
  7. I don’t get the writing for the Michael quad, it’s so idiotic. Chase and Willow had plans so he obviously knew she was coming over and we’re really supposed to buy Willow believing that he was cheating on her? They’re so clearly setting it up for Michael and Willow to get involved and then find out that Chase and Sasha were faking all along. Where is the angst in a storyline like that? Chase and Sasha are dumb for pretending and Michael and Willow will feel guilty for 5 seconds only to have everyone tell them that it wasn’t their fault because they couldn’t have known. I guess bright side is they don’t have to bother trying to make Michael and Willow look like a sexy couple now since they won’t be cheating and they can continue to make their relationship 100% about Wiley.
  8. Sonny only has Kristina, Avery, and Donna right now but it would still be 9 total since you left off his mid with Sam. Also, Carly has been pregnant 6 times. There was that WTD pregnancy before Joss after she cheated on Jax with Sonny. The one that she was going to pretend Jason was the father for whatever reason.
  9. Since we are stuck with this storyline, I hope this is where they are going. They are making Willow look more and more unhinged while Nelle is a sociopath but can pull off the act pretty well. It would be nice to see this dumb plan blow up in their faces because they ignored Willow’s issues and that she would be a liability.
  10. The flashbacks already make the show borderline unwatchable but I would hope they try to stick to ones that people might actually want to see. Today’s have been mostly Peter who is probably one of the most universally disliked characters. Even fans who can’t agree on anything else agree on their dislike of him.
  11. Was yesterday’s party prep episode and today’s party originally 1 episode? If so, I guess that’s why we got a whole montage for Chase and Willow yesterday and Finny/Hayden/Violet today. The party was a cute idea although I question why anyone other than Friz, Liz’s kids, Chase/Willow, and Robert are there. It’s not like Finn’s friends with or related to any of the others and Violet hasn’t exactly been in town long enough to make a million friends. It’s a little strange that this particular birthday has more guests than all of the weddings, funerals, etc from recent years.
  12. If they really want to make it seem like Nelle has a real shot as custody and Michael needs to marry Willow, they should stop acting like he’s perfect. Michael is also a felon and the son of a mob boss who hasn’t distanced himself from his father despite being kidnapped and shot as a child. Right now they’re making the custody battle already seem lopsided so it makes it even dumber for Michael to go to all of the these lengths to try to give himself a better case. Also, he needs to realize that it doesn’t matter how good of a parent he may be. That would work for him getting primary custody but he would need to prove that Nelle’s unfit and dangerous for Wiley to be around. And even then, I’m not sure it would work if you look at the show’s history because Alexis still had supervised visitation when she lost custody of Kristina when they thought she had DID.
  13. Why does this show want to give the same storylines to multiple characters? So far we have: 1. Forced separation with Alexis/Neil and Jason/Sam 2. Custody battle with Wiley and Charlotte 3. Likely marriage of convenience with Michael/Willow and Nelle/Valentin Maybe it’s always been like this and I’m just noticing it now but it’s strange. They don’t have anything different people can do? All it leads to is comparisons on which one is done better.
  14. They’ve been overplaying Willow’s connection to Wiley. Yes, she thought she was Wiley’s birth mother but the constant talk about how much Wiley needs her and having Michael reach out to her for help when Wiley was crying is too much. I get that they want to pretend that Lucas doesn’t exist but to Wiley, Willow’s been an occasional babysitter, not this parent so all of this is too much. I guess I should just prepare myself for a year or 2 down the line when Michael and Willow split up and they end up fighting for custody of Wiley. And I agree with what everyone said earlier about Michael and Nelle. I don’t think she’s a danger to Wiley but he doesn’t want her in his life because he doesn’t like her. It’s just like Sonny and Ava. Although, I think Avery is the only time Sonny actually gained primary custody so even his entitlement only went so far. Someone in Michael’s life should tell him that it’s better for both parents to be in a kid’s life unless one is actually a danger to him but everyone in his a mess or a sycophant. All he really has to do look back on his own life and his to see how that’ll effect his kid. He had a good relationship with AJ as an adult and it seemed like he wanted more time with him when he died, part of the reason Kristina is a mess is supposed to be because of an absent father, etc.
  15. Britt’s already gone? I don’t get it. Did they seriously just bring her back to bang Julian and tell him Alexis and Neil slept together? I can’t with this show. This might have edged out Tracy as the most wasted recent return for me.
  16. Charlotte Roberts was Carly’s best friend growing up. She was on the show in 2005 using the name Reese Marshall to help with Sonny’s kids kidnapping but I think she was really there to get revenge on Carly. I can’t remember the details. Anyway, I think her difference in appearance was explained away with plastic surgery which is why Carly didn’t recognize her.
  17. I thought I saw a spark with Chase and BL. Doesn’t seem like it’s going anywhere since it seems like they are going to have her cause problems with Lulu and Dustin but I think her and Chase could be interesting. It’s a little weird that BL’s been on the show for 7 months and they haven’t done anything with her romance wise beyond a few chem tests.
  18. I know he just announced it but I’ve seen people speculating that he was gone for a few weeks since he removed GH from his twitter bio and hasn’t posted anything about the show since 3/1. I wonder if they plan to replace him.
  19. That has happened so many times on soaps and there’s almost always a backlash. You can’t introduce a new family, put them front and center, and expect the audience to instantly care about them. People get annoyed because their faves either get backburned or get stuck propping a newbie rather than getting to lead a storyline. It works better when characters are slowly introduced.
  20. The worst part of it is that they are probably just going to couple swap even though Sasha is boring and well past her expiration date on the show. She really should have been written out after it was revealed that she wasn’t Nina’s daughter. They should be using this as an opportunity to put Chase with someone else. I think Chase is pretty but he’s kinda dull and he needs to be put with someone with more personality to liven him up.
  21. They aren’t even trying with the episodes they are choosing to repeat and using flashbacks to strech out their episodes. I’m going to laugh when their rating start falling while so many people are at home during the day.
  22. Seriously? They couldn’t even get a cast member to do it?
  23. Jason and Carly’s relationship has always been a mess but it’s been written as particularly sad since SB’s return. It’s weird that Jason treats her like his soulmate and all of Carly’s emotional moments are with him and not her husband. I think a lot of Jason’s lines and reactions are not in character with how he acted prior to 2012. He was always Carly’s hero but their friendship was more lopsided on Carly’s side than what we are seeing now. If they are going to write them this way, they might as well have put them together since Jason saying Carly coming into his life being the best thing that ever happened to him a day or so after breaking up with Sam was a weird choice. And it’ll look even worse considering that the episode that they are re-airing tomorrow is the one where Jason offers to run away with Carly, with no thought to leaving his kids behind.
  24. I think Carly is supposed to be around 20 in the flashbacks so EM is a little young. And I agree Nelle blaming Carly doesn’t make a lot of sense. The show probably wants her to seem completely irrational so no one will be on her side. This is the reason that they should have either made her Carly’s long lost daughter or had her involved with Jax in the stolen kidney stuff so she would at least have a reason to be angry with Carly. While I don’t think they should bothered with making anyone Nina’s daughter, I’m glad it’s Nelle instead of Willow. Even when Nina and Willow were not getting along, there wasn’t much of a storyline in making Nina her mother. Nina was so rude and cruel to her for no reason that there’s no way that I could see either one of them wanting anything to do with each put her once the truth was revealed. At least with Nelle, I could see Nina wanting to get closer to Nelle for access to her grandson and Nelle wanting money and a support system for help with the custody battle. It’ll also cause issues for Jax who will either side with Nelle and piss off Joss and Carly or with Michael and ruin his relationship with Nina. Nelle needs someone on her side who isn’t completely shady because even though Michael is going to win, it’s so lopsided now.
  25. Slightly off-topic but I'm guessing that Sasha and Chase are not going to have any issues with Willow and Michael getting married for Wiley. The show is probably going for a redo of that Ned/Alexis/Jax/Chloe storyline from 20 years ago. That one was dumb for other reasons but Willow and Michael will be significantly worse since: 1. Chloe only had to stay married for 1 year to satisfy to contract. Ned volunteered to marry Chloe since he and Alexis weren't planning to get married for that next year anyway. Willow and Michael will need to stay together for significantly longer since this is for a custody battle so I can't imagine why their SOs would be ok with this. Do either of them not have plans to ever settle down and get married and have families of their own? Even during the original mixed marriages storyline, they struggled with having to sneak around and that only lasted for a few months. 2. Ned and Chloe didn't have to prove that their relationship was valid like Michael and Willow would during a custody battle. They just couldn't get caught cheating. It wouldn't be hard for Nelle's lawyer to show that Michael and Willow were both in long term relationships with other people and just got together. 3. With the original quad, no one outside of them knew the truth so they had to keep up appearances with their other friends and family. Michael can't do anything without his family's involvement so I'm sure that they'll all be in the loop which means that this will only really be a "secret" for Nelle and whoever is on her side. 4. The mixed marriages storyline was mostly played for wacky hijinks and they were also involved in other stories at the same time (at least Ned, Alexis and Jax were). This one is clearly going to be all Wiley all of the time. 5. Willow already has an unhealthy attachment to Wiley and making her his surrogate mother should be concerning to people who care about her. Even if that wasn't an issue, it's not healthy for Wiley to get attached to her if she isn't planning to be in his life long term and how would they reconcile having a fake relationship once Wiley is old enough to recognize what's going on? While I don't think most of this would be an actual issue since this is clearly a set-up for Michael and Willow to get together, they should be the reasons to at least have Sasha and Chase not ok with the situation. It's not like this quad has even been in each others lives for that long to make this kind of sacrifice.
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