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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. It would have been better if they made Michael intentionally manipulative here but of course they don’t want him to look bad. This quickie adoption makes sense if he wanted Willow but realized that she had no reason to stay in this fake marriage with Nelle out of the picture so he was using the adoption as a way to keep her in their lives. Like how Carly used baby Michael to stay close to Jason.
  2. That’s a little surprising. I thought they would just have Nelle missing a week and then come back. I’m sure she’ll come back eventually but I’ll take the reprieve. I’m ok with the character in smaller doses but it’s mainly just because she’s a Corinthos foil. She was never someone I wanted to see 4 days a week and the show used her a lot back when she was on contract and all of this year.
  3. The show fell in love with MG and extended this story for much longer than it was originally supposed to go on for. It was never my favorite, mostly because of MB’s acting during it, but even a lot of people who liked the story initially are tired of it now and just want Mike to die.
  4. I’m hoping Neil’s death will lead to some kind of real story or material for Alexis. I thought she did a great job today. I like the character but she’s been so weirdly stagnant for the last few years. Her only storylines have been this non-relationship and a couple months of Keifer’s sister trying to kill her. I’m amazed NLG is still on contract at this point.
  5. LW normally gets lip injections. She must not have gotten them done again in the last few months. If you look at old pics of her, she has pretty thin lips.
  6. I’ve never thought about it before but that is true. This show loves having her go through multiple horrible things at once so giving her cancer again along with being disbarred and a dead bf would be fitting. Though I thought they were setting her up for a prescription pain addiction instead.
  7. I don’t see how with the way they’ve been writing Julian. Maybe if they have her spiraling out of control from this but otherwise, I can’t see it happening.
  8. I can’t believe that they actually had Alexis bang a guy to death.
  9. I wasn’t really into Britt/Julian either. It was random and just seemed to be a pp so she could spill to him that Alexis hooked up with the shrink. I was disappointed with her return considering what was going on with Brad and Dr. O at the time and how she pretty much just shrugged it off. I’m hoping that they had an actual plan for her but some SL changes happened that screwed with it. I saw KG mention a few months back that she wasn’t aware that her last scenes were an exit story when she filmed them.
  10. Nelle was spot on with Michael yesterday and I took those scenes to be speaking to the audience just like that Kristina/Sam fight a few months back. It’s not going to change anything. Michael exists to give his family, mostly Carly, things to do. I don’t think they have the interest in writing him to be his own man. Even compared to Josslyn it’s sad. She’s still a teen and already a more independent character than her 30 year old brother.
  11. Mid March I think though I think it’s still supposed to be May in PC
  12. I don’t care how horrible Nelle is and that she shouldn’t have the kid. I will never root for Carly, at least this version of her. Partly due to how the character is written and partly because LW stopped playing any sort of nuance a long time ago and relies on acting smug and yelling at everyone. Maybe I’d feel differently if it was truly Michel versus Nelle but it isn’t.
  13. I don’t think they cast her with a storyline idea behind it. How they’ve been using leads me to believe that they just wanted to give Trina a family and to make her father Curtis. Hopefully that’ll change and they will give her more but if something big doesn’t come up soon, I doubt it ever will. The cast is huge but they only give a handful of characters focus.
  14. I’ve been over Julian for awhile but I’m more tired of Sonny threatening people. Not only can he not pull off intimidating, he never follows through so it’s all empty.
  15. I love KT but I don’t know what to think after her last return. Especially given that she’s an OB and all 3 characters she’s related to that are currently on the show (Peter, Nina, Nelle) are ones that I don’t care to see. If they aren’t bringing Brad or Dr. O back, her return is a wash to me.
  16. Considering Michael’s childhood and given what we know about Willow’s, there’s no way those 2 should be the most boring characters on the show.
  17. I think the same thing every year. LLC always looks cute during these performances but she can’t sing at all so I don’t get why they insist on a duet with them every year. Ned’s better solo or with another character that can carry a tune like he used to do in all of the NBs before he and Olivia got together.
  18. It’s just like having Peter commit more crimes last year and this year if they aren’t planning on treating him like a villain. Peter getting a kid and Nelle getting a mother aren’t going to redeem them to the audience so I don’t get what they are going for.
  19. When is WdV’s contract up because there’s no way this isn’t an exit SL.
  20. Relationship angst has to have some stakes. Chase and Sasha fake cheating isn’t it and it doesn’t seem like they are willing to do anything real for the other couples. They have to be willing to really blow couples up on occasion for any of the angst to mean anything.
  21. Brook Lynn is definitely supposed to be in her 30s. She just gets written as really immature. Sort of like Kristina who I’ve always wished had parents who were harder on her but I’ve given up on that front.
  22. Michael having no reaction to losing the CEO position made sense to me. He’s never had to really fight for the position, sacrifice anything, or do anything to gain acceptance into that family like the other Quartermaines have. He’s always been treated like the golden child and had everything handed to him on a silver platter. It would be nice to see him face some real hardships but he gets Jason-level writing where everyone bends over backwards to praise him and call him perfect.
  23. Everyone sees things differently but LH has only come off as OTT for me during the first half of her scenes with Alexis. Other than that, I thought she’s been doing great. Some of the scenes I didn’t love, like the one with Brando, I don’t think any actor could have made better. I think a lot of the fault is just in how Sam is written. She just doesn’t come off as pleasant with anyone other than a handful of characters.
  24. I think it works better with Valentin even though I know most people don’t enjoy him either. I love him away from Nina but I think JPS is more charismatic than WR.
  25. Unless I misheard them today, it sounded like she wasn’t going to even get off parole. She’s giving away the kids’ voting proxies for years just to get a different parole officer. All for what, to sit by Jason’s bedside for a few days? I’m sure he’s going to ask her to stay away as soon as he wakes up because it’s too dangerous.
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