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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. I never felt for Sam during that time period. She could just as easily have asked Sonny to not go after Julian if he agreed to bank his bone marrow and she didn’t. Also, banking his bone marrow was an experimental procedure from what I remember. There’s no guarantee it would have worked so Sam should have wanted Julian alive just as a safeguard anyway.
  2. Anytime I see someone get utilized more that is normally on the sidelines, I’m usually wary. That always seems to be a hint that someone is about to be out the door.
  3. I never thought they were bringing Dante back to reunite them. It was weird that he was on the show for 8 years and only had 1 pairing aside from an affair. If anything, they could think this makes it easier for fans to accept Dante with someone new. And I agree about WdV. The last few days has been anvil heavy and his character has basically been the town punching bag for 3 years.
  4. So when are they killing Julian off because there were all kinds of anvils in those Alexis/Julian scenes today.
  5. That preview was strange. Danny looked like he was a pre-teen last time we saw him. Hard to imagine that he’d be interested in putting on a costume to hang around the PH. I assume that’s what Sam meant anyway since it didn’t sound like they were doing it on actual Halloween day. Also, how busy are these kids that Wednesday worked best with their schedules?
  6. I don’t think there are any issues between WK and IR. I just don’t believe that the current writers know or care about Jax’s history. IR was fired in 2011 before or around the time that FV took over and his brief returns were all focused on Carly. They hardly acknowledge that Jax has connections to the canvas beyond Carly and Sonny and clearly just brought him on for Nina hence why he’s been in this bubble the whole time. I don’t really mind though because he’s been terrible since he returned. He’s never been the strongest actor but he had onscreen chemistry with most people. I don’t see it anymore so I’d rather they keep him around characters I don’t enjoy.
  7. It’s a weird choice. They throw scenes in like that in so the writers must know how portions of the audience feel about them but it always comes from people who are outcasts or screw-ups or situations like this where the person shouldn’t be taken seriously. God forbid any of the more moral characters on the show state their opinions outright
  8. Did they say that? She didn’t even know the shares were going to Valentin when she signed them over. She gave them to Linc, that shady music producer, in exchange for getting out of her contract. She wasn’t aware that Valentin had the shares until much later.
  9. But it wasn’t Spencer who was saying this. It was Nikolas. There’s definitely been a shift within the last 5 years where no one can say anything remotely negative about Sonny anymore. A lot of these older characters weren’t blind to Sonny’s faults 10 years ago even though Sonny still won all of the time.
  10. Same here. I like Dante but I’m not looking forward to this because his relationship with Lulu and Rocco are going to be a distant third to Sonny and Olivia’s pain. I’m not sure whose worse between the 2 because they are both unwatchable to me in completely different ways.
  11. FV has really found a new Starr in Josslyn, poor singing included. His obsessions have always confused me
  12. I didn’t mind as much in this case since Harrison is very formal and I don’t see his mom calling him by his last name. It annoys me that Portia refers to Taggart by his last name
  13. Sorased BL was in town as a teen back in 2004-2005. She was the same age as Maxie, Lucas, and Dillon back then so it makes sense but I don’t know how long she was still in high school
  14. It’s strange because they never had that problem with Morgan but they insist on writing Michael and Josslyn as super bland and never knowingly doing anything wrong.
  15. I swear these teens are more boring than real life teens. Trina is the only one I find somewhat watchable. The other 3 are ffw material. I don’t know, maybe they appeal to fans of their parents because I really feel like I’m missing something with them.
  16. The game was rained out so they chose to show GH instead
  17. They dated for a few months in 2014/2015 between Alexis/Julian break-ups. I can’t remember for how long since it was hard to tell they were together half the time but they definitely slept together the same night Julian/Olivia had their ONS.
  18. I’m pretty sure they kissed just going by the dialogue they had afterwards. If she pushed him away, there probably would have been some reference to it. Instead she was still flirting with him and he was staring her down.
  19. I’m torn about it. I didn’t like that made Alexis an alcoholic when the SL happened but I do like that they have shown her as someone who continues to struggle with it and has relapsed a couple times. It’s much more realistic than how the show normally treats addiction issues which is just for the Emmy reel that they promptly forget about. Case in point Finn. But since they normally do that, it makes the characters who struggle look worse.
  20. I didn’t even know Bobbie and Scott were dating so I’m not sure what the point of that break-up was. Are they actually planning on doing something with either of them?
  21. I listened to an interview WK did on a podcast yesterday and he mentioned GF opted not to return until things settle down. He brought that up in relation to the Cyrus SL since she was supposed to be heavily involved and he doesn’t know where it’s going now.
  22. Is KeMo playing her scenes wrong or is there some reason Sam is so angry all of the time? She’s had an insane amount of scenes this year where she’s yelling at someone and/or accusing someone of something that they didn’t do. Earlier in the year, I thought it was intentional and she was lashing out because of the parole restrictions but I don’t know anymore. What is she so miserable all of the time? In the grand scheme of things, she’s in a better situation than 95% of characters but she’s one of the unhappiest.
  23. I don’t care about Joss and Dev being fake step relatives. It’s not like they grew up together as family. However I found Maxie/Lucas/Georgie icky even though Lucas is adopted. They did grow up together and had known each other their whole lives as family. Adopted family is still family so I was glad they dropped that.
  24. I wouldn’t mind them doing Olivia/Robert for real but after they have Ned/Olivia split. They’ve been getting decent feedback and a happy Ned/Olivia only exist on the back burner. The show has never had much of an interest in their pairing. Tbh, I’ve never seen the appeal of those 2 together other than Olivia being a discount Lois.
  25. I’ve seen a few people post that Genie always goes on vacation late summer until around Labor Day. If that’s the case, she should be back really soon but I haven’t seen any indication that she’s taping right now. Something is up because a lot of these Lulu scenes were clearly written for Laura.
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