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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. @Melgaypet I’ve always held the same thoughts about Olivia. Pretty much everything we’ve seen onscreen from her since the time Dominic was revealed to be Dante has completely negated her backstory. Her words today were completely in character for her. She acts like Sonny walks on water. It’s bizarre since they haven’t been together in years and the rest of Sonny’s exes have called him out on occasion during the times they weren’t sleeping with him.
  2. I found it hilarious that she made Lulu the godmother considering that they weren’t close for much longer than after that baptism. IIRC all of that stuff with Dante and Carly seeking revenge came pretty close after that. But I guess she had no other options for godmother since she had no female friends.
  3. Sorry I should have spelled it out. It was Kin Shriner who has heavy scenes coming up, not Kirsten Storms. I don’t know if I’d consider Peter to be polarizing. He’s pretty universally hated on SM. Franco has fans because of Roger and Friz but there’s also a lot of others who hate him.
  4. Can’t speak for that particular site but I did hear someone is getting killed off and the exit was already filmed. Supposedly the character is polarizing so 1 group will be celebrating and while another will be angry. Franco would fit that, especially since that Cameron was also spoiled to have something big coming up and KS also hinted at having some heavy scenes. If it isn’t Franco, I’m not sure who it would be. There’s a few characters who fit that bill but they’ve been with the show longer and FV seems adverse to killing off longer term characters. Aside from Jason (assuming he never intended to bring him back), the other major characters that have been killed were all created under Frank or were brought back from the dead under him.
  5. Jason’s return was a mess and I still believe that KM completely tanking their scenes was a large part of why it was dropped so quickly. I’m sure it was originally planned to be a traditional triangle story where Sam was genuinely torn but would end up reuniting with Jason but she played every scene like she didn’t want to be in the same room with him. I think her POV would have been more fleshed out if they actually played out that SL. Also, us never seeing Drew without Jason’s memories made it impossible for me to see the real differences between the 2 and whether Sam would have wanted the real Drew.
  6. I agree with you though I also thought he had decent chem with NL’s Emily. He was a great actor and he had great non-romantic chem with a lot of his costars but I didn’t see it romantically with all of those other women either. The set-up with Carly and Zander was particularly terrible since it was clear she was still in love with Sonny and was just using him. Even if they had chem (which I didn’t see much of), I couldn’t get past that part since Zander didn’t deserve it. Not surprisingly, she forgot he existed as soon as she got back together with Sonny, so much for that close friendship.
  7. One thing that’s consistent about this crew is that they are complete hypocrites. Everything they do is excusable but if the exact same thing is done to them or their loved ones, it’s the end of the world. I can think of more examples than I could count just off the top of my head. That’s why I don’t enjoy watching them and I’ve liked plenty of unapologetic villains.
  8. I feel like they just throw stuff like that in there so Carly and Jason fans can justify their faves not being in the wrong. There’s a desire within that fanbase to be seen as badass but never held accountable for anything bad they did. Like how they always mentioned that Sonny/Jason were “good” guys because they didn’t traffic in drugs or guns like the other mobsters. It doesn’t work for me. Carly still kidnapped an sick, old woman who wasn’t involved in this and we already know how insufferable she would be if someone targeted Michael or Josslyn to keep Sonny in line even if they weren’t harmed in the process.
  9. Lol I don’t know why the HWs are lying about it. Perhaps it was the plan when Nelle first came on because she had scenes with MSt’s Nina but there’s no way it’s been the plan this whole time. It’s pretty clear that they had no plan for Nina’s daughter and they changed their minds on who it was multiple times.
  10. I’ll keep my expectations low but I did love Zander. However, the fact that the article mentioned Franco more prominently than Liz or Cameron leads me to believe that it’ll probably be some way to prop super dad Franco. Something cheesy like Franco having a hallucination of Zander telling him he has to survive since Cameron already lost 1 father.
  11. I’m getting a sinking suspicion that they are going to temporarily reunite them right before Sonny comes back. I don’t think their chemistry is still there and I agree with you that Carly was horrible for Jax even when they had chemistry. I remember IR working a weird schedule back then with long vacations and I wonder if that’s why they had them together. It gave Carly a pairing but she still had plenty of time to be all in the middle of Jason and Sonny’s business.
  12. Does Peter even fall in this case? Seems to me like they always meant to him to be a long term character (at least by the time they decided to cast WR) and they haven’t made a real attempt to redeem him in the last 3+ years. They just have Anna and Maxie blind to who he is while everyone else mostly ignores what he’s done and/or doesn’t know the full extent of it.
  13. I get the impression that he’s going for Shakespearean. Problem is he’s a weak actor and GH lacks direction on how to play scenes and hardly does multiple takes so I doubt anyone is telling him to cut it out.
  14. Mo made some passive aggressive comments about Ron not being a Sonny fan and alluded to being part of the reason he was fired at some fan event 6 years ago. He’s now claiming he didn’t but there’s a still a video floating around on YT.
  15. Michael, no one thinks you were going to take over for Sonny. They treat you like a helpless child. The less than can be said about Peter today, the better. I know WR went to Julliard but does the show really not see how bad his acting is? Clearly they don’t since they keep giving him these big monologues.
  16. I get the Liz comparison but I agree that it’s not exactly the same. Franco isn’t running around doing evil things anymore but she is in denial about what could happen with this tumor and seems to lack basic empathy for his victims and their loved ones. She, like Maxie, does want Franco to be universally accepted by the town and lashes out when people speak out against him. I also think that they completely muted her POV in this SL because of it. She is just Franco’s cheerleader now.
  17. I still think they have a chemistry problem but she does smile and laugh around him so I think they are supposed to be flirting. Though if they want to go that route, they’ll have to change up their dialogue. Their scenes so far have been discussing their fathers’ deaths and his attempted murder/her mom’s alcoholism. The laughing and joking around during these convos has been extremely odd.
  18. I don’t see it either and both of them are too low energy. They each need someone more lively to bounce off of. He has a better spark with Maxie and it would be a better story if they ever recast Lulu and brought her out of a coma.
  19. They let the Wiley baby switch story fizzle out with a disappointing reveal and lackluster custody battle so I wouldn’t be surprised if Nina/Nelle follows a similar path. Maybe they have no big plans for the fallout and just want to finally wrap up the SL. Carly’s response was on brand for her though. Still lying and lashing out even though she’s so obviously been caught. I’d like to see Carly get her comeuppance and for Nina to seek revenge but I’m not holding out hope. At least we won’t have to hear about this stupid necklace anymore.
  20. This group of teens are remarkably obtuse to the kind of people their parents and stepparents are and people’s histories with each other so that doesn’t surprise me. Even the things they used to know have long been forgotten, i.e. Cameron getting bullied at school over his mom being engaged to a serial killer 2 years ago. On the other hand, Carly and Franco were engaged, though the show pretty much ignores that whole SL, so I doubt they still hate each other.
  21. Admittedly I’m not much of an Olivia fan but should I really be rooting for her to seek revenge against Alexis? I don’t know, Alexis is just so gone right now that it it just seems like punching down. Also, Olivia knows that she didn’t intentionally go after Dante, he got in the way. I was already cringing at Olivia being so much more angry at Alexis than Ned over his cheating. It does her character a disservice, smack down moments aside.
  22. I think so. Her Carly never loses so that probably plays into it but LW leans into the smugness way too much where I think the first 2 Carly’s had a vulnerability underneath. SB’s Carly did terrible things but I still rooted for her in a way that I never have for this Carly.
  23. Carly had both Bobbie and Joss parroting her. All 3 generations are a waste.
  24. Alexis and Julian weren’t together at the time. That was during one of their break-ups and Alexis was dating Ned. They were all at the same NYE party and Julian and Olivia spent the night mooning over Ned and Alexis and ended up having a drunken ONS. Olivia later discovered she was pregnant right around the time that Alexis decided to dump Ned and reunite with Julian.
  25. I think LLC did a decent job with her scenes but I didn’t feel for Olivia. Mostly because of her history. I can’t forget how she treated Lulu when Dante cheated on her and when she found out Sonny cheated, she said she wished she didn’t know so she could stay in denial. I don’t see them ending Ned/Olivia over this so there’s no fallout. They’ll get thrown back together in a week or so with none of their issues addressed. They haven’t acknowledged all of the fighting before she left to see Dante and that she felt like Ned wasn’t there for her when she was having trouble dealing with what happened to her son and was more focused on ELQ.
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