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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. I saw that too and ugh. If they needed to give “angst” to Chet/Terry, they could have easily used the fact that he works for Sonny (he runs that boxing gym last we heard). I can’t with his annoying sister and unless they’re making her transphobic, which I doubt, what’s going to be her issue with Terry?
  2. Tbh Carly annoys me far more than Sonny does these days and LW is riding out this show until cancellation so MB’s retirement wouldn’t mean much to me.
  3. I also agree with the others that those Harmony/Alexis scenes weren’t great. Maybe the actress is good but she wasn’t put into the best position with having to film a highly emotional scene on her first day. It’s disappointing because I’m sure NLG would have slayed the scenes realizing that the woman she’d grown close to for months over the objections of everyone in her life was the one responsible for her bf’s death and indirectly set her down that destructive path. Basically her fans missed the big payoff from this whole arc. Kind of like when they had Trina find out Taggart was alive when he was temp recasted.
  4. So Harmony killed Neil because he was going to tell Willow that she wasn’t her mother. Doesn’t that break doctor/patient confidentiality? Though this is the same psychiatrist who slept with a recent ex-patient so maybe he wasn’t big on professional ethics.
  5. Lol so are Brasha being relegated to being Sonny/Nina’s new couple friends? I always wonder why they’re still on the show every time they pop up so I guess they finally found a use for them. They really missed the mark on all of their 20-somethings. Everyone is varying degrees of bland or insufferable. Not one of them has any sort of spark.
  6. I’ll stand on that ledge with you. I found Michael just as smug and entitled back then and thought CD couldn’t pull off whatever they were going for and I detest Sonny and Carly so that SL was tailor made for someone like me
  7. Tbh I think we’re supposed to be rooting for him like we’re supposed to be rooting for Carly even though they both come off extremely unlikeable to me. Michael being so anti-Nina has made him look even more annoying and hypocritical. I don’t buy that he even cared that Sonny was gone or grieved for him since he was on a ton and we never saw it so his anger at Nina really seems to be him making his mom’s enemy his own. He was too busy banging his best friend’s wife and cheerleading Jarly saying how he always want them together.
  8. IA and honestly it ruined Anna for me. Duke was actively running the mob for Sonny and put a hit out on Julian the same day Julian had one out on him. Neither was a good guy in that scenario but she still acted like he was some blameless victim.
  9. I’m curious what they thought they were doing with Michael’s little speech about bringing justice to the family name. So he clearly thought daddy (and mommy when he was gone) running the damn mob was acceptable but the Sonny cheating tarnished the Corinthos name? Apparently just this time as well considering the other times that his parents cheated were a nonissue as well as the times he himself was the other party and was unapologetic about it. It takes a special amount of delusion to think you’re this amazing upstanding citizen when you’re anything but. Lol didn’t he just bribe a DA to bring up fake charges against Nina?
  10. This ELQ/Aurora merger talk is stupid and it probably doesn’t help that Michael and Dr. Drew can’t pull off business savvy so this idea coming from them is particularly idiotic. Valentin wouldn’t vote for the merger so it’s a moot point and Ned is right to be concerned because it doesn’t just dilute Valentin’s stake, it dilutes everyones stake who isn’t involved in Aurora. Also, are ELQ and Aurora supposed to be similarly sized companies because I never got that impression.
  11. Originally it was because he was hiding his identity and refused to bank his bone marrow to stop Sonny from killing him. I don’t recall Sonny having a reason for wanting to go after him other than he was a mob enemy and the bone marrow aspect didn’t exactly curb Sonny. However, Sam was civil with him once he hooked up with Alexis. I wouldn’t call them especially close but she was fine with him for a few years. But yeah, once he tried to kill Alexis, she was done with him. I do think at some point, around 2018 or so, it was less about Alexis and more that she fell in the Sonny/Jason camp and echoed their opinions about everyone.
  12. I think Leo is a cutie but he shouldn’t exist. Giving Olivia/Julian a random ONS to write in LLC’s RL pregnancy was particularly pointless when she was barely on the show and they’ve pretty much ignored the kid’s existence right up until this autism SL.
  13. It’s Carly. I’m sure she’s used to people seeing her at their door and pretending they aren’t home. I would
  14. The party was a cute idea but I found all of the individual convos snoozeworthy. I think there were too many characters in that room who bore or annoy me. Hopefully Olivia joins a support group or gets some other help with raising a child on the spectrum because expecting Leo to deliver that speech wasn’t the best idea. As far as the rest of the episode, they’re dragging out the mystery of what’s going on with Liz and Marshall’s secret way too long. Harmony is fully off her rocker. Wonder how she held it together as long as she did. And of course Carly gets a mere hint that something involves Nina and rushes over there. She’s truly obsessed with Nina on a majorly unhealthy level.
  15. Alexis didn’t start drinking again after Neil died. I guess we’re supposed to fanwank that they’re both exceptionally heavy sleepers since neither heard Harmony and even getting injected didn’t wake Neil up.
  16. I’ve said it before but the parallels between Wiley/Nina and young Michael with the Qs is so glaringly obvious. Carly and Sonny hated AJ so they had his parental rights (illegally) stripped away and kept him away from the Qs with the exception of Jason and Emily. We heard Carly pat herself on the back for years about how Michael was better off being raised away from that family. If this show ever allowed the Corinthos’ to lose, they would have Michael asked if he thought being kept away from the Qs and only hearing that same one-sided, extremely biased opinion of his father and family for his entire childhood was better for him. I wish I had access to clips from 2012 but when AJ returned, we constantly heard Carly and Sonny freaking out about how AJ was the devil and would manipulate Michael and wanting him to stay away from AJ, almost word for word what Millow saying about Nina now. Obviously Michael’s opinion of AJ didn’t match his parents views since they were close until he died. I also can’t see him admitting that it was better that he was kept away from Monica and it’s nice that they have a relationship now but the same can’t be said for Alan since he died before Michael became an adult and could choose for himself.
  17. When those scenes aired, it was clearly not even about that. Willow has issues and got upset because she hadn’t dealt with her baby’s death. We heard her unload on Chase about it the following day since of course she couldn’t mention it to Michael. Willow and Michael acted unreasonable during that scene. Wiley asked if Nina was Willow’s mother and how else was Nina supposed to explain how she was Wiley’s grandmother but not Willow’s mom?
  18. She’ll keep it to herself to “protect Willow” when really it’s because she hates Nina. Same justification she used with Nelle
  19. So we had to waste screentime on Sonny/Carly’s pointless conversation just so Carly would be at Charlie’s for Phyllis, whose she’s maybe spoken to once before, to randomly drop that she knew Harmony? Is it just me or is the show trying to find a purpose for Carly to be onscreen even worse than usual? Most of her scenes are rehashing the same dialogue, giving her opinion about things that only peripherally involve her, or shoving her into other people’s SLs. Despite having the most screentime and the perfect opportunity to do something new with the character, they seem to have little to no interest in giving her an actual SL of her own, which is truly bizarre to me.
  20. I don’t understand Sam’s pov. They’ve already done Sam jeopardizing Dante’s investigation to do her own so that’s not new. But why is she bothering with this when she doesn’t know Trina or Esme and has almost no relationship with Joss? Their angst is very plot pointy. Even though Carly originally asked her to get info, she said no but then she just magically changed her mind because she can’t help herself? And yeah, this is why Dante should have never randomly included her in other investigations. He already crossed a line which is why she didn’t think looking at his email was a big deal until it was explained to her.
  21. Considering his password was easy enough for the worst PI in GH history to guess, I wouldn’t claim Dante is exactly firing on all cylinders either
  22. The original Trina was played by an actress who is half black and half Vietnamese
  23. I’m confused by the Spencer/Trina scenes. So Spencer doesn’t believe Esme and has some plan. What’s his reason for not telling Trina that and pretending that he thinks she’s guilty? Esme wasn’t in the room with them either time they spoke. Also, he clearly doesn’t want Trina to give him up as her alibi. He’s willing to let her go to prison over a crime she didn’t commit rather than spend a little extra time in that country club jail over something he did do but we’re supposed to root for them? Why
  24. As someone who isn’t a big Sam fan, it tickles me that the show forgets who she’s related to most of the time because with the exception of Alexis, they’re love giving her scenes with various relatives and having Sam treat them like a stranger and vice versa
  25. GH is being pre-empted today. Saw some thoughts that it was due to ongoing coverage of what’s going on in NY but they’ve already ended the breaking news coverage so I suspect there was supposed to be a shooting on the show today. They’ve pre-empted episodes twice in recent history due to depictions of gun violence on the show on a day of a mass shooting.
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