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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. It’s getting brought up a lot but why is Curtis working with Selina Wu anyway? I think I missed the reason
  2. Yikes everyone wasn’t kidding about that preview. I hate or mostly ignore literally every single person in it. Does Drew save all of his pent up aggression towards Nina because he acts like the biggest doormat on the planet for everyone besides her. You know it’s because she makes it obvious that he isn’t the nice and honest person he wants to pretend to be since he enables all Carly’s trash behavior. It’s pathetic
  3. Exactly. It’s impossible to root for him when all of thoughts were about himself and not Trina.
  4. I don’t think they even planned to bring Heather back when they started the Hook SL much less always knew it would be her. She wasn’t even supposed to be Esme’s mom originally. They were clearly setting Felicia up as the mom until RL forced them to change course.
  5. I know he has fans but I don’t think they should have brought Roger back as a new character once they determined Franco wasn’t working (his words). There’s plenty of decent actors who got let go because their characters didn’t take off or ran their course. Austin has been a waste of screentime since his introduction and truthfully, I don’t think he has the range to differentiate his characters. They’re all pretty much the same after a while
  6. I think if they stick with this good version of Esme, the teen group is DOA. They were so boring before Spencer and Esme showed up. They’ve already done a 180 with Spencer and with a dead father, they can’t really play up his parental issues anymore either
  7. I have no idea what they’re doing with those 2 and I hate when they have characters on mainly to recap something we are currently watching. You can tell that the writers are being lazy and are trying to use up time with those scenes as well as use up actor’s guarantees.
  8. Is it just me or was Sam and Dante’s weeklong investigation rather pointless? Yeah they found out about Ryan and told Jordan but seems like it would have come out at the same time regardless and Maggie doesn’t appear to have anything to do with anything. Alexis managed to figure out who the killer was without hearing back from the them and the PCPD has been as inept as ever
  9. Taggart wasn’t exactly a huge character. He was only around for 6 years until they recently brought him back and mainly as a Sonny/Jason foil which meant he lost all of the time. He never had his own SLs. DT has already been on for 7 years and is honestly on way more and the show has him around for every promotional opportunity and at every big event. I’m not a Curtis fan but he’s a way bigger character when you compare the 2. Also, I’m pretty sure they only brought back Taggart in the first place because MB’s wife is his agent and they’re friends IRL.
  10. DT is the weak link is in this paternity reveal. I think everyone else is killing is though. Maybe Curtis is better off playing the designated best friend because he’s giving nothing
  11. It’s startling how much more watchable this show is every time they focus on any SL that isn’t about the Carlys and their SOs. They are truly the weak spot of the show since their stories tending to be so anti-soapy
  12. Lol why was Joss at this wedding? They had her fluctuate between third wheeling Spencer/Trina and snarking at Spencer. When they were busy, she was basically an extra. I’d assume that they are trying to use up the actresses guarantees but she’s on a lot. They didn’t have discount Jason on with her except for that 1 scene.
  13. I know everyone raves about NAC and while I do agree that he’s a strong actor, I think AP is the most talented of the younger group. She can plays layers and different emotions that the rest of them haven’t demonstrated yet. It’s been especially evident since Esme got amnesia. She’s an entirely new persona and I honestly don’t think the rest of that younger group would be able to pull this off. Heck, a lot of the older cast couldn’t do it
  14. That week long Jarly wedding where nothing interesting happened and we had to witness characters who hate Carly talk about how amazing that couple was might have been the worst thing this show has aired in 60 years
  15. Oh god, I just realized that we’re probably going to have Drew playing host at the Nurses Ball. Hopefully they skip the mic because his game show host voice at this reception is distractingly loud.
  16. Were they also taping that day? That might have been why they were the only ones included. If not, it’s probably because they are the current favored kids. FV seems to rotate between Wiley and Leo as the favored boy of the moment and I think Wiley has been on more recently because Michael/Willow have been front and center and they talk about Wiley in practically every scene they have. Violet has been the favored girl since she debuted, taking over from Charlotte. Personally, I think they should have skipped all of the kids but that’s just me. They only trot them out for cute moments anyway.
  17. I predict that for Trina, she’ll initially be upset but eventually it’ll go the same way as it did for TJ. She’ll gain another father but still remain close to her other family. They walked back on the irritation and anger she had with Curtis when SM was in the role so she has no reason to lash out at him. But we’ll have to hear Curtis whine about another woman being liar until the end of time.
  18. I do appreciate that show is consistent on demonstrating that Sam is a crappy PI and Dante is the standard incompetent PCPD cop. Their “investigation” was painful to watch
  19. I thought it was a cute picture but the spacing was off. There’s a lot of room towards the center while people are crowded towards the ends. Also, why were Michael/Willow/Wiley the ones ones standing on a separate platform.
  20. They’ve established that Carly/Joss have a Gilmore Girls type relationship. Both of them agree about everything and do not challenge the other or call each other out. Makes for a very lame mother/daughter relationship on a soap but it’s what it is.
  21. I’ll laugh if Sonny finds out Dex is working against him and retaliates but Joss assumes he’s did it because of her
  22. They were boring as well but they only threw them together because they knew they were recasting Jason so we knew where that was headed. I don’t think this pairing is intended to be as a stopgap for Sam. Even if they bring Jason back, they took a blowtorch to that pairing and their history in favor of Jason/Carly. Sam/Dante also isn’t all that different than Dante/Lulu were a few years into their pairing so it’s not really anything new for him, which is probably why he is still w/o a SL.
  23. Because this show never goes the dramatic route, I fully expect that absolutely nothing comes out at the Curtis/Portia wedding, they get married, and Portia decides to randomly confess a week or 2 later without an audience. I’ve noticed that the writers tend to skip the expected for these kind of reveals. They probably think they’re shocking the audience by not doing things the way a long term soap viewer would expect when really it’s just boring us since we wasted time watching nothing happen.
  24. I forgot Carly knew about Joss being on the docks and of course she keeps it a secret. I get why Joss wants to protect her new bf but why does Carly care about doing that? Sam/Dante remind me of when they move long term couples on the back burner and they randomly turn up for cutesy scenes. Think Mac/Felicia. But they never had their SLs or soapy moments. They just immediately jumped into old, married couple. It’s bad enough Joss is a liar but she gets so nasty and self righteous when someone suspects. Maybe make a tiny effort to lie better if you can’t handle it and turn down the judgement.
  25. I think V got dumped for boring Chloe since they were building up a pairing with her and Jax the moment Brenda “died”. Her last couple months on the show made me feel kinda bad for her because all of her friends basically forgot she existed and she was left out of everything
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