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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. Sam’s in her 40s and her and Carly only recently became friendly but now Carly is her mentor? Yeah, I’m good with Sam being offscreen if this is the crap they drag her out for
  2. But they wouldn’t have been. They still would have given her the stank face all day and act like she only did it so they’d owe her something. Willow didn’t even seem to care about her getting tested and told her it wouldn’t make a difference in their relationship if she was a match so we would have just heard ranting about how it doesn’t matter.
  3. LA’s video sounded diplomatic but I don’t think it was truly mutual. Her energy in that video doesn’t match that. It screams I was fired and don’t want to burn a bridge and rant about it. I wonder if she was even formally told about her exit or found out the role was being recast when a new one started taping.
  4. One thing that’s consistent about Carly is she turns into a raging bitch and lashes out anytime something bad goes on in her life. The only thing I got from her scenes is poor waitress having to listen to her go on and on. I bet she didn’t even tip. Also, how exactly does Nina continue to get the blame for Nelle when she had as much to do with raising her as she did Willow? Nelle made her own choices and had her own poor childhood experiences that had nothing to do with Nina. Maybe take a closer look as your trash bag of an adopted father for that one, Carly
  5. You have to pay for the submission yourself so that may explain why some of the younger actor’s parents didn’t submit. Considering there were only 4 nominations before VG had to withdraw and there’s normally 5 in each category, they were probably the only ones who submitted
  6. Kristina is probably ignoring Joss because she rants about Sonny 24/7. Why would she want to listen to that? I don’t think Kristina has ever been particularly close to Carly so why would she care about her being hurt? Joss doesn’t when Carly hurts someone else
  7. Runner up in the dumbest people in town category is Willow who is shocked to find out what Sonny does for a living. Somehow she didn’t have concerns about Carly being a mob boss a couple years ago. Though I laughed that Michael finally admitting his revenge plot against Sonny is what caused her to pass out at the end of the episode.
  8. Joss and Dex have to be the dumbest people alive if they truly think that Dex and Michael are going to testify against Sonny, he’s going to prison forever, and they’ll be safe in town with nothing happening to him. Let’s pretend like the show would actually punish Sonny (they won’t). Between Sonny’s influence and all of the other mob families and whoever he’s doing to deal with, Dex would have a target on his back for the rest of his life. Second, Michael would never admit to being the one who orchestrated this, much less testify in court so they’d have to rely on the unknown guy who committed multiple felonies under the guise of taking down a mob boss. I’m sure Dex just believes that they’ll automatically offer him immunity as well.
  9. They used scab writers during the last strike so I wouldn’t be surprised if they go that route again. The writers also likely had scripts ready for at least another month so they can still film the completed scripts. It’s just no rewrites or edits can be made on those but I don’t think soaps do that very often once they start filming.
  10. I’m a little curious about what the category will look like next year because I can’t think of any actor aged 11-18 who got material on any soap this year so far. That age range for GH is kids you see maybe twice a year for the holidays or special occasions and the other soaps don’t even bother at all.
  11. If Michael looks down on the Quartermaines and Sonny this much, just move to Carly’s house, let go of the trust fund and nepotism jobs and make it on your own. Literally everything he has came from the Qs and Sonny handing him whatever he wanted. He’s exhausting and way shadier than Ned.
  12. All of the talk over who could have possibly turned Carly in for a crime she was 100% guilty of isn’t as intriguing as the show thinks it is. Especially considering how judgmental that group is when someone else does something. If they wanted me to buy Carly as a victim, maybe they should have had someone set her up for a crime because I don’t feel the outrage for her or that it affects Willow because Carly decided to extend her smother behavior towards Willow once she found out Nina was her mom.
  13. It feels like their relationship really took a turn in the past 5 years or so, whenever Nelle and Michael hooked up. Since then, Carly has always been hovering around him and it’s only gotten worse in the past year. I can’t recall her having this smother mother relationship with Michael before that and she was never that way with Morgan. It makes CD’s SOD interview where he called Michael a loser who had no friends all the funnier.
  14. To be fair, the show made it completely obvious that it made no business sense for ELQ to do it. It was simply a poorly disguised attempt to dilute Valentin’s stake in ELQ so the Qs could vote him out as CEO. I don’t think Drew or Michael for that matter care enough about ELQ to consider the fact the merger would have harmed the company or how crappy it looked that the deal would have made retcon Drew the majority shareholder of the company despite barely having any past involvement in it.
  15. That’s weird, because if you watched her recent interview with Michael Fairman about her nomination, it was obvious that she herself wasn’t happy with the new age restrictions and discussed the optics of her competition being much younger than her. I think she’s a little in her feelings about this.
  16. Other than Drew, I genuinely can’t think of anyone that would have reasonably been invited to that wedding. Michael and Willow’s circle of people is relatively small. They pretty much mostly hang out with the people who live in the mansion, Carly and their kids. That wedding already had way more people than I expected
  17. Victoria Grace got her nomination rescinded because it turns out she was not age eligible so the younger actor category will only be Eden and those 2 boys from Days and Bold. As this point, they should just cancel the category. Only 3 nominees and will Eden feel all that proud for finally winning when her competition was 2 kids (though I think they are better than her).
  18. I absolutely hate this timeline where the Qs show loyalty to Carly first. This current iteration of the family is the worst and Tracy alone can’t save them.
  19. The SEC seems more interested in Drew than Carly, which is idiotic because I thought they always go after the person who did the insider trading and not the company person who provided them info. Shoot me now if they’re doing this so Drew can fall on his sword for Carly.
  20. Carly and Diane are having a smug off so I can’t even enjoy those scenes.
  21. The SEC has pictures of Carly/Drew hugging. What is the timeline here because I thought Nina just told Martin to contact the SEC.
  22. Same but as the same time, I can’t deal with anymore Nina/Carly crap. This has been going on nonstop since early 2021 and I’ve long given up on finding their scenes together or about each other entertaining.
  23. How I know that I’m not the target audience for this story is that I can’t fathom how Nina is the bad guy for wanting to turn someone in for a crime they committed. Especially since these same people couldn’t contain their excitement when Michael bribed an AG to have her charged with a fake crime. Because it happened at Willow’s wedding lol? This is her third one in 3 years and twice to the same guy. If the situations were reversed and Carly had info on somebody she didn’t like, she wouldn’t have even hesitated to ensure they pay and wouldn’t give the slightest damn about who else was affected.
  24. They ignored Michael’s involvement as soon as it became an excuse for Carly and Drew to have a super secret relationship
  25. Considering no one ever says Michael does anything wrong, I doubt it, so I’m curious how they’ll spin it for how Nina was so evil for wanting Carly to pay for her crimes out of revenge but Michael is perfectly in the right for wanting Sonny to pay for his crimes for the exact same reason. Willow’s not so deathbed wedding getting ruined isn’t enough of an excuse, especially considering that Michael has been actively plotting for almost a year.
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