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Everything posted by CrazyMoon

  1. That "dirty blond" used to be called "dishwater blond"...my mom was that color. Personally I'm a copper blond, a blend of real blond & dishwater blond with very red undertones...Kelli would want me just for the hair color...
  2. Brooke showed 'promise', was coachable and had leadership ability. Combined with the weight loss she was an excellent risk that paid off.
  3. My 16yo grandsons (cousins, not twins) have birthdays 3 weeks apart...both are now 6'1"...one weighs 145#, the other 170#...and it is strictly a difference in body type...#1 has the long slender body of the men in my family, #2 has the dense body/heavy frame of both their dads...
  4. If you're in the bathroom it's just "washing up"...
  5. My lowest adult weight was 121 at 5-6" for about 5 minutes in my late 20s...I could wear a size 6...height/weight tables said 120 to 155 depending on body frame/structure. That said, I looked awful. My doctor was concerned...It didn't work for me because I have a larger/curvier frame. Some women are natural thin/slim...I'm not one of them.
  6. That picture is awful, and not because she's not wearing panties...she's too skinny (not a fan of ribcages, looks emaciated if her boob were smaller)...I don't see a sexy thing about it...I'm sure her Granny is so proud now...
  7. I liked Collin very much and think should have been reselected...Kali earned her cut, she wasn't as trim as in her previous season and it showed horribly on the big screen.
  8. Because Texas hair is B-I-G hair...when mine is long it won't hold curl for long with electric devices...I have to go old school with fabric curlers and sleep on them...then I have bouncy curls & waves that last 1-2 days...
  9. Loved this episode! I didn't recognize Diane Ladd, but spotted 89yo Marla Gibbs and the very versatile Alan Rachins immediately...his character 'Larry Finklestien' opposite Mimi Kennedy's 'Abby O'Brien' (Dharma's parents) was priceless...and of course Sheldon came up with distance learning...grocery delivery, however has been around for the better part of two centuries, but count on Sheldon to make it work for him.
  10. She was already all smirky waiting for that second fan favorite and very surprised she didn't get. Girl was a conceited mess. Easily could have been Adderoll, which is a very easy to get ADHD/ADD treatment drug. Big on the college circuit...
  11. It makes perfect sense...However, Angela may have been a bit of an Aussie showboat, she held her own when it came time to dance. As for McKenzie, being so small she had to be at the end of the kick line so her 'iffy' kicks weren't as obvious. As well, she worked had with a trainer to get her kicks as high as they would go...I admired her diligence. It paid off I saw Courtney Cook's veteran audition & interview last night followed by Kelli's tearful meeting with the vets saying Courtney wouldn't be joining them. I think Courtney was high during her interview and she withdrew from camp for a recreational drug problem. She wasn't anorexia thin. Makes me sad. She was one of my favorites.
  12. Kristin barely made it the first year and was below 36 most of TC this past year until they cut 4 vets...had they been willing to cut one more she'd be gone.
  13. CrazyMoon

    S15 E06: Upstaged

    I enjoyed her a judge as well. I'd shove Cowboy politics aside and bring her back.
  14. I'm a born California girl, but my roots are Deep South...so I grew up around that accent. When I'm in the South for more than a week I sound like I just rode in on the turnip truck this morning...takes weeks to go away...I don't mind it at all...my kids think it's hysterical.
  15. CrazyMoon

    S15 E06: Upstaged

    This comes up frequently...he isn't a perv in any sense...he's a huge hillbilly goofball with a great eye for entertainers. You'll notice those 'hot, hot, hot' comments and others can-be-contstrued-as-inappropriate are all during judges meetings, not during evaluations. During evaluations he's totally focused on the dancing, interviews, etc in front of him. Neal & I have friends in common, men & women...no woman who he & I both know has ever said anything untoward about Neal...he gets rave reviews as a friend and as an entertainer. He's brought along the careers of many successful people in the country music business. His opinions are frequently sought out, including by DCC.
  16. I know, it's bizarre...but it's all about proportion...Vivian's LOWER leg (below the knee) is proportionally shorter than her thigh...Tara's proportions are better, as were Mackenzie Lee's...and Mackenzie barely made the team.
  17. It wasn't the uniform, she looked spectacular in it from the thighs up....her legs were too short and even though she managed to pare them down her lower leg was too short for the boots
  18. The skirt outfit is ok...when dealing with blue & orange I think they've done a good job...the chaps are just tacky, IMO...The Packers cheerleaders look like a high school team...SF Gold Rush is ok, not what I would expect from a San Francisco team...they should be a bit more sophisticated.
  19. true dat! Also, the thicker brows frame her face better...she was a phony as a $3 bill...especially in her cut scene...'from the bottom of by heart that's not who I am"...face it, Sister, you've been totally exposed for you really are...
  20. I have a wedge shaped scar on my left forearm from ironing my sister's hair in 1968...
  21. Her legs were both short & muscular...not a great look in the boots...for that I thought the "drumsticks" comment was ugly, it was accurate. She looked better the second year, but not the look they were after...the line of the shorts emphasized the fuller thighs and the boots swallowed her legs.
  22. They look like an over-dilated black head...with what seems like a pebble, the usually soft stuff hardens to the pebble-like consistency because the pore is so open. Usually have to be surgically removed so's not to damage the surrounding tissues.
  23. Class of 70 here, I feel ya BJO....Bigorangetomcatmom you are the same age as my daughter...I wore the mini-est of mini skirts and had hair past my waist...copper blond, not beach-y blond...and dated the defensive captain of the football team...it was a good time, but I wouldn't want to go back...too much drama. LOL.
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