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Posts posted by marny

  1. It really ticked me off that Diane met with Alicia to discuss Luca. Diane, if Luca is an associate of the firm, and not Alicia's associate, then you need to speak to her directly as her boss. Otherwise, it just makes it look like you DO believe Luca works for Alicia. Duh.

    And the constant attempts to pair Luca with Monica just proves that Diane and Cary learned nothing about their racist tendencies after their little visit from the EEOC or whoever that was a few episodes ago. I need this show to stop making me mad at Diane. Soon I won't have anyone left to like.

    • Love 6
  2. Yeah, that was incredibly rude. Raven was mid-sentence in response to their question. But Raven didn't need to lie about being hit or shoved. So now she looks like the jerk for lying.

    • Love 3
  3. I just find the relationship between Josh and Liza's relationship to be kind of boring at this point.  I really do enjoy the workplace storylines a lot more than the two of them being all schmoopy with each other.

    • Love 2
  4. I don't know why MM couldn't have applied a standard of comparative negligence and cut the judgment in half instead of telling the 14 year old defendant that she would have to sue back to get the other half of the judgment.


    You can't use comparative negligence here because the plaintiff who was suing was not herself negligent-- her daughter was.  You can't hold the plaintiff responsible for the negligence of her daughter, just like the judge couldn't hold the defendant mother responsible for the negligence of the defendant daughter.  

    • Love 1
  5. I really don't get why Kelly would still want Dylan when the only reason he came to her is because Brenda broke up with him. If he really wanted Kelly, he would have broken up with Brenda to date her. And if he really didn't want to be with Brenda, he would have broken up with her after Paris-- regardless of whether Kelly was an option. He totally treated Kelly like the back-up girl.

    • Love 5
  6. No branding expert has a 100% hit rate, and even the absolutely best marketing experts whiff on some decisions. It's not a scientific process. Even when you have data to back up your decisions nothing is certain. Despite being fond of her personality, Lori has a pretty good track record. It's hard to fault her for thinking that a video about a unicorn pooping ice cream isn't going to work.



    I honestly don't understand. You say she's great at marketing toward mainstream, middle America and then say she's not the right partner for mass market products. If by "mass market" you mean she has yet to create something that's hip and cool with 13-25 year olds for all of 5 minutes, but instead she is great at marketing products toward working people who actually spend money, then sure.


    (Damn. I never thought I'd become a Lori Greiner apologist. How did this happen? Time to find a thread on the kitchen safe and the power strip with a wood grain so I can really lay it on her.)

    I said she's NOT the right partner for NOT mass market products, and she IS the right partner for mass market.  My words were; "if you aren't a mass market product with an eye towards mass market appeal, she's not the right partner."  You read it as the opposite of what I said.  We are agreeing that she's good at mass market.


    As for young hipsters not spending lots of money on short-term trends? We'll have to agree to disagree on that one.

  7. I agree that Gil was way too hand-sy with Sue, and that kind of touching just leads to trouble (particularly since Gil said he had a similar problem with a previous student).  Having said that, I'm not really sure how practical (or fair) it would be to demand that a male teacher never be alone with a female student.  How would that even work?  If a female student stayed after class to speak to the male teacher, would he have to order her to leave?  If a female student asked for extra help after school, would he be required to bring a third party in to watch the entire interaction?  It just sounds humiliating for both the student and teacher.  If the teacher was gay or lesbian would he or she not be allowed to be alone with students of the same sex?   


    I thought Dylan was in AP English?  Did I make that up?  


    I'm pretty sure he wasn't in AP English.  Remember when he was looking over Brandon's reading list and commenting that he'd already read them all (eye-roll)? If Dylan was in AP English, he would have already had that list himself.

  8. Why on earth would Lockhart Agos or whoever want to bring in a lawyer who is in the middle of a hefty malpractice lawsuit? Do they want their own malpractice insurance premiums to skyrocket???  Between the money they spend on new signs, new letterhead, glass cleaner and malpractice insurance, Lockhart and Co. must be hemorrhaging money.

    • Love 12
  9. I don't think they were offering anything that couldn't already be done either with existing solar backpacks, or just having a portable drive and battery not directly connected to the bag, all of which could be combined with your fave bag for much less than what they're selling. So I don't think they have nearly the room for growth they thought they did just by being first at whatever they decided made them special.

    That said, I don't think their valuation was ridiculous either. I thought they said they had approximately half a million in sales, or close to that? 400somethingk? And I thought a generally accepted method for valuation is 2x sales from the past year or something? So if their ask valued the company at 1 million, and their sales were a half mil, then they were pretty much doing it right? I mean, of course, something is worth what a buyer is willing to pay for it, but from the ask angle it may not have been completely absurd. Unless I'm remembering the numbers wrong.

    I think the half a million in sales was from their original (non wearable tech) bags. It sounded like they hadn't done much in sales with the tech bags yet.

    • Love 2
  10. I may be wrong, but if I was a black actor & felt slighted by the Oscars, I'd be damned if I'd be PRESENTING that award to one of the white winners.  Just sayin'.


    Exactly.  How kind of the Oscars to include black actors by giving them the honor of serving the awards to the white actors.  Like I said-- even more tasteless.

    • Love 6
  11. There has been talk that the Oscars are trying to make the broadcast more diverse by having more black presenters to give the white people their awards (since there are't any black nominees).  To me, that's even more tasteless.  But I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Whoopi quickly fell in line with this idea.  She just hopes maybe they'll pay her to host again if she stays on their good side.

    • Love 9
  12. The other great thing about the sports bra is that it changes with you as your body changes from exercising.  If you lose weight, it easily tightens.  If you bulk up, it easily loosens.  If you're selling a $60 sports bra, it's a great marketing aspect that the bra won't become obsolete if you gain or lose weight-- that makes the price much more reasonable.

    • Love 15
  13. I think Lori is very good at marketing towards a very specific type of person.  She's not edgy or ultra-creative or risky.  She's savvy at gearing her stuff towards mainstream, middle America, QVC audience.  Her people buy grocery products with names like "Bagel Stuffins", and go crazy for sponges or phone cases that look like teeny purses.  And there's nothing wrong with that-- it's made her very successful-- it just means that if you aren't a mass market product with an eye towards mass market appeal, she's not the right partner. 

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