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Posts posted by marny

  1. I can see the dumb personalized bags being used for wedding favors or hospitality bags (with a picture of the happy couple on the bag).  It's absolutely a waste of money and will go in the garbage immediately, but people love spending money on dumb disposable stuff for their weddings-- that's pretty much Kevin's argument for why he loves the wedding industry.  And it doesn't matter to the company if the bags ultimately go in the garbage as long as the company gets paid. I totally get why Kevin invested.

    • Love 11
  2. The whole whiny monologue Rory gave Jess about being broke and not having a car or a driver's license, blah blah might have been more effective if she didn't then drive herself to the cemetery in the very next scene (in the same car she also drove to the Gilmore mansion-- which I think may have even been the Prius that she had in the original series). Did nobody in the writing/editing room have a problem with that?

  3. 6 hours ago, ChlcGirl said:

    I also found the Secret Bar to be one of the few things I actually enjoyed, especially the shout out to The Wire, but I'm a bit confused about what happened to Casey's, site of Chris & Jackson's man-date and Lorelai's tequila-fueled karaoke.  Continuity, Amy, is your friend.


    These things happened in the last season, which didn't exist for ASP.  So I guess Casey's didn't exist either.


    Oops-- this was already noted. Carry on.

  4. 17 hours ago, bilgistic said:

    I was annoyed that their big poster for men's jeans had a woman in a swimsuit. Why not a guy with ripped abs?

    The Barbell poster of the woman wasn't a woman in a swimsuit-- she was wearing jeans in that same beige color the guy was wearing.  I thought she was bottomless at first too, but when they showed the poster again, I could see that she had jeans on.  They sell women's jeans too.  Unfortunately, the color was pretty unfortunate.

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  5. 14 minutes ago, hkit said:

    I really wanted him to stand up straight though. And, also, don't try to make being a child of a divorced parent a sob story. 

    I think it was the immigration aspect of the story, not just being the child of a single mother, but a mother who brought her kids to this country by herself, that was meant to be the meaningful part. 

    • Love 6
  6. 1 hour ago, SRTouch said:

    bad skateboard park rental: Actually got to give it to twenty something plaintiff and his buds. Would think better of him if he was using his time and brains to get out and get a job, though.

    What makes you think he doesn't have a job? He was somehow able to pay rent for the space so he's getting that money from somewhere.  He and his friends are allowed to have a hobby.  In fact, I think he also tried to get "lost wages" which presumably mean he has wages.

    • Love 4
  7. 24 minutes ago, lordonia said:

    Not that I even dislike the pieces, but that's a lot of sales for bouquets that can't be customized and home goods that are no more appealing than a vastly more varied selection of tchotkes found at any number of crafts and home furnishing stores.

    You can customize them-- she also sells them in a format where you purchase a number of flowers and can pick the colors to make your own bouquet.  If her sales numbers weren't legit, the due diligence after the show would reveal that and tank her deal (no pun intended). If she really wants a deal, she wouldn't risk that.

    • Love 2
  8. I was able to watch the canon episode in its entirety on YouTube. I remember in junior high, our homeroom teacher showed the Degrassi episode where Spike (is that her name? She had spikey hair) is pregnant. This was my first intro to Degrassi as an American.

  9. The biggest benefit to the magnets over all of the other means of hanging stuff is the "art" doesn't get damaged.  No pin holes, no putty stuck to it-- those Velcro things don't peel off of paper without tearing it. Plus, the magnet things are supposedly reusable. It's also perfect for dorm rooms where the walls may not be made of drywall. Our dorms had painted cinder block walls-- nails or push pins didn't work. We had to use that putty stuff that dried up after about 2 weeks and stopped sticking. Same for any home/room that has brick walls.  And no, I'm not an investor or a customer. :)

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  10. She kept telling Marcus over and over that she wasn't equipped to be CEO. She was right. It's not her fault he didn't believe her. Just because Kathy Ireland is a high school graduate who runs a multi-billion dollar company doesn't mean that everyone can do it. 

    • Love 3
  11. Is she talking about import/export or is she calling people in middle America dumb?  Because jeez.  People are dumb everywhere. This show makes that pretty clear.

  12. 32 minutes ago, kell710 said:

    As someone from Buffalo, back then and now I still don't get the "uptown or downtown?" comment. Is something going over my head here?


    It was pointing out that being "from New York" meant NYC, not New York State.  The guy was making fun of Jim for not realizing which New York he was talking about.

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  13. Aside from all of the other crazy in this episode, I think what cracked me up the most was that this guy thought that if the real Katy Perry was on a messaging app, she would actually use the name "Katy Perry" as her screen name.

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