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Posts posted by marny

  1. This is what I find so weird about this show. The rumor is that they've hired October Gonzalez, who most people hadn't even heard of before. In all these months of having guest co-hosts, they never had her on.... 


    I realize that they want to see a potential co-host's chemistry with Rosie and Whoopi. However the fact that they never had October Gonzalez do an on air try out until this very late date tells me they really do not give a crap what the audience thinks of her.

    I remember reading somewhere, I wish I could recall where, that The View was interested in October Gonzalez as part of their goal in hiring a Latina, but they didn't realize until much later that she isn't Latina. The last name comes from marrying her husband, but doesn't reflect her heritage, and the show didn't look further than "Gonzalez" in its research before expressing interest. Probably the same crack team who writes the info on the blue cards.

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  2. Ugh, that selfie stuff is the worst. I really hope that's not part of their "innovation". There's nothing sadder to me than seeing a bunch of people photograph themselves posed next to their televisions just because a bunch of moron hosts tell them to.

    • Love 4
  3. The other day, they showed the re-run of the New Edition episode. When the hosts came out, Sherri was bopping along and when she got to her seat, she continued dancing in her chair. It lasted maybe 10-15 seconds. After that, Sherri was so winded she was panting and trying to get herself together and Jenny commented on it. How on earth does she do a Zumba class when 15 seconds of waving her arms makes her too out of breath to speak?

    • Love 7
  4. I wonder who's really taking care of the baby? Sal may be an awesome, loving single dad, but what experience does he have taking care of an infant? I wonder if he has a live-in nurse or nanny? I can't believe he's on his own.

    Isn't this true for any new parent? Plus, I'm guessing the same mother who used to visit in NJ and cook for him is there to help too.

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  5. I think Sherri's loudness and almost erratic outbursts are a symptom of all her personal drama.  It seems like everytime there's some big negative event in her personal life (or a TMZ story), she amps up the volume on the show.  Almost like a defense mechanism or a way to try to cover how upset she is.  I have to believe hearing the news about the birth of the child who she had once been happily planning with her husband, but now is not a part of her life, had to be a knife to the gut yesterday.  I'm not a fan of Sherri, and didn't enjoy her before all the recent drama, but I have to believe it's tough going in to work some days and having to plaster on a smile and pretend your personal life hasn't gone to hell.  I'm not sure how I would react, but being all loud and high energy and acting a fool is probably a better alternative than the nervous breakdown she could be having.

    • Love 8
  6. http://www.tmz.com/2014/08/02/lamar-sally-sherri-shepherd-baby-shower-gifts-name-birth/

    This is the weirdest thing I've read in a long time. Why would Sherri buy him a shower gift when they're having an ugly divorce? And if he actually expects her to be a part of the child's life, wouldn't presents be given to both parents? Did he get her anything? Is he seriously complaining that she isn't buying him presents or that he had to spend money on baby furniture when he's the one demanding custody? If he actually said the things in this story, his level of delusion is high.

    • Love 6

    She is "starring" in a new movie now..... Ride Along 2



    It's another minor part, right?


    Ride Along 2 is filming here in Atlanta right now.  It's pretty likely her part isn't very big, as the actual stars of the film are all here in town currently, and she's been in NY this whole time for the View. 

    • Love 5
  8. I found this doc so incredibly boring that I turned it off about 45 minutes in and just read the Wikipedia entry to find out the couple's punishments. All the unnecessary clips of kids playing and scenes from the game were just so tedious, and added nothing to the story.

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  9. I was also really annoyed at Sherri's squawking about the Ray Rice assault , claiming that he wasn't prosecuted or some such crap. He was prosecuted, he was charged with felony assault, but he negotiated a deal where he did Anger Management classes in exchange for a dismissal of charges. So apparently the police and the DA, who do know what happened, believed it was assault. He wasn't exonerated, he made a deal. The minimal amount of research by their crack staff could have told them that.

    • Love 10
  10. I think the promotion stuff with Barbara was likely an ABC thing. All of her specials were on the same network as The View and the cross-promotion of shows was surely encouraged. None of the other women have other jobs on ABC, so they are competition. Jenny and Sherri may be getting permission to self-promote because their other gigs aren't on television, so they aren't actually competing with ABC.

  11. Tia needs to seriously re-think her tongue piercing.  That thing was messing her speech up so badly that she was barely understandable at times during the show and aftershow.  I was hoping the problem during the show was that it was a new piercing and she was still trying to adjust to it, but it was just as bad, if not worse, during the Chatfish show. 

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  12. Apparently, so says TMZ, their pre-nup gives Sherri custody of the unborn baby-- I guess they pre-planned for the surrogate-carried baby. I'm curious if the baby will be named after Sal after all. If I were Sherry, there's no way I'd be naming him after that money-grubbing douchebag.

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