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Posts posted by marny

  1. I agree about Rosie P and Nicole's clothes. They both look great! I'm sure Whoopi isn't willing to let anyone dress her, and Rosie O seems more concerned with comfort over style, but it's nice seeing adults look like adults. I have a feeling Sherri wasn't taking style advice from anyone.

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  2. What is there to address? She was a dancer-- that's how she got her start. And she ultimately became a successful choreographer. If memory serves, she did the choreography for the Fly Girls on In Living Color back in the day. She's certainly never been afraid to talk about that and never pretended to be someone different. If Rosie P was still dressing like she did 30 years ago on Soul Train, that would just be sad.

    • Love 8
  3. So I wonder, does every press release about Sherri mention all the View co-hosts by name?




    I wouldn't be surprised if he posted that whine on FB because Sherri asked him to.  Sherri seems to me to be the type to have Google alert any time her name is mentioned.

    And now that I'm thinking about it I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't somehow turn into a "feud" between Joy and Sherri.  The article Jawn Murray referenced mentioned a press release by Joy's people.  Sherri will do anything to keep her name in the news.

    What's strange about his reaction to Joy's press release is that it sounds like her show is meant to be autobiographical, and talks about her experiences hosting The View, specifically alongside BW and EH.  It's quite possible that Joy specifically mentions those two women in the stories she tells in her shows, but doesn't mention Sherri or Whoopi or whoever else Jawn is complaining about being missing from the description.  Before jumping to conclusions that something is racist or unfair, he may want to get some actual information about her show.  It really does seem like he's looking for attention for both himself and Sherri by starting some beef with the NY Times.

  4. The "Death with Dignity" conversation on today's show was excellent. Totally honest and heartfelt and respectful of each other with the right amount of levity. I can't even fathom how that discussion would have gone last season or the season before-- and I'm glad i never had to experience it. Despite some of the little quirks that may annoy some of us in this current panel, the level of discourse has gone up dramatically.

    • Love 12
  5. This discussion is reminding me of when I was a kid and it was Mother's Day, and I asked my parents how come there was no Children's Day. They responded "Every day is Children's Day. That's why."

    • Love 18
  6. Isnt there an Actors Union who sets standards on pay and such?? I doubt those standards will be lowered

    Yes, there's union scale-- their version of minimum wage.  But a smaller budget means hiring fewer actors or paying the minimum to the non-famous actors and not more.  They aren't going to pay Julia Roberts or George Clooney less money since their names sell the tickets.

    • Love 2
  7. Rosie P was saying that it's the non-1% actors who will take a hit. The majority of actors aren't making millions of dollars-- it's only the ones you read about in People magazine that make a lot of money. Think about all the actors you see in movies whose names you don't know and are lucky to have a few lines. Those are the ones she's talking about who will be affected.

    • Love 6

    is wanting help with housework truly sexist??


    The assumption that women are the ones responsible for doing the housework is sexist.  Unfortunately, The View only touched on that one question, but the whole category was really pretty gross-- it presumed all women care about is how they look in jeans, drinking tea, keeping a house clean, etc.


    On another note, it's been so nice not to find myself getting angry during this show.  Now, even when I disagree with a particular co-host's opinion, it's not because their opinions are stupid, it's just a difference of opinion.  Before this group, I found my blood pressure rising everytime Sherri opened her idiot mouth.  I don't miss her on my tv at all. 

    • Love 14
  9. I wonder how much what she was saying was affected by that horrible and pretty offensive NY Times article about Shonda Rhimes and her shows. The reality is, she's been nominated for Oscars and has appeared in some hit movies, yet she still doesn't get offered movie roles where her name is the big draw and she doesn't have the clout level that she should (or probably would if she had lighter skin). Octavia Spencer has talked about this problem too. It's interesting that they're both now turning to television.

    But it's gotta be hard when people gush over you and tell you how amazing you are, but you know you still have to struggle to get movie roles.

    • Love 6

    I understand what Nicole is saying.  There are many people who suffer from clinical depression, it's awful.  There are also many people who don't suffer from clinical depression, who have quack therapists working with prescription-happy MD's, who claim they're suffering from clinical depression.

    If Nicole had said that, then I'd give her a pass.  But that isn't what she said, and I don't see how that could be gleaned from what she said.  She said that she doesn't understand why millionaire celebrities can't just be happy.  It showed a complete lack of understanding of mental health issues, and that happiness isn't always a choice.  I'm sure millionaire celebrity Robin Williams would have been completely fixed to hear her helpful advice to "be happy."  Her comment, to me, was a great example of how otherwise educated and intelligent people can be completely ignorant when it comes to understanding brain chemistry.  I thought Rosie's response, while a bit tense, was much nicer and more cordial than it could have been.

    • Love 14
  11. Today was delightful. Calm and funny conversation during Hot Topics and a lovely one-on-one with Whoopi and Billy Crystal. You'd never know this show once had a shrill buffoon yelling about shaking her breasts in her son's face. It's like there are finally some adults at the table.

    • Love 12
  12. Nichole is going to need a little more practice interviewing people. During the Kirsten Dunst interview, she kept accidentally interrupting and talking over her, and it got kinda awkward. It must be difficult to transition from the round table discussion to an actual 1 on 1 interview (or 2 on 1), but she's gonna need time to find her footing on that.

    • Love 7
  13. I think it'll take time for them to find their chemistry.  It was the same with The Chew-- their first few weeks were pretty awkward and stilted, but now, they're completely gelled and it's a pleasure to watch.  I felt like today was just ok, but pleasant enough. It didn't feel as tense or shrill as when Sherri and Jenny were on, which I appreciated, and I hope that they can get Nicole to come out of her shell a bit more and participate.  Whoopi actually seemed much more relaxed today than she had last season, and I remember thinking when they first came out that she looked pretty today.  I think the show was hard on her with the mentions of Robin Williams and Joan Rivers, and there were several moments that I think she was trying to choke back some emotion.


    I did enjoy the lack of cross-talk and how respectful all the women seemed of one another.  Once they get more comfortable, I think it'll be a huge improvement.

    • Love 2
  14. I look forward to hearing her thoughts on non-political topics.  Today she was completely quiet other than when the focus was specifically and overtly turned to her, and those were really only political-based questions.  I'm curious to hear her opinions on stuff where political parties aren't a factor. However, if it's an indication that she knows how to be respectful and listen quietly when other people are talking (as opposed to her predecessors), I don't have a problem with that.

    • Love 2
  15. The whole notion of Sherri being concerned that Sal would release naked photos of her is ridiculous.  It would make him seem like an incredibly awful person to the general public, and would probably not be looked at too kindly during their divorce proceedings.  This sounds like a story completely invented from whole cloth. It's either fabricated by whatever gossip site started the rumor, or has been put out there by Sherri's people to keep her name in the media.

    • Love 9
  16. Isn't Sherri still paying child support or alimony to her (first) ex? If so, that's a big chunk taken out of her income.  Plus, once you start living like you have money, you have to keep making money to maintain that life. For example, her million dollar house-- she bought it when she had a good, stable salary.  It probably seemed like a reasonable purchase based on her income because she didn't contemplate the faucet turning off-- it's a trap that lots of celebrities fall into (MC Hammer is a great example). Once that salary was not gonna keep happening, the house went up for sale (and she still has to pay that mortgage while it sits on the market).  She has to squeeze out every dollar because who knows how much longer people are gonna keep paying her.  As time passes, she'll become less relevant and more forgotten.  And then she has the new divorce case where even if she doesn't wind up paying Sal as much as he likely wants, she'll have attorney bills to pay.  I don't begrudge her doing everything she can to make any dollar offered to her. Whether it's advertising the tooth whitening system she uses (and so likely gets for free in exchange for shilling) or the Zumba classes she pretends she attends.


    However, I still don't like her.  I think she's incredibly dumb and in some sort of stage of arrested development where she dresses and acts like a teenager.  Unfortunately, her fans do nothing to discourage this.

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