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Posts posted by marny

  1. For me, the difficulty in watching all this, is that they are all so anxious to be the first one to speak that it results in a whole bunch of word-spewing without any real thought behind the words.  I've watched The Talk a few times, and on there, the women each take turns voicing their opinions-- there's no interrupting-- and it results in much more coherent, thought-out comments (well, except for Sharon, but she's a disaster).  If the women on The View would try to be a little more orderly in their discussions, it may actually result in some critical thinking instead of word vomit nonsense.  I say "may" because I'm not actually sure Whoopi is smart enough for critical thinking regardless of the circumstances.

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  2. Maybe if Thaddeus spent more time with his wife and kids than confronting some weirdo, things would be better for him. He'd already determined that some woman he'd spoken to for a month was a liar, so why not just move on? You didn't give her money, you didn't try to marry her-- she was just some rando you never met who you pursued and then unloaded your problems on. What difference does it make if her photos were fake-- you're married! I get why Sarah wouldn't be thrilled about it, but I really don't get why Thaddeus was even involved in this foolishness.

    I also can't deal with the hyperbole from Nev and Max about all the "destruction" Ashley is causing. What destruction? Convincing a few guys that they like someone they've never met? If you're silly enough to fall in love with a text message, that's kind of on you. And even for the real Sarah-- it's not like this was identity theft where she was actually stealing your identity and ruining your credit. Relax, guys. Ashley was a crazy freak, but I'm just not seeing the danger.

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  3. No, you're right. Michelle likely won't get a word in edgewise. She'll attempt to interrupt with a joke and Sherri and Whoopi will talk over her and shut her down. I'm guessing she won't last the season.

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  4. Hopefully, the hashtag #AudienceOfOne will prove prophetic and everyone will stop watching this tripe once Candace brings her hateful beliefs to the table.

    • Love 15
  5. So, basically this was a way for Prophet to remind everyone he still exists, right? I know it must be hard for people who were once famous and then disappear, but there have to be better reality shows he can be on than this, right? He needs to do a Go Fund Me to hire a better agent.

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  6. Presumably Michelle was added because Whoopie isn't threatened by her. If they added a truly funny comedian, Whoopie wouldn't feel like the funniest person there. And it's all about keeping her happy so she doesn't keep bullying people out of there.

    • Love 12
  7. Nicholle may have gotten a screener of the Minions movie. If talk shows like The View is having cast members on, the studios will often give the shows screeners of the movie so they can see it before interviewing the cast.

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  8. I'm guessing that sign-off was a result of a lecture from the Powers that Be. Every other talk show on tv encourages its viewers to use social media to participate in their shows. They beg for tweets and hashtags and photos. The Talk posts viewer tweets. Today Show posts tweets and fan pics. Even Dr. Phil pretends to post viewer questions. But Whoopi basically orders the audience to shut up, stop tweeting, tells us no one cares. This flies in the face of the network's desire to get audience response. I'm sure they're fine with her contrary opinions because they bring up the ratings, but it seems the network may finally be telling her, "You can spew your garbage, but don't you dare tell our viewers to stop participating." It's one thing when she was doing it over small stuff, but now it's over a major issue that's getting huge attention. Enough is enough.

    • Love 6
  9. OMG... this shit just pisses me off..... Rosie started talking about the racist tweets that President Obama was getting.... and she starts off her comment with.... people say that America has gotten past racial issues..... which is total bullshit... because the only people saying that are racist bastards who wont own up with their bigotry, as well as ignorant people like Rosie

    And the U.S. Supreme Court.

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