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Posts posted by marny

  1. I wonder if Wink would have been better off if they didn't try to claim to be an ice cream alternative. For a person who loves real ice cream, it's hard enough convincing them to eat frozen yogurt or low fat ice cream (it isn't terrible, but isn't the same). Good luck convincing them to eat organic pea protein or whatever. Just be your own kind of dessert and maybe the expectations won't be as high.

    • Love 5
  2. So basically they've had to add new people just so Alicia has someone to interact with. At this point, despite my love for them, I'm not sure why Diane and Carey are even on this show anymore. And I love Alan Cumming, but he's basically had the same story in every episode this season, and it's getting tiresome.

    • Love 5
  3. This petition will only make the network love Raven more. For this kind of show, any passion about the show is good passion. People will tune in to see what dumb/awful thing Raven will say next just so that they can be outraged about it. Offensive is good; boring is the kiss of death. Hence, Nicolle getting the boot. She was supposed to be the conservative one, but she didn't say outrageous stuff or cause any fireworks, so that was her demise. Raven is creating great job security.

    • Love 2
  4. WTH did they even trick or treat? They should have stayed the hell home and handed something out. Or, actually do something nice together?? Moron.

    He's a kid. Why wouldn't he go trick-or-treating? That's what kids do on Halloween. And she went with him, so they did something together. Sherrie is annoying, but her taking her child trick-or-treating on Halloween isn't an example of it. Why should her kid have to stay home?

    • Love 4
  5. This discussion about Liv and her highly unrealistic hair care is a hundred times more interesting than the show itself. My kingdom for a successful presidential assassination. Fitz is such a damn boat anchor. Then again, so is Rowan. Can this show just have a bombing (like Homeland did a few years ago) and clean house?

    • Love 7
  6. I would pay top dollar to have weekly dinners at the Milian's house to hear all the "You will not believe the story I heard today" stories. I envy her family.

    Today's poo flinging case was amazing. That "contract" she claimed he signed was hilarious. I paused my tv to look at it, and it was decorated like a high school dance flyer-- complete with a cartoon picture of a couple kissing and a fancy border. Amazing.

    • Love 3
  7. Once Faux News dumps her on her behind like they do to a lot of the female hosts for F&F she'll get a rude awakening. Some of the other hosts have gotten their own shows on the network but I'm not sure anyone would want to watch Bitsy trying to anchor her own show when she can barely even put together her own sentences.

    Other hosts at that network have had degrees related to broadcasting or journalism to fall back on and gotten jobs at other stations after leaving or being let go but Bitsy doesn't. She has a BOA with a concentration on large scale paintings and industrial design.

    You seem to be forgetting that she graduated from the Barbara Walters School of Journalism, as she told us when she left the show.  She'd be better of with a Journalism degree from Devry.

    • Love 1
  8. I though the drone guys and the jerks were two of the best negotiators I have seen on the show.  


    I don't understand the excitement over a phone drone.  I get the cool/fun factor of a drone, but I would want to send my phone high in the air and worry about it falling out, or the drone crashing into a tree, or get lost or stuck in a place I couldn't retrieve it from.  Don't (some) drones already have cameras? What would be the purpose of using your phone then?  A roving drone playing your iTunes library as it flies around at parties?


    I think the phone drone was meant as a way to turn your camera phone into the camera for the drone-- they were only selling the housing that flies-- you then turn on the camera on your phone and put the phone in the housing. It was a much cheaper item (definitely cheaper than drones with built-in cameras), so it's a means for a person to kinda create their own cheaper drone camera. It seems to be for more of a toy purpose-- like to get overhead footage of a party or your kids playing in the yard. It's like a flying selfie stick. Which are already super-annoying.

    • Love 3
  9. I'm excited to have an opportunity to say something positive about this show: Michelle's hair looked really nice today.  Unfortunately, that whole basketball/stripper/hooker conversation was a shit show and I'm not sure I even understood what they were talking about.

    • Love 4
  10. I feel like I'm missing something.  I'm pretty sure you don't need to have paid your attorney to make the conversation privileged.  For example, if I meet with an attorney about taking a claim, but he ends up not agreeing to the representation after we talk about the case, it doesn't mean that he can suddenly be called to the stand to testify about our conversation, just because we didn't exchange money.      


    You're completely correct.  I'm an attorney.  If I meet with a potential client, and they ultimately decide not to hire me to represent them, I'm still bound by privilege.  Just like Alicia was bound by privilege not to reveal the content of her conversation with Howard even though she didn't agree to take his case.  Alicia violated privilege big-time by revealing to Eli what was going on with her client and the FBI sting.  Eli wasn't bound by anything-- he wasn't Alicia's counsel-- but Alicia definitely was. Funny how she wouldn't tell Diane about what was going on with Howard because of privilege, but didn't hesitate to tell Eli everything about her actual client.

    • Love 5
  11. This is pretty harsh, and a gross misunderstanding. First - I'd never buy the Dude Wipes and I've used generic Wal-Mart wipes for a couple years now. But before my GF introduced me to this concept... it had never occurred to me to use wipes. No data to back this up, but I'm sure that's the same with a very large majority of guys. So the problem isn't necessarily convincing guys that wipes can be 'manly', but opening their eyes to the fact that it's a thing and it's a good thing.

    You do that by packaging the wipes specifically for 'dudes'.

    In other words, it's a completely untapped market.

    It might be "harsh", but it's exactly how the dudes marketed their product. "Dudes don't want to use something for babies, they need something for dudes." They didn't talk about educating men about the wonders of wipes, only that the current products didn't feel macho enough. Their explanation is what's insulting, not my description of it. After all, if guys aren't shopping in the toilet paper aisle to begin with (like Barbara said) they aren't going to even see the Dude Wipes. So, it isn't a product for the guys who don't know about wipes. You have to be looking for wipes, and then say, "Wow, these are way more manly, thus I will buy them and pay more."

    • Love 2
  12. How generous of the Jonases to be charitable towards a struggling single mother who only makes a few million dollars a year. If she wasn't joking, I'm grossed out. Actually, even if she was joking, I'm grossed out. I'm guessing actual struggling single mothers don't find her crying poor to be very funny.

    • Love 9
  13. Whoopi isn't Jewish. I recall reading somewhere that her mother suggested the name Goldberg because it sounds Jewish and Jewish people are successful in Hollywood, so she thought it would help her to be taken more seriously. I'll try to find the source.

    Edited to add: I found it here, for one example, from Time magazine: http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2093588_2093587_2093597,00.html

    • Love 3
  14. I did enjoy a brief moment from Paula when Whoopi was lecturing the others about whether singers should sing their hits in concert.  Paula had expressed a different opinion than Whoopi, so of course Whoopi talked over and her and argued with her loudly. Paula replied sweetly something like, "We're all entitled to our opinions, Whoopi." Whoopi actually looked slightly chastened and said "You're right," and stopped shouting her opinion. Well, until the next topic.

    • Love 16
  15. Maybe all the judge's rulings against Sherrie ARE god's attempt to make this all ok-- ok for society, not for self-centered Sherrie. The fact that she thinks that whatever God she believes in would prefer to protect her money rather than help take care of a child is simply laughable. Was her marriage a sham? Maybe. Is Lamar taking advantage of her deep pockets? Maybe. But when it comes down to it, Sherrie is fighting against the care and well-being of a child. If she'd let her anger at the failed relationship go, and would stop worrying about feeling like a fool for getting into this situation, she could stop seeing this situation as adversity for anyone other than the child.

    • Love 7
  16. I remember watching Raven on the Cosby show, but have no recollections of her singing any songs on that show, or even having any specific catch-phrases.  I'm having trouble believing people ask Raven to act like the 3-year old character she portrayed.


    Also, Ben Carson always seems like he's been sedated. 

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