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Posts posted by marny

  1. I think the only mention of Carrie's dad on SATC was her saying once or twice that her dad left her and her mother when she was young. I remember it from the episode where she starts working at Vogue and Ron Rifkin gets all inappropriate.  Definitely explains her daddy issues with Big.

  2. It's time for Sal to shut up and just be a parent to his child. He's getting an extra $50k a year to help care for his child-- more than many people make in a year-- on top of whatever salary he makes as a teacher. That isn't poverty. It's a shame that the child doesn't have a mother, but he needs to stop it with the "woe is me" act. He'd do his child more good by just being a normal single parent than running to every reporter who will listen about how unloved the child is. One day, the child will be old enough to google himself. It would be nice if he didn't have to read about his own father lamenting their sad, abandoned life together. If you want to seem like "the good guy", then be the good guy and move on.

    • Love 8
  3. Nayvie was in the top 5 names. NAYVIE. Not even "Navy". Sigh.

    I really wish this episode had done what they did last week and invited Kentucky Jamie along for the trip. I feel like that would have been a pretty good shit-show.

    • Love 2
  4. The one character I want them to drag back in before the end is Lemond Bishop (Mike Colter). I don't even remember how that story arc ended, or whether he's now in prison, I just want to feel that delicious frisson of sex and danger one more time. I am aware this does not necessarily speak well of me. I don't care. Also, Mike Colter needs his own show and I want his co-star to be Idris Elba, but that would kill me dead so maybe I'd better rethink this.

    p.s. Ooo, I looked up Colter and it appears he's starring in a series in development. It's called "Luke Cage." But damn, no mention of Idris.


    OT, but if you have Netflix, Colter has a good-size role on Jessica Jones.  And you see a lot of him, if you know what I mean.

    • Love 7
  5. That was the point. We were hearing what Eli was hearing through the air duct. He then guessed some things, made assumptions and drew conclusions on incomplete information, as were were supposed to do as viewers.

    But I heard nothing. I made no assumptions and drew no conclusions because I could not understand a single word being said.  The audio was terrible.  And thus, boring and frustrating.

    • Love 4
  6. I think the idea of the stylistic courtroom stuff was interesting, but the execution was super-annoying to me as a viewer.  I couldn't hear a damn thing with all the echoing and overlapping, so basically I couldn't hear half the episode.  That isn't fun or entertaining.  And it was never-ending.

    • Love 4
  7. Sunny and I don't always agree, but I love her when she gets into these Trump discussions.

    I also wish someone would point out that Hitler wasn't Hitler until he was. Meaning, he didn't exterminate humans on his first day in charge-- he had to become the horrifying leader he became first. He started with rhetoric and fear-mongering. He riled up his audience. Got them angry and scared until they believed in his lies and followed his plan. No, Trump isn't exterminating people, but we don't know how far his rhetoric will go. He's already advocated murdering the innocent families of terrorists, and is trying to make people believe immigrants are all rapists and killers. Can we please allow ourselves to learn from history?

    • Love 17
  8. I'm scrutinizing the propeller hat brooch because I cannot fathom why that pin would exist in the world! Could it be some sort of fruit bunch and the propeller is the leaves? Is it a partial dragonfly sitting on a rock? Is she wearing it upside down and it's some sort of flower? I MUST KNOW.

    • Love 1
  9. I guess it's nice that it wasn't a 20-year old this time? But yeah, the minute I heard the voice it was obvious Derrick was a woman. I wonder if the daughter had her suspicions about that, but knew an actual reveal was the only way to wake her mother up.

    • Love 1
  10. I get the hypocrisy about Trump's father or grandfather changing the name, and being proud of one's heritage, but I'm bothered by the underlying mocking of the name Drumpf. I knew a man last name Stumpf. Yeah, a funny name, but are "we" also making fun of it because it's "different?" Seems like stooping a bit to his level. Shrug

    The point isn't to make fun of the name Drumpf, but rather to disassociate him from the name Trump since "trump" is a brand that people (wrongly) associate with success. If you watch the John Oliver video, it may clarify it for you.

    • Love 8
  11. Amanda Peet is killing it in this role. That trivia game scene was so cringeworthy and amazing. I was literally hiding my face and saying' "No Tina no Tina no!" During the Jennifer Grey argument.

    I'm surprised Michelle told Brett so soon. I figured the secret would linger much longer.

    • Love 3
  12. Apparently the state Supreme Court refused to hear Sherri's case.  She's still on the hook to financially support the child she abandoned.  I have to wonder if once all her attempts to get out of having to support the child fail, she'll actually decide to have a role in the child's life.

    • Love 4
  13. When did they decide to make Olivia so stupid? Did she really think her father had changed? That she's dumber than Huck? Seriously?


    At the beginning of this show, Olivia was the kind of badass that women might want to be-- now the only admirable thing about her is her wardrobe.  I think I'm out.

  14. Mark didn't ask about the medical/scientific claims on the freezing thing because, as he said, the Mavs have been using those things for the last 5 years. He already knows about whatever benefits there may or may not be, or else his players wouldn't be doing it. I was more surprised by the lack of questions about the claims of the back-brace woman. Does she have a patent? Has a doctor examined it? Have there been studies showing this device works? Her Kickstarter success shows she can sell-- it doesn't show the product actually works. The donors hadn't even received the product at the time of her pitch!

    • Love 1
  15. I think it depends on the school. Some i could log in the site and it said the status or got an email before the letter. Some i got a fed ex whatever notification or package full of shit. Some i got a thin letter. This seems like a 100 years ago.


    Ha, I was applying to college around the same time as the 90210 crew and getting emails or logging in to college websites to find out if you got accepted didn't exist yet.  I used email for the first time when I got to college.  I think I even learned about this new thing called the "world wide web" in either my freshman or sophomore science class in college.

    • Love 2
  16. Diane needed to remind Alicia that Luca didn't work for her anymore because Alicia was certainly acting like Luca still worked for her. Just talking to Luca wouldn't fix the issue of Alicia overstepping her role. That needed to be said to Alicia.

    But this conversation also needed to happen with Luca, not just Alicia.

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