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Posts posted by marny

  1. There are lots of things I don't agree with Sunni Hostin about, but she was dead on today about stupid Stacy Dash and the trashy Sarah Palin and her offspring.  I need to see more of THIS Sunni.  And I was cringing when Paula tried to say that things like the BET Awards were divisive. Um, it wasn't the black community that started the racial divisiveness in our society, Paula.


    Also, Sarah Palin, if your son has PTSD, maybe his abusive episode is a great example of why those who have mental health issues shouldn't be able to have firearms.  Just sayin'.

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  2. I think they gave the Iron Man clue money back to her because that question didn't make clear whether they wanted the actor's name or which Avenger he was. Since it was the first clue opened in that category, it was an easy misunderstanding to make. The category was "Avengers in other roles". That can easily sound like it's asking for the avenger name.

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  3. These may have been the 4 dumbest businesses shown in one episode. The crowd funding app (that doesn't even exist yet) was nonsense; the silly baby scale was a way to take advantage of paranoid but wealthy parents who need to use their phones to track their baby's every movement; the beard bib Fixes a problem that could be solved if men would just clean up after themselves; and the ticket fixing app made no money. As a side note, I'm an attorney who ( in addition to other work) helps clients fight moving violation tickets. In those kinds of cases (at least in my state) an error on the face of the ticket isn't a defense at all, so the app wouldn't really do much for those. They should stick to their not-so-lucrative parking tickets.

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  4. This is true about business in general. But, Robert offered him double what he asked for because he believed in the charity component. That's rare generosity in the Tank. When someone makes an offer like that that, you take it immediately with profuse gratitude.

    It was double the money but for double the equity for Robert. If the business could receive the same money for less equity, that was worth finding out from a business perspective. We've heard entrepeneurs in the past who have been made offers of more money than they asked for, but for more equity than they wanted to give up, who have said they'd rather have less money and give away less equity. The HH guy could have felt the same way.

  5. The way the Hungry Harvest segment went kind of irritated me on the entrepeneur's behalf. First, the Sharks gave him a hard time for doing basically too much charitable giving rather than prioritizing profit. And yet, when Robert made an offer, the Sharks got irritated that the owner wanted to hear out the other potential offers, which is exactly what a business-owner should want to do. He's running a business with a charity-component, not a charity or a non-profit. Let him try to do the best thing for his business rather than get offended that he didn't jump on Robert's seeming interest in the do-gooder component . Just because he wants to help the community doesn't mean he doesn't want to do what's best for his business.

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  6. From the recap: "I must have missed the part when Homeland told us that -- or how -- the BND knows Numan's real name is Gabe H. Coud"

    His real name wasn't Gabe H Cuod. That was the hacker name he used in the first episode when he got all the documents. It's DoucheBag spelled backwards.

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  7. Starbucks is now selling bagel balls. I wonder if they are from Bantam. If I recall they had a patent on them, right?

    I think the Starbucks ones are supposed to be from Bantam, but, either way, you can't patent a food. David Chang (of Momofuku) was complaining about the existence of the bagel balls because he sells a similar product at his Milk Bar shops, but he definitely wasn't the first to create them (nor was Bantam). I've been eating bagel balls since I was a kid. I grew up in Miami and used to go to a bagel shop that sold stuffed bagel balls with different flavored bagels and different flavored cream cheese. They actually called them Bagel Balls.
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