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Posts posted by marny

  1. Why did the professor even ask Brandon (or anyone) to tutor D'Shawn if the prof was planning to just give him good grades anyway?  What did he need a tutor for?  All it did was open up another student to the fact that the professor was giving D'Shawn unearned grades.  Good work, Teach!

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  2. I had only remembered the reappearance of Emily with the weird Prince Valiant haircut, so I was relieved when I saw the hairstyle in the current visual aids and saw that Sarah and Tara weren't crazy for saying Emily looked cute.

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  3. I'm not surprised the Breathometer business isn't all it was cracked up to be. I know a good bit about breath alcohol testing due to my job, and there's no way that device can be at all accurate for determining BAC. Even in the original episode, we saw Lauri drink about 3 sips of champagne and blow a .04. Not even close to what the result should have been. The only difference between it and the ones they already sell at drugstores all over the place is that it connects to your phone. The Sharks shouldn't have bothered with that company. Not surprised they're pivoting to something different. Which I'm also not optimistic about. 

  4. It just occurred to me listening to this episode that one of the reasons Brandon wears that Twins jersey is probably because he and Brenda are Minnesota Twins. I feel like he would find that stupid joke funny. It's clearly not because Brandon knows anything about baseball. 

  5. Why would the Wicked Good cupcakes women want to partner with the frosting woman? Since food/recipes can't be patented, they can just make their own vegan blah blah frosting and keep the money for themselves.  Instead they'd have to do all the marketing and packaging work (assuming they'd be selling it through their own store or website) just to sell someone else's product --and only get a third of the benefits.  

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  6. Once Jackie got remarried, she wouldn't have gotten an alimony check from Kelly's dad anymore.  Child support, yes (until Kelly turned 18 probably), but not alimony. So Kelly's money would be based on the whim/generosity of her dad once she reached college age. And I'm guessing even though Mel was successful, he was still paying alimony to David's mom, so even if he had to give Jackie some money when they divorced, he isn't the deep pocket one would think.  I guess that's why Jackie supposedly needed to sell the house when she and Mel split.  Speaking of, I don't think that house ever got sold, so I wonder how Jackie kept affording it.  Or did we just never see it again?

    We are definitely giving this more consideration than the writers did.

    • Love 2
  7. And WTF is wrong with Wild-Eyed Crazy Mary's mother that she also thought it was a great idea to move in with her daughter's online teenage girlfriend?  I don't have a lot of hope for the future of Mary's kid.

    • Love 7
  8. 2 hours ago, Cekrypton1 said:

    Credit where it's due: Dylan's "What theme? Man vs Nature? Reality vs. Perception?" made me laugh outloud.

    Agreed. And Kelly's sheepish "Disco Fever" in response was cute. 

    • Love 1
  9. Tara asked about the notion of there being enough frats/sororities for each culture/race demographic to have its own house-- it's actually not that uncommon.  At my school, there were Jewish frats/sororities, black frats/sororities, and I know there was a Latino frat. Most of the Greek houses were integrated of course, but there definitely were some that were specifically geared towards certain cultural/racial groups.  We also had some co-ed houses.  And my university wasn't small, but it wasn't as big as it seems like CU is supposed to be.

  10. During the kids' presentation, all I could think of was the Ali G ice cream glove that you wear when you eat ice cream so it doesn't get on your hand.

    When the only product to get a deal is a couple of kids with a free patent and nothing else, you know the show is running out of good businesses to feature.

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    And again, great songs. "Paula's Turn" was a great showcase for Donna Lynne Champlin (who tweeted that after filming she immediately bought a duplicate of that red dress for herself), and Lea Salonga got a dead-on Disney princess song!

    That dress looked amazing on DLC. She should buy it in every color! Also I want it.

    • Love 3
  12. Please upload Sarah's commencement to the site! It can be a "Let's Go to the Videotape" entry.


    What I seem to remember being so weird about this episode back in the day is that the "video yearbook" contained clips that would not have been possible to have footage of. Like Brenda and Kelly skydiving or Brenda and Donna eating dinner in Paris.  Am I misremembering?  Were those just flashbacks and not yearbook clips?

  13. I know it's been a trademark of this show since the beginning, but I cannot STAND all the interrupting lawyers in the courtroom.  I'm a lawyer, and if opposing counsel and I kept interrupting and talking over one other like that, the judge would shut that shit down so fast our heads would spin.  It's so incredibly unprofessional and inappropriate. I felt like Lucca and Alicia were particularly rude about it in this episode. It makes me cringe.

    • Love 6
  14. Actually, I saw her as being very sane, her raised voice didn't distract me  because Fran was also screaming his points. The problem was, his points made no sense and hers did. She offered to call/pay for car service, but it just wasn't working and when she said out loud to him that he didn't even like her, he never denied it. Instead he said so what to that, and the loved her. Come again?


    Look, it is very true that you may not like family members, but you still love them. But this is not that case, they are not  family. I wouldn't even say they've been together long enough.  They have not been in a relationship, even married where they started out truly bonded, really liking each other, best friends, a deep bond of love and as the relationship went on changes occurred. They had times like all couples have when you're not really liking one another but the love is still there under the surface. Then yeah, I would get his sticking around and fighting for it.  They just are not a good match, and they don't even have long enough of a history IMO for Fran to be carrying on this way.


    Why in the hell one would want to start out with someone they don't even like is beyond me.  All I can say is he too, is on the long list of characters on this show whose flaws continue to get in their way of finding true happiness. 


    Yeah, this scene was surely a green check mark for Hannah, an adult moment, unlike in the last  episode with her running through the bathroom in her pajamas, outdoors, to avoid this much needed conversation with Fran.

    To me, his tantrum was because it drove Fran crazy that someone like Hannah would break up with him.  He considers himself so much better than her that the notion of HER dumping HIM was what was really bothering him.  It was all about his fragile ego.  He was mad at himself that he let himself get involved with someone who had shown herself to be difficult from the very beginning, and then, despite how crazy and beneath him she continued being (in his opinion), he didn't even get to be the one to break up with her.  He didn't actually want to keep being with her, but he wanted her to want to be with him, and the idea that she didn't was making him nuts.

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