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Posts posted by marny

  1. Caitlyn was lucky that she confronted Kenton (*rolls eye at dumb name*) with Max and Nev sitting there, because I can't help but think she would have been less strong if she'd dealt with it alone.  She was already starting with the "maybe I should have tried harder to make time for him" stuff until Max snapped her out of it.  She seems like a nice woman, but she really needs to continue with her therapy if she wants to stop picking controlling (and probably abusive if the restraining order against her child's father is any indication) dudes.

    As for Kenton, he's the kind of guy who just looks for vulnerable, insecure women who he can manipulate and who will put up with his controlling shit.  And, I know this doesn't apply to all of them of course, but seeking out young single mothers is a great way to increase your odds of finding one.  It was no surprise to hear him say that he had dated single mothers before.

    • Love 7
  2. 8 hours ago, BabyVegas said:

    Ok, the plotline about Jane getting sued. Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Morgan Stanley was a stripper. Meaning the statement was true, so I can't see how there would be any defamation. I can see the magazine settling to get rid of the problem, but I can't imagine the settlement agreement would require Jane to admit culpability. Richard seems like a terrible lawyer, tbh. On top of that, would the stripper be allowed to use the name Morgan Stanley when she's specifically playing on the Wall Street connection?

    For all its faults, though, the show has a fizzy, enjoyable charm. And the three leads have gorgeous hair.

    Yeah, the failure to explain what could possibly have been "defamatory" about an accurate story really bugged me.  So, the truth harmed her reputation in the community? Not defamation. Did she breach a promise of anonymity? Potentially, but that's a different kind of breach. If they wanted to have a lawsuit story, at least try to make it somewhat make sense. 

    It's a cute show-- I just want it to have a little bit more depth.

    • Love 6
  3. On 5/17/2017 at 5:29 PM, AngelaHunter said:

    would never rent to millennial snowflakes, who feel everyone should be sensitive to their situations, problems and even levels of discomfort, and act accordingly.

    If this show has taught us anything, it's that this attitude is hardly limited to a particular generation. 

    • Love 4
  4. I'd really love if one of the catfishees was confronted with the fact that they typically look almost NOTHING like their photos.  While I get that it might not be as egregious as using photos of an entirely different person, let's cut it out with the "how dare you lie to me!" when your own photos shave off weight, clear up acne, enhance cheekbones, plump your lips, and turn your brown eyes blue.

    • Love 3
  5. I have cats.  I love them and have spent more money on them than I'd like to admit.  I would never bother with that stupid cat wine.  My cats like catnip and my cats are perfectly content to drink water. Catnip costs next to nothing-- and you can even get it in spray form if you don't want the little green bits all over the place. Why would I spend $15 on catnip wine? So no, I don't see it as a thing cat people would buy their cats. I see it as a novelty that other people would buy a cat person as a joke gift.

    • Love 6
  6. 1 hour ago, Lizzing said:

    Can someone with Facebook explain to me how many FB friends are normal?  In the past couple of eps, Nev & Max seem to think having friends in the 300s is low to normal, but I can't trust their judgment because Nev got this show based on his proclivity to be a social media slut.  This ep had Rosa's FB account with 15 people as friends being highly suspicious, which, perhaps is if Rosa is one to be trolling for dudes to chat with on the web.  But how many FB friends would an average, non catfishing person have?  Multiple hundreds just seems ridiculously high to me, unless the user is using the FB account for a business networking purpose.

    As for this episode, I really wanted Nev or Max to go at Danny harder for being a stalker with douchy white knight syndrome.

    In my experience, the "normal" number of friends depends a lot on the age of the user.  For people in their 20s and younger, the friend numbers tend to be a lot higher since they seem to add everyone they've ever met or anyone who sends them a friend request (including people they haven't even met-- hence the catfish relationships).  I'm 40 and have about 200, whereas a friend of mine who is 27 has over a thousand. 

    • Love 1
  7. As for brain development, it depends if coding is more like a language rather than like math. Studies show that a person is more likely to be able to truly become fluent in a language if they start learning it pre-puberty. If coding is more like learning a new language (which arguably it is), then early familiarity is really important.

    As for Toy Mail, I really just don't see the point. I get not wanting your kid to be in front of screens all the time, but letting your kid call a loved one on the phone to leave a voicemail message isn't harmful. I feel like it's a product a kid would get bored with almost immediately. But I guess as long as the parent buys it, who cares if the kid ever uses it?

  8. I'm incredibly sick of Mark telling entrepreneurs that they "have a product, not a business".  This is the guy who invested in Dude Wipes.  How on earth is that a business and not a product?  I think he said that to the firemen bag lady, and her company is much more of a business than a bunch of wet wipes for guys.  I personally thought her bags were pretty ugly, but I thought his dropping out for that reason was nonsense.  If you don't want to work with a crazy person who makes ugly bags, just say so.

    • Love 3
  9. On 1/27/2017 at 11:05 PM, sadiegirl said:

    I like the idea of the getaway - but not for $100 a night.  If I'm going to pay $100, then I want to be pampered.  Since you get nothing but quiet in those tiny homes, they should be a bit cheaper.  I can't believe they are being valued at 15 mil.  That's just crazy.

    Damn, where are you staying that you get pampered for $100 a night? That's the cost of a cheap hotel in most places-- certainly not a place you'll get much more than a bed and a bathroom.

    • Love 5
  10. Pregnancy at 40 isn't crazy. My grandmother gave birth to her first child (my mom) at age 40 in 1946. 

    As for gray hair, I'm 40 and dark-haired. but have yet to have my first gray hair (knock wood). 

    • Love 1
  11. I do a lot of work professionally in the area of blood-alcohol testing (via breath testing) and knew immediately there was no way that device could be anywhere near accurate or reliable.  A truly accurate instrument is pretty delicate and needs to be calibrated and maintained, not shoved in your pocket.  

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