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Posts posted by marny

  1. It seems that Mark and Damon are the only ones who remember why this show started— to give entrepreneurs who may not be able to get investors or help any other way a chance to succeed. The fact that a company with $6.5 million in the bank and a $32 million valuation was able to get a slot on this show and get an investment grossed me out. I was glad to see Mark and Damon acknowledge that this show isn’t meant for him and the producers shouldn’t have cast that bottle company. 

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  2. As other have mentioned, the fact that the Matte gets placed over the sink would be a problem. I wash my hands throughout my makeup process, so I’d keep having to clear it off, move it aside, then set it back up. It’s really not so hard to keep your makeup in a bag and take out each item as you need it. To me, it seemed more useful for someone who gets ready in their bedroom but doesn’t want to get their dresser (or, let’s be honest, their bed) messy from all the loose powder particles and creams so it would work like a placemat. Maybe she should pivot to that as its purpose. 

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  3. I’ve seen Kendra Scott jewelry at many department stores— it’s usually the stuff on racks, not behind the counter. And always on sale. It’s not particularly special, but it’s a good price point if you want to sell high volumes of merchandise and it’s inexpensive enough that customers will be able to buy more of it as jewelry trends change.  She’d be a good partner if your company wants to sell mid-level retail merchandise, but I’m curious what else she’d actually bring to the table besides money. 

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  4. 11 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

    It made more sense for sauces other than ketchup, things people wouldn't have in their houses. Maybe pesto or something like that? But people wouldn't be eating things like that away from their kitchens, so it is really just silly.

    Agreed. The entrepreneurs claimed that it was good for situations when you don’t have refrigeration (like camping) but aren’t you putting the “slice” on something that would need to be refrigerated anyway? It’s one of those ideas that should have been dismissed after the entrepreneurs thought about it for more than 5 minutes. 

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  5. 17 hours ago, hookedontv said:

    ^^^This. I despise the double standard -- there needs to be more outrage, just as if it was a teen girl and older guy. 

    I don't think I could have a good relationship/trust my mom ever again if she did that to me. I'd probably cut her out of my life. 

    Maybe I'm just a bitch. 

    I would never forgive my mother. There’s no way to know how many people she sent naked photos of her daughter to, and whether those photos will come back to haunt Katy at some point in her life. It’s truly unforgivable. 

    And first the mom said she was completely alone because of her divorce and her one child leaving for college and Katy moving out, but then how was she able to go through Katy’s phone while she was asleep to steal photos if Katy supposedly wasn’t living there? She’s still making excuses and they don’t seem to be truthful. Her therapy isn’t working. 

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  6. This felt to me like an old episode they hadn’t aired previously rather than an actual new episode. If it was a new episode, they would have mentioned going back to the pre-pandemic format. And even before the pandemic, they were having catfishees fly to LA rather than the other way around. 

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  7. 22 hours ago, basiltherat said:

    Personal pet peeve:  I HATE it when they call plants "meat" -- they are not meat, and that is not truth in advertising.  The Chicken Union should sue.  Call it Pseudo Pork or I Can't Believe Its Not Chiken, but don't call it meat.  Because then you bring up the question:  If plants are so good, why do they have to disguise themselves as meat?  

    It’s not about whether “plants are so good”. Many people like the taste of meat but for one reason or another, want to limit or reduce their intake of meat. It might be for health reasons, environmental concerns, allergies, animal rights advocacy, etc. But no one is disputing generally whether meat is tasty and enjoyable. Being able to mimic the taste and texture of meat allows people to enjoy it while still limiting their intake. It’s not a meat vs. plant competition. 

    There are already some companies in the plant-based chicken space but theirs look more like chicken breast or ground chicken. I wonder if people are going to be on board with idea of making “chicken” at home out of a powder. Sometimes the psychology of it all makes a difference. 

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  8. I truly don’t understand the appeal of the underwear service. There was nothing special about her designs (and we learned that at first she was just selling other stores’ clearance underwear, so her standards can’t be that high), and I don’t know anyone who buys new underwear every month. All of her whining about the difficulty of underwear shopping was crazy to me. Widespread internet shopping for clothing (including lingerie) has existed for around 15 years. No one needs to go to stores and rummage through bins for sale items. You just point and click.  

    She was very vague about her marketing, but my guess is she paid a bunch of influencers to shill for her, because organic viral Instagram marketing is very rare— especially when you aren’t selling anything unique. 

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  9. The Garmaguard stuff seemed really dumb to me. It’s capitalizing off of people‘s general germaphobia, that is only more heightened now. Febreze claims to kill odor-causing bacteria and germs too, and Tide has an antibacterial spray too, so they’re competing with big names and companies- ones who already have FDA certifications that they don’t have yet. Not to mention, we’ve been learning more and more that people aren’t getting Covid-19 from dirty surfaces and fabrics— it’s mostly from air transmission of germs and saliva droplets. The cleaning makes people feel better, but it isn’t doing much. It’s what they call “hygiene theatre”. 

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  10. This show is the perfect way to pass time that isn’t stressful, suspenseful, complicated or affecting. You can just watch pretty people in their pretty clothes in a pretty city living unrealistically uncomplicated lives and forget about it the minute it’s over. In “usual times”, I wouldn’t have bothered with it. These days, it’s a welcome respite. Cotton candy without the stomach ache. 

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  11. The problem I had with Emily’s objections to the commercial is that she (and apparently the writers) didn’t know how to articulate why the commercial was a problem. She threw out buzzwords like “male gaze” and “sexist” but didn’t actually explain why it was more a man’s belief of a what a woman’s fantasy would be, but not actually a woman’s fantasy. If you want your protagonist to be effective, write her that way. Instead she seemed like she had just learned about feminism yesterday and was excited to try to use it. 

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  12. This was super-convoluted, and yet not particularly interesting. Are we supposed to think Kristen "accidentally" included that Chloe photo in her message to Nev? Because, come on. And I'm sorry you were catfished Tiffany, but if you were dumb enough to think some stranger you'd never met or even talked on the phone with was going to make your car payments for you, resulting in the car getting repo'd, that's on you.  Kristen is a jerk and obviously a terrible friend, but your stupidity had a big part in this too.

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  13. Had Jason and “Keith” ever talked on the phone or was it all text? Because I have a hard time believing that Tayy could hide his brand of messy drama queen over the phone. Also, Jason? You really couldn’t tell that those photos were several different people? Do better, sir. 

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  14.  I thought it was incredibly sad when the woman who had been the young victim of the EAR said that she likely wouldn’t have been willing to talk about her rape if her parents were still alive because it would have been too hard for them for her to be open about it. To go through such trauma and have it compounded with the pressure to stay quiet about it because your parents thought it was embarrassing to the family, as if she had done something wrong by being raped. I know not much has changed really, but my heart broke for her at the questioning of who she could have been if she’d been able to deal with her trauma before now. 

    I do wonder if she hadn’t died if Michelle ever would have finished the book. Especially if he hadn’t been caught. 

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  15. 1 hour ago, UnknownK said:

    Fentanyl is for people dying from cancer where nothing else works. If she used it it was from illegal drugs.

    I don’t know whether she obtained it legally or not, but fentanyl is absolutely prescribed for people with chronic pain and not just cancer patients. I have personal knowledge of this.  

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  16. My understanding about the fentanyl is that Michelle was prescribed it for chronic pain. But since it sounds like she was also taking additional meds that might not have been prescribed to her, it’s probably the combination as wells as the quantities of unprescribed meds (which a doctor probably would have warned against) that caused her death. 


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  17. The ability to ring in before the question has been entirely read was a HUGE mistake by the show that I'm glad was ultimately corrected. It led to the show being about who can be first on the buzzer instead of who can actually answer the question. These dummies lost so much money by ringing in fast and not knowing the answers, and it made the game so much more boring and killed the rhythm of the game. Also, I'm glad we can no longer hear when a contestant rings in-- that constant ding during the clues was really irritating. 

    There was also an incident on last night's show where the returning champion answered a question without ringing in. His podium wasn't lit up and he wasn't called on. He just said the answer when Alex finished reading and he got the credit for it.

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  18. 17 minutes ago, chediavolo said:

    Also seems like she had little regard or time for her husband and child. 

    My husband and I were talking about this last night after the episode. I think one of the reasons Patton was so accepting of her spending all of her time on the case instead of with the family has to do with the fact that presumably Patton is gone for large chunks of time for his job. He is out on tour regularly, he's constantly shooting movies and TV shows where he works long hours away from his family (and sometimes away on location), but it's accepted because it's his job. For Michelle, especially once she had the book deal, spending all her time on the case became her job. And so it was harder for him to criticize her absence when he himself likely was absent a lot for his job. 

    But also, I am sure she loved her family dearly, she just became consumed. 

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  19. I wish that instead of just asking for a deadline delay on her book that Michelle had just told her publisher that the book isn’t happening. It’s clear that her passion was solving the case and that the book was both a distraction from doing that and an added time pressure on her. Without the book looming over her, she could have gone through those boxes at her own pace instead of what she was doing because she obviously felt terribly pressured to get through it all thoroughly but quickly. Unfortunately, if she had backed out of the book deal, she probably would have felt like a failure since publishing a book was a longtime dream. But the reality is, she wasn’t an author. She was an investigator who had a talent for writing well about her findings. Her heart was in solving the case, not the book. 

    I’ve had a hard time finding info about what Michelle McNamara did for a career before starting her true crime blog (and the documentary doesn’t really talk about this). Does anyone here happen to know? 

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  20. Oh also, if Jaqueline is so concerned that the story about that gross company is going to seem like a vendetta, she should assign a different person to supervise Jane on the case and wall herself off from it to reduce the appearance of impropriety. Or, she could have given permission to Jane to turn the story over to another news outlet. The fact that she didn’t even consider doing any of that as a potential solution shows her desire to kill the story was more about protecting her personal life. Which honestly isn’t much better than what the NBC people did to Ronan Farrow. 

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  21. Not gonna lie, I was infuriated at Kat’s line that she was “learning so much from Eva.”  And her acting enlightened by Eva’s comment on that tv show about them both “wanting to make the world a better place” without their being any pushback from Kat about what “a better place” means to someone like Eva. I’m guessing Eva’s “better place” doesn’t look anything like Kat’s. I was mad that the show tried to make this seem like some sort of common ground rather than just Eva applying her media training. 

    I read this morning that the text Kat wrote telling Eva she couldn’t be with her was a last minute script change in the show. I truly hope this is the last we see of this relationship. The whole thing was really damaging to Kat’s character. When Jane seems like the voice of reason...

    I’m not saying the show can’t or shouldn’t present different viewpoints, but this storyline was so lacking in depth or nuance that it just made Kat seem like someone whose principles are easily eschewed by her libido.

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  22. 11 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:



    Well glad I wasn't the only one.. The SL just felt odd.. Not that dating or being attracted to someone with a diff party affiliation is that wild.. I've done it personally.. But that was Pre- President Trump and she wasn't as Conservative as this Eva/Ava character is... So not really interested in the re-education of Ava Safford... 
    As to Aisha's other points.. Bravo.. I mean I could tell from the show ( which I watch every week)  that it has a very narrow POV and it comes across as performative wokeness at times.. Because the writers room was most likely very monochrome and homogenous 

    I also found it interesting that Aisha noted the lack of Black and/or Muslim writers and the show replied that there are "POC in the writers' room".  We all know POC doesn't only mean Black, so their statement doesn't really address Aisha's complaints. While I don't know who all of their writers are, it was telling to me that they didn't specifically say the writers were Black or Muslim.

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