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Posts posted by marny

  1. The daughter is horrible, but she’s also surrounded by spoiled, rich peers and she’s at the age where most kids are horrible. And it sounds like when her parents were together, they didn’t have time for their kids anyway. Most people dont need a full-time nanny for kids at that age in NYC. 

    As for Rachel, I’m just reminding myself this story is being told from the husband’s perspective and I don’t think he’s the most reliable narrator about their relationship. 

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  2. On 10/20/2022 at 9:58 AM, ElsbethTascioni said:

     Brennon is uptight AF. Alexa needs to run, from one sweary Israeli to another, there's no way in hell his family is OK with her being Jewish. She doesn't need to let her light be dimmed by some wonder bread flavored man.

    Yep, that culture clash is going to be way to much for Brennon. If she isn't willing to celebrate Christmas, they're done.

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  3. I was waiting for us to find out that when the guy from the management company said he wanted him to try to sign “a D’Angelo”, he was actually referring to Robin DiAngelo, the white woman who wrote “White Fragility” and sold a bazillion copies to well-meaning white people in the wake of George Floyd’s murder. It seems unlikely he would randomly mention an outdated R&B singer out of the blue.  But they never got back to that so that’s just my assumption. 

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  4. Unpopular opinion: I didn’t hate Anna at all. Was she a grifter? Sure, but looking at who she grifted, I’m fine with it. Who was actually harmed? The banks where she passed bad checks? They’ve been screwing their customers for decades and they have insurance to cover the money she defrauded out of them. The banks who were going to loan her millions of dollars? They were falling all over themselves to be in the Anna Delvey business. They had dollar signs in their eyes just as much as she did. And ultimately, they didn’t give her the loans so… no harm, no foul. And the extra $200k line of credit they gave her to “apologize” or whatever? That’s how desperate they were to have her as a client. Despite their due diligence showing she wasn’t a good loan risk, they ignored the information they had and threw money at her anyway because they couldn’t risk offending someone who may actually be rich. Alan? He ignored all the warning signs of not getting paid and not seeing real proof of funds because he couldn’t miss out on the chance of those big origination fees. He was willing to risk some money if it meant making even more money. Just like Anna, money drove everything. The hotels saw designer bags and fancy clothes and jumped to give her a room and 4-star service without even running a credit card. Why? Can’t risk offending a possible rich person who could make them even more money by sending all her rich friends their way. Rachel? She hadn’t reached for her wallet in 2 years. Why didn’t she know what that YSL tour costs? Because she didn’t expect to have to pay for it so who cares? “Oh the 4 course meal won’t be enough, we should do the 6”, “oh we probably each need our own suite”. She sure got comfortable spending someone else’s money. And while the whole credit card fiasco was terrible, she cried those crocodile tears on the stand about how she could never trust anyone again, blah blah. How about stop expecting people to pay your way and only do things you can afford to do? Maybe that’s the lesson. Plus, her Amex bill got wiped clean and she made 6 figures from the ordeal. She’ll be fine. 

    As for Neff, she respected the hustle. She saw a woman who had found her way to fame and fortune by simply acting as if. Neff made very clear that she didn’t respect people like Rachel who just had things handed to them— she respected people who worked for it and she saw Anna’s efforts as work. Even though their relationship began as Neff wanting to collect big tips from the rich customer, Anna formed a true friendship with her since Neff was the one person who proved she wasn’t only using Anna for her money. When that creepy bank guy was pressuring Anna to go upstairs, Neff stepped in to save her. Not for the money, but because she saw a fellow woman who needed a hand. And while she got temporarily enamored with the glitz and glamour, she also expressed discomfort in taking advantage of Anna’s generosity. Because she respects people who work for stuff. 

    The only character I can’t defend is Vivian. Is Anna interesting? Sure. Is it your job to dig deeper? Absolutely. Is it ok to even like her and want her to come out of this ok? Sure. But you’re supposed to be a professional and you were so far over the line that the line was a dot to you. Todd was just doing his job and his wife was crazy for scheduling a vacation during his trial. I used to be a criminal defense attorney and I would never have dipped out on a client like she wanted him to. 

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  5. I must know if the documentary explains where the term “comedy concert” came from because no one in the world has ever called a comedy show that.  It was super-cringey to hear that phrase several times with no one correcting it. Was it meant to show how old and out-of-touch they all are? Or are the writers the ones who are out-of-touch?

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  6. Also, how come we never got to see Miranda telling Brady about splitting with Steve and getting together with Che? It would have been nice to know if he had any reaction at all to the end of his parents’ marriage. 

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  7. In the Jerry episode, Monica kept wiping her eyes as if she was crying but there were no tears at all. Her eyes were completely dry. She seems to care about these kids only insofar as they can help her coaching reputations. Once that purpose ends, they’re dead to her. I’m sure she was upset about how Jerry’s crimes impacted Navarro’s reputation and the team’s PR opportunities, but she sure didn’t seem to be shedding tears over him as a person. 

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  8. On 1/7/2022 at 9:30 PM, BusyOctober said:

    I do not get the Candi biz.  Isn’t that what Cameo is, but just a longer conversation?  Personally, there isn’t any celeb I am willing to pay hundreds to for a 5 min chat.  


    Cameo is just pre-recorded celebrity messages. I guess Candi is a 5-minute chat. I would never pay to talk to a celeb, but people love giving Cameos as gifts so I guess Candi thinks they can do similarly. I would think a 5-minute conversation with a stranger would be super-awkward. On another note, my husband and I were looking at the Cameo website and the most expensive celeb on there is Mr. Wonderful. 

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  9. On 10/26/2021 at 9:56 AM, ljenkins782 said:

    But a novelty business with ONE product is not going to support a family of 9. This is the kind of gag gift idea you'd expect from a couple of single 20-somethings who are just goofing around, not 2 married people old enough to have had 7 children.

    It's a one-time purchase item, not something that's going to get regular, repeat customers and the buzz from Shark Tank only lasts so long. The wedding industry isn't fully recovered with the pandemic still going, so this might not have been the best time for them to appear. 

    They sold their home, he quit his job, and invested $60,000 of their own money...and then only asked the Sharks for $75k. I know the valuations are always a sticking point, but giving up equity for such a small amount of cash never seems worth the tradeoff, especially for people in as dire a situation as they're in.

    The wedding business is back to business as usual here in the south where the “pandemic is over” attitude rules the day. And wedding novelties never have repeat customers, but brides will buy 5-10 of them at a time for their entire wedding party. Yes, it’s dumb, but there are plenty of dumb novelties that have done just fine. The “inventors” won’t be rich, but they were supporting their 7 kids on their original jobs as a hairdresser and whatever he was before, they’ll figure it out now. 

  10. The bouquet flask thing really isn’t meant for drinking while walking down the aisle. It’s meant for silly photos of the bridesmaids to show how “fun” and irreverent they are. I can imagine every 22 year old southern sorority bride buying one for all her attendants, taking those photos, and thinking the flask bouquet is the funniest thing they’ve ever seen (I live in the south). They’ll be a fine novelty business and their 7 kids will be fine now that the show have them good advertising. 

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  11. 8 hours ago, Roseanna said:

    I didn't speak of Diane but an ordinary person IRL. Or are people in US just accustomed that they are lied about?

    Most smart people know better than to take Fox News seriously about stuff like that (which the channel on The Good Fight is obviously supposed to be). I couldn’t imagine caring if they claimed my marriage was a sham. 

  12. Did I miss an episode where Jane suddenly got an inheritance or won the lottery so that she can afford to travel the world on freelance-writer money? Letting her do that with a stable Scarlet paycheck would have been the smart decision, so of course she turned that offer down. 

    The fact that Kat doesn’t realize she won’t have time to be both EIC and run her Don’t Turn Away vertical is a big problem. After all, we just saw that Jane as acting EIC didn’t even have time to pee. Who is going to run her oh-so-important cause now?

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  13. If it’s only supposed to have been a year since the show began, the notion of making Jane EIC is even more laughable. I think this show really wanted us to think Jacqueline is this amazing boss/mentor who we should all admire and wish was our boss. Instead she just seems like a moron with bad judgment that she’s so delusional about Jane’s abilities. 

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  14. 1 hour ago, mamadrama said:

    Okay, 5 seasons and a shitload of Googling later and I'm STILL not sure that I fully understand what a vertical is.

    It’s like how Gawker (RIP) had separate sub-sites for different topics (Jezebel, Jalopnik, Deadspin, etc.). Those sub-sites were verticals. 

    I will only be satisfied at this point if Jane gets demoted for her terrible mismanagement. She managed 2 people: one she treated like gold because she wanted to bone him and one she demoralized because she was distracted by wanting to bone the other one. She’s proven she isn’t ready and isn’t a leader. 

    It’s also a shame that Kat’s failed run for city council didn’t motivate her to get more involved in actual community organizing rather than just picking a pet project of the moment that she’s suddenly all furious about. 

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  15. I was sufficiently satisfied with the ending. I was glad it didn’t end with Charles and Liza together— he clearly wasn’t able to fully trust her and she would have spent the entire relationship walking on eggshells. She deserves to have some fun with Josh again instead of all that melodrama. 

    As for Kelsey, she’s at the right age and time of work/life to be making big moves and stretching herself, so it makes sense for her to progress beyond the same old same old that would have inevitably happened if she stays in NYC. 
    Lauren was always more of a “character” than a person so I’m fine that her life is still just floating along the same way. 
    And Maggie realizing that she may be finally interested in an actual relationship is enough for me. 
    I would have loved more Diana this season but I’ll just add that to the list of things about the world that the pandemic ruined. 

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  16. What teenager in this day and age prints photographs? I don’t buy Erin having a print of the photo of the selfie she took with John in bed. It’s not like she was planning to frame it for the mantle. 

    This series was mediocre. Great performances that elevated a not great script.

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  17. I think John told Lori that Billy killed Erin and fathered her baby knowing she would tell Mare. He included the “Don’t tell Mare” instruction because he wanted it to seem like he wanted to cover up his brother’s secret. But he knew she wouldn’t be able to hide it from Mare. That way, when he kills Billy and makes it seem like a suicide, Mare will just assume he did it out of guilt for killing Erin. There was no other reason to tell Lori other than to ensure it got back to Mare. 

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