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Posts posted by marny

  1. The squeamishness about collecting a dog's urine makes no sense to me since pet owners collect their dogs' poop every day. It's not like you have to catch the urine in your mouth. Put on a glove and hold the cup or ladle in the urine stream. It's not a big deal. We do it for ourselves when we take pregnancy tests or give a sample to a doctor. It seems like a lot of shuddering over nothing.

    • Love 18
  2. So, is the show still going to try to pretend that Liv and her people are White Hats? Are we finally done with that fiction? Have the writers finally caught up with the audience who has known for a long time that all these people, including Liv and Co., are scumbags? Well except for the new Not-Harrison who doesn't seem to ever know what's going on.

    • Love 4
  3. I like so much of what Bernie believes, and I trust that he really means what he says, but I usually can't get past the fact that I don't like his demeanor. So many times, he interrupts, he points, he gets a bit shouty and defensive.  But for the first time, in this interview, I felt like he calmed down the brashness and I felt like he came across very well  It's so nice to have 2 great Democratic candidates to choose between.

    • Love 3
  4. I'd rather they spent more time finding intelligent, well-spoken women rather than just worrying about the demographics. For example, Whoopi checks several demographic boxes, but she can barely articulate a sentence. What good is having diversity if the women can barely voice their opinions in an understandable way?

    • Love 9
  5. Marilyn Henner has been using her memory bullshit as her claim to fame for years. She's done the talk show rounds showing it off for about a decade now. It's the only way she gets booked anymore. I'm sure she doesn't mind going to that well again and again

    • Love 6
  6. I thought HRC was great and I love how she didn't waffle when Paula asked about a fetus's constitutional rights (spoiler: they have none) or CCB's bullshit about persecuted Christians or being a pro-life feminist.

    • Love 11
  7. Does the head of the NSA have nothing to do all day than to eat a sandwich and watch arguments? Seems like an easy job. What was the point of that plot point anyway since Jake literally has done nothing this season except drink wine with blowhard Papa Pope?

    • Love 2
  8. Mine cut off too, so I was so glad to read that Jaylin realized how annoying Ja'La is and moved on. It seems that only communicating via text did Ja'la's (oy with all the apostrophes) personality a lot of favors.

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  9. Alicia's wig looked better this week.  So there's that.


    I was hoping the rest of this season would be about the governor's wife publicly canoodling with guys in bars and the blowback from the press about that.  Instead it looks like it's more about Peter who, frankly, no one actually gives a shit about.  He's barely a character on the show at this point. So, why do the writers think we care about what happens to him? 

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  10. I was cringing for Kharece.  Honey, you shouldn't have to try to convince a guy to like you/date you.  And if he's treating you like crap, maybe he isn't someone you want to date? I really hope she meets a friend in college who gets her to understand this because Nikki and the other friend were dropping the ball.

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