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Posts posted by marny

  1. Also, I think they said antiperspirant use has been "linked" to Alzheimer's, but that has definitely been disproven. I wouldn't buy it for that reason alone, but also because I don't like wet armpits.

    She definitely cited a bogus link between deodorant and Alzheimer's. Except she pronounced it All-timers. I rewound 3 times to listen to how she said it. I guess maybe there's a link between deodorant and some mysterious condition called Alltimers.

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  2. I'd never defend CCB bc I really cant stand her, but I didnt' take it that way. I do see your point. I took it more like, you have to care about others' rights bc next time it could be your own getting snatched away. Everyone's own rights hit home harder for any individual, but I was shocked to hear CCB even make a statement that considered someone else's feelings... especially a person different than herself. Great point about the military people coming home and some ARE Muslims. Trump is an idiot imo.

    Agreed.  There are many people who aren't able to empathize with others until they consider how they would feel if they were personally affected.  We saw this a lot with gay rights/marriage.  Many politicians were against it... until they had a gay family member.  Often you hear about bad treatment of women, and the response to the apathy is, "What if it was YOUR mother/sister/daughter?"-- because the bad treatment only matters if it harms someone you care about.  CCB's comments speak to the number of people in this country who heard Trump's disgusting plan and shrugged, but who may suddenly give a damn if it affected them or their families.  There are more people in that group than you would think.

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    As for pockets in the purse, those would be part of the lining, not the outer knitted "shell" of the bag.  And those linings are probably being custom-sewn by a small piecework company.  The handles and/or straps will come from another provider.  Lots of hands in and on these bags to bring them to market, so the price has to reflect it.  



    But yet the business owner claimed her total cost to make each bag was $47.  So either there are other workers (besides the Purlettes) being paid a pittance, or the bags don't have additional features like lining pockets.

  4. I truly loved that Barabara and Mark were totally like, "Um, Lori doesn't speak for me!" when she tried to compel all of them to invest in the knitted purses. It reminded me of the time with the scholarship app where the kid pitching the deal didn't even tell them anything about the company before she decided to throw money at him as if he was a charity. While it's nice that the Purlettes feel useful and have something they enjoy to occupy their time, the business owner isn't running a non-profit-- she's making big money off of bored seniors. Once you get past the video of the cute old people saying they enjoy knitting, you realize it's kinda exploitive.

    • Love 3
  5. Dead-on, RemoteControlFreak. You can get a Samsonite hardcase carry-on for $110, a GPS luggage tracker for $60, a luggage scale for $10, and a hand-held portable USB charger for $20 (which is easier than dragging your luggage down mid-flight and, what, placing it on your lap or under your feet while your tablet charges? Airports already have charging stations everywhere, so in-flight 10 hours in is the only time you'd really need it.) You'd save $200, be able to use any of the individual components on different and multiple pieces of luggage, and replace any one of them should one break.

    But but, that's all so CORPORATE!  Barf.

    • Love 5
  6. I wonder why they're singling out Raven for the birthday party sponsorship thing. Lots of C-list celebrities do that. The Kardashians do it, except the companies probably come to them with offers instead of the Kardashians having to beg.

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  7. I don't normally like Sunny Hostin, but I liked her rant about the GOP candidates' failure to say anything for 36 hours after the incident, and the blame they should shoulder for all of the horrible rhetoric they've used about PP.  Being that she's pro-life herself, it was really nice to see someone using her rational brain about the subject rather than just making excuses like CCB ("Oh, it's so hard to know someone's true heart in 140 characters!!" Bullshit.)

    • Love 17
  8. She's not a lawyer, and neither are Biff and Skippy. They are law students, and she wanted to be hired at Lockhart, Agos, and Lee for a summer internship. If she were a full-fledged attorney, I'd see your point, but law students get a pass, IMO.

    I had thought they were summer associates too when they showed the interviews a few episodes ago, but Monica told Diane and Carey that she had already "filed suit" on behalf of the restaurant owner.  If she isn't an attorney with a bar license, she can't file suit on behalf of someone else like that.  (Disclaimer: I'm an attorney).  So, either she's a lawyer and screwed up, or she's a student and she's practicing law without a license.  The writers need to decide.

    • Love 2
  9. This episode kinda showed that Lockhart whoever was right not to hire Monica. What lawyer doesn't do an assessment of actual damages before taking a case and going all in on it? While the ChumHum racism issue was interesting and fertile soil for lawsuits, she had the wrong plaintiff. She was so excited for the liability issue that she totally dropped the ball on damages. It isn't enough for your client to just say that business has suffered-- you gotta see the numbers. Then again, I guess Lockhart skipped that assessment too, so maybe she would fit in well there.

    I did like that they didn't try to make Biff (or was it Skippy?) not seem totally incompetent in that he discovered the Animal patch thingie.

    I can't believe they want to waste our time again on Alicia possibly running for office again. That storyline sucked the first time around. And it seems they forgot she had to immediately resign in shame.

    • Love 6
  10. I liked the t-shirts. I thought the designs were cute-- I like the abstract yet identifiable elephant a lot. And $48 is on par with most of the other t-shirts you can buy at Bloomingdales. I do foresee them eventually having to offer their "designers" more than just a smile and a backpack donation. While I don't think it's child labor or anything, I do think that some parents of the kids are gonna object to a company making lots of money off of their kids' ideas. Without the kids' drawings, they have nothing.

    • Love 3
  11. I'm trying to determine how much time was supposed to have passed between last week's episode and this one. I know for us it was just one week, but based on all the magazine covers and events we saw in the montage of Liv acting like the first lady, it looked like it has probably been a few months. Plenty of time for her to have found out she was pregnant and make the appointment to have an abortion without us having to see that all happen. As for her not acting like it was an agonizing decision, it isn't an agonizing decision for everyone. Liv has never said nor given the impression that she wants to have children, so I didn't find it surprising at all-- being with Fitz wouldn't necessarily change that for her. And I respect Shonda and the writers for not bringing up the abortion during the breakup.

    • Love 4
  12. I wonder if the show decided to make Whoopi 60 so that it would coincide with Disney's anniversary? It seems that Whoopi has always been somewhat vague about her age, if that old interview from 1984 that was posted is any indication.

    • Love 1
  13. It sounds like the comments were on the company's Facebook page. Thats how the owner was easily able to see that the commenters were friends of the plaintiff-- he could just look at their friends list and see that the plaintiff was on it. Stuff like this happens all the time-- a story spreads about a company possibly doing something wrong and people come out in droves to add their fake reviews. I'm amazed frankly that people still bother reading online reviews when they're so susceptible to manipulation.

    • Love 3
  14. The sheets just reminded me of the roll of paper they pull down over the table when you go to the doctor so that you're not sitting on the last person's paper.  People don't want to sleep on disposable sheets by choice.  I get it in a medical situation or a nursing home, but otherwise, big nope, not in my home or in my dorm room.  Even a college kid wouldn't want to admit that he's so much of an animal that he needs to sleep on disposable sheets.

    • Love 8
  15. Why on earth would Olivia care that someone is trying to kill Rowen??? Just a little while ago, SHE was trying to kill him. She's been wanting him dead for YEARS. And suddenly, his potential death is a problem for her? Did I miss something? Garbage. It's all nonsensical garbage.

    Edited to add: Also, So tired of OPA always being wrong at first, and then right. They're always going off half-cocked before actually doing their jobs, resulting in accusing wrong people of murder, calling truthful people liars, and denying asylum prematurely. If they were good at their jobs, they'd maybe get things right the first time for a change.

    • Love 3
  16. Hmm, that second interpretation is interesting. Perhaps they should have done something to clue us in on the intended meaning. All I know is I shudder at the notion of a teenage girl wearing that (even if it's meant to refer to citizenship rather than sex).

    • Love 3
  17. To clarify, they were hiring for summer associate positions. These are law students who work there during the summer, and if they do good work, typically get job offers for post- graduation. It's a feeder for new associates. And the summer associates usually are VERY well paid. I agree it's weird that they bothered interviewing someone who didn't meet their qualifications on paper. As far as LSAT scores, that would usually not be a part of the qualifications-- it's all about prestige of the school, GPA, and class rank. At least that was my experience. And the summer hiring process does start early, so it makes sense for it not to be close to summertime when this is happening.

    What did strike me as super-illogical was how tone deaf they all were when talking to Monica considering we've seen several black attorneys working there. Julius is/was a partner, and wasn't Taye Diggs on this show at some point as an attorney in the NY(?) office? While it certainly isn't a highly diverse environment, you would think they had never met a black attorney before from the way they reacted. Ridiculous.

    • Love 2
  18. Sorry, Whoopi, but for those of us who don't make movies and thus don't see ourselves on screen, looking in the mirror doesn't always tell us when we've gained weight. We all see what we want to see, for better or worse.

    I did like when Michelle explained to everyone, including Joy, that feminism is about deciding for yourself how you want to look-- fat or thin. And that if your weight is a health issue, that's no one else's business. I'm so tired of people pretending they actually care about a stranger's health just so they can comment on their weight. Worry about your own health.

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