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Pepper Mostly

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Everything posted by Pepper Mostly

  1. Its part of their never ending search for a story line. She really can't get much more plastic surgery. It looks like they've opted not to go the "visit to a fertility specialist" route. So what's left? Launch a fashion line?
  2. Right? I'm struggling to stay awake here. Anyone have anecdotes? Houseguest is in NYC for the weekend so I have been lazing around and doing housewifely tasks. And today I took my kitchen chairs, which were old conference room chairs that I salvaged from Tufts, and scrubbed them down. The chairs are wood and really nice, not some shit plastic conference room furniture. I've been ignoring them for years, idly wondering if I should paint them or leave them be. You know, they're old. But I scrubbed off some of the finish too, which tells me that the wood is probably not super high quality so do I really want to preserve it? Painting them white would look super cute in my kitchen. Thoughts?
  3. Ashley saying "I'm not talking to you" is probably exactly what Manuel wants. She never, ever stops nagging him.
  4. They sit on their phones in the same room, sulking. Its a rich life.
  5. Ashley. He wants a lifelong relationship, all right. Just not with you. And you ARE in an unhealthy relationship.
  6. Between Thais' father and Patrick's mother, we're working on a Worst Parent Throwdown.
  7. That baby is adorable. Too bad she's saddled with two vapid, addlepated parents.
  8. Oh, the Wise Old Sage of the Flea Market. "I sell cheap stones that I call crystals, oh, and I'm a shaman." LOL
  9. Rob's taking Sophie to the flea market because he's damned if he's going to some bougie mall.
  10. Loren. Its a few days. You are not sailing to the farthest antipodes in a wooden ship, or heading off to the plains in a covered wagon. Get over yourself. Man, I thought I'd seen self centered, but then Loren gets mad because Alex has to blow his nose while she's having a meltdown. Something I'm pretty sure she manages to have a hundred times a day.
  11. She definitely said "pee on you". No. But take comfort in the fact that it is surgically enhanced.
  12. He's wiggling his TOES at her and that's his mating dance? I am baffled.
  13. I simply cannot with her. Everything is Manuel's fault. I wouldn't want to find him under my Christmas tree but she picked him. Never is there a whisper of a hint of a suggestion that Ashley is anything other than a perfect, stainless, blameless angel on earth.
  14. Oh Ashley. "I yell because I'm triggered because I wasn't heard as a child"?? Jesus, woman, you are what, 34 years old? Get therapy and quit blaming your childhood. I am DYING here.
  15. Nicole: Mahmoud, you can't do that anymore. Pepper Mostly: Might be helpful if you'd stop ordering him out of your house. Just a hunch.
  16. Selective memory, Nicole. "He stormed off"? Yeah, after you said "Get out! GET OUT! LEAVE!". Funny how she forgets that part. Is your new wrist cast more comfortable than the last one? I hope your roommate luck changes soon. I can't imagine what a nightmare you've been having.
  17. Oh come now. Do you honestly think that Thais can keep a houseplant alive? That thing will be a brown, shriveled husk weeks before they go back to the US. Patrick: Women drivers, amirite?
  18. Well, bunkies, that's a wrap! Have a fantastic weekend, perfect that lasagna recipe, get that money out of your mattress, don't drive high, make sure the camera battery is charged, and get that tattoo covered! Love you all, smooches!
  19. Jesus has forgiven him, that's all that matters.
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