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  1. Someone in another forum mentioned a callback to Shandy's Starf*cker app - but I missed it. Anyone catch it?
  2. Nobody’s talking yet huh? Season started back up and it’s crazy. Very depressing. Not sure who to root for - but I guess that’s part of what makes this show so great. There are no good guys. It kind of reminds me of The Shield. Everyone’s despicable. Somehow I still want EZ to succeed. What made him so different all this time was his brain… I need smart, puzzle-solving EZ to come back to play. I find it hilarious that his brother has turned into such a hypocrite. Now their roles are reversed and he appears to be the level headed brother while EZ is the first to turn to violence. Now he has family to protect while EZ is more alone than ever. I’d also like to see Adelita/Luisa murder all the assholes. It’s weird to see her biting her tongue and keeping her knives in her pockets. I can’t wait til she explodes.
  3. marcee

    Season 01

    Add me to the list of Hannah-haters. Despise. I actually enjoyed Amelia and that relationship seemed the most “realistic” out of all of them and, at the very least, was entertaining. Hannah is boring. Their relationship is boring. And Max/Owen is not at all believable or enjoyable and it’s borderline icky. I knew Nishka was Max’s daughter from the jump. I don’t really care about that either. I wish Owen were more capable. I like his flawed personality - jumping into things headfirst… not thinking too hard before acting… and getting himself into sticky situations on the regular. But I’d prefer him to be smarter, more MacGyver and less MacGruber. I’d like to see him solve things on the fly, using charisma and intelligence - calling in favors. I don’t love stupid and sloppy. There might be promise, but I’m not convinced.
  4. This season was way better than the first, but the way they "broke up" Tully & Kate rang false to me and bothered me throughout those episodes. If everything was the same, but Tully was tipsy and caused the accident, all of the following would have made sense... but the accident wasn't her fault and everything leading up to it was reasonable. I truly don't think this would have destroyed 30 years of friendship. So yeah. As far as the cliffhanger, I'm choosing to believe Tully is finally marrying Danny and Johnny is there to walk her down the aisle.
  5. The irritation about them teaching "kids" to have pleasurable sex is misplaced. The point they were making about pleasurable sex is that there are lots of other way to please each other WITHOUT the possibility of pregnancy; ie without penis-in-vagina sex. The intent was to have a safe-sex discussion in order to reduce the number of unintentional pregnancies (to avoid those now-illegal-in-many-states abortions). What they were teaching after the "boring facts" was probably more effective. Instead of contraceptives and condoms (which kids know/hear about regularly and probably still don't use effectively), they taught about pleasurable touching and erogenous zones and ways to enjoy sex that didn't necessarily involve penis-in-vagina intercourse. And, yes, those tips were more likely to go viral. OF COURSE Zola is gifted. That is all.
  6. Lim knows she shouldn't be blaming Shaun; that's why she publicly thanked him. Logically, she knows he saved her life. Logically, she knows he did the best he could. But emotionally, she blames him. She can't help it. Not to mention the dozens of 'what ifs' - that the show seems to be covering in the next episode. We're all on Shaun's side because we love Shaun (and Lim does too) - but Lim can't help blaming the surgeon who ultimately paralyzed her.
  7. Wow, I'm surprised and sad to see there isn't much of a forum for this show. I thought it was really well done. I'm disappointed it left us on a serious cliffhanger - just when things were getting interesting; it was a fun ride.
  8. Of all the questions (and yes, there are a lot) - this is the one that confounds me. Are we supposed to believe that this situation is confined to New York? All of the US? Or all of the world? I find it hard to believe that they've built towers everywhere and enough hosts and narratives to control humans throughout the world. Especially when it obviously took some time to figure out the right frequency (per Hale; organs melted?). There are billions of people in the world and not enough time (even in a couple of decades) to create even millions of robots within this timeframe (vs billions of people). So, I'm finding it hard to believe they took over the entire world in less than 30 years. And if they're not controlled all over the world, how is that there hasn't been a human rebellion? Why couldn't any rebels or outliers who knew what was going on recruit enough people or the army of a small country to take out the hosts in NYC? Or, perhaps Hale took out billions of people and the entire world is dead except for this small piece of NYC. If that's the case, a) what is Bernard even trying to save? b) how are they even getting all of their products? manufacturing? food? did the global economy just crumble? In any scenario, I can't find the sense. There are probably a lot of sticking points here, but this is mine.
  9. Ben's reasoning was sound by movie/TV standards. He knew the platoon was dying anyway. He knew they'd rather go out in a blaze of glory than slowly weakening and dying in a hospital bed. The $20 mil. was just a bonus. He had nothing to do with Reece's family being killed. That was all Capstone. Speaking of - my favorite part of the whole series was the security guy telling Horn to basically put on his big boy pants. All that bullshit wannabe fake-ass frogman training, now it's time to man up - or something like that. And then he just went out begging and sniveling.
  10. I assumed the arsonist was Adelita on orders from Potter, but that's obv. just a wild guess. I wonder if Bishop was surprised that EZ took the President's seat instead of nominating him... because that's what they made it seem like he was about to do - or if that was the plan all along. I find it hard to believe that Bish would accept second fiddle to 20-something-year-old EZ. How can Miguel expect Emily to come back to their "family" if she knows he killed her sister? It also doesn't seem like something he'd do. Threaten her? Sure. Hold on to her to make sure Emily stays in line, ok... but shoot her in cold blood? Maybe they didn't go there, but it kind of seems like they did, right? I was disappointed Felipe didn't tell Miguel the whole story. I mean, if you're going to spill the beans about your relationship, just give him the whole truth about your wife and his mom and everything. Everyone is awful.
  11. I've gotta believe that the city on the planet is the city the bad guy said he'd take Toni to after her "perdisco"... I can't remember the name; it started with a C. That seems to be the place they keep the apostates. I don't think Jude was literally "in prison" - I think the city feels like a prison because they're monitored and told when to eat and sleep and where to go and what to do. Everything kind of made sense and tied together except for the big picture. What is the point of the apostates? Why are they tracked? Why are they needed? What do they do? Are they even using the doors? Doesn't really seem like it. So far, it only looks like they're protecting the doors. Seems kind of silly for a life mission to make sure no one actually uses the doors, right? The whole concept just seems silly. In hundreds of years, no one has discovered one of what is apparently MANY of these "impossible doors" and turned it over to the authorities? Or publicized it? Or charged admission for their neighbors to use it? Also - so much THIS. She's asking straightforward questions. Just give her the answers. Protecting shmotecting - this was just getting dumb.
  12. I saw something on TikTok that showed the video at the skating rink showing the date March 22nd - Will's birthday. Oops! They forgot Will's birthday. Womp womp.
  13. I am so confused.
  14. I hated Amelia when she was on Private Practice. I hated her when she was introduced on Grey's Anatomy. And I still hate her - seemingly more every episode, which I didn't think was possible. She's a selfish, egotistical, horrible person. Linc is, understandably, having a hard time and is behaving badly - but I still like him. He's still likeable. Amelia was never likeable. I never appreciated Jo as she deserved until this season. She's grown so much and regularly says things that make me happy.
  15. I love Vigilante. That is all.
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