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Everything posted by dangwoodchucks

  1. Totally 2015. I don't think all the young women went around with beach curls, or their hair highlighted like Lori Laughlin's back then. What was with that thick, long blue coat she was wearing in several scenes? It looked...odd.
  2. It boggles the mind doesn't it. Having all those drugs without authorization (not to mention being on them herself) for some BS excuse of a humanitarian mission of her own making. All thrown out because she helped someone moments before an ambulance arrived. And what's this shit about going to Akalitus and saying that because the charges were dropped she should be reinstated immediately? She was facing disciplinary action and diversion for her drug use before that arrest with the drugs ever happened. Her return to nursing shouldn't be contingent on the charges being dropped. There is some really bad writing going on here. It doesn't matter whether All Saints is closing or not, Jackie's fighting to get her nursing license back. She needs that for any job, not just the job at All Saints, right? Apparently Grace has that same entitled attitude her mother has. She thinks it's ok to just show up at her mother's work and Jackie can do whatever she wants? And why is Grace roaming NYC by herself? Was it a school day? This relationship between Grace and Jackie that they're trying to sell us this season has no resemblance to anything we've seen in previous seasons. Grace was the one who exposed Jackie's date to the wedding as a drug dealer for Pete's sake. I think it was all just a big ploy to give Zoey something more to feel bad about. The stickers in the bathroom were a bit over the top, even for Zoey. And nice of Jackie to make Zoey feel worse by mentioning the raise she got with the head nurse position. It seems like Zoey cares way more about Jackie's feelings than vice versa.
  3. Great use of "chucklefucks" to describe this crew. That word makes me giggle. When Jackie went a year without using previously, I don't remember that she really had that much trouble with it. I know I was surprised when she popped that pill. But now again, she's not shown coping with any temptation or struggling to stay clean. Hell, I'm sure she'd be required to go to meetings being in the diversion program. No wonder she doesn't think she has a problem, the writers don't think she does either.
  4. Once again everyone is thrown under the bus to make Jackie look good. It's amazing any patients ever lived when Jackie was off shift when she was still a full nurse, she's apparently the only one there who knows what they're doing. Coop and Carrie may be the worst doctors ever, but Zoey and Thor were the worst nurses ever this episode. Zoey hiding out in a room to avoid Jackie when there were patients to care for? I know Thor was in there taking care of his sugar, but right after that he takes Zoey to the pharmacy to get drugs for her to help deal with her drug-addicted charge/friend. And then Zoey tells Gloria she was going to take the Xanax? How the hell did Zoey think any of that was ok? She should be reprimanded for that behavior, except Gloria took the pill. And she didn't notice the blue toes until Jackie told her. Her timid and unassertive attitude around Jackie this episode was nauseating. She's really not suited to be head nurse. Ugh, I hate what they've done with her, where's the Zoey who confronted Jackie about the Nancy Wood ID last season? Any one of those patients who were bumped when Jackie moved Mrs Kim to the front could've died from having to wait longer. In the real world. In Showtime world Jackie knows best and does no wrong. I really hate what they're doing with Gloria. They're making her look like the bad guy when she's only fulfilling her administrator duties. She's the only one it seems doesn't feel sorry for Jackie and her situation. Jackie brought it on herself and doesn't deserve their sympathy. It's true, Gloria should've known better last season than to believe Jackie and think it's ok to give an addict painkillers. But Jackie had manipulated that entire situation by letting Gloria drive over her foot so Gloria was trying to make up for that. I enjoyed hearing Gloria fire Eddie. I don't remember her exact words, but she said something to the effect that he was lucky to just be losing his job. Does she mean she won't be prosecuting him for any discrepancies found? Because she'd be letting him go for forgery which involved her signature if so. I hated this episode. I miss the fun times with O'Hara and fun Gloria. I did think Betty Gilpin looked pretty this episode. Her hair and makeup really suited her. I don't normally think she's pretty with her hair pulled severely back and those heavy false lashes she's had the previous seasons. The only thing I remember liking was Coop and Eddie's "godfather" conversation. That last part of it had me giggling.
  5. My mistake on Nana's photo, I thought it was still in the frame. That's a good question about Jackie's family. I don't recall ever seeing any family members, and also don't recall if we know how or why Jackie's addiction began.
  6. I think she intended it to be mutually beneficial. Once she questioned the daughter about the meds and realized what was going on, Jackie was told she wouldn't be needed the next week or something. So Jackie helped the older lady get back to normal and at the same time gave a big fuck you to the daughter. She got money for the drugs but I don't think that was her prime reason (it wasn't a big payoff). She saw what the daughter was doing keeping the mother drugged up and thought it was wrong. Jackie has been shown to do things for patients or others she sees being wronged or that need help, but it's usually at the expense of someone else with Jackie often getting a benefit as well. A couple examples come to mind: She helped the girlfriend of the deceased bike messenger by stealing cash from the diplomat who had stabbed a prostitute. She got the sports star who swallowed his drugs to buy an expensive machine for the hospital. Jackie kept the drugs as her bonus. I personally think the writers threw it in there to say, "see, Jackie's a good person". To me she was totally unlikeable last season and it's looking the same way this season. I hope both she and Eddie get caught for everything they've done.
  7. I think that Kevin is doing the renovations, buying the Rolex and car, paying for a big wedding etc, in order to impress Mia, either on his own or because she wants him to look more impressive to her friends & family. I feel like this was contrived to give Jackie a way to get the cash she needed for the lawyer. It's interesting that Jackie was getting ready to take money out of the house without Kevin's permission when she found out he had beat her to it. So she was going to forge his signature? Why is the vehicle Jackie drives in Kevin's name and the house still in both? Shouldn't the divorce have taken care of splitting up these assets? Was Grace on drugs when she came to see Jackie, she seemed so agreeable and even (gulp) happy. Pretty pathetic that Jackie sold that frame and didn't even take out the photo of Nana first. Does Jackie know no other way than to lie to people she loves. She's not even using and still she lies. She sent the frame out to be polished? Eddie's comment that Jackie never did anything to them, ugh, made me feel stabby. Not a single one of them is aware of all the things Jackie's done, but each of them knows enough to know Eddie's comment was BS. Zoey seems like she is wisely being careful about continuing her friendship with Jackie. If it weren't for Zoey keeping quiet about the Nancy Wood ID, Jackie would be facing jail time. She owes Zoey a lot, but I don't remember if she's ever really owned anything she did to Zoey, or apologized for it. I'm still angry Jackie wasn't exposed and punished for stealing Carrie's DEA number. This helping out the elderly woman was nothing more than trying to show us good Jackie. Helpful Jackie. Too bad the daughter will just get another nurse who will resume giving her the meds. Oh, and Jackie sells the drugs of course. It would have been nice to have a shot of Jackie being tempted by them, her sobriety looks way too easy this time.
  8. Simple answer: It didn't fit the narrative. I know it's pointless to try to figure it out because TPTB are fabricating these storylines for our entertainment, but Julie was turning 16 in her episode, and I thought I heard Crystal say that Chelsey was 16. There's one thing I noticed at Harmony's baptism, Julie's party and Chelsey's wedding that I don't recall ever seeing at any Stanley-related events - the diversity of the attendees.
  9. I loved Tatiana and Zuki. They were so normal and genuinely in love. I teared up when he first saw her and his reaction made her emotional. It's a shame TLC couldn't find more gypsies like these. Real gypsies in love and getting married, not just a staged wedding with guests in t-shirts and jeans. I guess that's why they had to make the drama about the dress, these people weren't going to ruin the wedding by providing fake animosity. And even though that dress was ridiculously large, it's what she wanted and she didn't complain or whine about it. Her makeup and hair in Boston when she was walking down the street with the dress on did look better than at the wedding.
  10. When Coop was talking about selling Carrie's apartment and she said it wasn't hers, did she say who it belonged to?
  11. And how perfectly straightened her hair was when she was talking to Eddie outside of her house. I just kept thinking that unless she took a shower before she left the hospital, it would have been days since she had one.
  12. Mr Woodchucks was prescribed Oxycontin a couple months ago when he had a knee replacement, so it's still around. As for calling it in, no way. Physicians can't even phone in Hydrocodone anymore.
  13. Maybe her license was suspended when she refused to submit to the drug test?
  14. I got the impression this attorney wasn't even going to handle the DWI (didn't the court-appointed attorney tell her she was going to be charged with drug trafficking as well), just her nursing license and job situation. Clean or not, how is it a good idea for a drug addict to work around drugs? The stupidity of Eddie is just making me want him to get caught and punished as much as I want that for Jackie. Someone upthread nailed it when they said Jackie was Eddie's addiction. Why else would he continuously put himself on the line for her? Jackie's "taking drugs to Miami to help with hurricane relief" bullshit excuse really bugs. Hopefully someone will call her on it because a) how is this a proper response to your superior telling you you need to take a drug test and go through diversion for your drug addiction, b) who in their right mind (much less a nurse) thinks it's okay to carry around a bunch of controlled substances you don't have prescriptions for, c) you had been sampling the goods yourself when you were arrested, and d) the identifiable drugs in the bag we saw her taking last season were all painkillers. How is a nurse, who is herself high, going around dispensing painkillers to victims of a hurricane considered 'helping'? I think the easy answer is that Jackie is just plain delusional. Cunning, but delusional. She doesn't see her addiction as a hindrance to her relationships or her job, even though she almost killed someone last season. If this wasn't the last season I'm not sure I would be watching. I think we'll see desperate Jackie do whatever she can to get her job back, and then it will be business as usual for her.
  15. More producer editing shenanigans. None of the talking heads said that Dallas came strutting in during the ceremony, but that's certainly what TPTB wanted us to believe from the footage. In the shot of Lottie and the bridesmaids approaching the groom you can see Dallas already there, standing on a chair over by Nettie. You can also see her behind Tanya when Tanya is supposedly looking at her arriving. As if Dallas didn't bring enough drama. Either Whitey and Lottie were already married or they just got started on kids before they married. I seem to remember Nettie posting on her FB some time back about her son and daughter-in-law expecting a boy, and she mentioned the name Lottie. Pretty sure she's been on a Gypsy Sisters show before. There's a Lottie Smith on FB with 2 boys, pictures look like her. Did anybody else think Whitey looked like Christopher Penn circa Footloose when he was dancing along in his vest with the sunglasses on before the wedding? Just me then.
  16. THIS to both of these. Fiona just can't survive without a man in her life. That little smile of glee after she and Sean kissed - I'm not sure if she looked like a 13-year-old kissing a boy for the first time or if it was a smile of "yep, I got 'em now". Why would she want to trade in a stable guy for one who is barely hanging on? I may be in the minority, but I thought she had more chemistry with Jimmy than she's had with any of her other men. So all it takes for Lip to fall in love with a woman is to wake up tied to her bed with her husband watching them have sex. Boy was Mandy going about it all wrong. I really could care less about Ian. The actor isn't that good and the storyline is just going in circles. Meds on. Meds off. It's all very realistic, but it doesn't make for entertaining TV. If Noel Fisher does return and they keep him apart from Ian, he could do fine interacting with Kev & V at the Alibi. Maybe go into business with them again. The Frank and Bianca stuff was meh, but what was up with Lip and Ian cracking up when Frank told them she was gone? I understand how they feel about Frank, but damn.
  17. Here are the pineapple and palm tree dresses, they're towards the bottom. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2094172/My-Big-Fat-Gypsy-Wedding-The-popular-Channel-4-returns-outrageous-dress-yet.html
  18. I don't enjoy murders, but I enjoyed Mickey and his matter of fact attitude towards everything this episode. He showed more care and concern for Liam in this one episode than Fiona has shown the entire season. But why is he still staying at the Gallagher's? The Gallaghers continue to bother me with their attitude towards Sammi. Sammi is not responsible for Carl being locked up. Carl, who is in fact responsible for Chuckie being locked up, started all this. They like acting the victim when it suits, but you know they would have retaliated just like Sammi did if the tables were turned.Other than her actually being killed or being locked up for whatever she may do next episode, I don't know where they can go with Sammi from here. Either way it'll be sad for Chuckie if she's not there when he's released. Fiona and Sean: snoozefest. Her irritation with Gus saying he was coming home was irritating me. Just cut him loose so you can fuck around. I don't know where they're headed with Lip, but his professor and her husband seem really off. And then there was Lenny from Nurse Jackie. Pissing in the bushes. Deb's poof hairstyle is really intriguing. With that and all the makeup she's wearing, all she would need to look like Snooki is some tan in a can. Other than Mickey the only thing I enjoyed were Kev & V's scenes.
  19. The show's been sitting unwatched on the DVR all week, so tonight I decided I may as well find out who was eliminated since I hadn't gotten around to watching it. I'm surprised about Redfoo, but even more surprised that despite looking at the MSN homepage on a daily basis, I hadn't been spoiled with the outcome. It used to be that there would be something about who was up for elimination or a blurb about the show at least on Tuesday morning but I never saw anything. TPTB should take note. When a large news and entertainment site feels they should keep me up to date about Miley Cyrus' love life, or let me know daily whose butt some woman named Rousey wants to kick, or that some dude left his boy band, rather than teasing me about what star was eliminated from your dancing show, you should worry about your show's future. Just sayin.
  20. Frank seems sincere about Bianca, he even put on a tie and went to the gas station to scrub his junk before going to see her. It was rather funny seeing him standing in a dumpster while telling her he wanted to help her. It's always so jarring when Frank shows some intelligence, like his using the word 'indefatigable' while talking to Bianca's sister. Bet she didn't expect that from the 'homeless guy'. So over Fiona and Sean. Screw him already so he can exit the show. Sorry your husband will be coming home early from his tour and screw up your screwing around. Raising five kids Fiona? Lip's away at college (and took care of the kids last season when you didn't), Mickey's taking care of Ian, Carl's in kiddie jail, Debbie wants to get pregnant to get a new family, and Liam's an afterthought. I did enjoy Liam's storyline this episode. He was carried into a bar by Fiona. Why was Kev staying at the dorms as if he had no place to live? Last I remember V was living over the Alibi and Kev was at the house. The bad drugs and screwing your professor storylines, boring. Debbie is in desperate need of more guidance than Fiona is giving her. It makes me angry to see her wearing so damn much makeup at her age. It's sad but she was right when she told her boyfriend she could have sex on the kitchen table and no one would notice. Remember back when Debbie started hanging out with Sheila to get some mothering? Ugh, they never should have gotten rid of Sheila. And if Debbie's old enough for birth control and sex, she could also be given responsibility for some of the household things like grocery shopping. Apparently Fiona only shops for groceries when it suits a plot point, like when she got the job at the store. No one liked Sammi, but they sure were taking advantage of her maid services so much so that Fiona and Debbie were complaining about her not doing things. You can't have it both ways. Noel Fisher is always good, but Mickey and Ian's storyline is just depressing. The plot contrivances are so annoying. Ian opening up to Sammi was so out of character.
  21. Charlotte's dancing reminded me of Wynonna Judd. Wynonna barely moved when she danced because maybe she was afraid she'd jiggle. Charlotte seemed afraid to move because her boobs might possibly knock her out. Or I'm wrong and she just can't dance. At all. I really didn't care for the way they did Robert and Kym's intro (most of the intros were cheesy). They made him seem materialistic and Kym seem like a gold digger. I liked their chemistry together during rehearsals. He's a cutie. Patti looks great and she and Artem did well, but I think she'll have trouble with the faster dances. Michael Sam has a nice personality and great enthusiasm. He was totally in his element and looked like he really enjoyed himself during his dance. I hope he'll stay around. Redfoo and Emma. Ugh, Emma's choreography always annoys me for some reason. Are they going to be using LMFAO and/or Redfoo's music every week? I dare them to dance to "Yes". It's very catchy but they'll need to modify some lyrics. Sharna's choreography is so underwhelming. I'm not a fan of Peta, but I really think she would have made a good partner for Noah. She would definitely know how to play up that hotness of his. Suzanne and Tony did alright, but that song made me wish Olivia Newton-John would come on as a contestant. Rumer was my least favorite coming in to the show (among those I knew), but she was a pleasant surprise. I hope she does well because of her dancing ability and not because the show wants to make it Val's turn to win. I don't have a problem with him winning, I just don't like all the producer manipulations in order to arrive at a preplanned ending. While I still find Rumer's looks somewhat unfortunate, she looks much better when she smiles. I loved her reaction to her scores, as well as her sister and stepmother's excitement during her dance. I'm not sure I miss Karina and Cheryl, but it's not the same without them. I fast forwarded through the requisite Mandy Moore opening and the judges critiques. Why is Julianne even there, now I can't despise Carrie Ann as much.
  22. The whole Chuckie and Carl going to juvie thing saddens me. Carl belongs there no doubt. From a practical standpoint it's one less mouth to feed, and like he said, he'll get a great education, and one more suited to his future endeavors. Chuckie on the other hand shouldn't have gotten any time or even any punishment. He did nothing wrong except to be related to the wrong people and used by them to play their twisted games. V and Fiona snickering in court at Chuckie's IQ was disgusting. Frank was kind of right when he threw the 'bad parenting' remark back at Fiona. She wanted to be the guardian of her siblings, but she hasn't been there for them at all lately. I'm not at all interested in Sean or his ex taking their child to another state story. That time Fiona spent with him could've been spent with her family.
  23. A little something fun - which Shameless character are you quiz I got Debbie http://www.playbuzz.com/lindseymeyers10/which-character-from-shameless-are-you
  24. This episode was indeed depressing. Although I'd like to see him on my screen every week, Run Gus. Run. Most guys probably wouldn't want to talk to Fiona after what she did, but Gus explained to her calmly and honestly how he felt. She can't expect things to go back the way they were just because she apologized after admitting to screwing StimJack. I loved V pointing out Fiona's hypocrisy when she blasted V for going on a date and throwing her marriage away. The lost promise of Jeffrey Dean Morgan is apparent to me every time I see Dermot Mulroney's scenes with Fiona. It's not the actor because I loved him in The Wedding Date among other things, but there's something about the character that doesn't work for me. And what kind of advice is asking Gus not to go on tour? Playing in the band is part of his livelihood. What, he should stay at home and not make that money while he waits around for Fiona to spend whatever little bit of time she can with him? A nice gesture, but about as feasible as Fiona joining them in their van. Ian and the pill flushing. First, I'm angry at Fiona for leaving Debbie in charge of Ian and his meds. I know she had to go to work, but still. I'm also annoyed with Debbie because she was so busy texting she didn't pay attention to Ian, which was kind of important. She's a teenager, true, but she was more responsible a few years ago when she ran the daycare. Now her caretaker skills are on par with Fiona's. Speaking of that, WTF was Fiona thinking leaving Liam with Frank? And did she take a joint from Frank and rub it out on the floor with her foot, then just leave it there? Where Liam could pick it up? Did I see that right? Why is she even ok with Frank and Sammi being in her house (other than to watch the kids because she can't be bothered)? And why can't Sammi get a job? Surely Fiona's waitress job can't be paying all the bills. I worry about Ian not having his meds. Intentional or not, his actions did put Yevgeny in danger. I teared up a bit when Mickey finally came to see Ian. Lip's scene in the financial office was amazing. I don't think he was using Ian's illness to get the extension, he was merely explaining the things that were going on in his life and why it was so important for him to continue his education without interruption. I'm surprised having Carl tell the police that Sammi shot him didn't occur to Frank, it would have taken care of Sammi with a lot less collateral damage. But instead, Frank got Carl to strap the drugs to Chuckie. Then Frank called the police on Chuckie which led to Carl getting arrested as well. So Frank got Carl arrested, the same son he protected a couple of seasons ago by saying he robbed the foster couple's apartment by himself. I feel so sorry for poor Chuckie being part of this fucked up family. I'm loving Svetlana and how matter-of-fact she is about everything.
  25. I know it's not a popular view, but if Tom had left with Miss Bunting I really wouldn't have missed him. His character just doesn't interest me very much, I guess because they don't give him a whole lot to do. Plus, he looks a lot like Sean Astin, so looking at and listening to him reminds me of Sean playing Sam in Lord of the Rings.
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