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Everything posted by Ottis

  1. Agree, I was disappointed in that ending. The show had a sort of Alias feel, and I thought it had a chance, but the super secret double cross doesn't interest me. You won’t want to root for a Russian double agent, and all the time wasted in her almost being caught will be annoying. If it comes back I fully expect to see a double double double cross, because even the show must realize we need to root for someone.
  2. Becca gets less and less interesting. Smirking, self-important teenagers are annoying. There is an awful lot of stuff in this show that it doesn’t need and could be a good show.
  3. No kidding. I don’t what purpose the character serves. She is a liability in every sense to the story. The actress is perfectly fine. I’m just not interested in high school insecurities.
  4. Why is the show treating the decision to rent out the farm like it was akin to using nuclear weapons? So what, they keep the farm, and make a passive income. All the drama about who “inherits” the farm goes on the back burner.
  5. Ottis

    Season 11 Talk

    I would be really confused about “Chips” if I hadn’t been to Canada several times and tasted ketchup chips for myself. But really, did Bonnie McMurray get something done to her lips? They seem significantly larger.
  6. So three eps in, not buying the actor playing the "CIA" boss. He comes across as an uncle, not a deadly operative. I also don't like the addition of the body morphing ability. In addition to being nonsensical and making this more a superhero show than a spy show, it is too convenient. Which is a shame, because the concept of a former Russian super assassin living an American life and being found out and used by a mysterious American handler is interesting. So is the evil body takeover plot. A bit bored by the flashbacks but can see their purpose.
  7. Keke was super enthusiastic, however, I didn’t get most of the settings or jokes. What was funny about a satire of Dynasty? What is Keenan and Kel? I did enjoy the premise of Hello Kitty, that she wasn’t a cat (I always assumed it is a cat?), though the “New Yawk!”ending was unnecessary. And the doubt cast on deals from fast food restaurants, though it should have been “financially be possible” not “physically be possible.” Also, “grandmas under 30” and Florida, LOL (sort of).
  8. Maybe in Chicago? I’ve never needed security traveling through the US.
  9. Mexico ep ... yes, each time they showed the beach, I was trying to figure out what all the brown was from the sand out into the water. It looked like it extended a good 10-30 feet. I guess it was seaweed, though it looked like the water was actually brown in a couple of shots. Whatever it was, was nasty. I would have trepidation about buying property in Mexico. It is a country with a lot of beauty and some great people, and also unpredictable violence. I've been to downtown Monterrey many times, the fancy part with armed federales on corners, and yet tourists have been shot and killed there through restaurant windows. I visited a large company in northern Mexico and we had to be escorted from the local airport with security in cars in front and behind us. I can't imagine being alone on a beach in Mexico if someone decides to come after you.
  10. To underscore how little happens on this show, I discovered today that my device had downloaded eps 8, 9 and 10 out of order. I didn't know that when I watched episode 8, and then thinking it was 9 actually watched 10 - and *nothing* stood out as a gap despite missing ep 9. Oh, there was a reference to Aegon being named king "in front of thousands" ... "in the septim!" I just assumed the show intended for that to be off screen. So imagine my shock when I started what I thought was ep 10 and everyone was mourning ... the king's death? What? This show has a lot of hair, childbirth and examples of men being clods. Don't get me wrong, it is well done - it's just godawful boring.
  11. Bruce ... Banner? Do you mean the guy who Jen spent most of an episode ridiculing for trying to mansplain to her what her life would be like as a Hulk? That was one of the first two episodes. I stopped watching at that point, after seeing the guys outside the bar hassle Jen, the conference room full of white, male lawyers acting like asses, oh, why go on, just read my posts from the first two eps. Keep in mind I never said misogynists. Sometimes it is as simple as making the male characters look stupid. In any case, because I stopped watching, I don't know who Pud and Emil and the entire support group are. As for Matt, he existed before She-Hulk, so whatever small bit I saw where he wasn't somehow criticized (though he was essentially made fun of), came from outside this show. WIthin limitations anyone has tied to their own experiences, I'm pretty good at seeing other points of view. That's why I recognized She-Hulk's point of view within two episodes. Now, if you *like* that point of view, I guess this show is for you. Totally get that. Just don't care for it, given how good the Netflix DD was. I think perhaps the error was choosing to put DD in She-Hulk vs. another superhero who would have fit that tone better. Maybe Jessica Jones. Or Iron Fist.
  12. I have ragged on this show since it debuted, so I feel like I need to give props as well. I liked this ep. The situations various Conners were in here were all reasonable, and the way they worked through them was realistic and at times touching. So many times in the past they all just did stupid things and complained about the causes (usually someone else's fault) and outcomes without taking responsibility for being stupid. This time they are doing understandable things, and thus their complaints create empathy. Who doesn't struggle with a kid wanting to go away to college? Who doesn't struggle with finding dates as an adult? And even when Harris and Becky found the same guy, they worked it out in a mature, humorous fashion deserving of the fact that Harris hadn't even met the guy, yet. I like the blue-collar setting and sarcasm. I like The Connors better when they show they also have brains.
  13. Ditto. I was hoping it wasn't just me. This ep had a strange subtext running through it, along the lines of "stuff isn't going the way I want, I want more and/or I'm helpless to change anything." The hospital about not looking hot, the "brought" video of people who can't function for a couple of hours with people they just met, the dad who can't see a deer, the girl talk about people seeking advice on basic problems (only DJ Willy had it together), the please don't destroy video about guys fronting about feeling good when they actually don't. Even the first musical number had backup dancers with sashes that said things like "Miss Overwhelmed" and "Miss Anxiety." Then the bit about women with "no butts" (a negative?) and single women with no boyfriend or boyfriend sweatshirts. It felt like one, long complaint by people who think they either deserve, or need to be, more than they are. Taken together, it was a vaguely depressing outlook. The STEM school skit was the one outlyer, and the one I enjoyed the most. In that one, the students were *more* than the teacher expected.
  14. They are fighting it because this show keeps heaving it into virtually every male character like green anvils. It is why I stopped watching She-Hulk after the first two eps. I came back in ep 8 to see Daredevil, a character I loved in the Netflix series. Wow, this version of DD was embarrassing. Yes, the tone here is different from DD but ugh, still bad. I hate what Disney has done to superheroes. My SO watched She-Hulk for the first time this ep and pronounced it “ridiculous.” For fun I showed her the last ep of the first season of DD and she liked it a lot, wants to watch that series now. “Why does She-Hulk make Daredevil look so stupid?” She asked. He’s a man, I replied.
  15. Maybe I missed something, please clarify? Because there was a shower scene?
  16. This whole show was strangely disconnected. Odd and unsure monologue, whatever the "Try Guys" are, Marilyn being a reaction to a movie few have seen, headshots that was basically an actual photo shoot. Even the new cast member video was tedious ... Molly had the best part, but her delivery wasn't manic enough given the assignment. Also, Colin Farrell is turning into Carla's boyfriend, Nick, from Cheers. "Please don't destroy" had an amusing hook, but didn't go anywhere. Maybe it's because I thought the host was supposed to be Brendan Fraser, until Gleeson walked out. Some sharp jokes on WU, though.
  17. That ep was a half step away from the SNL soap opera parody, The Californians. Filled with close ups of Meaningful Looks at each other. Seems appropriate, since Matthew Needham looks so much like SNL's Mikey Day. Add a Christmas tree and it would have actually been a Hallmark production. I've given up on this series being about anything meaningful. It's a lot of families jockeying for ... what, I'm not sure, since being king doesn't seem that great. In any case, who cares who wins? There is no Ned Stark here. The castle could crush them all Cersei-style, and that would be A-OK. So I'll just go to a couple of logic questions. First, that's how easy it is to control a dragon? You walk up to it, shout a few words and hang on? I don't know much about dragon lore in this franchise, but that's ludicrous. Second, so all it took to have Ser Off to War *kill* his long-time boyfriend was some gold? He may have been disgruntled about what society allows, but seems like he pretty much has been able to have what he wants for 10 years. I guess he is just a tool? Would have been nice if we could have seen more evidence of that before he killed his man. I cannot fathom what this franchise would call success. It feels like it is aimed at women, given how it portrays men ("Wench!") and women and society. Maybe there is an audience for that. It's essentially a creatively bankrupt show, though, feeding off the success of GoT and adding nothing.
  18. Just catching up because this show has mostly bored me and I took a while to get to it. Quite the “strong women, dumb men” opening. Who else but dumb men would say cavalierly “hope the birth was easy!” While the tough mother walks bleeding through the castle. The queen is reasonable, Sir Cristan is a jealous ass. The blonde teens are jerks. The gay husband is a fool. Ok, we get it already. Men bad, women good, in a setting where women are forced to watch men rule, poorly. Can we have something happen now?
  19. Not bad. Devon Walker’s presence/energy reminded me a lot of Pete Davidson. Is it his facial expressions? Anyway, overall decent given all the changes.
  20. Huh. I’ve lived in 3 different places with HOAs and have never run into that. Guess I’m lucky.
  21. Cabo couple from Oregon. Just me or did the woman of the couple resemble Janice on The Sopranos? I never get the HOA hate. I might question the HOA fee, but people like this couple don’t cite that, they “don’t like people telling me what I can do with my property.” That’s exactly why we need HOAs. Too many people want to do ugly, inconsiderate things. Just me, but I would never relax in Mexico, with the random violent crime and kidnappings. At the very lease you would need to be alert all the time, even in tourist areas these days. I’m not sure how the CEO guy will relax there with a house and business in Oregon. Good luck to them, though.
  22. Agree with that. And as a huge Blade Runner fan, I dig the feel of Andor. I just would like more to happen. And, as with all these Star Wars shows, more originality and less filling in existing white space. I find myself looking at the dwellings these characters live in, and their furnishings, and lives. And wondering if this is all there is on that colony. And how hard that would be. Never even considered thoughts like that in the other SW shows.
  23. Good description. I actually thought Joffrey had a good *idea,* he executed it poorly. On its face, it actually is a sweet arrangement. Joffrey gets to keep his relationship with his boyfriend who becomes king (or queen consort, not sure the rules there), and the queen gets to have her secret affairs with Criston - AND all four parties are perfectly fine with that, and I assume, with also each carrying out their publicly expected duties. However, for reasons I don't understand, Joffrey presented that arrangement as a threat to Criston instead of as an equal party to a wanted arrangement. Criston was already dealing with his personal demons around honor, and so his response to a threat was to attack. Or maybe I missed the whole point of it all. As I have noted, I don't care much about any of this. Given helpful responses in this thread that this is apparently all HoD is about, this may be my last episode.
  24. I would like a reason for a big war beyond kingly succession. What the hell is the matter with this show? I don’t care who is king or queen. I want some sort of meaningful threat and conflict that isn’t the result of political maneuvering and social mores. I don’t need to watch a fantasy show with dragons to study mock British history. Or a Hallmark movie. EDIT: GoT was about much more than kingdoms competing for the throne. Dany’s journey alone blows HoD out of the water.
  25. Hey, stuff happened! The first 15 minutes I thought the music was overly dramatic for what was happening on the screen. It did set a mood, though, that paid off in the end. I’m not sure what Timm thought he was doing, haltingly charging the imperials. He had no chance to make a difference, and also, it wasn’t a sudden emotional attack, so it was weird. They seized Bix because, as the one Imperial noted, she seemed suspicious for some reason vs. just running home. Overly worried about something? He said her hands were shaking. That was a decent episode.
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