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Everything posted by Ottis

  1. Mike actually fixed some things! It required miraculous timing - twice - but hey, I’ll take it. I really don’t get his mom. It’s like she wanders in and out of episodes. Unfortunately, they found Iris. Think this time she will stay with the guy who doesn’t whore her out?
  2. That was … terrible. Was the prison skit and slingshot even supposed to be funny? What was the joke? That people lie while in prison, and some people pass out on thrill rides? Isn’t that just … reality? The submarine skit was a bit better but badly thought out. They should have built up to the fact a poll was used to name the sub and then slowly revealed each name, as the captain and crew realized what each name meant they were called. The Cologuard skit made no sense, given the test. The boxes should have wanted to unleash on Woody, to get the sample, not the other way around. Nothing against Jack White, but that kind of music gets on my nerves. Jaggedly shouting with no melody. Only made it to WU so far. Update: The Bill Walton and NJ mom WU guest impressions were bad. If you’re going to do a guest character, they have to be either absurdly funny or cleverly poking fun at actual people. Those characters were just realistic portrayals of a real guy and an annoying stereotype. The Hippo was just sad. The nice gym skit had a few laughs, and some silliness that got sillier as it went. I liked it.
  3. Just started watching this show, which is basically Monk plus Grimm. I liked the concept, but haven’t even finished season one and they are moving away from the interesting Satan mythology stuff and making it about who-likes-who relationships. Will lose interest if they keep it up. Really bored with the Dan/Malcolm plot. PS Why do they have the lead actor sing so much? Was that a thing at the time? He isn’t very good. Loud, maybe.
  4. I tried to watch it. The beginning was promising, with the predicting of where the sniper would take the shot at the president. Liked the math and line drawings over actual city locations. Looked forward to learning more about being a sniper and this guy’s story, even if his wife was impossibly supportive. And then it did one of the tropes I most hate - the good guy being framed. We all know he isn’t guilty, but we have to wait for him to convince everyone else. I tried to FF through eps hoping he would be cleared and we could move on, but that frame thing seems to drag on all season. After scanning the next 3 eps, I quit. Does the show ever clear him and move forward? When does that start?
  5. Hey, something happened! Bunny took matters into his own hands and had the DA (?) killed so that Mike’s contact lady (assistant DA?) could release Bunny. I don’t know why the late DA was such a dick about the deal he made, or alternatively why Mike didn’t realize that guy could be a dick (shouldn’t the fixer know such things?), but in any case Bunny came through. Now Mike will probably face accessory to murder charges, but hey, we saw action that made sense. Until then it was a lot of aimless flailing and Mike saying, “I’ll fix this!” If Kyle building 3 sheds was supposed to mean he is losing it, that was a goofy way to show that. His attack on the Davison guy made more sense. Where the hell is Milo?
  6. This show delights in throwing out what seems like evidence of a specific situation, then walking it back through repetition from different perspectives. Unfortunately, the repetition isn’t worth the new knowledge. So you spend a lot of time reliving things you already know, just to gain one more tidbit. Not sure why the lead couple went from cute to no longer appreciating each other. Just because they couldn’t have a kid and had only each other? That seems odd. i haven’t finished ep 5, yet, but the solution obvious in ep 2 seems likely. Will update. UPDATE: That was a senseless ending. How does a baby change anything meaningful? It makes more sense to have the two Miles’ divide and conquer, with one being a star at work and the other writing a successful play. The comedy could come from how they work out the marriage, and the drama could come from the FDA agents and the two spa guys showing up just when the world thinks Miles somehow has it all. Maybe the show will still get there, but the baby ending should have been a footnote.
  7. What a lovely show that was. Late to the party, and usually find shows like “Girls” annoying because the characters are indecisive and make poor choices. The Derry Girls are different. So much joy and realness, and the parents are each fun in their own way. In the end, I see why Irish women are so capable! One question… is there or is there not a 4th season? I have found online info that indicates both yes and no. Netflix shows 3 seasons, with what looks like a series ending ep at the end of season three. TIA.
  8. Mike tells Bunny’s cousin that when he does a thing, it gets done. Why exactly should she believe him? I don’t believe him. Nothing we see supports his assertion. Why waste our time with that conversation? In a twisted way, it’s amusing to see how many things Mike can’t do anything about. Kyle might actually be smarter than Mike. Give Milo his money, move on.
  9. So you're saying Mike has been ineffective, and we agree. CAN he be effective? It doesn't appear so. Based on what we have seen occur on the show, everyone would be better off finding another fixer and getting rid of Mike, and that shouldn't be the main conclusion in a show based on Mike, should it?
  10. My point is, does anyone ever listen to Mike? Because we haven't seen it. Which undercuts the entire premise of this show, and is why I ask, what is the point? The show needs to give us examples of Mike being cleverly effective. Unlike Tony Soprano, he also needs to generally follow laws, unless we are supposed to view him as a criminal... and if THAT is true, then he can't own the high ground he needs own in order to run around shouting at people that they need to listen to him or bad things will happen to others.
  11. Is Owen supposed to be charming? Because I’m 17 minutes into the first ep and he is incredibly annoying. The only interesting characters are the agency boss and the sketchy, speed-taking colleague from Orphan Black. Hope Owen chills out soon. UPDATE: OK, Max I like. Owen is like the Zachary Levi Shazam. Update after 4 eps (I give every show 3-4 eps): I get it, now. This is basically a show aimed at millenials and Zs that portrays characters who are 25-35 as Important. Owen is a lawyer and fresh recruit who repeatedly escapes death and talks his way out of lethal situations. One roomie is inexplicably a powerful DC mover and shaker who knows Senators and SC justices (because of her parents, ironically). His coworkers, all young except the boss and a flaky lifer, have Big Plans for the Future (one has a full TV studio set up at her place, to prepare to be a talking head, another thinks of a horrible action for an AI case that raises ethical questions and the show not only ignores them, but credits her with being super clever). IRL, no one would take these people seriously. Owen would be dead, the others would be ignored. But the show is designed to appeal to a target audience that already thinks it is not respected enough for its oversized egos. As a result, the show is a bit silly, but it takes itself deadly seriously. And the romantic stuff is just cringy. The good parts are its depiction of the CIA as well as some of the ways DC works (probably, what do I know), as well as the handful of more realistically experienced characters. So if you can accept that all these newbies can do what they are shown doing, you might like it.
  12. This was dumb. I made it through 15 minutes and quit during the 2nd or 3rd lame band sequence.
  13. This show is a mess. Wednesday just keeps guessing, incorrectly, until she gets a convenient vision or a bad guy confesses. Xavier mopes in jail and sends Wednesday away instead of realizing the obvious, that Wednesday is the only one who can get him out of jail, and working with her. No one seems to realize that the drawing, *which shows Crackstone* next to Wednesday and the missing body parts add up to bringing him back. Mixing Addams Family with a mystery was a great idea, it needs to be a lot smarter.
  14. I'm only 35 minutes into the first ep, but it already has gone down a path I detest: There is absolutely no good reason for Adam not to have called in his colleagues as soon as the first bribe attempt. It wasn't even a difficult call, nothing was at risk except his career. The implied reason? Ego. Either he refused to give up the credit for his past successes, or he thinks he can handle this on his own. This plays into the trope of men having big egos, which varies of course. Once he decided on a path other than doing the right thing, he lost all goodwill from me and I didn't care what happened to him or anyone else. Therefore, no further interest.
  15. Late to the party… this show is realllllllly slow. The long opening bike ride home almost had me changing channels. Everything that happens seems stretched out… and I am only 18 minutes in. I hope the mystery is something interesting and not an abusive ex or something lame like that. Also, not so sure about the heroism thing. I counted shots and he had the one left when she faced him. That part was brave, but once he shot it there was just the knife. Others should have stepped in at any time. Note: I skipped from 18 to 24 minutes in to just before Andy bludgeoned the guy. “In From the Cold” did this way better.
  16. This show royally pisses me off. Mike the Fixer can't control anything, why does anyone listen to him? His mother is in some sort of serenity coma that is boring as all get out. His brother is a screw up. And now it has become predictable ... the moment we saw kids in line for a pool, I knew what the kids would find and where. For a show to be good, it needs someone you want to win even if sometimes that someone is an antihero. That's what I thought Mike was going to be, but he's just ineffective and impotent. And the show doesn't even work as a study of our prison system, because the prisons are just another setting, never fleshed out or described in any way that says anything. Not sure I can watch the rest of this season. It's meaningless. Yes, and everyone who sent him there, including Iris, told him he shouldn't go there. That was the only interesting part of this ep, that Joseph was so extreme. Which made Mile beating him last week even more implausible.
  17. I don’t know who Sara Paulson is, but I thought Pedro was a great host and clearly was willing to go places that last week’s host didn’t want to go (including playing an older Hispanic mom, in pink!). Enjoyed his enthusiasm and the tough steak skit was better because he laughed (and felt a lot like Wanda on In Living Color when she got up to cut her steak!). If anything I thought the writing didn’t take the sketches far enough (kids blaming their every bad behavior on COVID, steak lady being a professional objector). But I laughed a lot more this week, even though YouTube TV messed up the recording and I only came in in middle of the social media skit and haven’t seen anything before that, yet.
  18. What is the point of this series? That everyone is nuts, over excited and screws up? Why would all the gang leaders listen to Mike and attend what was clearly a poorly secured meeting (for them), and then he screws them so I assume they will never listen to him again. His brother and the boat cop? Why? Iris runs away, she gets what she gets. Is this like a fancy version of Mayans:MC, where it is all about acting tough and shooting people? With no logic? Is there no higher authority who can get the prison riot settled? They could kill every character on this show save Renner and start over and we would be missing nothing. ANd it pisse sme off because I really want to like this show.
  19. In some cases, that's true. I don't think it was in this case, given the evidence. I would not be surprised if Jordan, or his management, made it clear that he would not be made to act or do certain things. None of us really know. For me, hosts who are willing to look silly are almost always the funniest hosts. This episode wasn't funny, for me.
  20. I spent half this ep trying to figure out what the season 2, post-riot reset was, only to realize there wasn’t one and the show is simply continuing the dumb arc from season 1. No idea why anyone lives in a place that becomes lawless so quickly. It’s a shame, because I like Renner and the show has a good setting. It just doesn’t know what to do with it. Miriam, annoying as she can be, is the only character who clearly represents a POV.
  21. I get that, and admit that when it became clear that the sole joke in that skit was that their faces were frozen and then when they tried to do typical stuff, they couldn't, I fast forwarded through the second half of the one-note skit. Which I would argue supports my original point ... being given a prosthesis and then having things done to you that don't work well because of the prosthesis is akin to being tied up while people throw pies at you. The end result may *look* goofy, but it wasn't because *you* are being goofy - it was being done *to* you. That's allowed in the "cool, hot" guy brand. Yelling in a low, unattractive voice "Fraaaaaaance!" while being in a cheesy beauty pageant skit is a different level of being willing to go for it. YMMV.
  22. One of the things I note with hosts is, how willing are they to look foolish? This one felt like Jordan did not want to go off brand, and his brand is apparently "hot, cool guy." So the show was oddly flat, with skits that stayed safe and even the audience could tell they wouldn't get funny after the initial set up. Contrast that with Plaza, who while attractive clearly doesn't give a crap about that and so she went for it in every skit, which made it funnier. Monologue that focuses on Jordan being a hot guy? Check. State Farm guy who bangs other guy's wife? Check. Fireman stripper? Check. Guy poking fun at "male confidence seminar" because the guy is more confident than the instructor? Check. It was so blatant that the "falling down" skit at the end seemed like a last-minute attempt by frustrated writers to get Jordan past his brand. And even that was mild, with some "stunt fallers." You could argue the trapped rollercoaster news people was a little goofy, but it didn't require Jordan to *be* goofy, he was just putting on a costume (with mouthpiece) and then acting normal. The whole show felt flat to me, and the audience didn't seem to know what to do except for "woo!" when Jordan was acting like a hot, cool guy.
  23. Best show in a long time, IMO, and I haven't even made it to WU, yet. - The opening NFL skit (the Santos thing was fine, but some great lines like "the only way to make the sport safer, is to hit harder!"), - Leslie Knope! - Miss Universe skit making fun of the whole concept (I didn't know about a real Miss France screaming, I took it as making fun of beauty pageants, period) - Taboo was manic and fun (and Plaza really went for it) ... I wish it would have gone on longer and gotten even weirder - I would actually watch Black Lotus (I tried White Lotus for 2 eps, despised every character and quit watching ... it badly needs the hotel staff from Black Lotus, which is how I felt watching White Lotus) - Didn't get the Nun sketch, if there was a point besides yeah, question all that crap, which is kind of like saying "remember to beathe." - Haven't seen M3agan yet, but yeah, from the coverage of it and social media, this is exactly its audience I lost track of Sam Smith when he had vocal issues. he seems to have changed his vibe a bit. WU next! Yeah, I record it - so what? :-)
  24. Which means… the adjustable rate *didn’t* “blow up” (as Dan said) and they *weren’t* “blindsided” (as Katie Segal said). What happened was exactly what Dan agreed to, and given how long they have lived in that house and ARMs are usually only 3,5,7 years, he must have refinanced the house (probably taking cash out) to get the ARM. Whether Dan ignored the change and new bills isn’t relevant to how the show presented the problem, aside from the fact that ignoring it completed the trifecta of stupid.
  25. As soon as Dan said his “adjustable mortgage rate blew up” I knew this show would act like it was anywhere from a surprise to predatory lending. Then Katie Segal says “we were blindsided.” ARMs are pretty clear. And given how long they have lived there, Dan had to have done a relatively recent refi (cash out, probably) for that ARM… they tend to be at most 5 or perhaps 7 years. He did it to himself, as most people do. Given how this family can never leave each other alone, what’s another 2 years with Becky?
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