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Everything posted by Pixiebomb

  1. You beat me to it! That’s what I was coming here to say.
  2. My money is on them not knowing each other. She’s a local grown and raised. He’s not. We get a lot of people here for a season or two. I’m betting he’s only been here a short time and she’s been gone a while.
  3. I’m here on Hilton Head- our tiny island got one fake local ( from Ohio-of course) and one real local - Angie (SeaPines) who transplanted herself to LA (of course). Not sure if I should be embarrassed yet. But having watched every single season of BB, I’d say chances are great that the embarrassment will kick in any minute now....5...4...3...2..........
  4. I LOVE this thread! I would give every post a “like”. So now I’ve got to add something and I’m just not as witty as all y’allses. Kail- it’s perfectly acceptable and not frowned upon at all to bring your disruptive kids with you to your college classes.
  5. I was actually enjoying this show right up until Stupid Alicia shot John. I can't believe it. The only character I actual like and Stupid Alicia shoots him.
  6. Yeah Chelsea's segments are boring but that's because she is normal, in a committed, stable relationship. I'm a SAHM and have been married 23 years. I can guarantee you that if MTV were filming my life they would watch me make lunches, put kids on the school bus, hit the gym, come home and do 11 loads of laundry. Boring. Normal. I'm glad she's normal. Good for her.
  7. Yes it's a good picture of him and as an added plus you can't hear him talking high pitched baby talk. That always puts a damper on any feelings for him. Ewww.
  8. Raccoons in the walls here.
  9. Chelsea looks like a life sized Pez Dispenser in that immunity challenge.
  10. I liked this episode. Mainly because it had none of the Fear cast in it. Up until the last scene, then I didn't like it.
  11. It sucks to be treated like the rest of the population, huh Kail? You better get used to it. MTV isn't going to be following you all over the globe forever.
  12. Depends on the time of day. The 55 can be insane. Carpool lanes are key. And the carpool exit will drop you right off at Disneyland.
  13. Can someone please remind me where Ezekiel has gotten off to? I remember Carol Morgan and Sam.2 taking out Gavin to save him. But that's all I remember. Too much blather in the past few episodes for me to keep everything straight. And add me to the list of not seeing Maggie as this leader type person. I have always seen her as more a "voice of reason on a council" not the Supreme Leader.
  14. To throw in my two cents. I never believed Kail that it was a miscarriage. Just like I never believed Leah had a miscarriage with Jeremy's baby when she was waffling on getting back with Cory or moving forward with Germ.
  15. I think Jenelle is pregnant. Her face is looking fuller.
  16. Leah is still closed. I wish the mods would give her back to us. We've never really had a problem on these threads- since way back when we all came over from twoP . We are good little posters.
  17. Why? Why? Why...WHY? For the love of humanityWHY?????
  18. That's unfortunate. I love this forum and all you guys. You crack me up and I can share my secret teen mom vice with you. Can't in real life. I'm ridiculed enough for watching Big Brother. Can you imagine the grief I'd get for TM?
  19. Eggsley never smiles. I know I am only seeing pictures- but I just see red flags. I think she needs early intervention with some developmental therapy. This is coming from the mom of a kid (adopted) with developmental delay/autism.
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