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Everything posted by Pixiebomb

  1. Call me old fashioned- but what’s up with all these LITTLE Kids having queen sized beds? (Hello Kail’s Boys and Aubree). When I was a kid we all had twin beds. I didn’t have a queen sized bed until after college and I bought my own at IKEA. Now even my own kids are asking why they can’t have a REAL bed. WTF? Go back to your X-boxes, iPads and cell phones you little brats. Rant over. Now get off my lawn!
  2. So it takes over a day to get from Alexandria to Hilltop via horse. Yet Carl and Enid rollerskated there in an afternoon? Alexandria’s scouts never even suspected the existence of the Sanctuary or its satellites yet Negan can walk there in a day. While stopping to shop for a new leather jacket even. I really need a map of this world.
  3. “Where were Judith’s caretakers”you ask? All dead. Taking care of Judith is the kiss of death. Ask Beth, Mika, Tyrese, Coral. I’m shocked that Father Gabe is still kicking around.
  4. I thought the BB announcer said that there would be a twist (0n Friday?) that would send a second houseguest packing. That would explain the mooch’s scooch.
  5. If they serve grits in the restaurants...it’s Southern. Moving on....the Easons suck.
  6. The jeans weren’t ripped until she tried to squeeze her supersized legs into them.
  7. Why are they having a snowball fight in a junk yard/meth lab?
  8. Best part of the episode hands down was when Shane asked how his daughter was.
  9. “Miracle Baby” - “Trap Baby” Potato - PoTAHto
  10. I could watch videos of Watson all day.
  11. Same thing where I live. I wonder if we are neighbors?
  12. Just like the engagement will be.
  13. Yep it’s a mandatory evacuation starting noon tomorrow. My family will leave Wednesday. We don’t think the hurricane will hit Hilton Head but when all hospitals and emergency services are closed it’s not a good idea to stay ( we have 85 year old grandfather with us).
  14. That storm looks like it is heading right for Wilmington.
  15. Swing! Swing! Omg. Stupid autocorrect! no wonder no one was answering me.
  16. So who has won the swim competition in past seasons? My memory is not as good as most of yours.
  17. Just watched BBAD before I came here so I could watch the whole HOH comp and for once I wouldn’t be spoiled. My take away - I shall never refer to Angela as Ice Princess or cold hearted again. She looked like she was in true pain watching her friends get beat up on that swing. I don’t believe it was an act and I don’t believe that she was just worried for a Hay win. She showed a lot of empathy. JC on the other hand, not so much.
  18. Apparently in the jury house Bayleigh goes to bed the earliest. Hmmmm. I remember needing more sleep when I was pregnant.
  19. No feeds are up. Except Scottie won’t stop talking about production so fish.
  20. What? First I can’t watch the episode because of football and now I can’t watch the live HOH because I’m old and I’ve had wine and there is no way I will be up at one unless it’s because I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom which is usually at 3:30 anyway.
  21. Ugh! No!!! You made me go look all hopeful and no It’s season 9!!!!! Natalie the bikini barista is yelling at Mattie. Yuck.
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