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Everything posted by Pixiebomb

  1. I think “Happy Holiday” is my favorite name. 👏
  2. Welp, the one thing this season has given me is the desire to go back and watch a good season. So I’m watching season 6 right now and they just finished the Pressure Cooker. Sigh. Watching BB6 again- I’m really missing the old competitions. Way less physical but more of a knock out. I love when pecking orders are revealed. If current BB is going to continue to cast sheep at least they could throw in more pecking order comps. That might help to wake people up from their slop stupor. Imagine if Bay and Day we’re constantly getting picked off first. That would stir things up. And I do miss food comps. I’m actually enjoying watching BB 6- not hate watching like I have tended to do in the past - what- 6 years?
  3. At this point I don’t know what to believe. I really can’t keep it straight who is in what alliance and who is final 2 with who. I don’t know which ones are real and which ones are BS.
  4. Enzo an Cody are bashing Dani now. ...And I just lost connection. The only time there is a glimmer of something interesting and I’m locked out. “It’s so frrrruuustrating” tm Dani BB8.
  5. So I’m watching the puppies and I just want you all to know we adopted a dog yesterday. Totally un related I know. And on a related note - Shut up Nicole. Or was it Nicole Sucks? What did we always say?
  6. And it fit? If I remember correctly Jenelle is voluptuous while Dani (back then) was borderline anorexic. pictures anyone? ETA: Nevermind. Asked and answered.
  7. I will give you the nod on this one. And I will go rewatch season 10. Because I think Dan is the GOAT BB player and I have no life because of Covid.
  8. Yeah I know that shit happened. But it is unfortunate. Because it could have been so good. If not duos- then they could have Taken a page from Survivor and split the house in half - Old School vs New School. Seriously, why call this All Stars? It’s not. Call it something else. Xmas is not an All Star. David??? Memphis? Memphis only made it to final two because of Dan’s Mist. Nic F? Only because she beat Paul because he’s Paul. Bay? Because she hooked up with Swaggy and got knocked up in the BBHouse. Cody- coattails. Ian- bitter jury. Kevin- because he was less abrasive than Gnatalie. We could go on. I know a lot of the real All Stars declined. But half of this cast is not All Star Material. ok. I’m a little bitter. This season had potential. Until they walked in the door.
  9. I wish Bb had just out right said it’s BB duos. But not the stupid secret duos like Season 6 or the heinous February Dirty Little Secret Season 9. Just bring back Jayser, And whoever else. But it has to be a real known duo. No halvsies like Tyler without KC. No Memphis without Dan. Real duos. I’d rather have Brenchel and a Cappy/Maggie or Gnat/Jessie even a Jeff Jordan. We could have lame duos like Maven too. But all duos. Otherwise just a Jayser is like holding up tall glass of lemonade to someone dying in the dessert and then pouring it out on the sand.
  10. I accidentally hit the sad emoji instead of the laughing emoji because my phone’s screen is messed up. So I thought I’d try to go back and change it but then I realized this whole season makes me unhappy so I’ll just leave it. But I did think the Christmas slam was pretty good so props to whoever did that.
  11. I wish Tyler would ditch Cody and bring David over to ally with Jayser. Then they could pick up Bay Day and Kevin. I would be happy to see Dani and Nico’s heads explode.
  12. The game won’t even be a real game if everyone avoids making certain moves because of optics. Day and Bay seem like a pair to me as much as Jayser. Logically, they should be targeted by the big alliance after jayser is broken up. But I don’t like the Big Alliance and their minions( I put Ian and David in this category) so I don’t want that to happen. Really the only people not actually IN the Big Alliance or being used by it are Jayser, BayDay and Kevin shleprock. So of course Tyler’s only choice is Jayser. 😞
  13. Fuck it. I’m going to finish binge watching 24 Season 6. Call me if anything happens.
  14. As a parent or two kids in SEC schools (South Carolina and LSU )and one in ACC ( Clemson) - yes. You have to pay the tuition in order to reap the benefits !!!!!
  15. Wait. Stop. Her kid is named Tennessee? No. It’s the alcohol right?
  16. Maybe just practice. We all know the out going HOH never plays in HOH
  17. I’ve switched to Mic Ultra Infusions lime and prickly pear. Bring on the house meeting. I’m in for the long haul.
  18. Dani’s trying to feel out David on where he stands. He can’t even answer her. He has no game. He is talking about cleaning the house. Aaaaand in other news... NicoleA is still bitch whining about Janelle. I swear when my dog was hit by a car he didn’t whine as much. ( Dog was fine- after a $$$ surgery- but went onto a long healthy life. Don’t flame me. ).
  19. If only TPTB would allow Memphis one Phone-A-Friend pass. Paging Dan Geesling...
  20. Regarding the ammo used in Hilltops catapults..... Fetchez la vache! anyone?
  21. I didn’t realize The Land had such a high crime rate for Pet kidnappings. How many have been “stolen”? They say stolen- I say rescued. Eh, Tomatoe- Tomahto.
  22. Poor Endtable. She’s inherited those jumbo jowls
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