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Everything posted by Pixiebomb

  1. Shouldn’t Tiff throw this? And Bubbles. Azah off
  2. Azah is spinning a lot. X looks good. Tiff looks good. Claire off
  3. Azah just got spooged. This is kind of a boring comp. just a big elephant to crash into and random spooge and bubbles.
  4. I didn’t watch the live broadcast because my son wanted to watch Walking Dead with me. Quality time. Get it when you can. But I’m here for the feeds. Imagine my surprise to see Derex down already.
  5. So let’s just say in some magical universe that Claire does win coin of destiny and puts up DF. And after veto noms the same. (Apparently in this magical universe Claire has magical powers enabling her to win comps AND make good strategic moves). Of the 3 men do they take out Ky because he’s a comp threat or Big D because he’s so Big D? They might even go crazy and take out X because he’s got such a great social game and pretty much played flawlessly.
  6. 6:39 Eastern- Ky and SB still talking. SB weirdly wants to be bitten by a snake. But not on her neck (like Ky’s sister was). She wants to be bitten on her back. I don’t know what to do with this. Someone else has to take over I have to get kids up for school.
  7. 6:11 am Eastern. (Sorry too early to do the 3 hr subtraction to Pacific time). Ky and SB in bed discussing DX. They wonder if he is correct in his assessment that they are shielding X and Alyssa. They agree that if Tiff/Clair win HOH they can push the target on X and Alyssa. Now they are just talking about real life stuff. I’ve changed my mind. Hannah is not my BEC. It’s SB. I think anyone that can spend this much time talking (listening) to KY has serious issues. SB/KY do not think Claire/Tiff can win HOH. Hoping it’s not Chaddah. SB thinks Big D can win. ( sure ). She’s worried KY will be backdoored. ( Bless your heart SB- KY ain’t going anywhere.). I think this is what bothers me about the CO. While it’s tactically brilliant, the side piece relationships bug me. I know the friendships are valid but if I was the side piece I would feel like it was one-sided and I was used. I wouldn’t mind being used generally I mean I get the whole “Outwit Outplay Outlast “ thing - it’s a game. But I would feel like the friendship was genuine on my side but not on the other. I would feel Brittneyed.
  8. I got up at 5am East Coast to get my kid up for swim practice. So I switched on the feeds, and I was treated to Derex pleading his case before Hannah and Ky in the bathroom. I was treated to 30 minutes of Ky brushing and flossing into his microphone. 30 minutes because Ky talked thru the whole procedure. Basically Ky is obviously not buying what Derex is selling, but he can’t come right and say it. He can’t come right out and say anything. He’s been talking for 45 minutes but has said nothing. But I think he admits to Derex that it would be better for his game to keep Derex but then he hems and haws and throws in some “you knows” and some “I feel likes”. He swears he’s not trying to create drama for the live show by not committing. I think Derex just fell asleep during Kys pontificating. Poor Derex. He sees the writing on the wall. its now 6:00 am EAstern. Derex just left. Without his sympathy vote. Annnd…KY is brushing his teeth. Again. and scene.
  9. Hannah is my BEC. I don’t know why. There is no one reason. ( But isn’t that what BEC is?). I just think that deep down she might be a mean girl. Maybe it’s her callousness toward ditching Derex.
  10. How about a nerf gun? Exactly how good is Julie’s aim do you suppose?
  11. Oh Rachel. *sigh*. She brought the crazy. I miss her. As annoying as she was.
  12. How can you forget The Friendship? Maggie vs Yvette. and wasn’t Jordan up against Gnatalie?
  13. Can I play? I would like to think I’m young and cool and would therefore be in on on the alliance but in reality I would be Kale and her Mrs Robinson Alliance. An alliance of one and they would ditch me at their earliest convenience.
  14. Im not really sure how this works but I’m surprised they reveal how much $ they got. It paints a target on your back if America loves you (see Britini). Why let the other house guest know where you stand? I would lie and say I got the 50.
  15. Claire might just Halting Hex her way out of an eviction this week.
  16. When is HOH? Do we dare to hope the feeds will be back up for it?
  17. See and I read it quickly so my mind read it as screwable. Not in the way Christian looks at Alyssa, like he thinks she’s totally screwable. But in the Britini context that she is so screwable as in - she’s gonna get totally screwed by all the alliances and end up as the perennial pawn.
  18. I hope he tries to get out a big player and doesn’t just settle for Brit🍸
  19. Now just Derex and X are left and they are too far apart to whisper any deals.
  20. If X wins he puts up Brit and Derex. Alyssa out.
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