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Everything posted by Judois

  1. I think my favorite part was Kelly's sad statement that he'd missed spending Father's Day with his child for this crap. I don't know anything at all about the guy but I like him for that.
  2. I was here to say the same thing. It's getting tiresome. And I didn't like the nice Democrat candidate getting made fun of when he was saying some really good things.
  3. Once again,Alex does that "Ooh,you knew that answer even though it was before your time!" That one was about Three Mile Island. Alex,that isn't pop culture. That is actual history. Which people are supposed to know to get on the damn show.
  4. Am I the only one who thought it was a bit mean of Alex to imply Jon had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
  5. I'm not a big fan of this kind of format for episodes (testifying to a panel..which has been done on countless shows) but there were some great lines. Especially "Wicker Dan" and "I took Noticing in high school".
  6. When Richard started to give away even more code to the Brain Rapers,I yelled at the tv "Stop it!" In other news I actually could see why Erlich gets girls. Nobody can resist Sade. But only the early stuff.
  7. I must've zoned out when she dissed Stabler. What exactly did she say?
  8. I loved that monologue. Louis CK never fails to make me laugh. Sometimes mixed with shock at saying things that people are going to misconstrue. But I know humor is subjective. I do hope it won't prevent him from being asked back.
  9. Things I liked: Stefan trying to make Damon understand what his future might be as a human. Elena liking being human again. Things I didn't like: Pretty much everything else. Kai. Ugh. Caroline being forgiven for all the shit she did and she's back to being Miss Perky.
  10. Oof. The old "I like you as a friend". On national TV. Thanks,mom.
  11. For some reason this was my favorite line. Probably because I can't wait to use it in normal conversation.
  12. I will not believe Joe is dead until I see them opening him up on the autopsy table. This was an awesome episode as bad TV goes. I like batshit crazy Ryan. I loved him extending a hand to the woman telling her she's safe now,after he just killed two men in a brutal fashion.
  13. Ari's nervousness when she met Jamey made me want to give her a hug. I got tears in my eyes at how she was obviously paralyzed by it. Jamey did what he could to help but he was going through his own awkwardness of the meeting. I like this episode because,hopefully,it can help everyone have a better understanding of what transgenders deal with. And start conversations like the ones in this thread.
  14. I gave up on suffering through Caroline's scenes and just fast-forwarded through them. I am so tired of that character.
  15. I'm starting to think that Ryan is doing a Manchurian Candidate routine. Joe somehow hypnotized him a long time ago and it's all coming back to him now.
  16. My Mom first thought the Empire State Building because of the Art Deco. I went with Grand Central and then at the last moment came up with the Chrysler building because of the transportation angle.
  17. Can anyone tell me what happened in the last minute of the show? My dvr cut off as Camille was running after Lucy.
  18. That episode was great journalism. John Oliver's interview was pretty tough on Snowden but Snowden did take it well,at least. Hearing him say dick pic over and over was quite funny.
  19. Ok,sorry. I don't usually read the recaps.
  20. I don't think anyone has mentioned the fact that Luis seemed to say that he got the idea to do all the fake profiles from watching Catfish. At least that's how I took it. Nev never came back to that point. I'm sure Luis is not the first one to get the idea from the show.
  21. I'm getting the vibe that Trevor Noah just really hates fat people. And as a fat person,I'm just going to not watch him.
  22. Yes,I wasn't happy about this news. I don't have any strong opinions on Trevor but I really wish they'd tried harder for a female host.
  23. Considering Conan's height and Jon's lack of it,that is something I'd like to see.
  24. Love Jon but I do think it's time. I'm hoping Jessica Williams gets the chair. I think she's got a fresh voice and is hilarious.
  25. While I'm not a big fan of Emo Phillips,I can find him genuinely funny sometimes. However,first I need to be able to understand what the hell he is saying.
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