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Everything posted by LiveenLetLive

  1. Alex is quite the dish (as people used to say, LOL) The more I think about the plot and how completely a-historical (a certain declamatory speech for example) it is the angrier I get, LOL, I am itching to say a few things but must restrain myself for now.
  2. yes that was exactly it---the explicitness of the scene, although after The Man in the Orange Shirt I guess that I shouldn't be 2 shocked that PBS bought this too, I belong to a facebook group of fans of British drama and a few pearl clutchers there were complaining, Anyway PBS has divided the bbc 2 parter into 3 parts but I hunted down part 2 and watched it, I will say no more about it and will come back after the whole thing is finished in the states with my opinion.
  3. I think of Becky as an anti heroine actually but one has to appreciate her natural ability to survive and her ingenuity! I've read the novel (years ago) and I know most of what is coming up but the wonderful performances have me hooked.
  4. I wish that more British viewers used the forum (or Americans like myself who go out of their way to get access to British programming.) Anyway I am loving the new production, I really dig Olivia Cooke as Becky Sharpe---Ms Cooke is attractive but not so gorgeous that she could only make her way on her looks, and Tom Bateman as Rawdon Crawley--huba buba, he is not drop dead gorgeous either but masculine and sexy. I appreciate most of the modern updates (although making the heiress that Osborne's father wants George to marry a West Indian seems unlikely considering how racist society was at that time.) I know that using rock tunes over the ending titles bugs some people but it doesn't me. I hope that an American channel buys the series.
  5. That ending was a real shocker and I had to laugh because I don't know where the author is going with that (I thought that Johannes had some physical issue that he was hiding, LOL.) I am going to stick with it I think because there was enough intrigue to draw me in.
  6. Anyone know a fat white guy that can cook a little for next year? LOL
  7. Heida really grew on me as Elizabeth, and i must say that I shed a tear over her fate--I am also bored with Ross's "volcano" about to erupt at any moment shtick.
  8. got half way through it and checked out, I just can't stand continual bad luck, LOL. I might watch the series when it airs on the US PBS, but I am finding it sort of a downer.
  9. Excellent episode, I veer between watching the show and being frustrated by George's obsession to destroy not only Poldark but everyone connected to him (Drake for example) ugh but Wentworth's comeuppance was most satisfying--I will say it again that actor must have had a ball playing the repulsive Osborne.
  10. yes and I am guessing that she lost a few pounds plus fillers--I was stunned at how different she looked.
  11. I believe the last figure I looked at was that a woman of 45 had a 1 in 200 chance of naturally conceiving, possible yes as your experience proves, but Becky's doctor told her that her eggs were no good, I honestly hope that they don't have her get pregnant because for many women in her situation it is not going to happen.
  12. I thought that Lecy was really strong in that last scene with Roseanne where Becky had to admit that the experience of having a child has probably passed her by (of course women still have babies in their early 40's, my mother did at 42, although I wonder, is it more likely that women who have had children already in their younger years find it easier to have a baby late in life?) At any rate, I did enjoy the show, but you know what is really driving me nuts? The make up on the older characters, Dan, Roseanne and Jackie is positively funereal--very artificial looking IMO. It does sort of bug me that Roseanne had to give Becky hope that she could get pregnant, it does happen, but at that age many women go through expensive fertility treatment to make it happen--I never wanted children but found out several years ago that my PCOS would have made it unlikely for me to get pregnant without treatment so I can relate in some way.
  13. I understand that they wanted to get Sarah Chalke in there, but a better story would have been Becky deciding that she wanted a child and going through fertility treatment like so many single women around 40 grapple with--just thinking about how a working woman like Becky could handle the expense would be interesting, Becky isn't Alexis Stewart (Martha's daughter who decided in her 40's to have 2 children by herself and had the financial resources to do it.)
  14. co-sign your entire post about the ridiculous Becky surrogacy plot--she is too old period to use her own eggs and pumping a 43 year old woman full of hormones is risky need I bring up the unfortunate Elizabeth Edwards who had 2 more children at 50 after she and her husband lost their son? I still suspect that her breast cancer could have been potentiated by fertility drugs.
  15. I haven't read the books, but enjoyed the first episode, although preposterous emo cop is back, and even though he has worked with Strike before, is all too quick to consider him a murder suspect. I do so hope that the series takes its time to get to the inevitable romance between Strike and Robin--the chemistry is very good by the way. I also like how they are unwinding Strike's past and what happened to his mother and so forth.
  16. How funny I sell collectibles on ebay and the production company (based in Canada btw) just bought something from me to use as a prop, LOL, and that why I am here I knew that you guys would have the word on the show coming back (or at least a reincarnation!)
  17. Kind of like various wands in Harry Potter hahaha!
  18. Alex Hogh Anderson is excellent, really good even though Ivar is a psycho, LOL. I just don't get why the men are styled as grizzled and they leave the women as dewy fresh as ever, Lagertha would be in her mid 40's now at least and would look like a piece of beef jerky, in fact the actress looks like she is aging backwards, LOL.. I love it when the show has the actors speaking in various languages, then they fade back to english, this is a common sense device that I first saw in the film Valkyrie and works much better than the old fashioned trick of merely having the actors speak in heavy usually English accents, LOL.
  19. What is it with this show's obsession with The Great War? Mark Gatiss just looked so perfect as the WW1 officer--I loved the historical detail. Actually one of my all time favorite episodes is when The Doctor became John Smith at the Public school (and his sweet romance with the widowed Nurse--a great way to treat a Doctor romance if you must.) One other note, the actor playing the first Doctor did a great job but I couldn't stop thinking of Hogwarts, LOL
  20. I am talking about adult attraction, not crass and aggressive, although it has happened with the younger male doctors they handled the situation in ways that I would NOT want to happen to the first female doctor--Tennant's gooey "love" (or whatever the hell that was) with the teenage Rose, I adored River with Matt Smith, I know that plenty of people detested that storyline--it was a partnership (if that is a good word regarding that dynamic) of equals that worked IMO, what would be unbelievable is if they just decide to pretend that no man or woman would be attracted to Jodi physically at least--as much as Doctor Who is a "children's show" it is also watched by millions of adults, it will take a sensitive set of writers to work with this new dynamic, and I am excited to see it.
  21. A decent send off, not a big fan of Capaldi, but he was good tonight, now on to a young female doctor and I will be interested on how the writers dance around the sexuality issue--she is young and attractive and will meet characters who, if the show is being honest, will be sexually attracted to The Doctor in a way that previous male doctors could avoid.
  22. Last night was a new Nigella Xmas episode on the BBC--kind of typical Nigella food--cookies, Duck for dinner, also super hot Deviled Eggs (I couldn't believe the heat she added, I am about her age and can not eat super hot foods anymore.) She supposedly rented a place in the country and went for a long walk with a dog, hasn't it been established that all the people playing her friends are actors? Is the same true about the dog I wonder, LOL.
  23. I don't eat meat but that did look good--I hope that Americans get a chance to see the series (those who would rather not use the "dark art" for access like I do.)
  24. I was being facetious about the house--clearly she can afford a much nicer/bigger place. Anyway, I really want to make Turkish eggs.
  25. Wait a minute I always assumed that Ree's mother was dead! we have seen most members of her family.
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