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Everything posted by Rainyhawk

  1. As I’d said in my post, in a major metropolitan area and, unless I pay for it ($150 and up), there are simply no appointments available. Would love to do a PCR test but can’t. I’ve looked for four days on multiple sites, refreshing several times per day, and nothing. My HMO is so overwhelmed they can’t test you unless you have symptoms. And our county has requested that people NOT go to urgent care mist for testing…assuming they can even test you.
  2. I get what sunny is saying about the quarantining, etc. And it’s all well and good to say that if you e been exposed and don’t have symptoms, then wait and get tested before going back out…but that assumes one can actually get a PCR test. In my urban area you can’t get a PCR test without symptoms…if you’re just exposed or you’re traveling it’s extremely difficult to find an appointment..and even if you do results are taking several days. So I have to rely on the self home test and abiding by the CDC rule which is, for vaccinated people with no symptoms and an exposure to a positive person, 10 days of wearing a mask when around others. (Easy to do here since there’s still a mask mandate anyway). If I was actually living with someone who’s positive, then I might take further precautions. But it’s not that easy to get tested here and sunnys wrong about expecting that to be the standard.
  3. I think there’s no good solution here. I understand the teachers (I come from a family of them). However, there were huge issue with a large number of kids who couldn’t navigate virtual learning. Not to mention what joy noted regarding two working parents who simply can’t be home to oversee school in the home. It’s really a rock and a hard place…what holds the least risk? In my state everyone who works in a school has to be vaccinated so we aren’t seeing this kind of pushback. He actually addresse this today. He said he didn’t use his name as he didn’t want it to be Biden vs Trump.
  4. Maybe not a single drop of blood, but they are successfully testing a blood test that can potentially find multiple types of cancers..even those that are generally found too late for success (eg pancreatic, ovarian). So not complete bs.
  5. Unless they're really clever at planting fake stories, they haven't yet chosen someone. There were stories in during this break about how they are really having difficulty finding a conservative voice for the panel. Personally I think they should just find someone who fits the younger demographic and forget the whole conservative thing and drop the political show concept all together. BW had a vision 25 years ago and a political show wasn't it.
  6. Glad Whoopie shut down the new blonde conservative on the school/Covid situation. Lady, look at your party, including the guy you worked for, to see why your kids are wearing masks to school and eating outside! If this hadn’t become a political issue we might be in a better place by now…and 800,000 people wouldn’t have died. I hate when Rs complain about these Covid protocols and never admit that a lot of the blame falls at their feet. also Amanda c is extremely stiff…her question to Letitia was so stilted and forced.
  7. From what I've read she was apparently very different back then--more liberal and nicer. They married in 2001, so 20 years ago, and separated in 2005. At the time she had been a prosecutor and appeared on CNN and MSNBC. It was after that that she went to Fox. I don't think she was quite the person we see today when they married.
  8. And actually Whoopie is partially wrong on the weight and voice thing. I looked it up and experts say that the timbre and pitch can change. So it may sound lighter or heavier and may go lower or higher in pitch. So you certainly don’t lose your ability to sing nor your singing voice, but the sound of it can change with significant weight loss or gain.
  9. If you listen to the Behind the View podcast, whoopies interview with Nicole was a real love fest, especially on Nicole’s end.
  10. Morgan was kind of meh yesterday (didn’t like her but didn’t actively dislike her) but today I officially really don’t like her. She made me yell at the tv again…something I haven’t really done since Princess left. Not watching her again! The whataboutism and her inelegant attempt to take down Adam Schiff were enough for me. Still a trump shill as far as I could tell.
  11. Her comments on CK were really uncomfortable. Not sure if she’s protecting her job or simply doesn’t believe the facts sunny was stating. Either way it wasn’t a good look…and Whoopies response was great.
  12. I'm not sure about the white women segment, but in the more recent polls prior to Tuesday, Education jumped over the economy to be the #1 issue. I had read that when McAulilffe made the comment about parents and schools (essentially in response to Youngkins spouting about CRT, etc.) is when he started losing his fairly good lead in the race. All of the R candidates across the country have been pushing the disinformation about CRT being taught (we had it here in the Pac NW with school board candidates). From what I've read, this was one of the hot button of disinformation that was being used on purpose in these races. I consider it also a dog whistle.
  13. I can honestly say that I can think of lots of people other than cohen who are responsible for the everything wrong with the US. Agree on Fox News though.
  14. Me too. And Sara, last I heard little white girls aren't being killed by police for no reason. So your analogy was just avoidance. Sexism isn’t killing people either. There’s a big difference. Also, if your school is telling your boy he can be anything and not saying that to your little girl, then maybe you need a new school. I don’t think that’s part of a normal curriculum.
  15. That's what I was wondering. Our local power company (and it's actually privately owned by foreign investors) also encourages it and provides rebates, etc. So the only thing I could think of is that her neighborhood/HOA is against it because they can be somewhat unsightly if in the front of your house!
  16. I didn’t get sunnys comment on solar panels? Who was stopping her…she said because of lobbyists? No issue getting solar energy where I live. So I wondered if maybe she means her neighborhood won’t allow it because of how they look? I was confused..maybe I missed something there.
  17. She has simply read them. Seems recently, depending on what the note is about, she adds some attitude. There was one (or an opposing statement) a week or two ago that she said sarcastically…can’t recall what it was about but her tone did fit the situation.
  18. I thought Carlson was fine and I did agree with her on the Facebook thing…that it’s one reason we don’t share the same reality. So true…so much bad info out there on Facebook that’s created lots of info. But sunnys right that it’s a very thin line here. Getting rid of bot type entries is one thing. Monitoring actual people is another issue. So something needs to be done but it’s not as simple as some think. Zuckerberg is a problem as well with an enormous amount of power.
  19. Loved the clips..they reminded why I used to love the show. They can still,discuss serious topics, but need some levity as well. I hate this idea that 70% of the show needs to be politics.
  20. CRT, as has been noted by sunny many times, is not being taught in elementary and high schools. People are complaining about things like our history of slavery, civil rights, social/equal justice and calling them CRT because it makes conservatives nervous.
  21. Don’t like CR…more talking over. And sunny is totally right about the history and teaching part. And CR is wrong because there are many school districts and parents who don’t want the uncomfortable parts of history taught. They want it glossed over. And Whoopie is right too that it can be taught without making young white kids feel bad about themselves. CR is doing the classic Republican crap. And please tell her to stop talking over people…she reprimanded sunny at the start and then continued to talk over everyone multiple times. I’m hoping hashes not auditioning and is just a special guest co host!
  22. It's interesting to read the comments about Whoopie here (many that I've agreed with) and then listen to their behind the scenes podcast. In the Nicole Wallace interview she continually said that Whoopie was one of the more insightful political minds that she's known. That she saw and understood things before others. Several prior cohosts have also commented on how well she moderates and that they always felt safe at the table because she was so good at taking the pressure off it things were getting too difficult. Said that there's a reason that she's been doing it for so long. Go figure!
  23. Not Nathan lane!! A Broadway treasure? I love him…but I could see him wasting no time on her.
  24. I agree…how many times do we hear about the effect of bad childhood from Ramona or bad marriages or loss,of spouses…but suddenly racism as experienced by POC in the cast aren’t important enough to talk about? And sunny was right as well…because if you watch these shows, yes everyone argues, but the white womens reaction to a POC arguing back is often quite different.
  25. At this point so many of those who are misinformed simply won’t believe the science around it and wont look at other information sources. So not sure what you do about that and everyone’s been trying to educate people about it for months. If at this point they still won’t believe other sources, then that’s on them. Also the fact that getting vaxxed has become a political position doesn’t help.
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