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Everything posted by Rainyhawk

  1. Agree! That and the standing ovation…truly tone deaf. Had Chris Rock done why he was legally entitled to do, he wouldn’t have been there for any of that as he would have been arrested.
  2. I fully agree that he and his wife are quite into themselves and then share pretty much everything with the world. Their kids are a bit pretentious as well (weren't they famously allowed to "educate" themselves from around 11 or 12?). There was no excuse for any of that. Meaner things have been said by comics hosting awards shows with no reactions. He could have just yelled something from his seat, which would still have been an overreaction but less. I was puzzled by the fact that he got a standing ovation for his win--really? Just rewarding him for his behavior. I thought he might apologize (for real) in his speech but he really didn't do that--sounded more like excuses than an apology. I did read today that the LA Police Dept stated that Chris Rock did not want to file a complaint but that he was still able to do so if he changed his mind. That was clear assault. On another Will Smith note, I did like the opening comment by one of the hosts about the movie King Richard--that of course a movie made about the Williams sisters would be about the man/dad and not about the women.
  3. I love him too..I think he’s an American theater treasure! Wish they would just keep the 5 panelists, 4 some days when Ana’s gone. So much better and more natural feeling.
  4. So the discussion on the Caribbean was interesting. And they are right about the racism, slavery and other horrible things that occurred. One thing they seemed to have missed is that the Royal Family is not the political arm of the British government. They don’t make those decisions. Did they profit from the history..yes, as did the country. For policies, blame the actual government? and could Lindsay talk just a tinier bit slower? I can’t even follow her.
  5. Social Democrat….there’s a difference. Yes. The woman hold Guantanamo bay crap Lindsay was spewing today is just that…crap. Sunny is absolutely right to break in to try to keep L from, yet again, putting out disinformation. Really don’t like this co host at all.
  6. She did push back but she either didn’t get the issue or purposely avoided it. That being what Whoopie was saying…yes she’s voted for or not voted for lots of things we support but in this one instance she’s done the right thing when really only one other R did so, at least at the start. The other one is what Amy Farrah Fowler said…Wyoming will not be voting in a democrat, so do we want a Liz Cheney or someone even worse/Trumper? Sunny kept avoiding saying anything about that issue but that was really the whole topic.
  7. It was an expedition ship. Entire crew made it off and eventually home. I think I heard that it can’t be brought up for some legal reason?
  8. Fully agree…they seemed to let KK get by with her tone deaf comment. As far as I’ve seen it was the mom who really made the millions happen and, at least in the beginning, their “work “ was mostly showing up at openings and clubs. Hard work! I’m kind of surprised they were that easy on this as the Twitter verse certainly hasnt been. And sorry Stephanie, but if you looked to a kardashian for inspiration, you weren’t looking very high.
  9. I agree with that. I've seen several youtube videos of her in concert and she used to (maybe still does) ask someone to sing "For Good" with her. She's always so sweet with them on stage.
  10. Is this her? She looks a lot better here than she does now. No need to have done all that facial work.
  11. Yeah. Don’t think joy minds being there for the conservatives. Im guessing that the pain increased after fridays show..that often happens with muscle, etc pain. Hopefully they didn’t find a crack or anything. I do love her voice but I’m glad to hear others voice this slight dislike without understanding why. Have that same feeling. Maybe she’s too perky?
  12. And this is exactly why I think it’s a mistake to continue to make this a political show by adding a right wing voice. Being in a younger person for that voice and forget making this a flashy political view show. Other than Ana they are not political analysts doing the research, etc. So why do they need a conservative person who IS a political analyst? Those are the women they’ve been trying out and then it’s totally lopsided as the rest of them are simply people with personal opinions, not researched analysis. Really bugs me.
  13. Watching those old clips with Meredith reminded me why I used to enjoy the show. It was lighter and more fun plus the discussions. Never should have been put into the news division. Big mistake.
  14. Sure hope she's not still in the running. Her recent comments since she left the NFL world have been really bad. I truly don't want her on the panel. Honestly if they pick someone who makes me scream at the TV every morning from the disinformation, etc. (like with MM), I'm done.
  15. its pretty easy to be a "strong leader" when you're a dictator who doesn't have to answer to anyone--a congress, press, voters, etc. You can just do what you want.
  16. Same with a professor who peddles misinformation.
  17. I really hope that all of the hosts have a say in who gets hired. I doubt that they did last time and it was a disaster. Also whoever they hire should be on a 3-6 month tryout just to make sure that who they were during auditions is the same person they become when they're on the show full time. So far, if i had to pick, I guess i'd pick Tara. She seemed to be the one who could have some fun as well as be serious. My preference is to stay with what they have and have Ana on a bit more (I'd say full time but i don't think she can do that being in FL).
  18. If I have to choose I’d rather have Tara. Don’t like Alyssa…keeps doing the “everyone’s at fault here” thing which isn’t at all accurate when it comes to the pandemic.
  19. I agree. And I think bucking the rules would have been an impossibility for him given that he was raised from toddler years to be the next monarch and all that that entails…the duty, service, etc. Because times were changing (free love eras, etc) he had to look younger for a “pure” woman. And there were stories that Diana also had her eye on Charles and not his younger, more peer leak, brothers. She wanted to be Princess of wales. They were just both ill equipped for this marriage where she had that teenage concept of love and he didn’t. The whole thing was a mess. I think they both tried though in the beginning but she was still immature and I don’t think he had any idea of how to cope with that. Not to mention he’s been denied marriage with the person he loved. There was plenty of fault all around, including the outdated ideas of the royal family at the time. It’s been many years since Camilla and Charles married and, from all reports, she has dedicated herself to public service (I think she does plenty of engagements and patronages) and making him happy. The Queen, I’ve read, appreciates both of those things and has rewarded her for them. Camilla has earned her position. Sunny is being ridiculous here.
  20. I am Jewish and I did understand what she was trying to say and didn't think it bigoted. She was defining race as we primarily define it today and apparently didn't know that the Nazis did consider Jews to be a race, an inferior race. She did understand mans inhumanity to man which is another piece of the Holocaust. I didn't feel that she was really diminishing the Holocaust by her comments. I did think her apology on the show was well meaning (though some said she wasn't so apologetic the night before)and i liked that they had an expert on to answer questions and explain. I mean MM said some really hateful things on the show and I don't recall her being suspended, or even having to apologize.
  21. Other articles have said the other cohosts aren’t happy about the suspension either. Thinking of the heinous stuff M spouted over her time there without much of anything being done does smack of something.
  22. I thought Tara was absolutely right today on calling out the Republican Party and explaining what this next election will be about…democracy or authoritarianism. And that the Dems need to take this more seriously and be clear in what we are fighting for. They need to take the gloves off for once. I really liked her today. Since this is her second time, maybe she’s the front runner? Wonder if she and princess are still friends…I don’t think they agree on this.
  23. Exactly what I said to the TV while I listened to him. Wonder why he became such a huge anti vaxxer? Seems odd. He also,goes around the country to testify before state legislators when they’re considering tightening the childhood vaccination exemptions for kids.
  24. I think the woman came out to say it was her choice…she finds it helpful to be outside and doing something like this after her shift.
  25. My understanding of the most recent CDC guidelines for people who have been vaccinated and boosted and have no symptoms (but have been exposed to someone who tested positive) is that you don't have the quarantine now. You just need to wear a mask when you're around other people for 10 days (from the day of exposure) and preferably get tested on the 5th. That's what I'm doing and, since I can't find a PCR test, I tested with the rapid home test instead. Best I can do. If you're not vaccinated and/or have symptoms it's different.
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