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Everything posted by Rainyhawk

  1. Same with those who continue to say the election was stolen…tired of it and don’t care any more. I totally understand sunnys stance.
  2. And Erika deserves to be dissed but I’m sure M would have had a different take and probably would have yelled at everyone. She was crazily adoring of Erika. Noted how she also didn’t scream murderer when talking about people who are pro choice.
  3. I think she’s simply always passionate about these issues and does a good job of explaining why these things are so important right now. I actually enjoy her as she brings these big topics down to earth.
  4. I enjoyed S.E. when talking about the housewives. She’s clearly a fan but not so over the top as you know who. So she can and will do the lighter topics and does them well with the same enthusiasm as the heavier ones…another difference from MM.
  5. Wow I too am surprised with Cupp. She’s actually pretty logical. And Sherri…he’s been I office for 8 months and in the middle of a pandemic with an opposing party that won’t do anything. Not sure how much ore she expected him to do by now.
  6. I love Louise Pennys books and was happy to see she’s also very personable. One never know with authors! She’s also a bit younger than I had imagined (I get her books on kindle so haven’t seen a photo on a book jacket). I do enjoy listening to Hilary Clinton as well…so knowledgeable and interesting to listen to on any topic. I sometimes imagine life had she won! Will definitely read their book..and hope for another Inspector Gamache one soon as well. They seem to have a really great rapport and friendship. Have to say the moose pjs looked super soft and comfy.
  7. Maybe that would be an alternative they should consider. Choose a conservative pundit they bring on a couple of times a week and that's the day they do more political issues...plus keep Ana. That would be more tolerable.
  8. The difficulty is finding one who's rational/not a trumper. And if they're rational or anti trump then conservatives say they're not real Republicans--a la Ana.
  9. After looking at what Chris Hayes had to say about her I really hope she's not chosen. Didn't know about her father--you know that she will revert to her truer colors if she has a platform. As I and many others have said, forget the politico angle and go for the younger demographic. There are already too many political shows and the View needs to go back to its roots. To be fair, it was difficult for anyone to have opinions the past few seasons when you knew you would be yelled at, talked over, demonized, etc by you know who. I'd keep my mouth shut a lot more as well.
  10. I don’t like anyone who worked for Orange guy, but I’m also thinking that she criticized Grisham for not holding a press conference. And I’m thinking that maybe she didn’t because the only storyline for trump was the “stolen” election and maybe she just didn’t want to have to deal with lying every time?
  11. Watching now. Boy! She’s tap dancing really fast to show how great she was and how she had so much integrity, etc. Sunny was great making her toe the line and sunnys right..she still chose to,work for Darth Vader no matter how much she talks around it. Loved Whoopies comment too. And the stock market isn’t the only way to judge economic success, especially since the party she is part of is always against raising wages. She did, however, have a great pageant wave. really threw Grisham under the bus and everyone else who’s written a book. Shes so ethical? Personally I think the tell all books are helpful to show what was really happening behind the scenes. sunny WAS the highlight with her legal statement reading…genius!!
  12. Which one was she--there were so many I can't keep them straight.
  13. That’s exactly what I think as well. Forget getting some political analyst. This show was for different ages and backgrounds talking about a variety of topics. They still hit hot issues, but from a regular persons point of view. Then more recently it took that sharp turn into being some political show. There are plenty of those already and we didn’t/don’t need another one, especially when not every panelist is a politico. Ana is a bit of an exception as she can do all topics and is easy going. On this show she’s not “hard hitting” as an analyst. She can make it more of a conversation, but I don’t think most of the people who’ve been mentioned can do that. Just keep it the way the original was envisioned and forget about making it a political show. Personally I really don’t want someone who’s a regular politico on CNN, MSNBC or FOX. Get a normal person instead.
  14. Re: telling the audience. They are in an enclosed space for a significant period of time with people who tested positive so yes, I think they would/should have been informed. This isn’t like a grocery store where you might pass someone momentarily. This was enclosed and more time spent. I think now they’re saying more than 15 minutes in near someone is an exposure. Are they far enough away? Perhaps. But I’d hope for an abundance of caution on the part of the View. On another note it was really a pleasure to listen to their discussion today. After MM left I commented I wasn’t sure that the others had the info and research to argue with another political analyst. I now say I’m wrong about that. Quite honestly we never really got to see the others in the political discussions because MM just talked over, was abusive in her comments and just sucked the air out of the room…so I didn’t really get a great sense about the others. Maybe they had just given up trying to have an adult discussion with her but it’s been really refreshing to see them come into their own on these topics and be able to say what they think. And disagree pleasantly. Also they’re all able to mix up the topics from political to entertainment and everyone joins in. No one saying “I don’t like to talk about xyz”, or “I said in the pre show meeting I didn’t want to discuss this”., etc. much more enjoyable. I don’t need a political “expert” back on the panel. If they need to add someone, let it be someone with different political views who isnt part of the political world.
  15. Well said. Also they were going to have to tell the audience anyway, I assume, as they too were potential exposed. And i'm sure at least one audience member would have told someone. I don't know what else they could have done in this situation--just too many variables with the VP there and there's just to many conspiracy theories abound these days to simply pretend nothing was happening.
  16. And she is concerned we will lose medical people due to vaccine mandates and harm those who need medical care. Already happening Caitlin because your followers who aren’t vaccinated are the ones clogging the system and preventing people needing hospital care from getting what they need. Glad they all pushed back on that. And yes, ugh on “messaging problems”. And, had sunny and Ana been really positive, they wouldn’t have been contagious yet.
  17. It may just depend on where they send the tests. The lab that I've used has always been within 24 hours (for a PCR) but recently they took the full 3 days because of overload. So they may have been used to the tests coming back quickly but they just didn't this time? I'm assuming they're using the lab ones and not the rapid home type tests.
  18. It was kind of a no win situation. If they didn't explain why 2 co hosts left, there would have been constant speculation and conspiracy theories going on. So I'm not sure what they could have done that would have been better at the time in the confusion with a vice president there (and Secret Service).
  19. I don’t think Sara looks that great with the longer hair. And Sunnys anger during over the Monica discussion seemed almost personal..as if she’d had personal experience. She was angry all day today. I’d also like more info on why Sunny thinks this is just Haitians…and not all POC. What makes Haitians different…it would help me understand better. And Ana raised a good question, one o had too, as to how did they even get to Mexico from haiti? I assume there were boats at some point?
  20. Yes. Also her statement that Dems want abortion for any reason at any point which is a bit disingenuous since the later term abortions tend to be very rare as well as generally because the fetus won’t survive, etc. Its in the details, Carly.
  21. So far I’d say that, unless Carly is someone who hides far right thoughts until shes safely under contract, I actually think she could be ok. She even did fine with ‘50 cent’ and stayed engaged during that segment. Seemed to do ok with the group. However, if they go with her or someone like her, they’d still need a younger voice as well (not a political younger voice though).
  22. Not interested in Carly Fiorina either. Seems like "former Presidential candidate" is a bit of an overstatement for a campaign that lasted from May until Feb and ended with something like 2% approval. I would think her non-political achievements would have been a better description. They are really pushing the political piece for these potential co-hosts and personally I'm not sure that's the correct way to go. But that's just me.
  23. I think this is an American thing..this idea that you’re lazy if you don’t work 80-100 hours per week. Many(most?) European countries don’t expect that, have generous paid vacation that they expect you to take and generous pay maternity and paternity leave, etc. And studies show that those workers are happier, better adjusted with work and home life and are just as effective as those here. Here we expect people to work overtime and in some companies actually using your leave is not welcomed. I think it’s a ridiculous expectation and we would do well to look at other countries. I know someone, an American with a young family, who worked in the Netherlands fo a couple of years. She said she was used to the US way and finally after a few days of working later hours, her boss came in at 4:30/5:00 and said you have to leave work now…this is family time and we don’t want you staying in the office longer. Imagine that! And sunny to compare her early days of long hours to a factory worker anywhere (though especially in China) is the height of privilege. I think younger workers are more aware of the work and home balance and recognize that having both is important.
  24. Given their 9/11 article yesterday, this could be interesting. I just hope she's not actually in the running for a co host spot. That could be worse than MM.
  25. I’m hoping debate. I’d really like to see them veer away from being so political. Issues, etc…fine. But not so red and blue. What I’d like to see also is going back to the BW model…women with different backgrounds and different age groups. The original didn’t seem to concentrate so much on political designations. Mia was fine though but I have the same concern as you re: getting more strident as they feel more comfortable. Also why not get a regular person (I don’t mean like one of us, but someone who’s been on tv or known like these 4) who’s more conservative instead of a political analyst? I think having someone whose life and background is politics and is used to discussing this at length puts everyone else at a disadvantage. None of the other ladies are that political nor are they political analysts nor do they seem to do a lot of research to be able to respond. If the TPTB want to go political, then they need to add a progressive pundit along with a conservative pundit. Making these 4 go up against someone who’s always doing the research, etc isnt fair…to the other co hosts nor to us the viewers. It’s too lopsided and it’s no fun to watch…in addition the snow ends up spewing incorrect info or at least one sided info. I think ABC needs to tread very carefully here.
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