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Everything posted by Rainyhawk

  1. Yeah. Why couldn’t she just say sorry I misspoke (like a normal person) instead of repeating her “apology” and making an excuse. i always thought Bolton looked a bit plastic. Weird dating show.
  2. She never gave up her US citizenship..she claimed she would seek UK citizenship but that would have taken 7 years i think so she doesn't have that. Archie was born in the UK.
  3. I thought it was a lot closer to the original that BW envisioned and started. They can also still do topical issues if they can stay away from the party politics part.
  4. MMs lack of self awareness was evident today as she ranted about anti semitism and WWII and where that can lead….never once noting that it’s primarily her party and the trumpers who are leading us there. Take some tribal responsibility Meghan….for once!
  5. If she’s such an expert maybe she can leave the view and just do this? And when do we talk about gun control if not after something like this? And the people who should be scared are those on the left who aren’t buying as many guns and are always threatened by the far right and the far right terrorist groups.
  6. I think whoopies had some intelligent things to say recently..her responses have been good.
  7. It is Ana but she's only there one day a week. She would be great if she was full time instead of what's her face.
  8. I’m wondering if she’s trying to get fired, or not have her contract renewed (I.e. she wants to leave but doesn’t want to quit or be the person who doesn’t renew her own contract). Then she can play the victim about how they couldn’t handle a real conservative voice, etc.
  9. Anti semitism is a huge problem and if she wants to speak against it she might learn how to pronounce words like Kippot/kippah/kippa. And can she just once speak to the actual question? It was about MTG and what should happen to her and why the party hasn’t said anything like the Dems did with Omar. Not about anti semitism in general…that’s a whole other topic. And MGT has been removed from committees because of the daily stupid crap she spews and not for one statement. Omar made the one really bad comment, was taken to task by her party and hasn’t done stupid things since…that’s why she’s still on committees. Please ABC get a regular conservative panel member who understands these things, nuances, how to pronounce and use big words, etc and get rid of the one there now who is just tribe tribe tribe what about what about what about. Her behavior is toxic and eventually the novelty of rants and being obnoxious will go away and will start hurting ratings more than helping.
  10. The question was about the professor and the 1619 project so why being up the anti semitism? That’s a topic on its own and perhaps should be part of the list next week but it had nothing to do with what they were discussing. So once again she doesn’t answer the questions and veers off because she wants to make a statement on something else. I’m Jewish and every time she talks about these issues or how her friends are Jewish I kind of cringe…it just doesn’t seem real.
  11. Just let Joy say her piece Meghan before you not only interrupt but you talk over her. You e been on there long enough to know how this works. Also, she never mentions the fact that her tribe is where it is on the vaccine because of her tribes cult leader…just admit that trumps messages throughout the pandemic are the reason many in her tribe don’t want the vaccine, and yes, many, if not most, are watching Fox and getting their info there. Also I’ve read/heard comments from enough republicans, who aren’t getting vaccinated, that it’s a way to “own” the libs, make fin of them, etc. Meghan herself has done that with the masks. Joy was right about everything g she said but it doesn’t fit meghans anti Biden anti anything Dem agenda. She is really becoming unwatchable…I thought it might improve after trump was gone, but nope. And why is she so enthralled and captivated About going to Vegas to drink and gamble and mingle? I really don’t get it…if she was 10 years younger, single, childless….maybe? Just seems weird. There are so many places around the world one can go once vaccinated that aren’t Vegas…so why?
  12. Exactly…actions, or non actions in this case, have consequences. Something Meghan might want to note for her tribe members. And it’s her tribes responsibility to convince their tribe members to get the shot…they won’t listen to anyone else. Don’t know why she keeps on and on about how it’s everyone else’s (I.e. Biden, White House, scientists, Dems) responsibility to convince them and then turns around to note that Republicans don’t need Dems telling them what they should do and she doesn’t believe the scientists! Pick a lane Princess!
  13. Every time she talks I’d like someone to call her on who exactly politicized this entire pandemic….and spoiler alert it isnt who she always blames. She’s just whiny all the time…is she ever happy? Make up your mind Princess. And, as everyone points out, it’s a mind set thing for those of us who have been wearing masks. It feels weird to not wear a mask. The requirement to wear masks was to protect everyone…the approval to not wear them is a different thing and a comfort level thing…two totally different situations. I’m sure that’s too difficult to understand for her. Can’t ABC at least find a smart thoughtful conservative…instead of what we have? (Someone like Ana?) and today…she was extremely rude to joy and extremely smug about her credentials and the screaming at joy for asking a reasonable question? The rest aren’t screaming at Princess for saying her daily diatribe against Dems and Biden..but god forbid we question on anything she says or ask about her tribe. Because what…she grew up in politics, she knows lots of people in politics, MyFather, etc? Doesn’t qualify you for anything Princess. Really can’t take it can she. And I’ll bet she’s not required to apologize for the screaming outburst…because that was a lot more than a difference of opinion with Joy. That was rude, snotty, hysterical and an attempt to demean Joy. It’s time.
  14. Every time she talks I’d like someone to call her on who exactly politicized this entire pandemic….and spoiler alert it isnt who she always blames. She’s just whiny all the time…is she ever happy? Make up your mind Princess. And, as everyone points out, it’s a mind set thing for those of us who have been wearing masks. It feels weird to not wear a mask. The requirement to wear masks was to protect everyone…the approval to not wear them is a different thing and a comfort level thing…two totally different situations. I’m sure that’s too difficult to understand for her. Can’t ABC at least find a smart thoughtful conservative…instead of what we have? (Someone like Ana?)
  15. Yeah, in the end it’s really those running the show that need to take responsibility. It’s not Whoopies job really to try to counter megamouth mutliple times per show. The producers should be taking her aside to stop the behavior, but they don’t. I can’t really fault Whoopie for this one.
  16. And can she give him more than four months to handle things? Between the insurrection and the mess trump left and the pandemic mess he made, Biden’s been a bit busy putting out fires. Also loved that Joe Lieberman didn’t cave to her statement about how well trump handled the Middle East (??? .) and fully disagreed with her. Doesn’t happen often enough!
  17. Yes I wish one of them had just noted that she supported Trump longer than she hasn't and that she also helped spread lies about Pres. Obama. Sure it's good that someone speaks out, but she helped create the monster that's now turned on her. Not one of the panelists noted this in their praise of her. It often seems that no one does any real research on these topics but just glide over them superficially. Don't they have staff who can research issues for them? So many times they've let MM's lies slip by and I often think it's because no one's provided them with any rebuttal info.
  18. Or that Biden didn’t create the random demand on a private company by a foreign agent.
  19. On the Joy comment--I don't see the comparison you're making. Fake names on social media can be a major issue regarding things like stalking, connecting with underage people, scamming people, etc. Your comparison of having a stage name (that everyone knows about and knows your real name) and having a pen name (again when people can find out who you are) make no sense to me. In both of those instances those people aren't trying to do anything so people don't know who they are but those with fake identities on social media most often are. Totally different in my opinion. I agreed with Joy regarding social media and identities.
  20. Yeah. I mean I don’t live to avoid death but I do try not to take unnecessary risks that are easily avoided…like wearing a mask. Im really not sure what her point was. And especially with a kid…no unnecessary risks. She’s always so proud of herself thinking she’s really modern and out there unlike the stodgy Dems. And I’m guessing pres. Biden and vp harris are wearing the masks outside partly to model appropriate behavior…I.e masks are still sometimes necessary. We spent over a year with a “leader” who modeled the wrong behavior (no masks because they’re stupid and liberal) and look where it got us. Why does she keep harping on that?
  21. I wasn’t actually asking that question myself. I know the answer! I was being sarcastic about meghans thought process on something like this when she uses the “I wasn’t born yet” excuse..like she thinks you have to live it to know about it?
  22. Totally agree on the mask comments. And yeah, I find her constant references to going to Vegas odd as well--maybe I'm just a stick-in-the-mud, but Vegas wasn't on my top 10 list of places to after having my first kid (even without a pandemic). And after the pandemic, I can think of lots of places I'd want to travel to long before Vegas showed up on the list. If she was in her 20's, maybe? But she's not. Or how is someone actually aware of things that happened before s/he was born? Where do they get that info?
  23. I agreed with Joy on the Olympic issue with BLM shirts and actually agreed with part of what Meghan said about the International Olympic Committee and their decisions. But Whoopie was also correct in her initial comment (then she got a bit confused).
  24. Me too. I’d heard Cheeto a lot but not the cheeto Jesus one. I thought it was too clever for her to have made up herself though.
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