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Everything posted by Hannah94

  1. But Ben appears to be a complete idiot. He is a minister who went on a trashy reality tv show and talked openly about sex with his not-legally-married-yet "wife" on camera. I don't know what kind of church he leads, but I highly suspect that they are not incredibly pleased with his behavior.
  2. Exactly! Wtf is she going to do with a key to a house on another continent? Especially since he never even took her to his house, lol. The whole thing is so dumb, it's not even entertaining. It would have been a better scene if Drunken Sloppy Darcy cried and blubbered all over herself when presented with the key, disappointed it wasn't a ring.
  3. Oh my, she is the stuff nightmares are made of. What a fright!
  4. Looks like in the preview, Trashy Darcy is wearing a new mermaid wig. Speaking of Gollum, I bet her real hair (underneath all that polyester) looks similar to his.
  5. I am just now watching. Have they shown what was in the box Tom gives Darcy yet? I haven't seen the whole episode yet.
  6. Cesar is such a tool. I don't think a single soul on the planet can feel sorrow for this jack ass anymore. He deserves being used and that is a difficult thing to say about anyone (except him). Maria does not exist and he has to know this, but he is loving his tv time so much, he doesn't care that all the viewers groan and roll their eyes when his stupid ass is on screen.
  7. Am I the only one here that is exhausted from hearing about her "four year online relationship" with Tom? She was arrested in January 2018 for the cat fight with her sister. Jesse broke up with her AFTER that, so some time later in 2018. Therefore, she was in a relationship with Jesse LAST year, so htf can she keep claiming she has been with Tom for four years? I just want to slap her ridiculous wig right off her duckface head.
  8. I personally cannot wait to see our gorgeous Arabian magic-carpet-flying prince dump this gross disrespectful hag on the 2nd half of the Tell Nothing. 🎈
  9. I cannot say it enough, but the criminal (Josh) is so much more likable than Cheryl. He seems so normal and so fed up with her hysterics. Cheryl has a very psychotic persona, IMO. Run like Forrest Gump, Josh. Amber is full of shit. Vince has shit for brains. He's almost comatose. It's fascinating. Glorietta is a wacky noodle. She looks like she could be a cast member on American Horror Story: Freak Show. Alex is just...off. Those face and neck tats = RIP, Alex's future and any job prospects. Angela is pathetic and I almost feel sorry for her...but nah. Get your snaggle teeth fixed instead of sending all your money to an inmate half your age, moron. Lacey is a dirty disgusting tramp and I want to take her kids far away from her. I like her dad. Hate her. Dang, Johnna and Caitlyn from earlier seasons look so balanced compared to these ass clowns.
  10. You may be right. I may be crazy but it just may be a lunatic Aladdin is looking for. He is just beautiful. I am shocked that he is not a model. I don't usually get hung up on pretty boys. I usually like my men kinda bigger and farmer-like.
  11. My guess is, she finally realized how desperate and pathetic she is so she is grasping at straws. Too little, too late, Crazy Ass Laura. Aladdin deserves to be happy with someone sane and not almost three times as old as him. He's attractive, has a great positive personality and sense of humor, and I think I could fall for him if I were much younger.
  12. I agree with this. Plus, it's just a flat out lie. Use "partner" or "beloved" or whatever. But the terms wife and husband are legally-binding words.
  13. I use it often too! I once worked with a British guy that said to me "You are spot on" after discussing some work related tasks. I thought to myself "Idk what that means but it sounds like a compliment?" So I looked it up and have been using it ever since.
  14. I also have a hard time giving my money to Amazon; they suck balls. I have a kindle but I only download free books and there are a ton of them. Just put $0 in the search box and it will show you everything that is available and free. I have read several hundred free books on there.
  15. Why does her hair now (on the Tell All/Tell nothing) look just like it looked way back then? Amazingly, it grew out several inches and became totally blond immediately after this picture was taken? And then it went back to the same haircut/hairstyle for the Tell Nothing?
  16. What???!!! So much sexy, so much beautiful, so much angry. Me no understand.
  17. Someone help me understand this. Jenny had long blond stringy hair the entire season. Yet a picture posted on Instagram several months ago, supposedly "before" Jenny moved to India, shows her with shorter hair that is kinda ombre (blond at the top, darker at the bottom). Now on the Tell All, she has that same ombre hair, not the long stringy blond shit. So the timeline is fucked. When exactly was this picture taken?
  18. A few months ago, it was posted that they were seen at a restaurant with the baby in America. I feel like it was in Kentucky, but I cannot remember for sure. So I am thinking they are going to bring her onstage for the second part.
  19. Oddly, I did too...outside of her opening scene when her saggy boobs were on full display. When she covered up with that shawl or whatever it was, she looked nice. She has a healthy glow, not like the glow in the dark goth look she used to sport. She is very pretty when she lays off the heavy magenta makeup.
  20. No. And I am not sure why she thinks her linebacker body looks good shoulder-less. Not body shaming, but when you wear clothes that directly negatively impact your physical size, it's stupid. (Darcy, you're included in this)
  21. That was how I felt too. Regardless if her "technical marriage" is dead in the water, she did not have the right to con him into breaking a very serious cultural norm.
  22. Spot on. Exactly my thoughts, as though I typed it myself. I cannot imagine the horror those poor girls experience daily with their peers and the public in general. You just know everyone is making fun of their dumb ass trashy slutty mom.
  23. I am falling in love with Andraaaaaay big time a little bit - on Pillow Talk. They portrayed him kinda douchey in his original show but I believe in real life, he is a blast. His smile/laugh is so adorable.
  24. Sweet Jebus on a multigrain cracker. I am watching the second half now. "Exclusive"? Darcy wants his high school class ring, all wrapped up with angora circa 1984. When she was blubbering and crying all over his sister, her stupid fake spider eyelashes came loose. Did anyone else notice? Or perhaps it was mentioned here already and my mind is such mush from watching this dumb shit that I have forgotten.
  25. Totally. And it's about the ring because....keep your eyes on the prize! I don't think she gives one hoot about Tom, or anything other than her wig, ridiculous fake lashes, and plastic surgery. She wants the ring, the fame whore attention, and constant drama.
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