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Everything posted by Hannah94

  1. Someone please tell Darcy her wig looks ridiculous. I cannot stop staring at it, horrified.
  2. Maybe I am missing something....but I cannot wrap my head around the whole "gifts" concept. If I am attending a dinner/BBQ, I bring a dish to share. But other than that, what is this hype about "gifts"? I have seen arguments about the "gift" debate for weeks. I have a very mixed family: Turkey, Philippines, Italy, Mexico....no one was ever pressured to bring anything other than a real self and a hug.
  3. Okay I was able to watch the whole thing finally. Puppy's mom seems like an addict to me. She looks rode hard and put away wet. And she really wants Vince out of the picture. She has made it clear that she thinks Puppy and Amber belong together. Cheryl is a disrespectful shit. Josh seems too normal for this shit show, and too normal for her. I know he's a criminal, but on the surface, he comes across as a banker or something - no pun intended; he just seems so clean cut in appearance and when he speaks. I FF through Andrea's scenes. She is just a snooze fest. Same with what's her face and dude with the umbrella tat under his eye to "collect his tears". I cannot help but feel pity for Shane. He is too young and naive for this fish-face tramp's nonsense. @Drogo, I know I am needy about polls (love them) but I really *need* a poll about what we feel violated by, such as: -Angela's willingness to spend thousands of dollars on a con but not a dime on her teeth. -Lacey's fish face and her complete and utter disregard for her children so that she can chase prison dick(s) -Vince and what kind of comatose state he lives in...because wake up, dude, damn. So many other things but I'd love to see what else everyone else feels violated by! Can we make this a thing?🙏
  4. Oh dear Lord, is Angela really this stupid? She believes his whole "I ran away and I am hiding from the law so you cannot know where I am". He is clearly done with her and trying to get rid of her without telling her she grosses him out. He got her money, he got his steak, he successfully avoided sex with her. You guys, I don't know if I am going to make it through this season. These people are just so painfully dumb and boring to boot.
  5. I think it is in the couples thread. That one allows spoilers. Do dish!
  6. I think I love you.....trashy reality tv style love, that is, lol.
  7. I think the general consensus - and our own common sense - speaks volumes to the bullshit with this "couple". But I will hand it to Caesar; he cried instantly on command and that might make him a movie star someday, in a B grade movie or something. But with real legitimate heartbreak.....a normal person would say "please stop the camera" or "please give me privacy" amidst all that emotional suffering. Caesar is an actor and I highly suspect Maria is a TLC plant.
  8. I do not believe they "bonded in the bedroom". He looks terrified, horrified, or extremely irritated with her in just about every scene. We are watching a scripted soap opera and he is unable to hide his distaste for this hooker/fame whore. That said, he is a fame whore himself for allowing himself to be filmed with her stupid ass. He has to know they both look dumber than rocks, right? He seems fairly intelligent, but his priorities are askew. She just reeks of desperation and insecurity.....and a combination of too much Angel perfume and body odor. I feel so sorry for her daughters; they must be in hiding. I know I would be.
  9. Ugh, I wish this wrinkled up smelly bag of whale blubber would leave Michael alone. He seems like a sweet kid and if she hits him on camera one more time, the damn police department needs to be alerted.
  10. I don't think for one hot second Jenny could be in this relationship for 7 years and not know. I am also wondering what comes after "I am married...." Maybe he is a widower? Or maybe it is a marriage of convenience or honor, but they aren't romantically involved? It seems way too HUGE to be explained away as Some Meat being married for the duration of their entire relationship....
  11. I agree. David and Annie are my favorite PT couple. Some of the things they say are so hilarious and I don't even know if they realize how entertaining they are. I wish the Darcey Twins would kick rocks; their scenes make me hate. And I am not looking forward to Coltee and Debbie; I just cannot fathom them ever being likeable but I have been wrong before so we shall see!
  12. Right, that seems to be a theme with this show. Females being physically violent with males. Ashley hitting and pushing Jay around. Grangela hitting Michael. Jennifer threw a glass of something at Tim. If the roles were reversed and the men were doing these things to the women, shit would hit the fan. So why is it ok for females to be abusive, especially right out in the open on national tv? Edit: I just realized this is a Before the 90 Days thread, sorry. Jay and Ashley are from (Un)Happily Ever After, I believe. I really have a hard time keeping all these morons on their respective (note: respective, not respectable) shows.
  13. I had never heard of it before this show. But why in the hell would someone wear it while working out? Ewww, combined with body sweat, that has to be a terrible smell.
  14. #1) Exactly. My God why is she so obsessed with sex and orgasms? Keep that shit to yourself. Your son does not need to see you talk about your sexual experiences and pleasures on national tv. I cringe at the thought of my (grown) kid hearing such details about/from me. #2) That was just gross. No way in hell would anyone (new to the culture) put a moving, wiggling body part of an octopus in her mouth. I love the hell out of sushi, but it is not moving.
  15. Darcy's fake ass hair is fantastically ridiculous in the newest episode. I mean, it's been kinda outrageous, but now she is sporting Farrah Fawcett like wings and shit. Her hair volume literally doubles with each show.
  16. I am not sure what Aladdin's end game is, but he is so likable that I cannot snark on him. I don't care for Laura at all. She is fake and delusional. She looks like...she smells like moth balls. But he seems so authentic and just a fun guy to be around. Always smiling. WHY is he with this old sad sack that constantly complains about him?
  17. I think if she took a wet wipe to her face, she'd be very pretty. She has good bone structure and pretty eyes. That Baby Jane makeup gives me the chills.
  18. Top line of this episode Jihoon: My whole family anal is so clean. And then Deaven: Get out....please. Edited to add: Jenny's daughter is the only authentic person on this show, IMO (and her wife; her mean mugging cracks me the f up). I almost cried when she was crying, begging Jenny to go home and leave Some Meat.
  19. This reminds me of a time in high school. I was good friends with a girl that was a bit overweight, nothing extreme, just big a little bit. I was built like a ten year old at that time, maybe weighed 90 lbs. (Sigh, miss those days) She had one sibling, an older, tall, skinny brother. Her parents were Snobby McSnobsters. She invited me over for dinner and they made these sandwiches, hot ham and cheese or something. They cut one in half and gave my friend one half and gave me the other half. They gave two full sandwiches to her brother and the parents each ate one full sandwich. To this day, I cannot believe how rude that was - not just to me but to my friend. People are rude assholes sometimes. As far as the Ben dinner scene, no way in hell would I expect someone from another country to gladly inhale fish brains, even if it was something I enjoyed eating.
  20. This religion is just a fad to Avery. She doesn't actually commit to anything; her brother spilled tea on her. I think, like with most of the pukes on this show, that she made up this whole story to get on this show and be "famous".
  21. I thought Omar had to pay the dowry to Avery's family, but I might have misunderstood it. I just don't get the logic behind dowries. It seems so archaic to me.
  22. Angela is absolutely not the final thing I'd want to see before I checked out. My corpse face would be frozen frightened.
  23. And that explains her own ghoulish frightening makeup!
  24. Maybe we can be best friends (online and yet organic)? When I read your post, I thought it could have been written by me. Regards, Red Rum
  25. True. I don't know why I feel the need to post the obvious, lol.
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