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Everything posted by DanaK

  1. Showtime 5-episode doc series that profiles the anti-Trump PAC The Lincoln Project and its meteoric rise and sudden rift among group members. Premieres on October 7 on linear and streaming Showtime
  2. Premieres on HBO Tuesday, October 18 at 9pm and streams on HBO Max
  3. An HBO short that premieres Tuesday, October 11 at 9pm ET and streams on HBO Max
  4. Best wishes to her for a full recovery. And eff cancer
  5. Tomorrow’s Jan 6 Committee hearing has been postponed due to an approaching hurricane in Florida. That proably will mean local preemptions for coverage of the hurricane
  6. I wonder why they just didn’t make Goodwin VP or President before he decided to leave? Of course now that Bob is chairman, he’ll have too much time on his hands and won’t know what to do with himself
  7. We’re talking about an actress who played a lawyer a couple of times. What @Asp Burger said
  8. The one played by an actress with Cerebral Palsy? Yes, Finn apparently determined it was venom; he may have spelled it out in today’s episode
  9. I’m sure there are a few day playing lawyers around town or close by
  10. Probably because Finn recognized the poison and of course he’s Super Doctor
  11. From Empire Magazine interview with Jodie I believe the picture above is supposed to be from the special
  12. You must have missed the end scene @Daisy, the sexy times continued at the end So apparently the Hooker is using poison on their victims as I was wondering yesterday. And just in time, Finn’s anti venom just arrived, so Diane may survive after all I’m starting to like watching Alexis and Finn’s dad working together I’m glad to see Dex is smart and asks for a lawyer before talking to the police. If you are a suspect, get a lawyer before talking to the police
  13. That’s pretty similar to the plot of “Strangers on a Train”, about 2 strangers swapping murders so they would be harder to catch
  14. I forgot to mention another Masterpiece scripted series premiering in October: "Miss Scarlet and the Duke" Season 2 will premiere on October 16, followed by "Magpie Murders" and "Annika"
  15. The hologram at the tribute concert was so over the top bad. But I did like the performance with Albie and his grandson(?) Like I said with the pilot, Sarandon was the center of the show and killing her off throws the show out of balance. The rest of these folks can’t hold enough interest to hold the show together. And it doesn’t help that they are constantly talking about Sarandon’s character and how great she was or showing her in cameos. It probably would have been better to have her fully in the first season, then kill her off The ratings for the episode were awful, dropping from an already bad number, so I don’t see this lasting even a full first season much less getting renewed And I agree about the decision not to do very many original numbers (for a musical show!) because “it’s too hard”. If showrunners want to do it, then you make the effort. I guess they just didn’t want to and the decision won’t help them stand out, which given how the ratings are diving and them killing off Sarandon’s character in the pilot, they really, really needed to do
  16. Programming highlights for October (barring preemptions): "Lucy Worsley Investigates" will end its first season with "The Witch Hunts" on Oct 2 POV: "The Last Out" (about Cuban baseball players' harrowing journey to the US), Oct 3; "Accepted" (abt controversial prep school), Oct 10; "An Act of Worship" (looks at the diverse range of American Muslims), Oct 17 Dr. Henry Louis Gates' 4-part series "Making Black America: Through the Grapevine", about Black America's social networks, premieres October 4 and continues Oct 11, 18 and 25 "Harriet Tubman: Visions of Freedom" (doc on former slave turned freedom fighter who conducted the Underground Railroad), Oct 4 "Rivers of Life" season 2 continues with episode 2 about the Danube on Oct 5 and the Yukon October 12 Nova: "Ending HIV in America" is rescheduled for October 5; "Computer vs Crime" (Is AI making policing fairer or increasing bias?), Oct 12; "Can Psychedelics Cure?", Oct 19; "Ocean Invaders" (looks at invasive lungfish), Oct 26 "PBS Newshour: Ricochet: An American Trauma" (the US's gun violence crisis), Oct 5 Secrets of the Dead (new season): "Archeology at Althorp (excavating millennial old Anglo-Saxon village), Oct 9 (special Sunday premiere and repeated Wed Oct 12); "Last Days of Pompeii", Oct 19; "The End of the Romans" (clues to the collapse of the Roman Empire), Oct 26 "Becoming Fredrick Douglass" (doc on former slave who became a prominent statesman and speaker and worked to end slavery), Oct 11 "Next at the Kennedy Center" is a multi-season exploration of cultural changemakers in the arts. The first season is 5 episodes spread throughout this TV season. The first episode celebrates late composer and musician Charles Mingus with "Let My Children Hear Mingus" on October 14 Scripted Masterpiece series "Magpie Murders" and "Annika", each composed of 6 episodes, premiere Oct 16 back-to-back Frontline: "Michael Flynn's Holy War" (how General Flynn became a leading conspiracy theorist"), Oct 18; "Putin's Attack on Ukraine: Documenting War Crimes", Oct 25 Nature (new season): "Running with the Beest" (East Africa's annual wildebeest migration), Oct 19; "Canada: Surviving the Wild North", Oct 26 Independent Lens: "TikTok, Boom" (about the controversial app), Oct 24 As usual, please check your local listings for exact dates and times
  17. A programming FYI for September. If you were planning on watching certain shows and missed them, it's likely due to the preemption of regular programming to show the UK Queen's funeral and programming getting shifted around as a result, especially "The US and the Holocaust". Look for the programming you missed to repeat in the early or late hours of the days following. This especially affected the Holocaust 3-parter and the Wednesday science programs, like Season 2 of "Rivers of Life" and Nova's "Ending HIV in America". The January 6 Committee hearings will resume this coming Wednesday, September 28 at 1pm ET. If your PBS channel repeats the hearing in the evening like one of mine will do, then look for repeats of the "Rivers of Life" 2nd episode and Nova's "Saving Venice" in the early morning hours of the next day and hopefully more repeats over the next few days. Depending on your station, it looks like Nova's preempted "Ending HIV in America" will be shown on October 5. It's not clear when Nova's "Rebuilding Notre Dame" will be shown
  18. I do not like this show with a live audience. Way too much noise and craziness and Sharks clearly playing to the audience at times
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