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Everything posted by Desperado

  1. I really wish they would’ve killed Drew in Greece and then went with “the part of Jason Morgan is now being played by Cameron Mathison”. Then the current stories would make much more sense. Now they’re just place holders until they bring back SB now that the Disney vaccine mandate has been lifted.
  2. I know Drew arguing with Nina was over the top bad, but it made me see that CM has way more chemistry with CW than LW, and seemed much more animated and comfortable with her than other actresses they chem tested him with (even Britt), which I appreciated. Alexis’ office convos remind me of her baby jail convos, with better clothes. They bore me just as much, and I really like her character. Maybe it’s because they all seem to be about Harmony? And yes, goodbye hypocrite but beautiful Shawn.
  3. I only got to watch the second half of the show, but it seems I didn’t miss much. Maxie is still running away, someone new is not trying hard enough to kill Peter (sigh). Did creepy Esme exchange the burner phone for Trina’s? I know, it was in the second half, but I mute most of the Joss’ interactions. I think there’s a new makeup person - GF is glowing and KS looks less pasty.
  4. Charles Shaughnessy seems to make actors in scenes with him smile (MW and NC Friday) which is awkward for a character who wanted to take over the world, but warms my cold, dead heart. And Anna is NEVER expendable, my dude. It’s nice to see the women step up to get Peter. I suspect Maxie will finally do him in, but hope for an Orient Express resolution w/ everyone taking a stab.
  5. I think it’s too bad that they made Santa Tad (MEK), Laura’s brother. The actors have great easy chemistry in their scenes and a pairing could’ve been a lot more fun. I miss fun.
  6. Who is Chet guy again? Do people really wear lingerie to go on a blind date on Valentine’s Day of all days, or am I just out of it? I skipped the Elizabeth-Franco wedding but that dress looked really cheap which is good because I would’ve been annoyed at seeing a quality dress cut to pieces. No Laura, Brooklyn, Valentin, Anna, or Robert so best part of the show for me was MW’s devious enthusiasm at hearing Carly caught Nina and Sonny in bed. 😜🤣🤣
  7. Really enjoyed many scenes today, especially Brooklyn and Valentin. I really ship these two. Also quite enjoyed Laura hugging Victor to discretely threaten him. I think GF and CS CO are having a great time with this. As I mentioned before, I hate Maxie being a hostage to Peter but at least he can’t threaten their daughter while it’s happening now. KS was quite good, I confess to muting most of the Peter speaking parts though. I thought Anna and Chase would be part of the hunt instead of just being baby picker uppers, not thrilled with Austin being the “saviour” in this scenario.
  8. Still wondering when we’ll get to see Valentin again. In a confrontation with Peter that he wins, I hope. Peter is on the loose and Kevin thinks it’s a good idea to leave Charlotte alone, then alone with Esme of all people? He needs to rush to GH to talk to Mac?? So weird. I also thought it was weird for Dante to take time away from “finding a baby!,” to side eye Sam and Drew and then have a whole conversation with her about “feelings”. Loved seeing the old clips of Mac and Felicia and glad that he‘s ok. So wish Nina had been the one to say: “I choose ME!” I very much hope for Carson destruction if it leads to a better mix of stories. Shallow: KS’s long fake eyelashes are back (sigh).
  9. Shallow end: so happy to see KS is no longer wearing the super long fake eyelashes. I’m a sucker for men in suits, but RH’s hair and salt and pepper beard ruined the whole thing. They shot Mac over Peter’s ridiculous escape. We’ve just had the Luke funeral so I don’t think they’ll have him die, it’s probably just to make us hate Peter more. If they force Maxie to go back to him as a hostage, I will take a long break away from this train wreck. How depressing is it to watch a self-sufficient woman like Nina go crawl to a man at the place where he’s organized a whole event to woo another woman. And using Liesl to boot. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck.
  10. You’re making me think that Laura and Spencer will be involved in all this and Spence will be so heroic he won’t have to go jail. Poor Valentin still in the trunk... I miss Scotty and Liesl.
  11. Interesting that you compared to JE because I did too. To my eyes though, what JE wore for the wedding shows her to her advantage - she was gorgeous today. AS seems to dress to hide herself. I’m all about blazers and a lighter colour (like the one GF wore) would’ve been nice, or even a pantsuit. Anything but the black block blazer really. I have nowhere to dress up for IRL, so I live vicariously through GH fashion choices.
  12. I muted a lot of scenes today, but saw the Trina, Cam, Joss reunion: “we were SO worried! (“as we were having sex”, I added in my head.) What a ridiculous plot. Too bad Spencer is so easily manipulated (“I’ll be alone in the world”...) 🎻🎻 With the weird story pacing, I’m wondering how long Valentin will spend in the trunk.
  13. Late to watching the last season, but I agree about the ridiculousness of the Antartica trip. Once the program trip got cancelled, I hoped things would get recalibrated, but they doubled down on it instead. Having the dad tag along made it even worse. The cancellation was announced a long time before the filming of the 4th season so the whole ending is pretty disappointing. As for some good things, I thought the last conversation with Sam and Paige was lovely and was glad to see Casey keep her dream.
  14. I missed the “brawl”, but thought the memorial service was pretty lame. I did enjoy many things though: Constance Towers explaining how Luke was a “parvenu” - hilarious! 🤣 The humongous picture of TG - totally ego fitting. Victor toasting to Luke in a breaking 4th wall manner. Ava’s “Luke Spencer came from nothing...” speech to Spencer - very appropriate. I didn’t remember her knowing him, but MW made it glorious. The Tracy and Alexis convo, although it was weird that they mentioned Lucy being there since she wasn’t. Ash soaked Scott’s: “I caught the bouquet”. 🤣 I started watching GH in 1980. Who is Jennifer Smith again?
  15. I don’t think impersonating Sarah to Maggie is any crueller than keeping Sarah kidnapped and away from her. I have trouble with storylines involving scheming and kidnapping of women and we’ve had two now that totally disgust me. It was one thing to know both actresses wanted time off the show, but another to have one unknowingly kidnapped by the man she now lives and sleeps with and another being prolongingly tortured by damn Gwen and ever re-appearing Kristen. Have to had add that I hoped for better from Gwen for much longer than most posters here and I now admit I was totally wrong. Off with her head!
  16. Yes, they did. A few posters above mentioned it with more details. I don’t think the writers would bring up this story again if MB was having related health issues though, but who knows.
  17. Maurice doesn’t look well, at all (skin tone, dark circles under his eyes) and the muscle shirt didn’t help. It’s very hard for me to see his character in a romantic triangle, I’m not seeing any loving spark anywhere with Carly or Nina. To think I fell so in love with MB when he played Nico on All My Children. Yes, he was much younger then (I was too), but his character could do fun. Haven’t seen true fun on GH for a very long time. And Shawn, the hired killer, shouldn’t judge any ex-convict even if Harmony hurt Alexis’ daughter.
  18. Late to the new episodes. My favourite scenes are always the friendship interactions between Frankie and Grace. I found myself skipping many more scenes than in other seasons. I hope the break allowed for a tightening up of the content. It was also quite sad to see Ed Asner so fragile. I know actors want to act until the end, but in this case, it took me completely away from the scene. RIP.
  19. Haven’t watched today’s episode but from previous eps, I don’t understand what Trina was going on about regarding Ava humiliating Spencer. I actually enjoyed Ava explaining, in detail, the concept of restitution which he clearly still doesn’t understand. I did however very much enjoy NC’s acting choice when he drank his tea as if it were popcorn listening to Victor and Laura. The entire scene was gold! Oh, and Willow is being ridiculous. Really hope Nina stops herself from signing anything away over Mike/Sonny.
  20. The only time I find Belle interesting is when she’s in scenes with EJ, so I hope for more of them.
  21. This returning to work too early seems weird to me. Wouldn’t the shooting schedule follow the length of his required absence?
  22. To me, Richard Burgi always played the role in a way that made you feel you could never quite trust him, so I didn’t get into his character much. I’ve only returned recently to the show and missed all of the romance with Victoria so it’s the only side I saw. Robert Newman made me trust his Josh for many, many years, not sure if that will be a switch or if RN will play against type, but I’m here for it. As much as I like RN though, I would’ve liked to see a younger man opposite AH.
  23. When Ned came to sit with Sam and Alexis I had completely forgotten that Luke was “dead”. So much for an emotional story. I did enjoy the brief scene NLG and JE had together. I see people here reacted with disgust at an Esme/Drew pairing and I concur. Seeing Ava and Spencer in their scenes though, I started thinking about the fireworks that pairing would make with her doing the father and son combo, son and father already at odds, and also Ava betraying her mentee Trina. Probably too much for daytime however. 😛
  24. I thought having Luke killed was genius. There, I said it. I especially liked when Victor said something like “how random that the great Luke Spencer was killed in such a silly accident” because I was thinking the same. 😂 I adored the L&L pairing, even when they came back as a family. I enjoyed all their adventures with Anna, Robert and Holly. But I could not stomach Bill Eckart and TG’s ridiculous ego so I was super happy when he finally left for (I hope) good. I hope they keep him dead and can’t wait to see the emotional scenes with GF and others. I would like to see some past characters too. Surprisingly, it was JZ asking Luke to call her back that made me tear up. I thought the desperation was well done. I’m also happy to see Jane back although I agree about the weird hair, especially in contrast to the spectacular cut that suited extremely well during her previous visit.
  25. I really wish Sammy would stay single for a while, especially after she’s supposed to have spent the last X year taking care of EJ and not having time for herself. She is portrayed as a strong woman so moving from EJ to Lucas and back again like a pinball does nothing for me. I enjoyed her chat with Gabby though and wish we saw more friendships develop amongst the characters (ex. Paulina and Kate).
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