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Everything posted by Featherhat

  1. Arrow makes sense as a key to the crossover in Gotham due to joint darkness etc, but is there any indication of The Flash role given that it might be on their 100th? (although 100th Arrow got basically shoved in there).
  2. I can't imagine they don't have some other characters or at least one character from LOT as well. Early posters always focus on those three. I mean Felicity wasn't initially expected to have a big role in last years crossover, and yet.... Like the Constantine announcement, I'm just whelmed until further details. Now off to watch Batman Be-Leaguerd.
  3. Well he was really excited to say Bruce Wayne's name early in the season......
  4. I wouldn't mind if the other 3 also had a few eps shaved off. I can't see it being The Flash but Arrow and Supergirl are a possibility. However there are fewer mid season shows than I originally thought, and some really low rated final seasons, so who knows.
  5. Possibly. I'm a little surprised Rosewell wasn't on the fall schedule paired with LOT somewhere and they also have The 100 and iZombie to fill in. Not that I would ever complain if LOT got more episodes.
  6. Yeah and in other seasons where he did deserve some blame/pushback from his team a lot of them were falling over themselves to say nothing was his fault - looking at you BMD, various parts of S5. This season he's explained his actions, apologised if when it wasn't warranted and generally been the most mature he's ever been and we're still supposed to empathise with boobs who are the actual reverse of all those things? Rene, aka the one who actually sold Oliver out is the only one who shows a shred of remorse (only occasionally). Curtis just gives off the impression that if he'd been sounded out by OTA (aka the Cool Kids) he would have been perfectly fine with spying on Rene and Dinah. And Dinah is just a hypocrite as well. I didn't love Olicity's storyline in this episode but again, Oliver managed to articulate his feelings and they resolved their conflict in a reasonable way, he didn't just shut her out of the descision for a season like other times he tried a unilateral "this is what is going to happen".
  7. Her character was a plot device waste of space, but I've always liked AH as an actor and she seems nice enough, I'm glad she's got a lot of work recently. It's shitty when actors who don't deserve it get hate for their characters. Although some do interpret hate for the characters as a personal attack and others like KA do deserve some pushback for their own actions/words.
  8. Hey, don't just blame fangirls, by which I guess you mean "Deckerstar" shippers. This show failed in about 50 other ways as well this season. I didn't like the romance but I also thought the rest of the writing had a noticeable drop in quality and characterisation. There was also plenty of shippy moments in S2 and even to a lesser extent S1. For me the absolute worst was Ella. She went from overly quirky but a recognisable adult to being an insult to 12 year olds if I called her that in all aspects of her character. Luci still had his moments occasionally, she never did. Also Pierce was a bad choice to base the season around, even if he'd never been a part of the love triangle.
  9. She looks great. It's the same with Amaya's various often terrible (but not as bad as Oliver's old one) wigs when Maisie looks good without them.
  10. A little thing like that wouldn't stop them. Yeah the way it's framed doesn't sound like BS is a regular but I think she probably will be, although maybe like a 13 ep regular again, not the full season.
  11. I feel like this season has been one giant Reddit freakout. And unlike us they didn't have Olicity to distract them from the Civil War nonsense. I actually assumed Flash would be first, given their 100th next year and they give Iris almost nothing else to do apart from LI. But maybe they really will both be pregnant at the same time, like Barry and Oliver both on trial/in jail in the same season. Do we have any sort of update on "mysterious dark haired lady" that was supposedly such a super secret guest star?
  12. its beginning to sound more likely. Hey Iris is also gets pregnant in their finale and we can have a joint birth, more happy fandom fun times. ;) I was against it, but considering they don't seem interested in the company storylines, they might as well go ahead and do it. I'm slightly concerned about what the big news SA is going to deliver at the upfronts is though, assuming it isn't this (and I'm not sure they'd need him to fly to NYC for that either).
  13. Sucks although it doesn't necessarily mean the cheating rumours were true, it was obviously not a great marriage. Hope they can both move on from this. At least CH has a job with people he knows next year to help him focus on something else, even if I'm still a bit wary of it. Yeah after I read the BI I thought that would be adding more fuel to the fire. But these people aren't exactly trying to hide the fact that they hang out together and gush about each other. I'm pretty sure if I looked back in CDAN and others archives I would find BIs claiming those two hated each other etc. Anyone who engages in fandom can't really turn their nose up at others doing the same, even if they have *access*. Sure, call out trolls, any type of -"ist" or "phobic" language, outright actor abuse, disagree with opinions all you want but there are no high horses here. It's supposed to be *fun* for crying out loud.
  14. Ok thanks. Yeah that's about as nutball word salad as I imagined. If I squint I can see where the idea of some sort of polyamory might be coming from, although it reads like fanfic wish fulfilment but I really don't see EBR/CA emerging as the couple. That's assuming this has any basis in truth whatsoever and isn't just a bunch of made up trash (by far the most likely thing) for clickbait. Giant salt mountain.
  15. Ugh, do I want to know? I mean I can guess the gist. I don't follow any of them on SM unless it's posted on this site, and half the time I wish I didn't even know that.
  16. With SA at least there are reasons to side eye things he himself has posted on his social media accounts without "being done with him" because some hanger on claims he supports her rantings.
  17. It's possible Justin H could do a guest spot if it fit in with This is Us and those producers were as ok with it as the Chicago Med ones are with CD, but like former Superman actors showing up on other Superman related projects he'd probably be playing another character with a few in jokes. But as for a crossover TW doesn't want to go back (and frankly wouldn't be what fans remember if his Lucifer appearance is anything to go by. MR, I guess never say never but he's never been enthusiastic about returning when asked. Obviously AM is out, ED is obviously already involved in the Arrowverse so maybe. Alaina Huffman (SV BC) is local and doesn't seem to be doing much but she and SV Ollie had even less of a connection than Oliver and E1LL. I don't think KK has any interest in coming back but then if they wanted a S11 update she doesn't need to be involved anyway. I'm really not sure what the point of a "crossover" like that would be, unless Oliver had a dream about being a happier, still rich, quippier Ollie.
  18. I'm not up on Supergirl spoilers, is a mass exodus expected? I'm not sure I can see them cutting any of the three DC shows that currently have full orders, but all of them might benefit from less faffing around in the middle eps. I guess Arrow was apparently looking to cut costs so I guess that would be one way, although that's also a way to start rumours that the show is about to be cancelled as well, which I don't think is the case and I'm not sure they'll do it. Nor The Flash. If Supergirl does well into it's summer run I can see them doing the break thing again. Starting later would be an option but they still need to be on track for the crossover, which is going to be tricky if they only start in August. Unless they film out of order.
  19. I don't mind Roy being brought in for Thea, she needed something else other than being a brat/random other sister to Oliver plots and I think he worked a lot more than LL did within the team.
  20. I agree, and I'm not sure it's likely but they might want to try and shake the status quo of that up a bit with the new showrunner and especially now QL won't be there to give BS a storyline and I can see KC requesting it. Yeah Oliver also has zero emotional attachment to NopeTA, which is fine because they don't to him either. But then I was also surprised that BS had all of 2 scenes with Oliver (so far) this season (not complaining in the slightest mind you) so who knows.
  21. The problem with the Malcolm comparison is that, as much as Oliver (and Felicity and Diggle) hated him, he had connections to the team that helped explain why they were willing to work with him occasionally. He was Tommy and Thea's dad and that required Oliver to give at least a tiny damn about him True, and it's not a perfect comparison but since she *is* coming back and it seems likely not as a complete villain I'd rather that than on TA. I wonder if they might try to change this. Obviously Oliver doesn't give a damn about BS and SA still has nope face, but they might try to give them more scenes and more of a connection. Won't change the face or the anti chemistry though. But yeah, they aren't getting rid of Tinah and two "good" but with often abrasive attitudes screamers is too much, even if they're in separate storylines.
  22. I can see being the next Malcolm, LOT already made DD the previous next Malcolm on that show (complete with similar ending) it's something they like to do, but maybe Beth S will have other ideas. I can't see full on redemption whilst Tinah is still on the show and what would be the point in having BS become exactly like E1LL, KC still won't be particularly good at playing another good LL and if she's more ambiguous they can get milage out of that ala Malcolm etc. As for Olicity. I'll wait for the post finale post mortem interviews and having seen exactly what went down before saying they wouldn't give any hope for next season. What we have now doesn't sound enthusing but whilst the show was pretending everyone could be dead we started getting the first rumours of the double wedding and that went back and forward about how true it was for a long time.
  23. Well I wouldn't say no if you're offering, but it's just my frustration with this half of the season. Sigh..
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