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Posts posted by Featherhat

  1. Well he admits now that the BMD ending was forced, and not just because the network needed a break up because the show would last longer than 5 years. Although he would probably still blame pacing and getting to plots A through D at the right time. 

    That said, if someone is still thinking that's "the final blow" for them and yet the writers got them back together and made her William's beloved step mother and sole custodial parent not once but twice, then it's obvious that they don't agree with you. 

    It's also funny that almost every other character had low points and terrible writing where they disagreed with Oliver and did shitty things yet Felicity/Olicity are the only ones that get brought up again and again years later to MG. Some people are angry shippers whether they admit it or not. Funny how a lot of them also want Oliver to dedicate himself to redeeming BS and fall in love with her despite her being a murderer who helped kidnap William. 

    Surely there's a logical fallacy of accusing the writers of pandering to a small toxic minority? Surely if it was just that then they'd throw them a ship teasing bone once in a while and continue on their grand Lauriver plan? 


    • Love 4
  2. 38 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    It makes more sense than sticking to the book where Edwina is the blonde beauty, and Kate the "ugly" brunette.  Casting two actress of color where Kate is darker than Edwina makes the same point while also going much further.  

    I don't think Kate is supposed to be ugly or "ugly" because she's a brunette. Just that Edwina is so incredibly beautiful that she makes Kate look plainer than she really is and people don't really notice her because they're looking at the Incomparable. Along with Kate being taller and less inclined to do the mincing and swooning. Anthony even comments on it to himself at one point. 

    However it could be interesting to explore Indian and British colourism with the girls. 

    58 minutes ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

    ETA: In terms of Daphne and Simon, I don't think that a plot involving them necessarily means having their marriage in trouble or anything. I kind of would like to see more of Daphne and Simon becoming good landowners and helping out their tenants and such, but I realize that not everyone finds that kind of minutiae all that interesting. 🙂 But yes, I can imagine that they'll develop some actual plot line around their parenthood, etc. 

    Downton had a lot of long running plots to do with the running of the estate, some more interesting than others. I find it quite interesting and they could tie it into Simon's feelings about being a Duke and his family and legacy. It really depends how much time they're willing to devote to them outside of London and outside of the big house party at Aubrey Hall.

    • Love 3
  3. 27 minutes ago, Terese said:

    That too. There are also jobs that demand duty regardless of personal circumstances.  Though, I did feel there were unusual events surrounding the murder of Walker's wife. Anyway, sad and complicated for him and his family no matter the reason for his lengthy absence.

    True, but even special forces have compassionate leave. I know someone who came home from active duty in Afghanistan for a while due to a family tragedy. Apart from anything else they don't want you if your head's not going to be in the game so to speak. And this was almost immediately after his wife was murdered and he wouldn't have been in a good state. 

    It's also possible that Walker volunteered for the assignment so that he wouldn't have to be himself for a while and then things got complicated and tricky undercover. 

    Of course it seems like it's going to be a season long conspiracy at least with a lot of people who may be involved and want to keep it quiet. And possibly people from his work that will turn up in Austin. 

    I actually rewatched this and I still like it but don't love it. Micki is still my favourite character and I'm looking forward to getting to know her more. I hope her awesome boyfriend  both stays awesome and doesn't turn into a dick and doesn't die, that would suck. Even though they had some clunkers "my mother wouldn't let me play with dolls so I played with cars" I appreciate that they brought up her the Only Female Mexican American Ranger issues a few times but didn't hammer us over the head with Important Issues via speeches like certain other CW shows. It will be something that's very important to her going forward but they established other things with her as well. 

    • Love 1
  4. 4 hours ago, bijoux said:

    We don't know how far into the future Daphne giving birth was. There's no reason not to incorporate her pregnancy into season 2 and have Simon deal with some of the more interesting issues posters here have mentioned, like how his mother's death at his delivery could have been just cause for him not wanting to have kids. I agree about his father's letters. I don't really have any idea now for Daphne.

    I think very shortly after this season dropped there was some chatter about Netflix sending out casting notices for two female characters in their early 20s or thereabouts, one of them being Indian, the other half-Indian. Some fans on Instagram thought this might be for Kate and Edwina. 

     I could see Indian/half Indian for Kate and Edwina. This is before the official British Raj era but definitely within the East India Company Rule era. That could be interesting.

    • Useful 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

    I really hope that everyone (and the audience) finds out what happened to Kate soon, dragging it out and giving the characters hope that Kate might still be alive just seems kind of cruel, especially after everything that happened with Beth. We know that Kate wont come back, because RR isn't coming back, so I guess their only options are them finding out that Kate is dead, or that she is just somewhere else and isn't coming back. The best they can hope is probably something like finding out that Kate felt all angsty about everything that happened last season and is off on a quest of self discovery with Bruce in offscreen land and she gives her blessing to Ryan as the new Batwoman, but it seems more likely that she's dead, just they don't want to confirm it yet. Maybe the show doesn't want to actually kill her off, because either they think its cruel or they think the optics are bad, but I hope they give us an answer soon. 


    This. I can see why they might be leery of killing off their leading lady who is also a lesbian but if that was such a big issue then they should have just recast the character. 

    Kate leaving Gotham and going on some sort of quest and we never see her again also doesn't really do her justice as she left so many characters and threads there and we're not going to see a scene where she had Jacob have a big reunion so whilst it's understandable that he doesn't want to make the same mistake again, it's also heart breaking. IF they keep the characters hoping and occasionally saying "I'm not giving up!" only to eventually give up or never get a resolution, it's not exactly great TV. I do think they should bite the bullet one way or the other sooner rather than later. 

    16 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

    Plus, Ryan's Most Tragic Backstory Ever is still rather over the top, even by the standards of superhero backstories, to the point that it can feel like the writers really wanting us to feel for her and her struggle right away. I do like the idea of her reading Kate's letters about her time as Batwoman for inspiration, and Ryan writing to Kate, it keeps Kate a part of the show even now that she's gone. 

    I like Ryan a lot as a character and JC is charismatic but this made me chuckle. They have a good actress who works well with the rest of the cast even though the character herself is rather awkwardly jammed in there. They don't need to give her the most tragic backstory ever for her to fit in. The Standard Tragic Superhero Backstory would have sufficed. Instead she has three parents already pre murdered/died under tragic circumstances, AND she grew up in the system AND got wrongly convicted AND keeps getting hauled in for questioning AND can't get a job because she's a black felon AND mysteriously learned martial arts AND got rescued by Batwoman before. Even Sara Lance and Oliver Queen think that's a lot. 

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  6. That was ok. 

    I get Jacob and Sophie being very upset that they didn't know but I still wasn't on their side during the interrogations, even if Jacob and Mary later resolved to work together. And I get why Sophie didn't believe Ryan at first but again it's awkward. She's going to be outside the BW circle *again* and I wonder how that's going to work now all the connection she has with Ryan is as cop/detainee. It could be interesting to see two black female characters on different sides who ultimately want the same thing but they sucked at making it interesting last season with Kate/Sophie and Kate/Jacob. I also get why she's upset with Julia but it really wasn't her secret to tell and she should ask herself why Kate never told her despite working together on occasion. 

    It's funny that all it took was a look from Sophie for Ryan to figure out that Alice = Beth Kane though. Even in corrupt Gotham it would take more than just being white for Jacob not to have killed openly mass murderer, terrorist Alice yet, although the general populace doesn't realise he's had several chances. Jacob was also publicly desperate to kill/apprehend the white Batwoman last season, he just couldn't catch her. 

    My girl Mary is firing on all cylinders doing her Robbin Hood doctor job, trying to help Ryan and keep herself together but clearly still angry and grieving over what has happened and letting people know that as well as reading Alice the riot act. I loved when she was talking Ryan through posing. 

    Gah that bat exploding out of Mouse was disturbing. I think Alice wins MVP of this episode and it's interesting that they're linking her directly to Julia and Safiyah as well as her suddenly deciding that Mary is her sister and wanting to have *someone* to play disturbing games with on a "family" level. She even sort of gave her blessing to Ryan and probably thinks having her in the suit is better than nothing. 

    "You are to me" Arrowverse just doesn't do subtle and leave things unspoken if they can drive home the point with a sledgehammer instead. 

    Ryan herself was still fine and she had some nice chemistry with Mary and even Luke, although it is still awkward trying to fit her into a role that was built around Kate not just Batwoman. She's not wrong that she can understand criminals but I do wonder where she picked up expert martial arts skills.

    I actually appreciate that Luke the character that had the most ties to Batwoman and the least to Kate was the one that was unsure about Ryan taking over and reiterated Batwoman's code several times. 

    • Love 6
  7. There are ways you can continue a married couple's storylines without *completely* undoing their happiness. Shows don't often chose to do it, but they can. I'm sure they can think of something Regency-lite ish. 

    If they hadn't specifically said the baby's name must begin with an A they could have brought in Amelia, Belinda and Caroline before getting to David. Pregnancy storylines are often popular. 

    They could definitely explore Simon's "relationship" with his father and the challenges and rewards of being a 2nd black Duke (compared to his book counterpart being in a long line of Dukes). He and Anthony do have a long history together. They could also adapt some of the 2nd epilogue stuff with the letters. 

    Really looking forward to see who they cast as Kate and Edwina though. 

    • Love 3
  8. 10 minutes ago, foxfreakinmulder said:

    I had a hard time hearing her too. But what really threw me was Walker's reaction when he was on the phone with her, for me he was too calm. And then because she didn't answer when he called back he yells like he know she's dead. I guess you could say it's because of his training as a Ranger is why he was able to be so calm but for me it was a strange reaction when your wife calls and sounds terrified.


    Yes, I thought that whole sequence was a bit weird. He was too calm when she was terrified and then when he didn't get an answer he collapsed against his truck in devastation like he had just seem her body when he didn't know for sure she was dead, she could have been unconscious or kidnapped for all he knew. 

    But it did sound like a big conspiracy in the offing. 

    • Love 4
  9. So I wasn't planning on watching this but I did and it was ..,fine? 

    Pretty much what I might expect from WTR if transplanted to modern day CW set in Austin. It went over very familiar ground both for a police procedural and character drama show and I think it worked, mostly because the cast seemed to click very well despite the rough patches. 

    This had a the typical pilot issues of big info dumps and setting up the story. I wasn't fan of plot device wife being killed off in 3 minutes but I get that that's going to be the ongoing mystery of the season. 

    Keegan Allen playing the DA, gay younger brother! Kind of interesting to see if he knows more than he's saying about Emily's murder or just trying to get his messed up, obsessive brother to pay attention to his kids. Mitch Pileggi, I would watch him in anything even literally playing a Nazi in SOA. Molly Hagan, Lindsey Morgan, Coby Bell, Odette Annabelle they certainly have a strong supporting cast. Although I have to say I wasn't keen on the Geri as a potential love interest, she just seemed kind of there like the writers went "oh we need a LI scene" and if she was a friend of Emily's then that's a little weird.  OTOH I'm glad they don't seem to be setting up anything with Walker and Micki and that she had a hot medic boyfriend who so far takes everything in his stride and is proud and supportive of her. I'm interested to see where her story as a Mexican American female ranger goes. They did a good job setting all her big issues up without being too heavy handed. 

    I've never been fussed about JP even though I watched SPN on and off for years but I think this is clearly in his wheelhouse. 

    I can't decide if I love the golden filter over everything or find it cheesy, both maybe. 

    I'll probably watch a couple more at least but I don't know if this is going to become a must see or not yet. 

    • Love 3
  10. 2 hours ago, foxfreakinmulder said:

    So if Geraldine didn't have a house why would she show up asking for a bucket because of broken pipes? And where does she go at night? And where does she get her clothes, do they come when the decade changes? But if she doesn't have a house do they just pop on her? I do think talking about Wanda being a twin woke her because when Wanda asked her who she was and why she was there it looked like she was going to say she didn't know but got cut off.

    Now it looks like we're going to see some of the outside world. 

    I loved the screen change at the end that was a really cool effect to bring us into the outside world. So I wonder if that will continue when we're in the sitcom our screen will be one size and when we're out it will be another?

    Maybe Agnes and Herb notice that she doesn't have a home or a family (or a job?) because they're at least somewhat aware of what's going on/part of it but Geraldine herself wasn't? 

    She probably crashed in that helicopter and then suddenly found herself at Dottie's suburban autocrat session. She may have been dressed for the 60s if SWORD is monitoring everything and prepped her but she probably didn't pack for a perfect 70s outfit as well. Unless she's coming and going and always looses who she is when she returns every day? 

    Geraldine clearly believed she had a job and was given a promotion for saving her boss and enjoyed telling her story to Wanda. Is that some wacky thing that happened with Agent Woo and she's unknowingly repurposing it? In Ant-Man he struck me as someone who could get into ridiculous situations at work.

    She's a real person so she shouldn't just fade in and out of existence until it's time to interact with Wanda - we see Dottie and Phil at home and clearly WestView is an actual physical place, albeit at the moment somehow held hostage. I'm assuming some who are more aware know about the decade changes and others don't question it and it just happens like colour suddenly spreading to everything. 

    If she's not leaving WestView everyday to go back to the SWORD compound and forgetting everything on arriving back, actually doesn't have a home, isn't fading in and out of existence, doesn't actually have a job and really doesn't remember who she is then I've got nothing. If she was aware she's Monica and couldn't just leave I'd say she had a secret home base somewhere but she really didn't seem to. 

    I'd say Agnes and Herb were trying so sew suspicion about the "opposition" but the tone didn't strike me as pure manipulation, there was genuine concern there, though how that fits in is another thing entirely. 

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  11. 19 hours ago, festivus said:

    I loved having the Brady Bunch style with Vision practicing diapers on Kitty Karry-All and then having things turning so menacing at the end to Davy Jones. I'm not even trying to figure everything* out, just enjoying the ride. 

    Geraldine's outfit was much more Carol Brady than Wanda's and I am here for it. She looked awesome. *I was trying to figure out if the fish have any meaning or if she's just stylish as hell.

    I thought they were there for the visual joke of the stork trying to eat the fish. TP was definitely rocking the look and pulling off the bright blue eye shadow. 

    • Love 8
  12. 1 hour ago, Dani said:

    We really don’t know if Vision is just a construct. With the background of the other Marvel movies there are a lot more possibilities than him just being a creation of Wanda. His body still exists, whatever Shuri did to map his mind still exists and the device that built his body still exists. The mind stone his gone but Infinity War established the possibility that Vision can exist without the stone. 

    I keep thinking he must be more than a construct. We've seen him question things both with Wanda (which theoretically *could* be her questioning things in her own mind) and on his own with other characters, even in ep 1 when he asked WTF the company does (which I think might also come in to play). That's what gets me. he has an inner life beyond the zany. Now as you say there are plenty of ways that he can sort of exist and/or have some form of consciousness somehow without Vision being alive as he was before IW. 

    Herb's "catch you you on the flip side, Vision!" just struck me as really poignant 

    • Love 5
  13. Ok So Episode 3 raises more questions about Agnes. In 1 and 2 it seemed like she was deliberately there to make sure Wanda didn't start questioning things too much and she was fully in the know. In episode 3 she clearly doesn't let Herb tell Vision what's really going on and seems concerned about "Geraldine" and her being with Wanda, but maybe with a touch of fear. 

    Looking back at the first trailer we see Katherine Hahn in a car wearing a (Halloween?) witches hat and she seems to think she's dead because she sees Vision and knows he's supposed to be. And in the second trailer she asks "are you here to help us?" So whilst I think she's involved because Ralph is going to be hela involved. She's more than some random woman who was dragged in, probably part of the coven but not the mastermind. Still Agatha Harkness?

    We also see a shot of Geraldine being "sent home" across a field by Wanda instead of her just falling through the physical/magic/energy barrier at the end. And the second trailer did make it clear that Monica didn't know who she was, just that Pietro seemed to trigger a memory. 

    There's also "this is our home" "then lets fight for it" between WandaVision that I don't think would happen if Wanda was going to turn out to be behind everything in a "she's a villain/antagonist for phase 4" way. Maybe in a Tony Stark with Ultron/Civil War way with whatever happens because of her grief and fear creations.

    And holy mind stone, not that it's surprising but I didn't register that it was so prominent at the end of trailer 2. 

    • Love 2
  14. Hmm, I'm not sure Wanda is always mostly in control of what's going on. It's clear she does have enough power to literally throw Monica out when she threatens to force her to remember things she doesn't want to but there's more to it. We also didn't see Wanda be the one to rewind Vision this time, it could have been something else. Or not. 

    There are two sides of people who know what's going on Agnes/Herb(probably Dottie) who didn't seem overtly malevolent this ep and actually quite worried about what's going on because of Geraldine who is almost certainly trying to help Wanda and probably also because of Wanda herself. In the eps before they were definitely trying to stop Wanda and Vision from realising something was up ala the red helicopter scene. Then obviously SWORD trying to break through. 

    I did wonder if there was going to be a twist and a set up for Wanda being an outright antagonist in Dr Strange 2 but I don't think it's that. She might have done this in her grief and doesn't care about the consequences or even if she's trapping people but she's also being used.  

    I have a feeling Mrs Hart/Debra Jo Rupp might also play into it more. And as I said, obviously Ralph. 

    • Love 2
  15. Gods damnit it! The only thing wrong with this series is that each episode is too short!

    Well they've definitely got my attention now. I want to binge so badly but I'm also enjoying the suspense, especially because we know there's an end point. 

    Confirmation that Herb is also in on it and probably every other person we've met. And he and Agnes are possibly on the opposite side to Geraldine/Monica as they don't like her arrival. Vision seems to be more than just in Wanda's head as he is independently realising something is off when she's not there. Herb just cutting through the breeze blocks like nothing was something sitcom zany but enough off kilter for Vision to notice. 

    I definitely get the feeling that there's more to "Ralph" than the classic sitcom character we never see trope. 

    So Wanda does have some control to expel "Geraldine" out of the distorted reality, which is actually a physical thing that's being monitored by SWORD! The red is the reality stone/aether/angry sludge right? Wanda looked seriously horror movie creepy in those ending scenes, big props to Elizabeth Olsen. 

    Twins, Tommy and Billy. So adorable! They didn't waste any time getting through that pregnancy. I actually chuckled at a few of the jokes, very 70s though they were. "and you young lady might just have what it takes.....to be a nurse!"

    Wanda remembering she's a twin and Pietro being the trigger that Monica tries to get through to Wanda with the Ultron reference. It's also possible that "Geraldine" didn't remember until that moment. I loved the wacky story about Gravity Os. TP is doing a great job as well, looking forward to getting to know more about Monica. 

    Hydra Soak, I did laugh, that's actually a good cover for them as a company, no one will suspect. The "escape to a world all your own where your problems float away" definitely points to Wanda wanting that but I still think someone else is using it for their own nefarious purposes. 

    • Love 10
  16. 26 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    This makes sense to me. My issue is that, since Ruby quit, why would they even leave Kate alive? It teases the idea that Kate will return and, unless they're recasting Kate for the future, it's cruel if they eventually find her dead instead of just doing the deed now. The characters already presume she's dead. And if they're gonna recast Kate later on, why didn't they just do THAT now as well? That's why the storyline isn't quite working for me. It's a fine storyline, but the missing piece is Kate. 


    Some shows have an irritating habit of doing that. And actor quits/gets fired and they don't kill them off for some reason and dangle a maybe and have the other characters swear they'll never stop looking for them. And of course the other characters seem like arseholes when they don't actually devote much time to looking for them and we never see them again. Looking at you Stargate Atlantis. I suppose they might be holding out hope RR comes back for some sort of wrap up after she's had time to reflect and/or when the COVID situation is more hopeful. 

    I will say I really like JC  as an actress, she has a lot of charm that's carry off an awkward role and probably I'll grow to really like Ryan (despite the name) but it *does* feel really awkward for now because the cast is so built around Kate, not really Batwoman per se.

  17. When they first made it clear they were "going there" in CW I was a little surprised that the dedicated time to it given the million characters in a technical Cap film problem but I enjoyed their interactions, both actors are great and have chemistry together and the characters are definitely interesting. 

    Again, a lot of development happened off screen before IW but I thought they made it work and the ending was devastating. The MCU does have a spotty track record with romance but this was one that I thought was handled well. And with both actors on fire in this I even care about them getting a fake HEA in the suburbs before getting to the meat and tragedy of watching it all unravel for Wanda (again). 


    • Love 3
  18. Assuming Woo and Darcy (and maybe Monica?) are working with SWORD I then further assume they're at least supposed to be a "good" organisation like SHIELD pre TWS. Then they'll pop up for The Eternals, DS2, Captain Marvel 2, Ms Marvel, LOKI and whatever else in Phase Four. Granted that's a lot of assumptions.  

    I think Wanda is stopped from questioning things a little too much by Agnes among other zany antics for this to be *Just* about her madness and grief after Vision. Every time she questions the very fragile world she's dragged back in. But she also can clearly manipulate certain events and might also be stopping herself from remembering. Something/one has either got to be using her grief for its own ends or out and out holding her captive by having her create a reality she desperately wants to be true. Like every genre show ever. How far one way or the other remains to be seen.

    Katharine Hahn is of course awesome but it almost seems a little too obvious for her to be the main villain. Or is it just "obvious" to people who discuss TV/MCU to death and everyone else will be shocked that the wacky neighbour is evil? She definitely in the know somehow at least. And KH can switch from wacky to menacing in a heartbeat. 

    We're doing this "for the Children" likewise. To save her twins? For Wanda to create them for herself or to find Vision or for the benefit of the Big Bad against her will? 

    "The Devil's in the details" came across too fake-jolly intense for it to be a clue for Wanda to discover that she's locked *herself* in her own head of half remembered American sitcoms. 

    • Love 2
  19. 26 minutes ago, bethy said:

    I think these are great points. Plus if it had all dropped yesterday, I'd already have watched it all. 😬 This forces me to slow down and I'll get to enjoy it longer. 

    Oh yes, if they'd given me the option I'd have watched it all at once (and six hours isn't much in one go in quarantine) And I'd now be the ep 8/9 threads going "wow, can't wait for the rest of P4" and then forgetting about it after a couple of days and coming to discuss it a few more times but not really building any deep rooted interest in it. I find binge watching like a candy bar, awesome but not long term satisfying. Which is great for trashy or action shows but with this I know I'd miss half of it and forget to do a complete rewatch. 

    But something like this IMHO deserves savouring and is perfect for actual forum discussion and not just *^&%£!! reaction on twitter. 

    Also kind of helps in a personal way that a lot of my shows recently ended or are on long breaks and/or breaking my heart so I'm shopping for a new one to get invested in and this weekly seems to fit the bill. 

    • Love 4
  20. 7 minutes ago, TimothyQ said:

    This is why I think they should’ve released the season as a whole. I think the slow rollout makes for a harder sell for casual Marvel viewers to stick with it. 

    I think this is definitely a YMMV situation but I like the weekly roll out. I love discussing and speculating on a show week by week for one thing. But I also like the build up and feel it creates more of an impact than binging all in one day. 

    I think Marvel have enough good will from enough people to get them to stick with it until ep 4 and a lot of people (like me) *are* loving what there is so far. If the worst comes to the worst there will be a lot of people bingeing it all at once in 8 weeks time once (I'm assuming) everyone's minds are blow away by the gamechangers of last few eps. And then they ride that hype straight into the more traditional political action/thriller/identity politics of TFATWS. 

    • Love 14
  21. "For the Children" would seem to indicate that someone has nefarious? plans for the kids.

    On watching it again I think that Wanda notices things are off too often for it to be something she's totally in control of. The wacky hijinks seem like a distraction from that as well as her wanted on some level for this happiness with Vision to be real. Agnes suddenly pops up a lot when she's questioning things but that might be a red herring. 

    Then obviously we have Jimmy Woo who's trying to get through to her knowing/thinking she's a prisoner of her mind/the mind stone/the reality stone. Somehow. 

    • Love 3
  22. 6 hours ago, Ottis said:

    If you raise funds from only the same people who are in your ladies club, I don’t get the point.

    I think that was supposed to be part of the weirdness. Dottie said something like "this is the one and only fundraiser for the elementary school, they're counting on us! For the children!!" But it was a small talent show with a handful of people in the audience and NO kids or people actually from the school. It was as though it was "written" by someone who had heard of ladies who lunch and control the neighbourhood fundraising but never seen anything like it properly. And then whatever is going on with the "For the Children". 


    5 hours ago, cmahorror said:

    I don't trust Kathryn Hahn at all, she almost seems like a handler for a witness protection program, making sure Wanda stays lost in the show and doesn't want to leave.

    I think "well, look it's the star of the show" was definitely supposed to be more than a double meta joke. ie Wanda is the star both in universe and of this show and something's up with her. 


    And Teyonah Parris is supposed to be Monica Rambeau but it's unclear if she knows she's in Wanda's Vision/prison or not. 

    "Anges" does seem to have a real world counter part but again unclear if she's aware or not. 


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  23. Well they managed to make "for the children" creepy even before the magic pregnancy reveal. The Strucker watch was less weird than that repetition.

    Loved "Geraldine" and she Wanda and Agnes being the naughty schoolgirls of the group, especially for the sin of wearing pants, TP looks fabulous in the 60s clothing. And the "how does a housewife do something? Herself" is an actual joke I'm pretty sure I've heard in a lot of older sitcoms. 

    I'm still really enjoying the crazy Bewitched/IDOJ etc sitcom conceit even if we didn't have obvious "who's doing this to you Wanda?"

    I suspect this is a way to have her really pregnant or at least real babies for the Young Avengers set up. Wanda does seem to have at least some control over the situations and how she wants her "life" to go. Is she using this as protection against someone/thing or just grief? Or the more obvious one is that they're keeping her occupied whilst something else is going on or want something from one of her "visions".  

    I hope they baby(ies) did spring from her and Vision/"Vision" and weren't planted there by creepy beekeeper/SWORD. I think it could go either way but I would imagine that they'd want them to come from WandaVision (the couple) and not out and out forcing a "real" baby on her if they want to use them in other projects. Especially with Marvel touting how progressive they are/will be in the recent and upcoming slate. 

    Paul Bettany really got the chance to shine in this one. I know he's talked a little about it in some interviews I've seen but it must be such a trip to start off doing voice work for a random AI butler so they don't rip off Alfred too much and end up kind of playing the same character in a sitcom but with a body. 

    I knew that was Anya, didn't know beforehand that she was going to be in this. 

    I don't know the comics apart from what I've read on various wikis and theories about this series and @tennisgurl is right I suspect there's a lot to unpack at each subsequent viewing. 

    I'm so glad I'm enjoying this. I've wanted to see how it would turn out since they announced it but I was worried the sitcom would annoy me and/or get too trippy for the sake of it, but it's definitely firing on all cylinders for me so far. 

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