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Posts posted by Featherhat

  1. I guess I'm not actually too surprised with the news even though it would have been unthinkable a few months ago and the amount of new subscribers just for this seems a bit doubtful. They clearly do want HBO Max to succeed with just how much money they're spending on JLSC.

    I'll probably be watching it through Amazon. 

    Who knows it might surprise everyone in its success like it did at the BO last time. (Hopeful for once!)

  2. Apparently it's 4-5 minutes of new footage but the "new footage" to viewers will be immense because duh, this is now a mini series not a film and they're adding in pretty much everything Snyder ever shot. 

    This might end up amazing and a big success for HBO Max but since I didn't like MOS or BvS very much I have a hard time getting excited for it or Synder's vision which has now taken on some mythical proportions to some fans I know. Everything you ever didn't like about Joss, MCU, studio interference, run times, jokes and anything bad anyone ever said about DC will be repudiated in this glorious 4 hours. Which, no to me. 


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  3. I honestly haven't rewatched S2 in a long time because it was pretty underwhelming in large parts for me. I definitely agree that Iris and CP was done dirty and that a lot of things didn't match up between 2A and 2B but then Iris has often had a problem getting POV, screentime and story on this show, no matter who was the show runner or whether they were full steam ahead with WA or not. 


    On 11/15/2020 at 5:08 PM, Starry said:

    It's true that many protagonists have multiple love interests before they settle down with The One but AJK went way overboard in my opinion. I didn't watch Lois and Clark but when OF were broken up I don't remember Oliver's temporary love interest getting more screen time than Felicity. Patty got way more than Iris and that was despite the fact that Iris knew about the Flash and Patty didn't. That's why they were being shady in 2A, not just because Barry got a girlfriend that wasn't Iris.

    Well Sara had a lot more screentime in SB than Felicity (and Laurel for that matter) despite being an obvious stall who they killed off later.  Felicity almost disappeared until the finale in S2 with half a scene in a couple of episodes, so much so that some complain Olicity "came out of nowhere". Ray didn't have more time than Oliver but he monopolized a large amount of Felicity's time and energy that season even though they knew he was a stall who was getting a spin off and he wasn't involved in the team activity or knew Oliver's identity until late. In S5 like with Iris in S2 Felicity had no POV and was there to be on the team and nothing else which lead fans to think the show had abandoned Olicity, but no, they just ignored it whilst they wanted to play with their shiny new toys for a while then went back to it in 5B, having already decided when the wedding was going to be whilst actively writing away from the couple on the show. It's the same with WA in S2 from what I remember. I definitely get why fans were hopping mad and worried, I really do, I just don't think they actually broke the foundations they way they did with Lauriver, even with the sudden retcon "engagement" of Iris when none had been. 

    On 11/15/2020 at 5:08 PM, Starry said:

    Also keep in mind that before the Worlds Finest crossover AJK was gushing over the Barry and Kara chemistry and they are two characters who were never going to get together. Even Mehcad Brooks was talking about Barry hitting on Kara but where were those scenes? Where exactly did Barry hit on Kara? AJK got his actors to lie about scenes and oversell the Superflash dynamic

    They did that again with the "amazing" story of Nazi!Kara and Nazi!Oliver who were not only both going to die but Olicity were getting married that crossover (as well as WA). Yeah they definitely oversold the Superflash flirty dynamic but that wasn't because they desperately trying to opt out of WA it was because it was two leads teaming up and becoming friends they aren't going to go "yeah Barry and Kara are cute but too similar to work and obviously on different shows on different networks so of course no actual dating!" when building hype for a big team up. It's far from the first or last time something like that has been way over sold on TV, let alone on the CW. Once WA were actually dating and Kara was actually on the CW their friendship dynamic was never questioned as romantic again. 

  4. On 11/4/2020 at 10:55 AM, Starry said:

    That's probably true but I wasn't calling Caitlin a lead. I meant that AJK wanted his protagonists Oliver, Barry and Kara to have multiple romances. I mentioned Caitlin in the context of her being a possible love interest for the lead, not a lead herself.

    After re-reading my comment I realize that I could have worded it better.

    I think that's just the way Tv show romances go for the most part. In the early seasons especially the main character has a lot of potential love interests before settling down with just one even "loser main characters" have more options than their real life counter parts. With Arrow it's clear that though Oliver had many love interests Laurel was supposed to be the OTP from the pilot with how it's set up and it didn't work for a number of reasons so they quickly made Felicity The One in the narrative and never really deviated from that despite a break up and other love interests.

    The same is true for WestAllen, they hammered home destiny even when Iris didn't have a lot of screen time and Barry was dating other people briefly and with some Caitlin teasing. I never saw them attempt to raze the foundations of WA the way they did with Lauriver in 1B and S2 of Arrow despite Patty. 

    Even a show (albeit an old one) that had Lois&Clark in the title had multiple other love interests, stalls and a clone arc that makes Mirror Iris look Emmy worthy before finally getting married in S4. 


  5. Yeah none of that surprises me. Although with the Izzie example she used it was also played out in the media so you couldn't go on any entertainment channel, website, talk show magazine etc without being told that there was BTS drama going on with Shonda and Heigl, her movie career, her baby, TR Knight, The Emmys and whatever else. 

    However I do think that there were a large amount of dropped or WTF storylines that were avoidable or could have been better managed despite BTS drama. I know it's not the first example but even with whatever the full story was with TR Knight, George was handled abominably in S5. They may as well have hung up a flashing neon sign that the "Chokegate/outing explosion" was still causing problems when he and Lexie back tracked on their kiss and he disappeared for the rest of the season. In one scene literally getting up and walking away and not appearing again and another being yelled at to go away and again not being in the ep.

    I know it's tough and getting the call at short notice sucks ass but it's also both the writers and actors job to make the audience NOT think that a reality show featuring the cast would be better than the show itself. 


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  6. So this is apparently by week to discover Susan Wokoma. She turned what could have been a very frustrating character in "Truth Seekers" into a genuinely moving and hilarious one and she's definitely delightful in this. 

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  7. 19 hours ago, DearEvette said:

    Yeah,  I liked the second book better as well.  It was actually funny.  The scenes with the super competitive ... what was it... Pall Mall or Cricket(?)... game were great.

    My favorite of the entire series is Francesca's (When He Was Wicked).  So it is funny seeing her so young in this first one when in her book she is a widow already.

    Bridgerton Style Pall Mall. Which is a bit like croquet. That felt very real to me, complete with strangers or newcomers being alternatively shocked at the family trash talk and befuddledly joining in. 

    I assume they're going to have to flesh out more of the Daphne/Simon story otherwise I don't see how it can be an 8 episode season when it's a fairly short book. Obviously they have a lot of other subplots and characters going on that we didn't see because the book is just from the main characters POV.

  8. I prefer the second book as well, the Sheffield women are awesome and I really like the story. I like Daphne and Simon too and "the perfect Duke who actually isn't" works well but I like the problems and conflict more in "The Viscount Who Loved Me"

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  9. On 10/30/2020 at 8:59 PM, HoodlumSheep said:

    Homecoming- it was...kinda slow? And a little boring??? I didn't have an issue with tony's role in the film but i actually wasn't a fan of all the spidersuit tech stuff. It was too much. Too...techy. Happy seems more grouchy too. He always took his job seriously, but it usually came off in an endearing way. Not so much here. Mvp award goes to Michal Keaton for sure. He was really good. The Vulture was great.

    Yeah I'm not sure what they were going for with Happy. I'm assuming an arc where he thinks baby sitting duties are beneath his dignity and new roles and then he ends up coming to care for Peter. Also a convenient way for Peter to feel like he has to solve everything in a SM movie where he has a mentor if Happy won't listen to him in both the good and bad ways that happened.

    On 10/30/2020 at 8:59 PM, HoodlumSheep said:

    Antman & wasp - relatively fun. Still like the first one better but i enjoyed getting to see Hope kick some butt. I though Ghost was pretty cool and intriguing but i wish we could have gotten more of her? I feel like they could have gone way more in depth with her, like pyschologically or something ya know? That gal was in a constant state of hurt and i wanted to see more of her story.

    I liked Ghost. I liked that she wasn't so much a villain but a person that had an actual grievance and needed help but was going about it in the worst way possible. I would have liked to have gone a bit deeper as well. I do love Hannah John Kamen a lot. 

    On 10/30/2020 at 8:59 PM, HoodlumSheep said:

    Thor 2- the less said the better imo. It was plain awful. Chris Eccleston was wasted as the villain in this movie. 😞

    It was a worse movie for him than "The Dark is Rising" and that's saying something. He was subbed in at the last minute, but even so the writing was bad and the costume worse. I remember looking at the pap set photos and hoping the Dark Elves would look better with CGI after post production but nope.  Same cheap Halloween masks. 

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  10. 17 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

    Yeah, same. It's not that I can't believe he would be this dumb, because he's shown that he is, but I am surprised that the was this dumb while he was working. I guess we don't have any proof that he did go to this party, but that seems like the most logical explanation. Although for the life of me I can't figure out why his wife decided to come out and say that she had it too and admit that she was in LA when she got it. 

    These idiots really do need to shell out for a publicist to save them from themselves. And if by some miracle they do have one, that person should be fired immediately. 

    He doesn't seem to have tried to respond or anything so someone might have warned him it's a good idea to keep his head down and get on with working. 

    His wife really didn't help matters with the overly detailed "explanation". And Carina used to be a showrunner, albeit only briefly she should know how this works for her friend, although it turns out she wasn't very good at her job so was fired but still. Seriously. I wonder if it's because they're used to Berlanti Productions up in Van, which seemed to keep a tight lid on rumours for the most part. There were always rumours of on set issues online passed on via the local paps but nothing that really got blown up into a big thing during filming, it was always on hiatus things would go sour with a few actors or come out after they left. And considering it was 3-5 shows with large casts and probably a lot of ego and there were bound to be some problems that is some accomplishment. 

    Now someone's willing to leak to a big gossip site with names involved, not blind items and more than happy to throw him under the bus and praise the producers and crew whilst saying he's a douchey, irresponsible Covidiot basically. 

    I have no idea how EBR may or may not be involved in this mess, she may have been irresponsible too, but at least she isn't on Insta talking about it. 

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  11. He definitely an idiot if this is at all true. He was so worried that Heels would never get off the ground he called GB and proposed a hail Mary S9 and a few weeks into shooting a series he doesn't know is going to be a hit yet or of the studio would be able to reschedule everything and not just shut the whole thing down over costs, he pulls this. 

    It seems like someone from Heels is definitely annoyed about it, if he was pontificating about being so worried about letting everyone down and hundreds of people loosing their jobs. If he got it from the Heels set you'd have thought it wouldn't just be him and one other crew member, yet coincidentally his wife and good friend(s) both have it at the same time. Page Six doesn't usually report on him from what I remember so *someone* is spilling and there are quotes about how the studio and producers are being awesome and working like crazy to cover. 

    And quite frankly, I do believe he is that irresponsible, although I guess I'm a little more surprised he did so when working, because they sure as hell weren't following the rules in the spring when cases kept climbing minute by minute with their "responsible parties" and whatever was going on with Aisha and the car park thing, whilst they had a kid with asthma in the house.  

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  12. He's an EP on this I think, the first cast and probably a big reason it got greenlit, IIRC. I'd have been surprised if he wasn't 1st, especially because his character is supposed to be the "heel" in the ring. And yeah, even when worrying about destroying the whole production, that's the way he likes it with his admitted more control freak tendencies on set. 

    It seems it's less... "wham, bam, thank you Ma'am!" in terms of churning through the 23 ep order for the CW on a small budget, possibly less night shoots and less weeks out of the year. 

    LMAO about him calling GB asking to do S9/bring Oliver back after all the "I'm done, I only did S8 for the money!". He was going stir crazy in Lockdown as we all saw, desperate for an excuse to get out and do something. I assume nothing's going to come of it for so many various reasons now, not least his new show is up and running in Georgia. But I suppose he's on the "never say never" train for a while and might schedule some one off appearances in the Arrowverse somewhere. 

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  13. 27 minutes ago, Bruinsfan said:

    I can't recall who I'd heard was under consideration for the Moon Knight lead role some time back, only that Oscar Isaac is an enormous improvement in terms of casting.

    According to the thread in the TV section, Pedro Pascal, Daniel Radcliffe and Oliver Jackson-Cohen were being rumoured at one point.

    I'm glad Oscar Isaac was cast, I thought Star Wars wasted him among the many other actors it also wasted recently. 


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  14. 2 hours ago, swanpride said:

    The problem with Jane was never Portman (and I am not a fan of her at all, I might add), but how she was written. The movies are full of sexist tropes, its a wonder a halfway likable character came out of it.

    IMHO I think they did try and give Jane a POV and make her proactive in her research, even in TDW she's independently found The Convergence and also to a much lesser extent Darcy has a bit of that, but I also agree the writing did come with a lot of extremely frustrating tropes for both of them as well. 

    Sif is the one that really gets me because I really want to like her but she's the epitome of "put her in armour and have her be "kick ass" and that automatically makes her an *awesome* character" in these types of movies. When everything that wasn't an action scene had a lot of the worst female tropes for her, including pining for hundreds of years without saying anything and having no POV what so ever and a backstory about Asguardian sexism given in one line by Thor. 

    Valkyrie fares the best by being allowed to have a POV, an actual character arc, flaws that fit the story and being an interesting character beyond what she brings to the table looks or action wise. 

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  15. Here's a clip of Natalie Portman on Jimmy Fallon, talking about being in Sydney and prepping for Thor.

    I have to say, I am intrigued by Love and Thunder and how they'll handle Lady Thor and regular!Thor/Odinson in this, I hope they can pull it off. I'm in the minority I think, in that I actually like Jane, slightly dull though she is. I like that she always goes back to studying the stars. Whilst I have some ups and downs with Portman as an actress I hope this "silly" and possibly bittersweet story gives her something to dig her teeth in to. 

    I've seen some (probably entirely baseless and wacky) speculation that she becomes Valkyrie's love interest in a twist ending and whilst I wouldn't mind that at all, it would probably mean signing on to more movies than Portman would want. 

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  16. It does seem like they're building to an interesting, diverse, mainly female (right now) group of Young Avengers, which is highly interesting and very exciting, the culmination of Feige apparently threatening to quit if they didn't back his view of an inclusive universe as opposed to Perlmutter's opposite. Just looking at the names there are even more moving pieces in place than there were with the original group(s) before the first Avengers. Many of them will be coming from TV shows, some of them will be supporting characters in other characters' movies, some will be both, some will probably headline their own movie...I feel exhausted just thinking about how it's all going to fit together by phase 5 or 6. 

    It will be interesting to see America's role in MoM, given the potential nature of the story and how many people are in it, it could be anything from an extended cameo to a big supporting role. Looking around it doesn't seem like her own comic series ran very long, though she's appeared more in other books and she's appeared in several animated specials voiced by Cierra Ramirez who I really like. 

  17. I do assume MJ is Mary Jane but they way they talked about it in 2017 is still a bit of cop out and equivocating, leaving a character that has been fairly well received to be the subject of a lot of unpleasant bickering in various places where neither side is satisfied. They've changed a lot of other characters' personality and ethnicity without a name change as well. I don't think they will at this point but apart from anything else I think they'd get into trouble if they now introduced a red head with a more traditional MJ personality and if necessary they'd use a different character for a different love interest. 

    With MJ as a name, well a lot of other comic book names are slightly strange if thought of in a different context and "Ned" isn't a particularly common nickname these days, nor is Betty. Also looking at a list of baby names will convince you some parents will name their kid anything. 

  18. 6 hours ago, bettername2come said:

    As much as I love the idea of Peter and original Mary Jane together, I can't deny that Tom and Zendaya have chemistry. And it's not like there's not a history of changing up superhero couples, especially when the chemistry's there. Tony and Pepper never married in the comics, right? And to pop over to DCTV, Oliver Queen has twice married blonde nerds who hadn't appeared in the comics before.

    Yeah I was thinking of Tony/Pepper who are much more OTP than in the comics (and she has never been interested in Happy on screen) or Steve/Peggy even pre Endgame was given much more weight, certainly more weight than Sharon ever was. Lady Sif never got a look in from Thor even though Jane wasn't even in Ragnarok, Betty completely vanished etc. Not to mention those that were nowhere to be seen at all like BuckyNat. And well one look at the Arrow forum shows exactly what I think about that GA/BC potential relationship. 

    I do understand why people want the traditional love interests, I've got frustrated with it in other adaptations but I do end up caring more about the story on screen and the actors together than anything else so I'm fine with Peter/Michelle and not waiting for the proverbial Shailene Woodley as MJ appearance just because.

    And as I said, I think they should have either bitten the bullet and made Zendaya actual MJ or given her another name and said "this is what we're doing right now" and not tried to get cute with it. 


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    On 2/3/2020 at 2:51 AM, rmontro said:

    That was one of the best lines, I thought.

    I liked the character Zendaya played, and I liked her as a love interest for Peter.  I don't care for the "MJ" thing.  It's been called a bit of a joke reference to Mary Jane Watson, but it's just confusing.  Especially if they end up bringing in the "real" Mary Jane in later.  I like the character, I just wish they would have just called her Michelle or something else.

    In some ways Marvel can play too fast and loose with their characters.

    As you said there a lot of characters in the MCU and superhero adaptations in general that don't act like their comic counter parts. Including because they want to "re interpret the character". Even if she definitely was MJW they possibly would have kept a lot of what we saw on screen.

    I really enjoyed Zendaya's chemistry with Tom Holland and I thought the character herself was good, she manages to pull off some of the lines that could be annoying with a different actor as well. 

    I know this is controversial but personally I don't necessarily have a problem with going with a non canon love interest or changing things about a certain character if the actors themselves zing together and apart. Characters like Pepper and Peggy aren't necessarily the one true loves of Tony and Steve the way they are in the MCU either. 

    I think the Michelle Jones/MJ thing really annoyed people on both sides of the argument. She's not *really* Mary Jane Watson but she's the MCU version, it's kind of a cop out. It means she could be Peter's OTP or she could leave to make way for the *real* one which gives everyone extra reason to bicker over her. 

    I don't really see another love interest coming in unless TH signs for more films and Zendaya doesn't. Though in that case they're more likely to bring in someone completely different Black Cat for him.

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  20. Great article, it pretty much encapsulates everything I love about this series, including the way it told the story of John Crichton and also of John/Aeryn who remain my favourite ever pairing on TV. 

    I imagine their have been discussions about the possibility of rebooting it, as well as the webisodes BB used to talk about, but I wouldn't want a redo without the original cast (and the writers) because that's a large part of what made it so amazing. 

    I wouldn't mind some sort of "in the same universe as..." with the Henson company etc. But you circle back to the problem of it being a relatively obscure show anyway. And whilst there is certainly scope it's not necessarily as easy as say Stargate where you can theoretically fairly easily introduce another location or team if you want to reboot the show. 

    I've said this before but I'll say it again because the article mentions it. The ending of season 4 is a throw things at the screen moment but it's also such a Farscape moment that if it had been the end I would have had to agree it was perfectly the show, unlike so many others which pull nonsense at the last minute. 

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