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Posts posted by Featherhat

  1. 4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    This fucking show, man. It takes me back to the Lost days when I'd get on TWoP every morning after the ep aired and spend hours reading everyone's thoughts and speculations. I'm obsessed!

    It's definitely taking me back to those days where a lot of people on TWOP made notes whilst watching, googled quotes and kept track of anything thing that could possibly be symbolism and there would be 10 pages of philosophical discussion that got disproved the next ep. Good times. 

    I'm so glad this is being released weekly even though I want it all NOW!

    The Infinity Stones were created at the dawn of the universe right? I don't think even Wanda is powerful enough to transfigure one out of a rock. It's possible that someone is using her and Vision to try and reverse engineer one though. Do different universes have their own versions and opening a doorway leads to more? I don't think Marvel will want to recreate the Infinity Saga in P4 but I think they are going to come into play here with the Mind Stone all over that Magic Cabinet in ep 2. If you think about it, what happened with Peter Pietro is the multiversal equivalent of "Geraldine" suddenly popping out of a magic doorway. 

    "For the Children" is going to come back into play as well given it was after chanting that in unison that Wanda got pregnant along with Vision pointing out lack of children this ep. 

    • Love 6
  2. 1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

    I am still thinking that Agnes knows way more than she is letting on. She always seems to be showing up to drive plots, like helping with the dinner in the first episode, getting Wanda to join the parents group in the second, she was replaced by Monica in the third episode, but then this week she was pushing the dog narrative, bringing in the dog house and then her bushes apparently killed him, which lead to the boys asking Wanda to bring the dig back, because these kids haven't seen pet cemetery yet. I also thought it was interesting that, when Vision actually got through to "Norm" for a second, he said it was "her" in his head and in charge of everything. Not "Wanda" or "Your wife" it was "her", and I think that they are being vague about that for a reason. I am also so glad that Vision brought up something that I have asking since day one...where are the children? There are no kids in this suburban happy place, and there are schools and playgrounds, but no little kids. 


    I agree, I think Agnes is way more than just an innocent bystander who just happens to be catching on, she's just very.....convenient all the time and it was especially obvious in this episode. There's a reason her picture was up on the cast list wall but she didn't get named, Wanda didn't even seem to know what the hell she was talking about at first. Ralph also continues to get name checked. 

    I also clocked that "she" might end up not being Wanda. That's a pretty standard way for the show to encourage us (and Vision) to make assumptions whilst potentially meaning one of the "The devil's in the details, ladies" "That's not the only place he is" women. 

    Carol was kept off the board in Endgame because she was too damn powerful but that doesn't mean she didn't check up on Maria privately. However I can see them using the feelings of potential abandonment for a storyline in CM2. 

    • Love 4
  3. 7 minutes ago, arc said:

    According to another forum, in the descriptive audio version of the episode it straight up says this is Pietro from the X-men films. So whether or not Aaron Taylor-Johnson was available or not, the show specifically wanted to cross cinematic universes.


    I think it's clear since Disney now owns FOX and the X-Men films are on Disney + as "Marvel Legacy Movies" that they intend to use this to create a multiverse. How far it will go outside of Easter Eggs and DS2 is anyone's guess. 

    15 minutes ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

    No, but Hayward sort of instigated that by sending in an armed drone without Monica's knowledge and ordering the shot. I knew the second he called her a terrorist that he was going to do something stupid. It's like with Monica, Wanda could have done something a lot worse, and she didn't. 

    Yes he clearly wasn't willing to listen to anyone else's opinion once his prejudices against her (and other powered people maybe) were confirmed. I think they have shown so far that whilst Wanda definitely crossed a line so far that the line is a dot to her in her grief, that she doesn't want to kill anyone. 

    18 minutes ago, cambridgeguy said:

    Clearly Darcy and Jimmy watched Endgame - I'd like to know how detailed of a story the Avengers and friends gave the world beyond "Thanos tried to kill everyone and Tony saved the universe".


    Heh, maybe some security camera from the compound were still active in the wreckage or drones/satellites above the battle?

    • Love 5
  4. I think it will also end up being significant that Wanda couldn't control the twins either by getting them to sleep with her magic or to stop them from growing. 

    Even though she herself isn't one of the Olsen Twins I couldn't help feeling some of that was a little meta at the beginning. 

    • Love 7
  5. Yes, Heyward was making it sound like SWORD were the ones doing what Vision wanted and Wanda just stole him to play happy families with a corpse but it's going to be far more than that. I don't blame her for getting mad and rescuing his remains from being dissected and/or used as a Weapon.

    That was nine days ago, and less than three weeks after the Unsnapture so it's all happening very quickly.  

    • Love 11
  6. Wow a lot to process. As always. 

    "The urge to run from this feeling is powerful I know" on some level Wanda knows this isn't right and there are rules in life and death. 

    When Wanda stepped outside the Hex I gasped. She is an antagonist to some of this obviously, but nothing in this ep has made me change my mind on something else is helping or manipulating her.  I wonder if Norm's "she" might be someone else? I believed Wanda when she said she doesn't know or remember how any of this actually started but now it's here she's trying to hang on to her "perfect" life with her family because everything else has been taken from her. 

    That scene at the end between Vision and Wanda was so fantastic though! I really hope it's not just his corpse trailing around in reality. He's more than just her memories of him clearly. I'm not sure she could actually resurrect him all by herself with the mind stone powers. 

    But I bet you anything SWORD weren't doing anything good with Vision's body and maybe it started as a way to stop them dissecting him and using him to build weapons. 

    Hayward is such a dick. He started othering Wanda from the moment he started talking about her. There's no doubt she's victimizing people but he wouldn't listen to Monica who had personal experience with her pain and grief. It's clear that he saw her as a sentient "weapon" from the start. I choose to believe Monica over him. 

    Darcy is a fan of Monica, aww, I wonder if that's to do with anything that we'll see in CM2 or if she's just this SWORD legend that Darcy has heard of working with them over the years. Or just from watching her on the broadcast maybe. And she's pissed at Carol, was she not there when Maria was dying? Sob. She, Darcy and Woo made a nice little team in this ep, getting things done, asking useful questions and keeping their minds a bit open. 

    Really intrigued when Agnes thought Wanda would automatically rerun the scene, interesting. And I think she did notice everything changing she just didn't comment on it because she's aware to a certain extent of what's going on. She always was though, when she referred to Wanda as "the star of the show" in the 60s. 

    So Computational whatever did play an important part this ep, very creepy chanting in unison and now its the 80s email signals are getting crossed with SWORD. 

    Really not sure of this "recasting" of Pietro" but I knew it was coming and this obviously opens up the door to DS2. 


    • Love 13
  7. 38 minutes ago, Chaser said:

    I rewatched a bunch of S1 the other night. I had absolutely no memory of this episode. 

    I only remembered it because it had David Anders in it and its the one where Laurel shows off some self defence before getting tazed by him, that obviously was supposed to be BC foreshadowing. 

    Jen's right in her review that this is a very standard yet also very toxic love triangle where Oliver ends up openly manipulating the situation by flirting with Laurel as the Hood (and using her as a human shield!) and also (faux) sympathising with Tommy about Laurel lying about the Hood and telling them to get honest with each other, like two versions of him aren't the part of the problem and neither of them know about it. Sure it was Olicity that ruined everything with their soap opera, romance taking over the show nonsense, this was pure Emmy worthy gritty drama! 😆

    • LOL 1
  8. 14 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

    Is anyone surprised by this? It's Marilyn Manson (he named himself after Charles Manson!) I would be more surprised to find out he wasn't abusive in some way. (I love me some Goth Rock, and while I do like some of his songs, I wouldn't want to spend any time with that man even before having confirmation that he's an abuser. 

    It was always going to be him from what she said, even if she didn't name him. I was a fan of hers at the time and it was awful how she completely changed her look and "allegedly" (at the time) dropped all her friends and wouldn't (couldn't) hear a word against him. I'm glad she feels able to fully name him now. It was such a change from Jamie Bell and all her other rumoured relationships until then. 

    I don't think just being Marilyn Manson - his public image - is enough to make him a likely abuser, there are plenty of people who cultivate that image for attention or who live a weird life style privately who are very loving and kind but he himself admitted to being abusive and controlling to her (although he didn't term it that) many years ago. 

    Also if he was into some very specific sex acts or even a Master/slave 24/7 thing then it would be fine if he was safe, sane and 100% consensual with a partner who was 100% into that and had everything pre agreed and discussed. But that very clearly wasn't the case, he was just a vile abuser here who wanted to control her life and make her terrified of him. 

    I remember the first time I came across him as a kid in the Bowling for Columbine documentary where I thought he talked a lot of sense and came across level headed and thoughtful (to me). Shame he wasn't actually like that IRL. 

    This was her original testimony:


    • Love 7
  9. I don't think they'll make Liam Evil but I do think they'll make/keep him complicated like everything else in Walker's life. I do think he knows a lot more about Emily's murder than he's letting on but he might be trying to protect his brother from getting involved in something too big or dangerous for him to handle and has a high chance of him also being murdered. 

    With the custody I think that was awful. They were safe and cared for and plenty of people are raised by family members without needing legal custody, Liam was called by the school every time something happened etc. They were in the best place what would or should have even changed so drastically if Liam was their legal Dad?

    I think he resents being thrust into the parent role and also likes it and resents Cordell for coming back and "automatically" displacing him . I think he secretly liked it that his brother was screwing something up maybe. Complicated dynamics. As much as the kids should be everyone's priority it seems like the family constantly forget Cordell's own grief (and job) and act like he went on a 11-3 month bender. 

    Looking back at the casting announcements Liam was supposed to be a conservative DA and we haven't seen anything of that so far and in fact more of the opposite, so I wonder if they tweaked the character a bit. I'm sure he and his fiance's Austin vs New York argument will go on for a bit. 

    • Love 1
  10. It's interesting. I don't really think the name recognition/IP really helped with the demo the CW usually goes for or Jared's fanbase in general. They might as well have just called it "Ranger" or Carter, Texas Ranger" or something. 

    However, when they first started shopping it around I think they were hoping another network might pick it up, in which case the brand recognition would have been a key factor and thy had presumably paid a lot for it. But it ended up at the CW with a straight to series pick up that it wouldn't have got anywhere else. 

    It's definitely not the only remake/reboot to be wildly different to the original e.g. BSG or less successfully the short lived Bionic Woman from 2007 or recently Utopia. Even things like the US vs UK Office ended up pretty different despite the same setting and in the first season the same scripts. 

  11. 1 hour ago, AimingforYoko said:

    The reason it's called the blip is that maybe a couple dozen people know about Thanos.

    Surely after the Snapture happened the Avengers would explain about Thanos? There's no reason not to, especially if they can say the killed him and also blame him for the BoNY as well as Loki. 

    If they didn't explain what happened then there would only be even more wild conspiracy theories and terror. 

    2 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

    Dottie's injury wasn't cut how it occurred was. I could be wrong but, i think the censor is Wanda. It happens whenever Wanda rewrites the script, it happened with Dottie (when Woo's voice broke through) and, with Geraldine. I think it even happened with the Beekeeper but, I'm not sure.


    We hear the smash but we don't see Dottie's injury. It cuts out all of Dottie's reaction, the red blood and everything and goes straight to "pop quiz, Wanda!" It could be Wanda but we've seen when Wanda "rewrites the script" and she didn't here, she let that play out. I think it could be something else that's also editing the "broadcast". 


    5 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

    After this episode, I'm going to be massively disappointed if Wanda is being "controlled" by someone else. That's a copout, IMO. Wanda isn't evil, she isn't a villain, she's doing bad things out of grief/loneliness, etc. It's a better story, IMO to explore her character rather than making her a victim.

    They can do both. Tony's the antagonist of CW but we see his reasons and his own grief explored. There are still a lot of people who think he was wrong but see his POV and visa versa with Cap. I'm not sure she's being fully controlled but encouraged or manipulated in her grief by someone else for their own malevolent ends probably. 

    Darcy changing majors makes sense to me. She met, made friends with and fought against actual aliens from another dimension/realm. Twice. She had contacts up the wazoo both with SHIELD/SWORD and Jane/Selvig and may have been helping Jane win her Nobel Prize. Even if you ignore everything else that's happened on Earth since then, it's more than enough for a clever, motivated person to change careers or be offered job opportunities. Until we hear otherwise I'm going to assume she wasn't Snapped and she carried on Jane's work but it works even if she was Snapped. 

    • Love 6
  12. Okay rest of the episode. I still love Micki she’s awesome and she and Trey seem great together, having fun and actually communicating with each other like adults who like and respect each other. Can they please stay the mostly happy, mostly drama free secondary couple? Pretty please.  Sigh, unlikely. I like that she’s very matter of fact that her job is her main focus and she can’t screw it up, especially because she’s a WOC but it doesn’t take over her entire character or storylines, just informs it. She and Walker seem to work well together and have nice partner chemistry and just get on with working together despite their differences.

    Chief, I get that you want to run a by the book Ranger department and that’s a good thing but you’re making me hella suspicious there as well. This show wants me to believe you are hiding all of the things. 

    I think Liam does have resentment about his brother and how he handled things after the death AND resents the fact that he isn’t playing Uncle Dad any more, interesting mix. Maybe it’s just my pavlovian reaction to Keegan Allen in anything but I do think he’s involved in the cover up of what really happened to Emily, even if it turns out to be for the “right” family reasons.

    Is three months (or even 11 months) when you know a parent is undercover on an assignment really enough time to try and get legal custody of your brother’s children? Especially when they’re in a stable, family environment that would stay the same anyway? It’s not like that would make it easier if it turned out Walker died.

    Walker could certainly have handled things a LOT better when Emily died but I did feel sorry for him when everyone was lining up to hammer him over the head with everything. At some point that just becomes unhelpful and like they actually want him to be the screw up to fit the narrative in their heads.

    Stella was a bit of a brat but she has her reasons for it and she’s also confronting and being angry the adult world in the ways she’s openly being treated differently at school compared to Isabella. I did like the texting, that was cute and the broken stone, very on the nose but it worked. August seems like he’s just going to explode one day, even though he’s trying his hardest not to.

    Bonham got the grumpy Dad with a heart of gold storyline this week, it worked. Mitch Pileggi made the most of his scenes though and he and JP came across as believably father and son. 

    I assume those were their actual kids in the video footage at the end?

    And lastly I see they still have the golden filter over everything. 

    • Love 3
  13. 55 minutes ago, swanpride said:

    None of those things happened to people who don't have superpowers or are in a protective suit to explain the lack of injury.

    I was watching Avengers today and Widow who doesn't have powers or a special suit ends the battle with a small cut on her lip, despite taking a beating. In some movies Tony goes through a lot without the suit on. The Iron Man suits have also been incredibly damaged and he's been fine. I really get where you're coming from but whilst Monica's report will mobilize SWORD against her, it won't be because she paralysed her.

    35 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

    I liked seeing a more intense version of people returning after the snap. Is that where they are going with Banner put everyone on planes and other vehicles in the hospital instead of where they were. 

    Also why did Wanda rename all the people?

    I suppose if Maria were still alive, someone would've had to tell her, that her daughter disappeared again. 

    I hope Banner put them all somewhere safe. That bothered me in Endgame. Imagine coming back only to instantly die horribly because the plane you were on is no longer in the air or a building has been built/demolished. And that's not even to deal with the anguish of those who's loved ones died because of the Snap but only 2nd hand (like their pilot was snapped and their plane crashed or their surgeon was snapped and they bled out). 

    I guess the Harts were renamed so they could participate in the wacky hijinks of misunderstood name abbreviation. I'm not sure she's assigning people their names, they just get bland and sitcom appropriate names when they "join". She didn't know Geraldine was Monica at first. And Ahbilash would be less likely than Norm in a 50s suburban sitcom setting. 

    • Love 4
  14. 1 hour ago, Amethyst said:

    I get that Wanda is clearly grieving, but if she really is behind Westview, then she has to be stopped.  Looks like all the citizens are trapped in her simulation, and it's even worse if they're all victims of the snap.  Puts Mrs. Hart's begging Wanda to "stop it" in a whole new light.


    If she is even unknowingly trapping people and "casting" them in the sitcom and if the radiation levels are growing then she does have to be stopped, but some how I don't think SWORDs approach (guns, tanks and focus on her as a "Sentient Weapon") will be the answer, which is where Hayward will come in as the "asshole" commander. I do think there is someone else at work as well but we're going to get a an episode or two of Get Wanda and maybe even Wanda V Vision before others are revealed.

    • Love 3
  15. 4 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    I would honestly be impressed if it turned out that Walkers wife really was just killed by some random guy for a random reason, and that all of the things that look like they're part of some greater conspiracy because she Knew Too Much or one of those poetic TV serial killers or something else really dramatic were just coincidences with very simple explanations and this is just his way of not dealing with her death, it would be really shocking if there really wasn't a mystery and it just focused on Walker and his families grief. Of course, it probably will be some bigger conspiracy, because that's how TV works, but wouldn't that be nuts if it really was just a random tragic crime?

    Forget Impressed, I'd be gobsmacked and nominate them for awards really. Everything was too tidily tied up and sorted out this week. No way this is the show that subverts the trope lets its pre series murder of a wife/parent/child just be some random tragedy. Especially not when they specifically set it so close to the border and had her trying to help people crossing. That spells conspiracy that will take over the show ala Castle, Bones, The Mentalist etc. 

    But it lets them have him try to heal a bit and get lighter before cliffhanger time. 

    • Love 4
  16. 28 minutes ago, swanpride said:

    I wonder if she is okay...I mean, even if Wanda didn't outright kill her, she was thrown through multiple walls (or whatever are walls in Wanda's mind). By all rights, that should at the very least shattered her spine…..

    People in this franchise literally fall through sky portal, get thrown through walls, off buildings, are in space without any life support, beat each other up with powers/equipment etc and survive with nothing but an aesthetically pleasing scratch. Unless you're Rhodey and are the CW sacrifical lamb. Granted most of them have suits on at the time but I doubt she'll have any lasting damage. 

    • Love 4
  17. 56 minutes ago, RS3 said:

    I've seen it too. I remember he was sitting behind one of those large con tables. Someone was sitting on his left. It might be another guest or the moderator, I don't know. It was definitely after season 4, or after 4x19 aired. The question was something like "is it still true that you didn't know who was in the grave when you shot the episode". Stephen said no. There was some chatter in the room and they moved on to another question. 

    Yes, that's it, glad I'm not just imagining it. I've done soon googling but I can't find it at this late stage. Doesn't really matter, I just thought it was interesting what we all do and don't chose to take as gospel. Some won't believe a word out of MGs mouth about why Olicity started but will take that "we truly didn't know who's in the grave until episode 16/17 (right before they called KC to tell her)" and not hearing the evidence for "but we had a pretty good idea who we planned to be in the grave at least and had a back up just in case."  And of course, I've also picked and chosen what I believe from BTS as well but I try to evaluate it based on some sort of quantifiable metric. 

    Re: The idea that 2049 Oliver was supposed to be the one Sara had met before but had lost his marbles. That DEFINETLY didn't come across like that. It ended up looking like Sara and Ray had been wrong and they hadn't gone to that parallel earth before because that Oliver seemed sane enough for a lonely, anguished guy and just desperate to tell a Sara that he hadn't even seen on the Amazo how sorry he was. Whereas the other Oliver was the same up until S4 (baring pre Flashpoint JJ) and just diverged afterwards. 

  18. 4 minutes ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

    So in the real world this takes place after the undoing of the Snap. Darcy must have been part of SWORD before that (and presumably didn't get blipped) since she recognized both Vision and Wanda on their 'sitcom'. Though didn't the doctor tell Monica that it had been three years, not five? It's a minor thing, but it stood out to me.

    I liked that they showed what happened after Wanda showed Monica the door, that she had to rebuild part of the house to cover the damage because she literally punched a hole in the bookcase and the wall behind it. "You are trespassing, and I need you to leave." Would Monica have known who Wanda actually was, beyond the construct? Darcy did, but since Monica fell victim to the Snap and I guess Darcy didn't that might have kept her from being aware. Because the energy field around the town was the same kind that flowed from her hands when she gave her the boot. They even had a name for it.

    It was three years since Monica's mother died and 5 years in total the doctor said. 

    Wanda was a public person before the snap. She was part of the Avengers and then one of the reasons the Sokovia Accords existed in the first place and then on the run as a public enemy, so people would know who she was. And since Monica was part of SWORD she has professional reasons for knowing as well. 

    21 minutes ago, Jediknight said:

    Still think that Mephisto is ultimately in control of this all.  Wanda looked shocked when she yeeted Monica, and I don't think they'd have the payoff to the mystery be half way through the season.

    I don't think they'd have the big mystery revealed mid season either. But I wonder if SWORD will take Monica's word for it and launch an operation or offensive against Wanda because she's theoretically holding a lot of people hostage as well as potentially causing damage with that radiation that Darcey said might get more dangerous at the beginning. And in the last ep we find out Mephisto is the big spider in the web.

    • Love 8
  19. 5 hours ago, Kromm said:

    The sequence where they were pinning up the photos was before Dottie appeared in Sitcomland. We've no idea whether they could identify her or not. 

    They identified "Beverly" as being played Isabel Matsueida and her first scene was with Dottie. We saw scenes glimpses of scenes that we weren't show so plenty of time to go "Harold AND Harriet Copter" if they wanted to eliminate her as a suspect. They have "Agnes's" picture up on the board but didn't identify her either - no driving license pinned up. I don't know if there's a big in universe reason (like working with Mephisto) why they couldn't identify Dottie but it was deliberate to exclude her from the "real people living in WestView " ID parade, to keep us wondering. 

    Also potentially significant was not finding out who Woo was hiding in WITSEC.

    Also I was getting really weird vibes off the Director of SWORD because he blew off Monica's concern about the "creation" of sentient weapons but how or if he and/or parts of SWORD/AIM are involved remains unclear. 

    Interesting that WestView itself was given a "perfect suburb" makeover in Sitcomland but in real life it looked a little run down from what we could see. 

    • Love 9
  20. Wow, so that happened!

    TP was clearly the MVP of this episode as well as KD. I loved getting another slice of how chaotic it was when the snap (not calling it the blip) happened and how devastating it also was when people can back only to realise they’d missed 5 years of their lives.

    Maria Rambeau founded SWORD! And had faith her daughter would come back. Well she would know all about that I suppose.

    So the crashed helicopter was a SWORD drone, not a miniaturised chopper that brought Monica in. She was just sucked in instead.

    Randall Park knows how to do a lot with a little. He’s goofy in a very straight laced well. He had a poster of Elliot Ness on his wall, heh. Some of it was cringey other parts I thought worked well. 

    Darcy became an actual astrophysicist!? And she was the one who figured things out. She’s come a long way, even though I always liked her a lot more than some others seemed to.

    So Woo is like us – why the hexagons? Why sitcoms? Is it real? Who are all these people? Haghah I see what you did there guys!

    So creepy beekeeper only became creepy beekeeper inside Wanda’s Vision Reality.

    Darcy is invested in the sitcom, me too Darcy, surprisingly. They saw the commercials but didn't comment on them...

    So Wanda was still pretty scary in the full clip of her banishing Monica. I don’t think she knew about Ultron all along but once the spell was broken she certainly seemed to wake up and have enough knowledge of what’s going on to realise that Geraldine doesn’t “belong” in her sitcom land and got rid of anything that broke her fantasy. 

    They identified Herb, hmm. But suspiciously absent were Agnes and Dottie. Both appeared but neither identified. There’s still something else going on besides just Wanda creating a happy alternative reality where everything is solved in 22 minutes.

    The “episodes” also seem to be moving by pretty quickly on the outside world, as if we were binge watching reruns and there were more than we had seen. 

    Ugh, Zombie!Vision at the end. That can’t be what Wanda has animated can it? I mean it might well be but that was disturbing,

    Since it’s only episode 4 I don’t think “it’s all Wanda” but she clearly is controlling some of it and has some awareness that maybe comes and goes about how real this is and she’s desperately and literally trying to paper over the cracks.

    • Love 14
  21. 6 hours ago, VCRTracking said:



    Some of those memes were funny but all I can see is Barry doing that instead of Grant Gustin and I get really annoyed. I can't believe its been a year. Arrow was pretty much my last TV show (at the time not counting Netflix stuff that dropped later) that got to end normally. Tiny thing. but I'm glad they only had a half season instead of a full one.


    3 hours ago, lemotomato said:

    I don't remember him saying this. (It's likely that there was a very short list-- Laurel and Quentin) I do remember that Emily said at the Paris con (which happened at the end of season 4) that she knew from the beginning the 3 characters definitely not in the grave were Oliver, Barry, and Felicity. And then of course there was KC who said she never even considered it could be Laurel (even though everyone else was worried it could be their character) and thought that no one would be in the grave.

    Thanks. Yes I remember EBR saying she knew she was safe. I'm just having a discussion about a whole other fandom with a friend who long story, ended up in a rant about how Arrow treated its female characters and only decided who to kill off a week before filming and did whatever shippers wanted which was a 😲 for me. We were discussing WandaVision and the MCU so I think she's maybe more of a comic purist than I realised. So long discussions about Arrow's writing problems aside, I remember a clip of SA being asked questions and he says there was a short list but at the end basically admits he knew. 

    I remember KC saying she didn't think she was in the grave and also that the grave itself was a big fake out. Oh well. 

    • Love 1
  22. 4 hours ago, tv echo said:

    Ugh - my initial reaction was to respond to that guy complaining about Olicity, but I decided instead just to focus on MG's tweets...

    My takeaways from MG's responses: (1) he once again acknowledged the chemistry between SA and EBR; (2) he acknowledged that the Olicity breakup in S4 was "forced"; (3) he kinda avoided specifically saying that he regretted killing off Laurel; and (4) he described KC's portrayal of Black Siren (not Black Canary) as "next level."

     1) And never, ever talks about SA and KC in the same way. For obvious reasons IMHO but this seems to escape some of her fans. 

    3) I don't think they regret killing Laurel at all for all they were apparently surprised (again) by the backlash according to WM. They had multiple chances to bring her back and they never did 

    4) Black Siren was clearly more in her wheelhouse and actually got some good reviews. 

    36 minutes ago, way2interested said:

    S4 was also when Wendy became showrunner/co-showrunner, so I wonder how that affected sticking to the plan for 415.

    Not sure. There was a lot going on BTS in S4 especially with the CW almost ceasing to exist. That might have had an affect on full steam ahead, oh wait, quickly stall them! Stuff. 

    There was also someone's interview where IIRC they said they needed something big for Thea and Laurel to interrupt and that turned into a proposal and they had to figure out where to go after that because it was too soon to have them get married. 

    On a side note, does anyone remember which con it was when SA let the cat out of the bag that either he knew it was Laurel in the grave from the beginning or he was given a short list and guessed?

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  23. 12 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

    Edwina makes a comment about how she could tell Anthony and Kate were into each other the whole time so I want to see some of that. Just a handful of cuts to her trying not to smile while they’re in denial. The Pall Mall scene in particular should provide plenty of opportunities.

    We know Mr. Bagwell was invited to the country house party so adding scenes of him and Edwina shouldn’t be difficult. 

    Actually getting so see Mr Bagwell the scholar is one of the things I'm hoping for an expecting in S2.

    Given the "hate to love" trope so prevalent in romance or "his pride and her prejudice" and how focused they were on each other it's not surprising that Edwina could tell they were into each other. In contrast he's charming and proper but disengaged with her because he feels the need to get married and she's The Diamond this season and that's almost all there is, so she can see the difference. That should be fun. 

    13 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    Yeah, Kate wanted to find a husband after Edwina was settled.  That is one thing that I really enjoyed about the Sheffield family dynamic--both Kate and Edwina were willing to sacrifice for all of them to be comfortable in the future.  I loved how her step-mom kept on reminding Kate that it's alright for her to look right now as well. 

    I also want to see more of Edwina and her scholar.  I want to see them meeting and Edwina falling for him while knowing she has Anthony courting her and what that means for the family.  I want to see Edwina's relief as she sees the chemistry between Anthony and Kate.  

    Me too. I loved that whole dynamic. They both wanted to marry and both were willing to sacrifice love/ideal partner so that the rest of the family didn't end up in genteel poverty. Realistic but not hopeless or despairing. Kate just rather thought she'd end up with a local suitable gentleman once Edwina had made the match of the season because her beauty overcame the fact that she didn't have a dowry. 

    Showing more of Mr Bagwell at the house party and contrasting him with Anthony for Edwina should almost write itself and I'm really looking forward to it. 

    I also like Anthony at one point thinking he'll give Kate a small dowry once he's married Edwina and then later switches it to giving it to Edwina/Mr Bagwell whilst boggling in his own mind at the twists his life has just taken over the last few months. 

    The one wild card is how Sienna fits into all of this. 


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