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Posts posted by Featherhat

  1. 16 minutes ago, Kromm said:

    I'm still pretty conflicted on that. First, there's no getting around the fact that she enslaved hundreds, or probably thousands of people.  Doing that to ONE person would be bad enough. 

    Even if we guess she didn't mean to (implied by the two step explosion of magic), does that erase the idea of consequences? 

    On top of that, the story arguably might be less powerful if her losses are just washed away.  

    That said, it's pretty suspicious that we go into this with a functioning Vision body and a somewhat functioning Vision mind. It's pretty clear a joining of them by the end is an obvious resolution. 

    It might be interesting if Vision is remade, but Wanda has to go to prison anyway. Or maybe a mental hospital. 

    Even Hayward seemingly manipulating her into going to that town, priming her emotions then having that file dropped in her car, doesn't excuse her actions. They'd both be guilty to some degree. 

    I can be on Wanda's side and feel absolutely terrible for her and want her to find a way to life happily and still think what she did was wrong and that she should face consequences. I don't think they're going to sweep it under the rug at all to since she's not going to DS2 to be a fun Avenger cameo. 

    I don't think this ends happily or with everyone lining up to give Wanda a hug and cookie but I don't think a padded cell or The Raft is necessarily the right place for her either, even though she should face the music. She needs somewhere where she can receive counselling, where she can learn to control her powers from experienced people and where she definitely can't hurt anyone else. Kamar Taj perhaps? I suppose Wanda could agree to a secure mental health facility voluntarily and Strange and Wong have to break her out once the shit hits the fan.

    I don't think they're ramping up for full on villain arc for her, despite the number of people she held hostage. 

    I thought Hayward might be trying to goad her because he just seemed so 100% unnecessarily a dick but then if he sees both Wanda and Vision as weapons and their love as not real then he has no need to be a decent person (in his eyes anyway). I have a feeling we're missing a couple of scenes from the flashbacks, we'll see. 

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    I mean does this look like the face of a government agency just trying to do its best after several insane catastrophes? I think Hayward has to be both a moron and nefarious to think this is going to work the way he wants and be what's best for the world even in his reality. It's even more dumb than Tony's original Ultron idea. 

    This guy looks like a mix between The Night King and Ultron and he's smarter than *you*. 


    White Vision 3.gif

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  3. They actually said the word "Fietro" I guess it wasn't hard to guess that's what fan theories would be calling him. 

    That was a very sad episode. Incredibly well acted by EO and KH though. And I liked it even if it wasn't what I was expecting.

    So Hayward's either a complete moron or he was pushing Wanda to do something because nowhere in her being at that point was "resurrect Vision/The Weapon". Maybe he wanted her to snap him because nothing else was working. But also if that's how Hayward sees the world and powered people then I guess that's how he sees her, as a weapon and a threat. And whilst a lot of people weren't going to let $3 billion dollars worth of Vibranium get buried in the ground (at least for long) he could have been about 1000x more sensitive about it. Again Wanda had plenty of opportunity to hurt people and she didn't take it so Hwayward is wrong to keep othering her as a terrorist, radical weapon, even with what happened in Westview and should have realised Monica was right from what he himself saw. 

    I think something else is going on with Vision and he's not just a construct of Wanda's because he did seem to have autonomy and she couldn't control him after the first 3 episodes. Hayward was also tracking Vision via Vibranium decay. 

    I'm not sure if I buy that Agatha just happened to sense the power of the Hex and stop by to find out how she did it. Seems a little convenient, even if she didn't have an actual hand in its creation she could have manipulated Wanda into it. We still don't know anything about Ralph or Senor Scratchy either. Wanda didn't seem to intend anyone harm in the creation, she seems to have just lost control of everything in her grief. 

    Obviously the commercials were always representing her life but I didn't expect and explanation of exactly why the sitcoms in a time of loss and grief because it was literally the soundtrack to her world exploding *and* a lovely thing her family watched together. 

    I like the scenes of real Westview, a little run down and neglected and melancholy but still has a bit of community and a sense of peace and quiet for her. 

    If Paul Bettany was just excited to act scenes opposite himself I will laugh. 

    • LOL 10
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  4. The Stackhouse Fillibuster is ridiculous but I got a lot of warm fuzzies when I used to watch it as a tween and a couple of years ago on a rewatch. Even though it doesn't make much sense I still love it for the ending when all the Senators walk on to the floor to help out. For a long time I thought Filibusters were always used for noble or at least understandable reasons! (oops). 

    Although there's one line that I always remember was an eye roll even then "Stackhouse would have to know as much about Senate procedure as Josh and that was unlikely". He was a 20 year senator who had planned this filibuster, you don't think he knew the rules especially of this specific thing, better than Josh and Donna who had never been senators?

    • Love 4
  5. 26 minutes ago, JessePinkman said:

    In no world would Bob Iger prioritize Ryan Reynolds or Deadpool's box office over Kevin Feige and the MCU's multi-billionaire dollar cash cow. 

    Yeah. Feige already had it's the "might be fired over this" showdown over Perlmutter and he walked away with almost complete control. Unless something drastic happens or completely awful allegations emerge he's not getting a pink slip after $22.5 billion for arguing about the rating of a $1.5 billion sub franchise. 

    That said, whilst I'm still really unsure about Deadpool "joining" the MCU I am glad it will still be R rated. I think they can get away with it because Deadpool is so clearly its own thing whereas projects like Daredevil, Jessica Jones and probably Blade played it/will play it much straighter and they don't want to do a "Don't your Kids MCU" at the moment. 

    • Love 1
  6. They had trouble with Sophie when she was supposed to be Kate's OTP with huge melodrama (well they had some trouble because of that as well) ala Laurel, so it was always going to be difficult without Kate unless they completely revamped. Mary still had a unique place as the lighter character and the doctor. Alice still has the wild card psycho factor and they're working hard to fit her into the Saffiyah plot as well as her "bonds" with Mary and Jacob. 

    But for Sophie as of right now she's basically stayed the same and is still on the outside of everything, even though she has found out about Kate after the fact and has a connection with Ryan. 

  7. I liked it but didn't love it but I thought it was fairly strong. I'm glad we didn't have to sit through Supes origins again and that it moved forward quickly but some of TH's monologue delivery was a bit off for me. I do really like him as both Clark and Superman so that's a big positive. I'm still not 100% sold on Bitsie Tulloch as Lois but I think she will grow on me now they have a chance to actually flesh her out. I thought they worked well as a couple.

    The boys are okay if kind of archetypes of teen characters right now. Although they really telegraphed that the angsty, stereotypical emo, anxious one was going to be the one with powers right down to him screaming that it was obviously going to be his all American, perfect brother. I suspect Jonathan might get powers later or have an arc where he has powers but realises it's not for him or something. No way they're not going to play with that. 

    Jordan's hair in his eyes bothered me all ep and I used to love that look when I was a kid, I'm getting old! 

    This is the first time I've ever liked Sam Lane so that was a nice surprise. I liked that he worked with Superman without trying to shoot him out of the sky or capture him and he was right in that falling in love with him is one thing but marrying Superman and having a family with him is quite another. Looking forward to how he fits in. 

    Lana? Eh, she was fine. Her husband seemed like a dick but it does sound like it sucks to live in SV right now and be the one putting out exploding meth labs. That said I don't really want a focus on her difficult marriage and Kyle being jealous that the Kents are moving back. There's going to be enough romantic angst with the teens in that area. 

    So the boys have never been told or found out about their Dad before but they find the pod the second they actually started looking for "something". Did Clark really think he could keep it a secret forever? Even if neither of the boys had had powers it's still a huge part of himself he was hiding from them. What about when he had to run out during family holidays or parties other special occasions? The therapy session can't have been the only time. Still it gives them an emotional scene I guess. 

    So what's causing the sadness to settle over Smallville, it sounded more than just the natural consequence of people leaving farming communities and loss of jobs etc from what the daughter was saying. 

    I still have something against the name, it just sounds awkward, I keep expecting it to be Lois and Clark or something. It's like calling a show Batman and Dick. That said I'm glad Lois's name is in the title and she should be too after they killed off almost every other parental figure. 

    • Love 3
  8. Eh, god knows I realise The CW doesn't care about ratings and it will probably do amazing on HBO Max or wherever but I can't help but feel like it under performed a wee bit and that it would be higher for the premiere. Not hugely but for one of DCs most famous characters with a lot of buzz behind the show it seems like it should have beaten Walker and All American premieres in the demo.

    • Love 1
  9. 25 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

    “Calling out” a coworker is not something to brag about. I don’t know what her working experience has been to make her think it’s a normal thing. But thanks, KC, for confirming the pap rumors about how she and SA didn’t get along on set and probably why they had negative chemistry. 

    Yeah I would not be bragging 9 years after the fact that the very first thing I said to a co-worker was "If you fuck this up I will fucking kill you!" I've heard it before so its not the first time she's told the story but it doesn't sound as funny as she thinks it does - I haven't listened to the audio so I don't know her tone of voice. All it does is tell me they got off on the wrong foot (we all know how SA really LOVES to be called out on stuff!!) and you were the one who got down graded almost immediately and let go and came back as a different character so its not a case of "well we had nothing to worry about". 

    She basically told everyone that they were assholes to each other and chucked a couple of platitudes in there. 

    It's not like SA has used this as a hilarious, awesome story about meeting KC. 

    Also I get that going to cons at the weekend when you've been shooting all week is probably not what you really want to do but if you're not going to be your best or are going to cancel at the last minute or leave early or whatever, maybe you shouldn't book them and just wait for hiatus. This goes for all actors. I know its a lot of money but do yourselves and your fans a favour. 


    • Love 8
  10. 12 minutes ago, tv echo said:

    KC: "Friendship, working relationship. And here is what - (Laughs) - here's why I think Stephen coming out of the gates - this was our conversation when we first met. 'Stephen. Hi. Okay. If you f*ck this up, I will f*ckin' kill you. Okay?'"
    MR (laughing): "Oh, my God!"
    KC: "'Don't f*ck this up for us, alright? Don't become an asshole. Don't become an asshole. And if you are, if you're going to become an asshole, I'm gonna let you - let you know you're being an asshole. Okay?' And he - he - this is like right before we shot the pilot, I think, or it might've been at Comic-Con. I don't know. But he, of course, started cracking up. And, I don't know, it's like a - he becomes - he's like kind of like a brother in a way? I don't know. But he has respect for me and he - we can laugh at each other and I roll my eyes at him and I've called him out and he's called me out."

    Well I actually think this sums up a lot about their relationship and is pretty ironic in way that I don't think she intended. Not that it was just her fault but they did end up "f*cking part of it up". They probably did "call each other out" although I don't necessarily believe it was in a big brother type way. 

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  11. 824988123_TheSnap.thumb.png.9a9421067aed5efbf47d883d46d5c468.png

    This from FFH might be an indication of how regular people might know of events in IW and then Endgame. Someone provided enough information for a documentary/ripped from the headlines Paul Greengrass film to get Thanos's glove right which can only have come from those that were there. So possibly details of what Wanda and Vision went thought to try and prevent everything. It's both the type of harrowing and brave story people like to tell and part of their succeeding plan to defeat Thanos until he changed the rules with the Time stone. 

    And that's before you get into Darcy potentially being involved with SWORD before and having access to other debriefings. 

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  12. Well August always was going to explode in pretty short order. Unintentionally throwing his dad back into his undercover life and then exploding that was a way to do it though. I do think if he had actually said "I have to clean up some stuff your completely stupid, angsty texting last night brought up" then it would have cut down on August messing stuff up. Then again August wasn't using great logic skills anyway. "I think this is my Dad's excuse-to-leave-me-woman so I'll text her just to see what happens then complain when I think he responds to her invite and doesn't just ghost her!" 

    I really liked the opportunity for Cordell and Micki to partner up undercover, she's a really quick thinker not only with becoming Adriana but then immediately planning a way to get these two arrested and the danger to Cordell and his family neutralised. I really enjoy their partnership, they have some really good partner chemistry and they compliment each other without the writers necessarily hitting us over the head with it each week with big speeches. "You didn't think we'd get robbed?! They're literally robbers!"

    Would "Duke" have really used Hoyt Rawlings as his real life BFF in stories? Considering how unreliable that guy is I wouldn't want that name connected to both Duke and Cordell Walker if they met him. 

    I liked Liam this week and that he was sticking up for this brother. I think it helps that he wasn't involved with the kids at all and there wasn't that uneasy competition between him and Cordell. I'm glad Captain James acknowledged that allowing Walker to be sent in immediately after his wife's death was the wrong call, even if Walker wanted to be someone else and make his grief less immediate just as Micki said she felt like not being her for the day, others should have made that call. 

    So Trey is the sports director and coach at their school. That's one way to integrate an awesome but secondary character into the show more even if it is extremely convenient. I love him and Micki together, they're so cute even when they're arguing because they actually acknowledge their issues and communicate like healthy human beings whilst still having issues and vulnerabilities. I hope this means they won't kill him off, have him turn out to be working for the bad guys or get reactivated and go MIA etc etc. I thought his and Stella's talk was pretty fast for an angsty 17 year old to open up but I guess they had to give him a win on his first day and her some sort of resolution because she wasn't the Angst Generator this week. 

    Sorry I just couldn't take the name Twyla Jean seriously so I couldn't take anything about her seriously at all. 


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  13. 3 hours ago, Lassus said:

    Sooooooo what have we learned?

    Gen Xers old-schoolers?  HA HA HA REED RICHARDS BWAH HAH.  No.

    This Agatha "reveal" plus Bettany's comments on "someone I've always wanted to work with" seem to point pretty specifically to Dr. Strange showing up.

    Bettany has already worked extensively with Cumberbatch (in Creation which he and his wife are great in) and for that matter Ian McKellan, (for people guessing Magneto). He's well aware of the Dr. Strange speculation and hinted it was someone different (and older because he added "I've wanted to work with them all my life". And he's been working with a LOT of people since the 90s. Not that I would be surprised if Dr. Strange did cameo in this either. 

    I think people setting themselves up for Reed Richards might be disappointed, but maybe not. Since I'm not on the "John Krasinski or bust" train for RR I don't really care either way. 

    • Love 2
  14. I think Ralph is going to be revealed as someone. She said "Ralph thinks I sugar coat things". Maybe creating a fantasy world for Wanda and playing the nosy neighbour *was* her idea of being nice about it whilst manipulating events for whatever purpose. Maybe Senor Scratchy is the Big Bad. He looks mighty suspicious and was left alone with those boys at one point. 

    I loved the creep factor running through Agnes scenes, even though we only got the actual reveal and secret "evil" basement at the end. I would totally watch Agatha All Along, seems like a perfect cheesy magic show. She was literally running WandaVision and slipped into character every time it looked like it was going off course. And she was faking last week! Hah. I guess she wanted to separate Wanda and Vision when he was getting too suspicious and confrontational about everything. I do think that she's the "she" that Norm hears in his head. Although that could still be Wanda. 

    Vision and Darcy was a pairing I never knew I wanted and it was awesome. I loved the trip around the outskirts of WestView with barriers being put in their way, probably by Agatha. Loved Darcy trying to explain the complicated events of IW and Vision being “right…” Loved the “I am Not Amused!” deadpan. Acknowledging that Wanda had been through a lot before breaking out of the mockumentary and storming off! I love that.

    I suppose Hayward could have been trying to bring Vision back for altrustic purposes but given what we know of him it's more likely that he wanted a weapon SWORD could control. 

    I think the twins were put into the TV as "the brightly coloured blobs" (tm Dead Ringers) of creepy kids TV. Actually no, they're in those two oven type/trophy case holes in the wall and it's "for the children!" that this is all happening. 

    I loved Monica trying desperately to reach Wanda both literally and physically, interesting that the space truck couldn't push through the barrier but she could. And we witnessed her literally changing on a cellular level to powered being. However even without powers she would have been a hero for trying to talk Wanda down and showing her empathy. Feeling like her pain over loosing her mother is already part of her truth is a powerful statement only three weeks after she leaned of it, I'm not sure I'd get there that quickly and obviously Wanda hasn't yet. But Wanda doesn't really want to hurt people and threatens more than anything else. Even though she does seem to literally blank out whenever anyone mentions that other residents are basically her puppets. And she did seem to power down like a puppet herself when Agatha came on the scene and then reanimated again. Interesting. 

    For someone who expanded the HEX last night Wanda didn't seem interested in doing very much. She was Modern Family deadpanning after zany chaos for a while and then simply reacting to whatever other people were doing. No trying to find Vision, not exploring what was going on or pretending this is her perfect "Shangri-La" as "Pietro/Peter" put it. Even when explaining that she had no answers she didn't get very animated about it, just went a little dark. She's coming around on the idea that its all meaningless and she's in a funk about it but also gets angry when someone tries to take it away from her. 

    A Dottie sighting but nothing concrete either way about her involvement. 

    UNO! I love that game, we used to play it at Christmas in the Before Times...

    I think I need to watch the Nexus commercial about 50 times to unpack everything. Wanda is a Nexus and can control or change reality (but side affects also include more depression).

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  15. 2 minutes ago, Avabelle said:

    Eeeek that ending!! 

    Elizabeth Olsen does a brilliant Julie Bowen as Claire Dunphy impression. The over gesturing was spot on. 

    My biggest question remains - where is that sword/beekeeper guy. Surely they haven’t forgotten about him?

    Yeah, all through it I was thinking I can see Claire Dunphy doing this exactly, she was awesome. 

    And eeep! I knew it! Ahhh. They really did a good job of building up the Twilight Zone vibes and tensions even in a modern innocuous mockumentary. I knew when Agnes busted in at exactly the right moment to save Wanda yet again that they were indeed going there and boy did they!

    I hope they go back to SWORD!Beekeeper he was such a big part of the early speculation between eps 1&2 and 3 it would be a shame if he was a never seen again early red herring that has just been absorbed into WestView. Hayward didn't seem concerned that they had missing personnel afterwards. 

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  16. 7 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

    I watched an interview with Emma Caulfield who plays Dottie and she said she had to audition for Kevin Feige. Which seems odd for a bit character. Feige having to approve her seems like Dottie is bigger then just a background player.

    I've seen spec that she could be Clea, a sorceress and love interest of Dr. Strange. Since this show is supposed to tie in with Dr. Strange 2. 

    Unless he personally auditioned everyone in this show. And I don't know maybe he is that much of a control freak. 

    I know he approves some of the more minor characters in the films, although probably not the absolute day players with a couple of lines.  

    I still think there's potentially more to Dottie. Her "husband" and the person she was in her first scene with (Beverly) were identified but they didn't have her making a pre talent show meeting appearance so we could cross her off (like we did with Herb after as suspicious scene in ep 3). There was something unsettling there beyond being a small town dictator in the 60s. Even if she turns out to be a red herring bit part, they wanted someone with menace and cheerfulness to keep us speculating, so I can see why Feige might have been involved. The cast is fairly small and the project both different and important to phase 4 so maybe most of them did. 

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  17. 4 hours ago, bethy said:

    I would like it if they didn’t make Hayward a stereo-typical white male middle aged government dude bad guy. They could do some really interesting things with him as a representative of what people have already been touching on - person left behind in the wake of Avenger fallout, overwhelmed, grieving, angry, now - three weeks later - having to deal with another global crisis in terms of billions of people suddenly reappearing plus another powered person wreaking havoc. I’d love to see some sort of nuance with his character.

    They could have done that, and I think it actually might have been more interesting if they had done the "no easy answer" thing. I do think they've gone past that though. A few potential twists notwithstanding in quick succession they had him: Not listen to any of Monica's first hand intel, "Others" Wanda painting a completely one sided picture that the audience knows isn't even half the story, is shown probably dissecting Vision, points a missile at Wanda without telling Monica, disregards any of her suggestions without listening AGAIN, says misogynistic things about Monica and Darcy - giving Woo the opportunity to showcase himself, crosses about a million lines with Monica's mother, throws them out, is found to be hiding things and his secret agenda is discovered by Darcy, is shown unmoved by Vision disintegrating and chains Darcy to a Jeep whilst leaving her and everyone else and saving himself. 

    This isn't "It's all Wanda" but there's a lot of hints that it isn't just her this is "this guy's an asshole, bigoted suit who thinks everyone is a threat or a weapon. 

    I do feel sympathetic to the idea that the Snap survivors must have been terrified, grief stricken and had to make some extremely touch questionable choices to survive and that has changed them and how they think and that there is a lot of resentment about those who just got blipped back to "safety" but that immediately got swallowed up in every other thing he said that was just nasty and personal.  

    Again it's possible he's trying to work for the greater good against whoever is controlling Wanda or something or another type of twist where it turns out he's more sympathetic in the end. But right now they're really pulling out all the stops on him and not just in a "protect everyone with bombs" way. 

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  18. They could very well bring colourism into it but since they didn't make it a big deal in S1 either in relationships or when Marina took over as the diamond from Daphne, I'm not entirely sure they would start to go in depth with it now. It would definitely be interesting though. 

    It wouldn't be the first time that film or TV has taken a very beautiful woman and made her a little less beautiful with make up, styling and posture. However, in most Pride and Prejudice adaptations Lizzie is just as pretty as Jane in a different way but Jane's more of a conventional girl. Edwina learns how to play the game immediately and "walk prettily, simper and mince" whilst Kate doesn't. And Kate's already decided that Marina will be the one to marry in London whilst she won't. That attitude can influence opinions. 

    That's all supposing they don't change it ala turning Daphne from friendzoned girl next door to Diamond and fall from grace. And before we see who is actually cast as Edwina and Mary. 

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    They changed her last name to Sharma. I was wondering if they were going to have Kate be mixed with her late mother being a woman of color while her father, Mary, and Edwina remain white. Not anymore! I wonder who they'll cast to play Edwina Sharma.

    They could always have just said Kate's father/grandfather changed his name from Sharma to Sheffield when he moved to England to try and fit in. But I'm absolutely fine with them changing it, I actually used to go to school with a lot of Sharmas, these days its not an uncommon name in the UK. 

    IIRC there was a the casting call asked for a biracial Anglo-Indian woman so that might be Edwina and Mary is white. Could be an interesting dynamic if they explore it. I saw her in Sex Education and I'm really excited, this has the makings of a great pairing. Can't wait to see the rest of the Sharmas! They were my favourite family in the book.

    4 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

    I’m sure they’ll downplay her looks somewhat when they style her but Kate is only considered plain when compared to Edwina. Anthony makes a note that Edwina’s overwhelming beauty unintentionally diminishes others around her and still finds Kate attractive at first meeting. 

    Yes Edwina was just so Helen of Troy beautiful that people dismissed or overlooked Kate as "the Incomparable's older sister". Kate herself thinks that whilst she doesn't expect to find a husband in London, she'll find someone in the local version of the Ton ala Pride and Prejudice. There's no real Cinderella moment in the books, although they might play that up in the series. Anthony thinks she's pretty, they keep having "love/hate" interactions and once they HAVE to marry he comes round to thinking she'll be the perfect wife almost immediately. The only snag being his trauma and fears over his father's death. 

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  20. For me it doesn't have to be an either/or situation. Wanda's either the new villain of the MCU or she's a hapless victim. There are a lot of ways both can be true. She does have a lot of control over the people in the Hex and obviously the control to expand it and change people and that's not right. But I believe her when she looked honestly lost or confused about other things even the stuff Pietro "complimented" her on. She likes the "shangri La" she has created for herself and is determined to hold on to it at all costs which is in turn hurting other people and she will have to repent and seek forgiveness and redemption for that. But that doesn't mean something else isn't also benefitting from it or manipulating her. That doesn't mean she should get off scot free either. 

    It's possible that one of the twists will be that Dick Hayward is right about Wanda (and my extension Ross is as well) and Monica, Darcy and Woo are wrong to feel some compassion for her grief and we'll get gone nutty outright villain Wanda in DSIMoM but I don't think so. 

    • Love 6
  21. 11 hours ago, Ottis said:

    Yawn. You know, if this were the first ep of this show, and we got all the important stuff from the prior 5 eps in 15 minutes, which is completely doable, it seems like one go-to move would be to have someone call, I don’t know, the Avengers? Probably at least one or two would be interested.

    Logic continues to be suspended in the service of writers trying to be clever. The show goes for emotional swings in the absence of any reasonable connection. 

    Isn't that the way of most MCU movies though, more Avengers could/should show up, especially Tony for something like the Fall of SHIELD or Aliens in Greenwich? Or everyone when Tony was "killed" by a terrorist? Or Captain Marvel in IW and Endgame? Honest Trailers among others had a running bit once where they make fun of it. 

    Hayward doesn't like powered people and doesn't seem like the kind of guy to hand over whatever he's doing to someone else. He's not sharing the intel he has with his group and might be doing something really hinky with Vision. Woo even said he was overstepping his authority. It's less about logic and more about the people involved. He fired the trio when they questioned him. 

    Not to mention that it's only been a few days and for some of that they were just monitoring the situation and also SWORD did call in for outside help to start with. Monica and Woo are now going to find this possible Marvel Cameo to help.

    I don't think this is for everyone and some will like it a lot better once they can binge watch but I personally can't imagine it starting with this or ep 4. I'm sure someone WILL edit it how you suggest at some point though. 

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  22. 1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

    Hayward is not only a dick, being needlessly dismissive of his colleagues and even throwing Monica's mothers death in her face (NOT COOL!) he is clearly a moron. Yeah, keep poking the super powered reality bending person who almost defeated Thanos with a stick, and see what happens. He also clearly has beef with people with powers, which I caught pretty much right away, down to the name SWORD. It presumably wasn't Maria's intention, but the name Sentient Weapon Observation and Response Division sounds super sinister, especially Hydra and the Accords mess. In general, people who refer to other people as "Weapons" do not turn out to have the best of intentions. 


    It could have changed from Worlds to Weapons after the Snap. One thing I caught after looking back at ep 4 was that he said half the remaining Astronaut program quit after the Snap because they lost their nerve which is what he accuses Monica of doing here. Might be nothing but he could have been forcing the non nukey people out of SWORD for a while now. 

    The thing is Monica was at no point in that particular conversation advocating holding hands and singing kumbaya with Wanda, just that she thought it was a good idea not to go in there with guns blazing without doing some more observation. Making Wanda part of the solution doesn't mean she gets of scot free. Granted, Hayward might already be gaining other intelligence with Pietro. Literally all she and Darcy said was lets not try and do exactly the same thing again that almost got you murdered by your own squad again. So yep he is a moron.

    The fact that Monica has gone through so much in the last three weeks and is still functioning and trying to find a sensible and successful way out is a credit to her. And she has shown a lot of compassion for Wanda's grief which Hayward dismisses but is actually intelligence that SWORD could be using to formulate a plan that doesn't end with the entire town dead and Wanda alive and pissed off. He doesn't seem to care about any of the innocent civilians in there, even though they were his excuse before. 

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  23. Maybe the commercial is supposed to represent that no matter how much you use yo magic! The people who are dead stay dead, it's not a real source of god like power? It was creepy. The Shark is temptation and false promises?

    Also Agnes seemed like she was fully aware last episode like Herb was and this one she wasn't until Vision touched her. 

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