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Posts posted by Featherhat

  1. 15 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Maybe because I'm not a comics fan, but I'm ok with this change, mostly because they've basically confirmed, through Barry in 4x01, that the Tornado Twins will be on the show eventually ("we're gonna need more diapers") so having Jessica Parker Kennedy and Jordan Fisher already cast for that inevitable time when the twins show up works better than casting an entirely new male character. 

    Jordan also tweeted out that he can't wait to meet the cast/start his arc, along with the articles saying that he will first appear in the 150th episode so that's already confirmed.

    According to Wikipedia, the math is actually correct. 7x01 was episode 134, so 7x17 will be 150, because season 4 actually had 23 episodes.

    I hope that they'll make Bart and Nora twins. Although I can see them pulling an Arrow and having Bart be the Nora replacement until something changes the universe again and there she is in the finale season. I'd really like to see more of JPK as a better version of Nora, that's my big thing. 

    Having the twins be "Bart and Nora" is a little uneven. They name their daughter after Barry's mother but their son after Barry himself not Henry or Joe. 

    I kind of assume there will be some re-treading of the Nora story, maybe with Bart having a problem with Barry instead of Nora having a problem with Iris. The show does like to repeat certain plot points and it's an easy way to have angst and drama. 


  2. Hmm. I'm not surprised they brought Bart Allen in but I'm a little surprised they're making him a WA son and not grandson. I thought they might go with the twins because that doubles the chance for drama and high jinks. 

    I wonder if this means we're completely losing Nora or there's still potential to bring her back as they hinted at one point? It will be kind of annoying if the boy doesn't get wiped out but the girl does and never returns. Although obviously it would be devastating for WA to see another future child disintegrate. It's baby Sara on a bigger scale although Arrow *eventually* put that right 4 seasons later. And I love JPK even though Nora herself ended up a frustrating character. Guess we'll wait and see. 

    • Love 2
  3. 4 hours ago, lemotomato said:

    Clé Bennett, who played The Mayor in 2x04, is Lemar Hoskins/Battlestar in "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier"


    He so often pops up in shows filmed in Vancouver/Toronto, so it's nice to see him getting a more high profile role. 

    • Love 2
  4. 2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    The more I learn about Teddy, the worse she gets.

    Why is the show determined to shove her down my throat as a good person?

    My experience of this ep wasn't helped at all by being in the middle of a S6 rewatch and the ridiculousness of Teddy both in theory and in execution. Her love life has always been a juvenile mess so making her somewhat understandable PTSD all about her relationships and excusing everything just makes it worse. Especially when they're pushing the feel sorry for her, she's a good person narrative. 

    Grey's and Shondaland in general has many, many relationships that started off in a mess, sometimes with cheating but she's one of the only characters in Grey's who's *never* had an understandable, rootable relationship, except maybe Scott Foley, so it just makes it even worse the "the love of her life" is a retconned at the last minute WTF that doesn't make any sense and is an adulterous relationship as well. And then she named her daughter after her. 

    Kim Raver has been good in other stuff but Teddy has alternately annoyed or bored me since "New History" and that awful "I love him and only I understand him but can't be with him due to his PTSD, oh wait I'll scream inappropriately at his girlfriend that I want him then tell on her to him" BS. Owen has been a mess of a character for the same amount of time but at the very least he started off promisingly. 

    • Love 8
  5. 16 hours ago, funnygirl said:


    The Teddy/Allison retcon with Teddy being bi and Allison being her great love is still so annoying. (disclaimer: being bi is not annoying) Talk about making sh*t up in the 11th hour (last season?) for a storyline. Teddy first came on the scene in season 6 in love with Owen from back in their army days, and then came Henry who she was married to for 2.5 seconds but still that relationship was profound. Whatever. Worst part of it all is Teddy having the gall to name her and Owen's daughter after her gReAT lOvE without telling him the true nature of that relationship. And I don't even care for Owen and the bucket of bullsh*t he's served throughout his time on the show, but what Teddy did was foul. Those two really do deserve each other.  

    This episode is an attempt to emotionally manipulate the viewers to feel bad for Teddy after her string of crappy decisions. It's a NO for me. The promo for next week was the best part. (!!!!!)

    I think you *can* do an 11th Hour "Bi the way" but it's difficult to pull off naturally without feeling like it's something the writers threw in because they were running out of ideas and this is definitely the latter. 

    Back in the day I thought Callie's was up and down in terms of writing quality but this is on a different level. It's way down in the basement. And apart from anything else, this "great love" is based on a secret, cheating relationship. Now granted Teddy never set a high bar with relationships given that she came in to SGMW in a wacked out love triangle trading Cristina teaching for Owen and then fell in love with a guy she married for insurance. But this is poor even with that in mind. 

    I guess it's one step up from "is this because I'm a Lesbian?" at least. 


    • Love 7
  6. 7 hours ago, Chaser said:

    I thought it was a photo series being auctioned off for a women’s charity at first. But it’s not right? She’s selling nude artwork of herself for herself? No judgment, just not something I would have expected. 

    I had a look and she says "A portion of proceeds will benefit the Women’s Global Empowerment Fund which offers programs that help reduce poverty and the marginalization of women and their families." 


    Which, good for her but that type of wording usually means the lion's share is profit for her or the photographers and she wants to make some money after a year of not working. Which is understandable. 





  7. 2 hours ago, tv echo said:

    KC tweeted about this auction as well...

    ‘Arrow’ actress Katie Cassidy auctioning off digital nude art for $18K
    By Emily SmithMarch 19, 2021


    I mean you do you, really. But I don't really know how you "look inward" by getting naked and selling the photos for $18,000. 

    It's been a difficult year and if this is rewarding for her that's great but that's a lot of word salad for these pictures. 

  8. IIRC the 17 hour days weren't about Shonda punishing her but were about the show trying to accommodate her movie schedule. So it was claimed she was bitching about something that was allegedly done for her benefit. 

    Being the only one to publicly withdraw from Emmy consideration when the writing was god-awful for everyone that season. 

    I think it was the fact that there appeared to be a series of incidents within the space of about 3 years where KH *appeared* to be very ungrateful and very willing to bite the hand that feeds her in search of bigger opportunities including things like signing for a huge raise then bailing on the show at the last minute - even if there were personal family problems involved. It wasn't just the media deciding she was to uppity and honest. Although there was a strain of that in there for sure.  

    I agree with her comments on Knocked Up but she didn't help her case by signing on to several rom coms with just as misogynistic or worse premises, even when she had more control over the scripts she was able to chose. 

    According to Vulture it also didn't help her case that she was picking rom-com roles where an actress's bankability is often heavily tied to her perceived likability, rather than go for other roles where her character was supposed to be "bitchier". Meg Ryan vs Angelina Jolie types. 

    And none of her comments would matter to the powers that be if she had kept being able to open rom coms or other movies in the way she did with 27 Dresses et al. https://www.vulture.com/2012/01/star-market-revisited-is-it-over-for-katherine-heigl.html

    I certainly think Shonda was a toxic boss at that time and is probably still very petty and grudge holding and some of KH's demonization was OTT but it wasn't all made up by the media for the purposes of tearing her down. 

    As for why she's still perceived as she was 10 years ago by many, even though she has apologised and grown? 

    Because she hasn't really had a stratospheric comeback role in the same way Grey's originally was for Patrick, even though Firefly Lane has done well. Most people simply aren't as interested in her as they were when all the drama was going on. So they don't see or ignore things. Or think it's only because she's not a movie star 10 years on. 

    Then there's this cover when she left, which is a lot of people's impression of her "I'm sorry" and comes across as a parody. 



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  9. I don't really see the point of April returning unless they're starting to wrap things up for the show. There aren't even that many characters she was close to around any more. 

    Her exit in S14 was awful but what's the point in her returning to say yep she's fine and made the right decision and randomly give Jackson advice about whatever and leave again. 

    Even when Burke came back there was no sudden romantic reunion but he was there to wrap up Cristina's storyline and provide an exit. 


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  10. 21 hours ago, tv echo said:

    I don't know which is worse better - the front shot or the back shot of SA and AL...


    I don't know, I don't find either flattering to SA to be honest but the spade on his ass just looks hilarious (in a bad way). But then I find most wrestling costumes hilarious and speedos awful so I'm probably the wrong audience. I preferred the girls in GLOW. 

    • LOL 1
  11. I'm looking forward to this, I'm definitely interested in getting to know more about Sam as I've loved him since his exasperation with "On your left". He and Bucky dealing with the legacy of Cap as a person and a symbol and learning to deal with each other should be great. It will be more traditional MCU and more traditional political/action/identity thriller than WandaVision (which I absolutely adored) but that's okay, there's room for a lot of different projects with "everyone gets a D+ Series". 

    The one thing I'm slightly weary of is the potential retconning of a couple of my favourite MCU secondary characters if rumours are anything to go by, but I'll just wait and see. 

    • Love 3
  12. Heh, got to love Esquire being "dude, that was us! It was an Esquire video you starting this internet breaking trolling!" 

    I really like all the interviews focusing on what an insane journey he's had in the MCU. 

    And I love the fact that that line came out of a discussion that the scene wasn't working. 

    • Love 2
  13. 3 hours ago, paigow said:

    Loki is dead...redeemed himself by saving Asgard...So a hit squad should be sent to erase him from all time branches and multiverses? By that rationale, Gamora!2012 should also be marked for eradication...

    Well hunting people down throughout the timelines often ends very badly, even when they have done something terrible in all of them, so that's probably not a good idea. 

    It's up to the people in each timeline to try and stop their Loki from doing whatever he's up to. Loki2012 is freshly post Avengers and hasn't sacrificed his life to try and stop Thanos and continued to deliberately cause chaos until his death, so I'm not surprised the TVA is after him. He probably will spend time trying to escape them and his consequences and possible redemption won't be being incarcerated and then wiped from existence for his crimes by any kind of "authority".  

    Gamora was already working against Thanos pre GOTG, albeit secretly but there were certainly people who didn't care about that and just wanted to murder her in the Kiln. 

    • Love 2
  14. 46 minutes ago, Minneapple said:

    But then what's the difference between the superheroes and the villains? In fact Wanda is the villain of Westview, not Agatha. I understand that she has suffered enormous grief and loss, and that's basically been her whole life, but she held people hostage for months and used them to do her bidding.

    I will say I got quite emotional over this episode, and I do feel for Wanda, but yes...they do hate you, Wanda. She created this mess and then just gets to walk away from it.

    I have no problem with the residents of WV viewing Wanda as a villain. She spent 10 - 12 days in their heads, controlling them. I also did like Monica being an extraordinary person and showing Wanda grace after also being victimised. 

    However Wanda did lay out the difference between her and Agnes, and to an extent Hayward. She didn't want power or weapons or to deliberately hurt anyone. 

    Yes she should have pulled the trigger on the Hex much sooner but she did eventually do that, which makes her different than Agnes. 

    I don't think everything is going to be hunky dory for her from here on out but I'm also okay that she wasn't tranqued and hauled away. Especially because none one else has been and in certain cases like Bucky at least one family of the victims (Tony) really didn't accept it wasn't his fault and the narrative in Cap told us he was wrong. 

    • Love 11
  15. 37 minutes ago, swanpride said:

    And I also can't really get behind the fact that after a season which was basically Wanda's trauma tango, we end with piling EVEN MORE trauma onto her, and she being AGAIN utterly alone to deal with it. After everything which happened I wanted someone at Wanda's side to help her. I mean, it is nice that Monica understands, but that doesn't change the fact that she isn't with Wanda to help her. And Wanda needs help, desperately. Her trauma isn't just gone because she confronted it, she still has a lot of healing to do. Never mind the new trauma of losing her f... children. Just...give her a break, please?


    I'm Okay with that for now...It would have been great if she had ended up in Kamar-Taj getting support or with a Monica recommended therapist or even Darcy (assuming Monica is going to be busy elsewhere). But given that in many corners of the internet there are a lot of people variously outraged that Wanda didn't either turn both evil and mad or get hauled off and that Hayward was 100% right, I'm settling for the fact that she's not got a magic suppressing collar on in some SWORD oubliette somewhere. 

    In the original plan it wouldn't have been that long between this and Doctor Strange 2. Which cannot come fast enough.

    • Love 9
  16. My only real "I wish it had gone somewhere" niggle would be the "think of the children" creepy chant, which really did seem to be put there to encourage Wanda to say it with Vision and get pregnant. That seemed entirely pointed even beyond the usual "raise money for the school" sitcom trope. I guess it shows that even when the Vision of her perfect life was at it's strongest with her getting pregnant, it couldn't help but come out wrong because the situation was wrong. 

    At one point I was very on the train that everyone would be connected or explained like Woo's guy, the delivery guy, Dottie, a bigger reveal for Ralph, Strange, Mephisto etc but especially after ep 8 where it didn't go bigger on the "Usual MCU" stuff but instead treated us to a visual look at Wanda's psyche I knew a lot of it was just red herring or Mcguffin to get people to the right place. Woo's guy was just to explain why a random FBI guy from SF would be in suburban NJ. TP was the one who really fanned a lot of expectations over "her guy" but she was probably excited for people to see her get powers that ep. 

    ETA: I wonder if Covid played a part in Darcy not saying an onscreen goodbye? Like KD couldn't get down there for a final scene or was booked somewhere else. 

    I would have liked to see more Monica but they did give her the one on one with Wanda at the end. She was the only one apart from Vision and Agatha to get one. 

    • Love 4
  17. 1 hour ago, Kromm said:

    I'm VERY conflicted here. 

    I get the argument a lot of people make that she "paid" via losing her family, but... that's not real life and real justice. It's a filter of emotion placed over it. 

    I will say that they DID properly justify her leaving. She's too dangerous to simply be locked up. She realized this herself and I think, unspoken, they made it clear this was her motive. Well that and the post credits made it clear she intends to bring the kids back. But she also realized if she didn't learn as much as possible, she'd be what everyone feared. 

    I think they're going to have to balance the scales eventually by having her save the multiverse. She's CLEARLY back to being a fugitive, and she's never going to formally be on an Avengers team again until she does something massive to balance this out.  Again, that's not how the real world works, but it can be explained as her receiving a pardon eventually for services rendered. 

    As I've said before if we're talking realistic then half the Avengers would be in prison, even beyond the Sokovia Accords or have their asses sued off for emotional distress. No one in this universe or any other actually faces legal justice. Sarah and Real! Mrs Hart were never going to have their day in court. 

    Even Loki was in prison for about a year and it didn't do anything to change his mind or make him less dangerous. After that he continued to betray, mind rape and get people killed for his own benefit, and actual jokes are made about his status on Earth in Thor Ragnarok and it's Strange who is "monitoring" the situation not SWORD or Fury and that is also played for laughs. His new show picks up even before his prison spell in The Dark World. His consequences aren't surrendering himself to "real justice" and neither are Clint's or Bucky's. Tony deliberately provoked and caused chaos in both IM2 and 3 and even though he  clearly didn't mean for it to happen, people died because of him, just as they did because of Bruce etc. And let's not talk about Steve's "lalala it's okay don't think about it, Peggy's still awesome not just a trophy" happy ending. 

    She's a fugitive and she's not gotten off scot free with a hug and cookie. If she had surrendered herself to Monica she would just be broken or let out of prison in DS2. She's somewhere where she can't hurt anyone and can't be used by a Hayward (although being manipulated by something else is still on the table for DS2.) Learning to control her powers so she doesn't do this again.

    The consequences of her actions will follow her into her next outings, I feel sure of that and that will continue to be more painful than being locked up in The Raft. A mental hospital couldn't help her. I think she will make some sort of amends beyond her sacrifice here but again it's not going to be surrendering herself to WestView police for a trial. 



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  18. If anyone wants to hear the clip of KC talking about her first words to Stephen: 


    Girl is dead serious. I think Stephen can be a huge asshole and doesn't need defending. But it just seems completely the wrong way to start a new job with anyone even as opposed to "lets not fuck this up together, okay!"

    I have zero problem with someone trying to set expectations and boundaries for how they expect to be treated but this isn't it. 

  19. I don't think it would have shown Wanda in a negative, let alone villainous light. I don't know why it wasn't included but I don't think it was for that reason Josh Wilding. 

    Tony deserves a lot of tributes, but so does everyone else who died trying to defeat Thanos and it's not surprising that Wanda in her initial grief would be yelling that, especially since one of the last things she remembers is having to kill him herself. 

    I get why Tony was the focus of the Endgame funeral both in universe and on a meta level and of FFH since he was Peter's surrogate father figure and Happy was in the movie. I assume the other TV shows like this one will focus on other characters ( at least hopefully Nat in Hawkeye please!) 

    • Love 4
  20. 48 minutes ago, cambridgeguy said:

    Yeah,that could be interesting but isn't worth the hassle.  The outcry would be that of course it's a female who can't handle the emotional turmoil and becomes evil - what a bunch of sexist pigs.  Meanwhile Hawkeye goes on a murderous rampage but gets that wrapped up in about 5 minutes of screen time, plus he's still a hero who gets his family back.  Cap heading back to live his life out with some alternate Peggy is an uplifting ending to his story (I guess moving on only applies to the ladies, right?), etc.

    Yup I would be annoyed. Seriously. 

    I think EO would do a great job as a villainous or antagonist Wanda but I would be annoyed if the premise of this show is "Wanda goes crazy with grief over losing Vision several times and her kids and decides to go out right villain and deliberately try to kill/hurt people with her dark magic powers". It was a tired cliche when Whedon did it with Willow 20 years ago and it has only become more so. Meanwhile Clint has his family back and is training his replacement. 

    Or Loki is on chance 1007 and chronologically just after trying to enslave the Earth and whilst he's probably not going to be a "good guy" he will probably be the charming anti hero. Both will probably face challenges and maybe the consequences of their actions but it doesn't seem like either are getting a villain edit either. 

    I think there are a lot of interesting places they can take Wanda, including further grey spaces like some of this show without her turning villain then getting a quick redemption story. 

    • Love 6
  21. Well I'm going meta and declaring that they twins are some version of "real" because Marvel is very clearly setting up Young Avengers. What happens to them in between now and then could be anything though and very tragic. Nor do I think they're just going to be random kids Wanda kidnapped, the "for the children" and Wanda being pregnant right after she and Vision said it together points to their children in some form. 

    I'm really not sure Wanda is going to spend DS2/Phase 4 as a villain. It's certainly possible if she loses everything again but this show has been moving her through the 5 stages of grief and we've already seen her unleash her pain and anguish on Westview, albeit accidentally at first. 

    I suppose she could embrace her destiny as The Scarlet Witch and go off with Agatha on a multiverse rampage causing trouble for Strange and Wong but I don't get the sense that's where they're going with her. I could be wrong though. 

    • Love 3
  22. Even if this show ends with Wanda voluntarily being locked away in the Raft or secure mental health facility she won't be there long before someone lets or breaks her out because they need her. We're not going to get a 10 years later card. 

    Tony's support of the Sokovia Accords comes from his own guilt and HIM deciding he/they need oversight, not from accepting due process, he could very well have gone the other way if his life had been less of a shit show at the time. And obviously Steve who was the one more involved in the Crossbones catastrophe completely rejects and goes on the run from. No one seems that concerned about collateral damage caused on Civil War after the fact, it's all about the fact that the team broke up and the emotions. 

    Tony's other consequences are his own demons, mistakes and former lifestyle coming back to haunt him in a way that continually gets normal people hurt of killed in a way that would certainly get him locked up in real life. Apart from the Accords he actively makes fun of any official trying to reign him in. Which he apparently inherits from his Dad going by Agent Carter. 

    Clint seems to be training his own replacement and what consequences he suffers for being judge, jury and executioner won't be prison or a secure mental health unit. 

    2012 Loki might well be facing consequences but I doubt it involves returning to Earth and saying he's sorry for the thousands he killed and millions of lives he otherwise destroyed and accepting his sentence. 

    In AMTTW Scott's official punishment is treated as an inconvenience by everyone including the narrative. His real consequences are about Hank and Hope feeling betrayed. Ghost literally gets a hug (I mean I actually really loved that part). 

    Thor somewhat understandably has a pity party and break down but he abandons his people and it's Val who has to step up to lead them and Thor gets a hug from his Mum and new adventures. 

    Bucky is a complex case but there are a lot of people who wouldn't accept "I was brainwashed" as an excuse and he has at least half the Avengers in his corner. We're about to see his consequences and they're not "get put in a secure facility for life".  More like "learn to work and fight alongside the guy who replaced me and have couples therapy" among other things. 

    Nat with her Red Ledger has never seemed to consider turning herself in for anything (not that anyone would ever let her) and sees working with SHIELD and then The Avengers as a way to make things right. 

    What happened to the innocent by standers in Westview was awful and I don't think it's going to end with Wanda getting off scot free and at peace with everything but there are a lot of characters who have expressed varying degrees of remorse for what happens to innocent by standers or people they deliberate hurt/didn't care what happened to them and none of them where hauled away by SWORD or whoever at least for very long and when they were it was a plot point not a "justice has been done" moment. 

    I would still like this to end with Wanda going to Kamar Taj with people who know grief and can help her learn to control her powers and it's a place where she can't hurt any innocents either maliciously or accidentally. 

    Even an entire Damage Control and In Treatment combo show couldn't deal with the real life stuff people in the MCU go through. 

    12 hours ago, Crs97 said:

    True, but I was also thinking about the scientist who said miniaturizing the arc reactor was impossible.  “Tony Stark was able to build it in a cave!  Using spare parts!”  “I’m not Tony Stark.”

    "Tony Stark! In a Cave! With a Box of Scraps!" is still my favourite MCU line. I have no idea why, I think it's just the way Jeff Bridges delivers it. 

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  23. 28 minutes ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

    As an admitted Wanda stan, I'm just tired of watching her get kicked repeatedly. I don't know what consequences could be worse than anything that's already happened to her.

    Yeah, that's what I was trying to get at. At this point having her sit in a padded cell or worse The Raft under SWORD or Ross's "care" doesn't seem like the right thing, could make things even worse and won't make what happened to the WV residents any better and no one can punish Wanda as much as she's going to punish herself over this. 


    10 minutes ago, arc said:

    I said earlier that it was a delight to see the 1950s set in color, but on further thought it was also a giant mindfuck that it is a set. If I wanted to turn my life into a sitcom Wanda-style, I might recreate a sitcom house’s style and act like my favorite show, but there’s a huge difference between wanting to live out being in a fictional show and wanting to live out making a show. For all the answers we got in this episode, one of the big remaining ones is why was it a full on show, with title sequences and credits and editing and a laugh track/in-studio audience?

    One of the things that Wanda seemed unaware of (like creating the Hex in the first place) was the broadcast, she certainly didn't seem in the right frame of mind to edit things like Dottie/Woo on the spot, so I am curious if they're going to be explaining this or if it's been answered with "well sitcoms were part of her trauma and coping so she literally created one" deal. You would think if the sets were "real" at the time they would have been a bug not a feature in her fantasy life as a reminder of just what was happening. 

    I could see the broadcast as a sub conscious cry for help but I wonder if something else was manipulating it.

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