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Posts posted by Featherhat

  1. 34 minutes ago, Lebanna said:

    I feel like I should mention that shows like ‘El ministerio del tiempo’ or its American ripoff ‘Timeless’, or ‘The Department of Temporal Investigations’ in Star Trek, the original Time Lords of Doctor Who or the Philip K. Dick story/movie ‘The Adjustment Bureau’ or ‘Time Cop’ or Terry Pratchett’s ‘History Monks’ (AKA The Men in Saffron) among so many other… variants… all cover a lot of this same premise, of a dictatorial official authority deciding what is and isn’t history and then making it happen/unhappen. 

    These stories usually end with the top members of the authority deciding to (mostly) liberate the universe from such an iron fisted control of time, or the underlings going to war with the authority for humanity’s freedom, or the authority at least allowing some serious discrepancies to slide.

    I also thought of PTerry's Auditors of Reality. I think the TVA will get pretty dark, the seem to have nothing particularly positive about them beyond what they claim is The Sacred Timeline, they're literally police, judge, jury and executioners. Or their masters are. 


    46 minutes ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

    Now that you mention it, Wanda created an entire pocket universe of sorts in Westview. It's not time travel, but it is one of those things that interferes with a whole bunch of other stuff depending on who lives within the borders of something like the Hex.

    About the Loki variant - he's either looking for something or he's time-skipping for his own enjoyment, because they gave the year as 1549 when Mobius was at the church in France, and then it was 1858 in the scene set in Oklahoma. We know that Thor is something like fourteen hundred years old, and even if Loki isn't technically an Asgardian due to being adopted, he must be only a bit younger. There's a chance that Variant Loki is just be-bopping his way through time for the hell of it, but he also might be plotting something, because why not?

    I guess that any other thing can now be handwaved as "supposed to happen" including Wanda's grief creating the Hex and a new Vision being out and about and Gamora comes under "Avengers were supposed to do this". How that pertains to DSMOM and the chaos that will definitely cause is another matter. It's not alternative timelines but different realities and dimensions coming in to play seems like it could cause a multiverse war. Of course the TVA might have gone bye bye like the Time Lords/Time Masters etc by then. 

    • Love 2
  2. Giant Space Lizards really do rule the world! The universe even, I knew it!

    I enjoyed it. Even though I've been watching Doctor Who since I was a kid Timey Wimey stuff still makes my head hurt so I'm trying to go with it. "The Sacred Timeline" and "The Avengers were always supposed to do what they did." Well that's one way of justifying the mess that was the time travel in Endgame.

    So I guess they've made the multiverse and different dimensions a completely separate concept to alternate timelines in the MCU. Got it. It varies in sci-fi. 

    It's always nice to see Gugu M-R she's a fantastic actress. I liked Owen Wilson here although he's often hit and miss or me. 

    I liked the 70s vibe of the TVA. 

    They get a lot of Infinity Stones and some guys use them as paper weights. I guess we've seen that they do cause a lot of split timelines. 

    Loki was DB Cooper because he lost a bet to Thor, that makes sense in Thor's less responsible douche bro days. That was a fun sequence. 

    The MCU continues to use Thor:TDW better in flashbacks and reimaginings than they did the actual film (and I'm one of the crazy ones that doesn't hate it). It was poignant to see Loki get told he was the reason Frigga was murdered. 

    Also quite dark was the fact that Mobius told him that his purpose was to cause pain and chaos so others could become their best selves. Hmm, I don't like the seeming 100% absence of freewill in this scenario but I suppose the whole series is going to explore free will verse "destined" and how much free will any of us have anyway. And it's a bleak thing for Loki to be told. 

    Loki crying at his dead parents was quite effective despite all the continuous BS he put them and Thor through and it was nice to see Thor's love for him in the "This is Your Life" reel. And then seeing his own death...but he knew he was going to die for standing up to Thanos and still did it. But this Loki can't possibly know that. That or he didn't realise declaring himself "Odinson" was a neon flashing light of his intentions. 

    Not entirely sure he didn't enjoy hurting people but it makes sense that it was more about control than actual just getting off on it sadism, although things like Coulson and setting people on fire does leave a lot of debate about that. 

    I expected the twist at the end but I'm interested to see how it plays out. 

    • Love 17
  3. Jumping in to this thread really late, I've just watched the first three episodes of this and it's.....interesting. Not as goofy and campy as I wanted it to be given the premise and it's dragging a bit in the 3rd ep with a hell of a lot of talking and hanging around but not in an interesting way. I like the nuns with speaking parts okay and the Father who's helping them but Ava's still a bit of a cipher to me, despite having *aaallllll* the tragic backstory. I kind of resent spending so much time with her new "outlaw" beautiful people friends. She didn't even question why she was walking much. And I really don't love her VO. 

    I haven read any spoilers but are the tech company and the Cardinal going to be together? It's either an evil tech company or evil high up Vatican guy in these things. Or both as I said. 

    Of course their headquarters is a dimly lit old church with a million votive candles!

    I might as well keep watching


  4. 10 hours ago, Trini said:

    I want to say yes; but I can't think of a specific instance. We need more Iris/Cecile scenes.

    ??? What is this referring to? There's never been anything like that on this show.

    That still doesn't make Iris his "sister", though. Barry and Iris already had a best friends relationship before (and after) he came to live in the West home. The fact that they're unrelated let's them choose the dynamic of their relationship. People also forget that he and Joe weren't even close until the events of Season 1.

    I was referring to Lauriver on Arrow. They'd already had their other big comic canon OTP crash so hard they needed to restart with a completely new relationship because a lot of people couldn't get passed the sister swapping. Why add a weird wrinkle to their new relationship? 

    I think having Joe as his guardian for over a decade and THEN pushing so hard on Barry/Joe father-son dynamic in the back half of S1 through a lot of S2 and beyond which is a lot of what people remember when thinking about them, does just make some people raise an eyebrow, even if you accept that best friends/baby love overruled being raised together from puberty.  It's not a big deal at this point but it was a needless detail is what I'm getting at. 

    I like WA and I think they have chemistry which overcomes a lot of the poor writing choices and I love JPK as their daughter and hope to enjoy their son. 

  5. I have never seen WestAllen as actual incest but I will always see it as a weird wrinkle that the show didn't actually need to go with. Especially as their sister swapping relationship had already crashed and burned hard. It wasn't just the Barry/Iris growing up together from 11 it was the fact that Joe saw Barry as a son and they leaned *hard* on that relationship, more so than Joe/Iris in S1. It wasn't just Joe calling a younger man "son" he full on paternal and Joe almost certainly being his legal guardian is more than that as well. They could have avoided the issue all together if they had made Barry bounce around the foster care system whilst saying close to the Wests as his only constant. 

    Then they continue to do with things with Nora speedforce the mother/daughter/lover thing that makes no sense and just makes things a little eyebrow raising. 

    • Love 1
  6. 39 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

    So Meredith had no other reaction to hearing about Andrew’s death than “he will be fine”? I know she had the beach vision, but I expected her to care a little bit. 

    Mer does have some um.. low key reactions to death and tragedy sometimes. Rewatching S5 I saw the scene where she tells Derek "bad day all around I guess" to him admitting his Dad had been murdered. Her reaction to her mother's death when they had met in Mergatory ala the beach was pretty muted as well, although there was a lot of stuff under the surface next season.


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  7. On 5/12/2021 at 10:00 PM, Shellie said:

    Does anyone know why they are showing two episodes from season 2 tomorrow?

    The bomb/Superbowl eps... Awesome and the highest rated episodes ever and IMHO the beginning of the descent into "the next big, shocking melodrama event" that has plagued the show. 

    There have already been other things exploding or nearly exploding since then and only 3 cast members still around from S2 and if they want people to compare the emotional pay off to something that's going to happen in a couple of weeks, that seems foolish of them because this was GA at the top of their game. 

    Maybe they're just banking on nostalgia to get people to tune in? 

    • Love 2
  8. There's a quote I'm looking for but can't remember the ep. It's season 4 and Constantine is telling Sara that Nora is no good for Ray who's going to get his heart broken and Sara replies with something like "Ray's been doing this a long time now". It's been bugging me but I can't find it. Does anyone know which ep it is? Thanks. 

  9. 22 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

    McIrish's kids and Tucker are a good five-ten years older than Mer's kids/Sofia/Alex's twins, right? Didn't Izzie have a daughter once upon a time? Mark Sloan's grandson?

    Sloan III was born in S6 and is a year older than his Auntie Sofia although like Izzie's daughter Hannah/Sarah he was adopted. Izzie's daughter was 11? in S2 so could be a resident now. 1-3 were all the same year and S4-5 were one year since Lexie became a resident the first ep of S6 so all the babies are or were closer together than the seasons. *Headache*

    If any of the writers actually remember S3 now there's also a cousin that's already appeared on the show as a baby: Laura Grey-Thompson. 

    • Useful 2
  10. Fair enough SO, I can understand that. I do remember there were rumours that she would come back provided it was definitely the finale but either that changed or it was literally just fan rumours. And she's got a lot of projects to juggle.

    So I guess Calzona it is then for biggest nostalgic guest stars next season.

    I think S19 would survive one its own, partly due to lack of other options for ABC, although there's no doubt that the network loves the synergy opportunities or whatever it's called now. 

    A little like how Private Practice basically survived it's last couple of seasons because it was the only drama that held any of the GA audience at 10pm on Thursdays and ABC had tried to launch about 10 failed shows behind it. 

    I really wouldn't be surprised if they had tossed around the idea of a next gen spin off or at least a flash forward episode just like the AU and past eps. Or an ending scene with Zola or Ellis's first day as an intern with Tuck as her resident. Full circle. 

    • Love 1
  11. I'm not surprised but I really hope they announce it as the last season. I've said that before though and here were are. This time next year they'll give it a 2 season renewal to bring it up to 20 years. 😉

    On the one hand it does deserve to have a wrap up season and plan accordingly but OTOH I wouldn't have been upset if it had ended this year. They're losing cast, EP seems like she's just waiting it out now and I really can't imagine them going on for another 3-4 years. Again that's been said many times. 

    I mean Teddy and Owen round 506? Nope. Mer/McWidower/Jo, no thanks. Bailey/Ben job, health and relationship issues part 1001, pass. Linc/Amelia are surprisingly good but go on for longer than a season and that will get blown to smithereens. Maggie/Winston are fine I guess. 

    If it they know its the last season then they probably will try and get Sandra Oh and maybe JCap and SaRa back I guess but everyone else has been paraded through already. 

    • Love 3
  12. 3 hours ago, LexieLily said:

    It really does feel like the show is ending and they are winding down storylines. MerDer got their actual wedding on the beach, Slexie got their happy ever after in the afterlife and now there is the implication that Japril will end up together once they settle in Boston. Amelia is happy with Link. Maggie is with Winston. Ben/Bailey are together. What else is there to settle except who is going to run the plastics department now?

    I agree but I also think they'll give Grey's a finale season since it's been on the air nearly 20 years, not a suddenly announced finale in a few weeks. Maybe they could do 10-13 eps?

     I suppose the only big guest star to get back would be Sandra Oh to reaffirm Cris and Mer forever but all the other relationships (including between dead people!) seem tied up and cast are exiting. Unless potential Mer/Hayes or Jo/Hayes are supposed to be interesting. 

    I liked April listing all the reasons that rushed marriage to Matthew was such a terrible idea straight out of fan complaints. 

    • Love 12
  13. 16 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

    Personally, I thought the dress was ugly, and it definitely didn't look like Meredith's style at all.  

    Most of the other stuff I just handwave, because it's a fictional show after all.  I'm not familiar with the laws of the state of Washington at the time, or if the show even exists in the "real world" such that the actual laws of the state would apply to these characters.  But something tangible like clothes is obvious to me.  

    It just really bugs me that it magically fit perfectly!  No mention of alterations, or even time to make them... silly nit pick, I know, but it bothers me. 😂

    I didn't really like the dress but they made a point to say that Mer found the right dress for her after a day of grumpily trying them on. The rest of the time they barely pretended it wasn't going to be Izzie's wedding.

    I get the nitpicking, it's just that they didn't care at all about the practicalities of any of it including the obvious size difference in actresses which had even been brought up on the show itself before. 

    It's a minor miracle that they actually mentioned Alex's family not being at the wedding due to the switcheroo when his brother came to town. 

    • Love 1
  14. 3 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

    OK, for some reason I started rewatching again from the beginning (when it was really good!) and I'm up to season 6 again...  I have a real pet peeve, which I think I've always had:

    How did Meredith and Derek just give their wedding to Izzy and Alex?  Forget the fact that they would need a marriage license and the other paperwork, what always bothered me is that those pairs of people are not even remotely the same size.  There is no way that Meredith's dress would fit Izzy (and vice versa for Izzy's bridesmaid's dress on Meredith), nor would Derek's tux fit Alex.  Yet... there they were.  Ugh.

    That's the magic of clothes on TV, they always become the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants. The anvils flying about the switch before it happened were pretty huge and then a few episodes later Izzie was gone for good. But they did actually make a big deal about Meredith finding a good dress for her personally, even though it was still huge and white.

    At least in Katherine Heigl's 27 Dresses she made sure to tell a bride "thank goodness we're the same size!" (Why do I remember that?). But KH and EP are completely different shapes and sizes.

    I remember there was discussion that maybe the church wedding wasn't actually legal and they filled the paperwork later at the hospital with emergency applications because everyone assumed Izzie was about to die. They were certainly legal the next season when Alex got dumped with Izzie's medical bills after she'd run off to Chehalis and divorce papers. 

    But it's not like Shonda ever cared about things like this. With the infamous post it MerDer originally wanted to be legal and go to City Hall and had no qualms about that. They did the post it vows because they were busy that day. Then decided that was it, with no on screen discussion about deciding they didn't want/need the government involved and not using their marriage licence or what would happen if one of them was in the million disasters and accidents that frequently befell SGMD and how sorting out wills and next of kin without a wedding would be more time consuming. 

    That is until they needed to adopt Zola and the show wanted to contrast the difference between the straight couple doing a quicky, unromantic legal marriage with the judge vs Calzona's big white wedding with their friends. With no actual discussion of why LGBT people were fighting for marriage equality in the first place. That it was because of the legality and rights it came with and no discussion of Calzona signing a domestic partnership or needing to spend time and money with a lawyer, so it fell a little flat for me. I have a lot of pet peeves about various wedding/marriage/divorce stuff on this show. 

    I've been watching S5 and S6 recently too. With a lot of EPs filmed ahead scenes you can tell they aren't exactly connected to the episode as they're pretty vague about what's going on besides the general MW storyline and a couple of specifics like Derek's big spinal tumour ep.  

    • Love 4
  15. 38 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

    Maybe, but not entirely.  Meredith was an intern reporting to Bailey when her relationship with Derek started, so by the time she declared neuro, their relationship was already established.  I guess she sort of already reported to him, but my memory is sketchy on how all that works.  Ben was an anesthesiologist first when he met Bailey, then went away to surgical residency in California and came back; she hired him back as a surgeon.  It's all various shades of "Grey" here. 😉 

    It was all kind of fuzzed together. They'd already had sex by the time they realised who each other was at the hospital but Derek made no effort to distance himself professionally from Mer (quite the opposite) and encouraged her interest in Neuro from the start. He had a lot of sway over her career and could basically request her or anyone to work with him. There was a lot of Bailey/Izzie being angry because Meredith was dating "all of our boss" and Bailey couldn't exactly forbid it. It got messy and that's before Addie showed up. But they also mentioned a lot that it was considered a bad thing and Meredith would be basically blacklisted and maybe unofficially forced to quit. Which hahahahaha.

    I've been rewatching from the beginning in lockdown. And like the popped glove that was such a big deal at the time, this was a huge deal before basically becoming "wait you aren't in an intern/resident/attending relationship?"

    Everyone saw Marlowe grope Cristina and no one had a problem that he was about to be her boss. 

    Owen recruited Teddy to be a present for his girlfriend whilst knowing they had a complicated history. 

    In the real world Winston was right in Grey's Universe it's not even a tiny blip on the radar. 

    40 minutes ago, NoReally said:

    I take the beach scenes to be Meredith's hallucinations, rather than glimpses of an afterlife. So the idea that she was conflicted about "going back" to be with her kids doesn't bother me. In the end, it wasn't really Derek convincing her to wake up, it was Meredith herself.

    I think it's a bit like "Mergatory" in S3 or Dumbledore in Harry Potter "of course it's happening in your head Harry, but why on Earth should that mean it isn't real?!" 

    She's had too many happy reunions with loved ones, seen that everyone is okay and checking in on the families they've left behind, been assured Mark/Lexie are together forever (which is what Shonda always said) been assured that Derek will be waiting for her when the time comes etc for it to be just hallucinations in TV melodrama terms. Just like she met her mother in S3 and knew she was dead when she woke up and Izzie/Denny had a *moment* that was "real". (Harbinger of Ghost Sex). 

    But this is obviously an area where YMMV a lot and everyone's personal interpretation works. I can get behind her subconscious using Derek forcing her as a way to force herself to wake up and fight but also it's been 12 episodes of this and I want some of it to have been "real" after all that. 

    • Love 7
  16. 4 hours ago, LittlePeas3 said:

    After seeing the preview for 17x13, do we think Meredith was saying goodbye to Derek or them getting ready to sail off into the sunset together?  I am hoping it was her saying goodbye as this beach part of the storyline, albeit great to see some of the old cast, is getting tired now.  

    I very much doubt they're going to have Mer die in the middle of the (probably) penultimate season, having made it this far she'll last to the final ep. She she still has three young kids that I don't think they'll want to orphan for Link, Amelia and Maggie to raise.  

    I imagine it's a final goodbye to Derek, possibly with him saying he'll always be with them and hints they will meet again ala Mark and Lexie but he wants her to go back and live and be happy etc etc. 

    Jury's still out on whether they'll attempt a McWidower romance in the 2nd half. 

    • Love 9
  17. It was all deleted by the time I looked but from what I could see it was basically the same sort of stuff we've heard for years. There was also something that wasn't the main explosion that agreed many of the "lead actor who all the crew hates" BIs was him. He has admitted to basically being a jerk on set or a "perfectionist" not that that makes being rude or nasty any better. I think he probably is very, very difficult to work with a lot but he also defended himself saying he was trying to get things to run on time so they could all get some rest instead of messing around as well. 

    KC admitted that she "called him out" for being an asshole and that they clashed, although I can't imagine him taking that well as she claimed. 

    I think he's one of those people who if he gets on with you, he's great but if he doesn't it's a nightmare. 

    • Love 1
  18. 3 hours ago, Camera One said:

    The plot itself just needs to be thought through a bit more.  If Chinatown was such a "small" community, and they grew up around that restaurant, why didn't any of the other store owners know them?  Hacking into the triad's bank account was fun and getting the documents from the lawyer led to a nice scene, but everything was way too easy.  At the end, they had to leave things to the "corrupt" police anyway.  They didn't find out anything about what the triad was actually doing on the docks.  Plus they just leave the criminal mastermind passed out on the roof, and that solved their debt problem? 

    I liked the drawings showing the history of the sword, though I thought they would want to reveal the mythology a bit more gradually.  

    That was one of the bits that felt extra clunky to me. That they had to realise and explain to themselves that as Chinese Americans who were part of the community they had an advantage and might be able to get more information from locals who were scared of Tony Kang than a white cop or lawyer, saying lines that no one says in real life. And then the shop owners didn't know them or want to talk anyway, the latter not being surprising. I guess the feeling is that if the mob boss is arrested then his goons or successor won't enforce the "pay $100,000 or die right now!".  That could have done with some fleshing out. 

    I did think the forming of the proto team was very easy but I thought in the goofy context of the show it worked and I'm a sucker for crime fighting teams and family dynamics and this is two for one. 

  19. I liked the lead, the family dynamic and most of the characters so I'll watch another ep. Not sure about anything else as it was very pilot-y with a lot of clunky dialogue and heavy on the clichés. The younger sister seems like a fun character and oh on the immediate set up of several love triangles, guess we know it's a CW show. 

    Interesting that everyone seemed to know where she had been for three years, I thought at first it was going to be a big mystery for her family. 

    12 hours ago, arc said:

    This is the most shot-in-Vancouver thing I have ever seen. The monastery is just the Sun Yat-Sen Gardens in Vancouver, with a CGI backdrop because normally one would see the downtown Vancouver skyline behind the walls.

    Yeah, it was a real "you know you what too many CW/Syfy shows when you can recognise specific trees and you've never been to Vancouver in your life." 42 minutes for me. 

    • Love 3
  20. 6 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    Spoilery guesses aside, I fully expected Meredith to code in the middle of that group dance. It really makes me wonder what they have planned for her. Will she wake up and begin a bright future with McWidower and her kids, or will she do a Mark-style fake out where she appears to have survived, but then doesn’t?

    The thing is, despite that they seem to be moving away from Mer and McWidower (kinda) and have pulled out the possibility of MerDer reuniting in the after life either soon or eventually, I don't think they're going to want to kill Meredith for the simple fact that she had three kids who've already lost their Dad and despite the "village" do they really want to end the series with them being raised by Amelia/Link and Maggie etc? 

    I see a miraculous recovery (again) and a final season with a possible Cristina visit to assure us they've got each other forever and Mer by herself romantically with possibilities and/or another Derek visit to show he's with them all if PD is still available. 

    I remember Shonda swearing up and down that Mark/Lexie's ending was actually happy for them and they were together forever knowing Sofia was well loved and she finally managed to make it canon on screen which is kind of impressive even in this show where Denny has more appearances as a dead guy than an alive guy. 

    • LOL 1
    • Love 6
  21. 5 hours ago, Jane Tuesday said:

    I'm actually totally okay with Daphne and Simon's story as a couple being concluded. As a romance reader, I'm used to it. HEA and done.

    But! I am sad that this means Simon won't be playing pall mall. His hilarious asides add so much to that scene. I'm sure they'll slot in Benedict or whoever and they'll be great, but it's a downer for sure. 😞

    I get it. RJP was approached with a one year role that has made him a break out star. The producers want to focus on the next couple in the series. I'm a little sad but OTOH this means they don't have to come up with a lot of side plots that create some interesting drama but not *too* much to spoil their HEA and whilst there's a lot of soapiness going around they aren't really a continuing family saga like say Downton Abbey. Creatively and practically speaking going from male lead to male supporting character is more difficult than the other way around. I'm sad we won't get Simon in the Pall Mall game which is a very memorable scene and potentially mining some of the epilogue stuff - but even that would have had to wait a couple of seasons. 

    It's easier for Daphne to just happen to be visiting Bridgerton House or supporting her family as they host the Ton at Aubrey Hall and say "Simon's just overseeing his estate right now" but even PD might want to move on sooner or later because Daphne doesn't have a great deal to do in the later books and there's only so much she can do in a romance series without her husband there at all and *if* a lot of S3&4 potentially still takes place in houses and parts of the country she's nowhere near. 

    As a romance reader as well, it's really interesting to see show deal with the issue of a series of books about a family where as you go down the series minor supporting characters at the beginning eventually get their own books and you barely see the couple from the first book that started you off afterwards. 

    • Love 4
  22. 5 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

    So, in conclusion, time means nothing, no one knows when it is, or how much time has passed - and THIS SHOW MAKES NO SENSE.  Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

    After the Intern "year" lasting three seasons and two Halloween's in one calendar year  or else most of S4 happening in some kind of Groundhog Day I haven't been able to take any timeline seriously from the beginning. They clearly didn't care when they had Izzie have three "great loves" in a few months among other things. 

    • LOL 5
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  23. 2 hours ago, Earmuffs Mom said:

    After last night's episode with Lexie, Mark, a reference to Sofia/Callie/Arizona, and texts from Cristina and an upcoming appearance by April, makes me think they do intend to wrap up the show this season.  Why pull out so much nostalgia if it's not the end?

    Maybe they *think* it might be the final season but they're not sure so they're putting everything in just in case? Especially with the pandemic still causing so much uncertainty. 

    I still have a feeling that they'll try to do a final season, unless it really proves untenable for whatever reason. Announce it as a last hurrah do a big dramatic storyline and I'm sure many former regulars would be interested in coming back again even if they've popped onto the beach this season. I mean Denny came back after dying more than once as has Ellis albeit a bit differently. 


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